mirror of
synced 2025-01-30 23:46:53 +00:00
started work on randomization algorithm
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,503 +1,76 @@
function item(t)
return t
function weapon(t)
assert(t.name and t.map and t.id)
local ammo = t.ammo or "0000"
local names = t.name
if type(names) == 'string' then
names = {names}
local getText = {}
for _, name in ipairs(names) do
table.insert(getText, ("Got the =%s=!<WAI0160<NOD"):format(name))
table.insert(getText, ("Got the =%s=.<WAI0160<NOD"):format(name)) -- Blade
table.insert(getText, ("=%s= complete!<WAI0160<NOD"):format(name)) -- Snake
table.insert(getText, ("=Polar Star= became the =%s=!"):format(name)) -- Spur
-- Cave Story+
table.insert(getText, ("Obtained the %s!<WAI0160<NOD"):format(name))
table.insert(getText, ("Obtained the %s.<WAI0160<NOD"):format(name))
table.insert(getText, ("%s is completed!<WAI0160<NOD"):format(name)) -- Snake
table.insert(getText, ("The Polar Star is now the %s!"):format(name)) -- Spur
return {
name = names[1],
map = t.map,
getText = getText,
command = ("<AM+00%s:%s"):format(t.id, ammo),
displayCmd = ("<GIT00%s"):format(t.id),
music = "<CMU0010",
kind = "weapon",
replaceBefore = t.replaceBefore,
label = t.label,
return item(t)
function equipment(t)
assert(t.name and t.map and t.id and t.equipMask)
return {
name = t.name,
map = t.map,
getText = {
("Got the =%s=!<WAI0160<NOD"):format(t.name),
("Got the =%s=!<WAI0160"):format(t.name), -- Whimsical Star
-- Cave Story+
("Obtained the %s.<WAI0160<NOD"):format(t.name),
("Obtained the %s.<WAI0160"):format(t.name), -- Whimsical Star
command = {
("<IT+00%s<EQ+%s"):format(t.id, t.equipMask), -- Replacement
("<IT+00%s"):format(t.id, t.equipMask), -- Needle
displayCmd = ("<GIT10%s"):format(t.id),
music = "<CMU0010",
replaceBefore = {
-- Just erase <EQ+, since it's not always placed right after <IT+
-- We will add it again with command.
[("<EQ+%s"):format(t.equipMask)] = "",
label = t.label,
function inventory(t)
return item(t)
function item(t)
assert(t.name and t.map and t.id)
local names = t.name
if type(names) == 'string' then
names = {names}
local getText = {}
for _, name in ipairs(names) do
table.insert(getText, ("Got =%s=!<WAI0160<NOD"):format(name)) -- Replacement
table.insert(getText, ("Got a =%s=!<WAI0160<NOD"):format(name)) -- Life Pot
table.insert(getText, ("Found =%s=.<NOD"):format(name)) -- Curly's Panties
table.insert(getText, ("Got the =%s=.<WAI0160<NOD"):format(name)) -- Clay Figure Medal
table.insert(getText, ".....") -- Chako's Rouge
-- Cave Story+
table.insert(getText, ("Found %s.<NOD"):format(name)) -- Curly's Panties
table.insert(getText, ("Obtained a %s.<WAI0160<NOD"):format(name)) -- Life Po
table.insert(getText, ("Obtained the %s.<WAI0160<NOD"):format(name)) -- Clay Figure Medal
return {
name = names[1],
map = t.map,
getText = getText,
command = ("<IT+00%s"):format(t.id),
displayCmd = ("<GIT10%s"):format(t.id),
music = t.music or "<CMU0010",
replaceBefore = t.replaceBefore,
label = t.label,
function lifeCapsule(health)
return item({
name = "Life Capsule",
script = ("<MSG<TUR<GIT1006Got a =Life Capsule=!<ML+%04d\n\rMax health increased by %s!<WAI0025<NOD<END"):format(health, health)
function lifeCapsule(t)
assert(t.hp and t.map)
return {
name = ("Life Capsule (+%d)"):format(t.hp),
map = t.map,
getText = {
-- Replacement string. Does not literally appear in game.
("Got a =Life Capsule=!<WAI0160<NOD\n\r Max health increased by %d!"):format(t.hp),
"Got a =Life Capsule=!<WAI0160<NOD", -- erase the extra wait for most things.
"Got a =Life Capsule=!<NOD", -- Hell1 capsule does not have waiting period for some reason.
-- Cave Story+
("Obtained a Life Capsule.<WAI0160<NOD\n\r Max health increased by %d!"):format(t.hp),
"Obtained a Life Capsule.<WAI0160<NOD", -- erase the extra wait for most things.
