periwinkle 10eb637dd0 Correct total missile count
Ensure that after collecting all missile chests, in any order,
the player will have 54 missiles in the end.
Previously, this number could be 49 (if the +24 chest was collected
first) or 59 (if the Super Missile chest was collected first).

Also fixes the bug where collecting the Super Missile Launcher
as the first missile chest causes the hidden missile drops in
e.g. Egg Corridor and Waterway to never spawn.
2019-09-12 01:00:31 -04:00

245 lines
6.2 KiB

Got the =Polar Star=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
=Polar Star= became the =Spur=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got the =Fireball=!<WAI0025<NOD<CLR
Got the =Snake=!<WAI0025<NOD<CLR
<PRI<MSG<TURYou may trade the =Fireball=
with the =Snake= and vice-versa
at the computer in Arthur's House.<WAI0050<NOD<FL+2802<END
Got the =Bubbler=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got the =Machine Gun=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got the =Blade=!<WAI0025<NOD<CLR
Got the =Nemesis=!<WAI0025<NOD<CLR
<PRI<MSG<TURYou may trade the =Nemesis=
with the =Blade= and vice-versa
at the computer in Arthur's House.<WAI0050<NOD<FL+2811<END
<PRI<MSG<TUR<GIT1006Got a =Life Capsule=!<ML+0003
Max health increased by 3!<WAI0025<NOD<END
<PRI<MSG<TUR<GIT1006Got a =Life Capsule=!<ML+0004
Max health increased by 4!<WAI0025<NOD<END
<PRI<MSG<TUR<GIT1006Got a =Life Capsule=!<ML+0005
Max health increased by 5!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Do you want to save?<YNJ0000<FL+0431<SVP<CLRGame saved.<NOD<END
Health refilled.<NOD<END
Health and missiles refilled.<NOD<END
Do you want to rest?<YNJ0000<FAO0004<CMU0000<WAI0020<CLR<TUR.....<NOD<CLO
Health restored.<NOD<CLO<RMU<FAI0004<END
Got a =Puppy=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got a second =Puppy=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got a third =Puppy=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got a fourth =Puppy=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got the last =Puppy=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
<GIT0005Got the =Missile Launcher=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
<GIT0006Max missiles increased by 5!<NOD<END
<GIT0011Max missiles increased by 5!<NOD<END
Got the =Super Missile Launcher=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Your Missiles have been powered up!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got the =Missile Launcher=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
<PRI<AM+0005:0024<MSG<TUR<GIT0006Max missiles increased by 24!<WAI0025<NOD<END
<PRI<AM+0010:0024<MSG<TUR<GIT0011Max missiles increased by 24!<WAI0025<NOD<END
You have died.<NOD<CLRWant to retry?<YNJ0049<CLO
You have drowned.<NOD<CLRWant to retry?<YNJ0049<CLO
You were never seen again...<NOD<CLRWant to retry?<YNJ0049<CLO
Got =Arthur's Key=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got the =Map System=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got =Santa's Key=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got the =Silver Locket=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got the =Beast Fang=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got the =ID Card=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got the =Jellyfish Juice=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got the =Rusty Key=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got the =Gum Key=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got the =Gum Base=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got the =Charcoal=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got the =Explosive=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got the =Life Pot=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got the =Cure-All=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got the =Clinic Key=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got the =Booster v0.8=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got the =Arms Barrier=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got the =Turbocharge=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got =Curly's Air Tank=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got the =Nikumaru Counter=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got the =Booster v2.0=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got the =Mimiga Mask=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got the =Teleporter Room Key=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got =Sue's Letter=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got the =Controller=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got the =Broken Sprinkler=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got the =Sprinkler=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got the =Tow Rope=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got the =Clay Figure Medal=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got the =Little Man=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got the =Mushroom Badge=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got =Ma Pignon=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got =Curly's Underwear=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got the =Alien Medal=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got =Chaco's Lipstick=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got the =Whimsical Star=!<WAI0025<NOD<END
Got the =Iron Bond=!<WAI0025<NOD<END