"Obtained a Life Capsule.<NOD", -- Hell1 capsule does not have waiting period for some reason.
command = ("<ML+000%d"):format(t.hp),
displayCmd = "<GIT1006",
music = t.music or "<CMU0016",
replaceBefore = {
[("Max health increased by %d!<NOD"):format(t.hp)] = "",
[("Max life increased by %d.<NOD"):format(t.hp)] = "", -- Cave Story+
label = t.label,
function missiles(t)
return {
name = "Missiles",
map = t.map,
getText = {
"", -- Doesn't have getText in untouched map script.
command = "<EVE0030",
displayCmd = {
"", -- Doesn't use GIT in untouched map script.
music = {
"", -- Doesn't use Music in untouched map script.
replaceBefore = {
["<EVE0030"] = "<CMU0010<GIT0006*MISSILE_TEXT*<RMU<EVE0030<END",
kind = "missiles",
label = t.label,
function missiles()
return weapon({
name = "Missile Expansion",
script = "<EVE0030",
attributes = {"weaponSN", "missileLauncher"}
local data = {
wPolarStar = weapon({
name = "Polar Star",
map = "Pole",
label = "0200",
id = "02",
wFireball = weapon({
name = "Fireball",
map = "Santa",
label = "0500",
id = "03",
wBubbline = weapon({
name = {
map = "Comu",
label = "0301",
id = "07",
ammo = "0100",
wMachineGun = weapon({
name = "Machine Gun",
map = "Curly",
label = "0415",
id = "04",
ammo = "0100",
replaceBefore = {
["<TAM0002:"] = "<AM-0002<AM+",
wBlade = weapon({
name = "Blade",
map = "Gard",
label = "0601",
id = "09",
wSnake = weapon({
name = "Snake",
map = "MazeA",
label = "0401",
id = "01",
replaceBefore = {
["<TAM0002:"] = "<AM-0002<AM+",
wSpur = weapon({
name = "Spur",
map = "Pole",
label = "0302",
id = "13",
replaceBefore = {
["<TAM0002:"] = "<AM-0002<AM+",
wNemesis = weapon({
name = "Nemesis",
map = "Little",
label = "0200",
id = "12",
replaceBefore = {
["<TAM0009:"] = "<AM-0009<AM+",
eMapSystem = equipment({
name = "Map System",
map = "Mimi",
label = "0200",
id = "02",
equipMask = "0002",
eTurbocharge = equipment({
name = "Turbocharge",
map = "MazeA",
label = "0402",
id = "20",
equipMask = "0008",
eWhimsicalStar = equipment({
name = "Whimsical Star",
map = "MazeA",
label = "0404",
id = "38",
equipMask = "0128",
eArmsBarrier = equipment({
name = "Arms Barrier",
map = "MazeO",
label = "0400",
id = "19",
equipMask = "0004",
-- ITEMS --
iChakosRouge = item({
name = {
"Chaco's Lipstick",
"Chako's Rouge", -- Probably doesn't matter, since no text?
map = "Chako",
label = "0211",
id = "37",
music = "",
replaceBefore = {
-- Display Item.
[".....<IT+0037<NOD"] = "<GIT1037.....<IT+0037",
iPanties = item({
name = {
"Curly's Panties",
"Curly's Underwear",
map = "CurlyS",
label = "0420",
id = "35",
music = "",
iLifePot = item({
name = "Life Pot",
map = "Cent",
label = "0450",
id = "15",
replaceBefore = {
-- Delete check for Life Pot so that 2nd item is always given.
["<ITJ0015:0451"] = "",
iAlienMedal = item({
name = "Alien Medal",
map = "Stream",
id = "36",
label = "1011",
replaceBefore = {
["<IT+0036"] = "<CMU0010<GIT1036Got =Alien Medal=!<WAI0160<NOD<RMU<IT+0036",
iClayFigureMedal = item({
name = {
"Clay Figure Medal",
"Medal of the Red Ogre",
map = "Priso2",
label = "0251",
id = "31",
replaceBefore = {
-- Remove achievement trigger which appears in Cave Story+.
["<ACH0041"] = "",
lFirstCave = lifeCapsule({
hp = 3,
map = "Cave",
label = "0400"
lYamashitaFarm = lifeCapsule({
hp = 3,
map = "Plant",
label = "0400"
lEggCorridorA = lifeCapsule({
hp = 3,
map = "Eggs",
label = "0400"
lEggCorridorB = lifeCapsule({
hp = 4,
map = "Eggs",
label = "0401"
lGrasstown = lifeCapsule({
hp = 5,
map = "Weed",
label = "0305"
lGrasstownExecution = lifeCapsule({
hp = 5,
map = "WeedD",
label = "0304"
lSandZoneA = lifeCapsule({
hp = 5,
map = "Sand",
label = "0500"
lSandZoneB = lifeCapsule({
hp = 5,
map = "Sand",
label = "0501"
lLabyrinth = lifeCapsule({
hp = 5,
map = "MazeI",
label = "0300"
lPlantationA = lifeCapsule({
hp = 5,
map = "Cent",
label = "0450"
lPlantationB = lifeCapsule({
hp = 4,
map = "Cent",
label = "0500"
lHell = lifeCapsule({
hp = 5,
map = "Hell1",
music = "",
label = "0400"
mEggObservation = missiles({
map = "EggR",
label = "0300",
mGrasslands = missiles({
map = "Weed",
label = "0302",
mGrasslandsHut = missiles({
map = "WeedB",
label = "0300",
mEggCorridorRuined = missiles({
map = "Eggs2",
label = "0320",
mEggObservationRuined = missiles({
map = "EggR2",
label = "0302",
mSuperMissileLauncher = {
name = "Super Missile Launcher",
map = "MazeS",
label = {"0200", "0201"},
getText = {
"Got the =Super Missile Launcher=!<WAI0160<NOD", -- Gameplay text
"Your Missiles have been powered up!<WAI0160<NOD", -- Actual text
-- Cave Story+
"Missiles are powered up!<WAI0160<NOD", -- Actual text
-- <AM+0005:0005 - Give the missile launcher and 5 ammo, just in case we don't have it yet.
-- We need to give ammo because the missiles fire infinitely when max ammo is 0.
-- <FL+0202 - Sets the flag which tells the regular Missiles script that we have the Super Missiles.
command = "<AM+0005:0005<TAM0005:0010:0000<FL+0202",
displayCmd = "<GIT0010",
music = "<CMU0010",
replaceBefore = {
["<FL+0202"] = "", -- Flag will be set as part of command instead.
["<FLJ0201:0201"] = "<EVE0201", -- Skip check which ensures you already have the missiles.
["<TAM0005:0010:0000"] = "<AM+0005:0005<TAM0005:0010:0000<FL+0202",
-- !!!! Uses a unique script... will have to be crafty... !!!!
-- [Sanctuary] Bonus expansion. Just before you fight the Heavy Press at the
-- far west end of Blood-Stained Sanctuary B3, just past the pillar with 3 Deletes
-- covering it, in the room filled with flying Butes and with a hanging platform
-- with an arrow Bute on either side. Above this platform is a single Star Block
-- concealing a chest containing this massive expansion of 24 Missiles.
function an_item(t)
return t
function arms(t)
return an_item(t)
function inventory(t)
return an_item(t)
function life_capsule(health)
return an_item({
name = "Life Capsule",
script = ("<MSG<TUR<GIT1006Got a =Life Capsule=!<ML+%04d\n\rMax health increased by %s!<WAI0025<NOD<END"):format(health, health)
function missile_expansion()
return an_item({
name = "Missile Expansion",
script = "<EVE0030"
local data2 = {
polarStar = arms({
polarStar = weapon({
name = "Polar Star",
script = "<SOU0022<MSG<TUR<GIT0002<AM+0002:0000\n\rGot the =Polar Star=!<WAI0025<NOD<END",
attributes = {"weaponBoss", "weaponSN"}
spur = arms({
spur = weapon({
name = "Spur",
script = "",
attributes = {"weaponBoss", "weaponSN", "polarStar"}
missileLauncher = arms({
name = "Missile Launcher",
script = "<EVE0030",
attributes = {"weaponSN"} -- i ain't gonna force someone to kill the core with only missiles or something
superMissileLauncher = arms({
missileLauncher = missiles(),
superMissileLauncher = weapon({
name = "Super Missile Launcher",
script = "",
attributes = {"weaponSN", "missileLauncher"}
fireball = arms({
fireball = weapon({
name = "Fireball",
script = "",
attributes = {"weaponBoss"}
snake = arms({
snake = weapon({
name = "Snake",
script = "",
attributes = {"weaponBoss", "fireball"} -- fireball -> snake is progressive much like polar star -> spur
bubbler = arms({
bubbler = weapon({
name = "Bubbler",
script = "",
attributes = {"weaponBoss", "weaponSN"} -- have fun grinding to lv3 to get out of the first cave :)
machineGun = arms({
machineGun = weapon({
name = "Machine Gun",
script = "",
attributes = {"weaponBoss", "flight"}
blade = arms({
blade = weapon({
name = "Blade",
script = "",
attributes = {"weaponBoss", "weaponSN"}
nemesis = arms({
nemesis = weapon({
name = "Nemesis",
script = "",
attributes = {"weaponBoss", "weaponSN"}
@ -560,23 +133,28 @@ local data2 = {
puppy1 = {
name = "Hajime",
script = ""
script = "",
attributes = {"puppy"}
puppy2 = {
name = "Kakeru",
script = ""
script = "",
attributes = {"puppy"}
puppy3 = {
name = "Mick",
script = ""
script = "",
attributes = {"puppy"}
puppy4 = {
name = "Nene",
script = ""
script = "",
attributes = {"puppy"}
puppy5 = {
name = "Shinobu",
script = ""
script = "",
attributes = {"puppy"}
lifepot = {
name = "Life Pot",
@ -672,23 +250,31 @@ local data2 = {
capsule3A = life_capsule(3), -- First Cave
capsule3B = life_capsule(3), -- Yamashita Farm
capsule3C = life_capsule(3), -- Egg Corridor (Basil)
capsule4A = life_capsule(4), -- Egg Corridor (Cthulhu)
capsule5A = life_capsule(5), -- Grasstown
capsule5B = life_capsule(5), -- Execution Chamber
capsule5C = life_capsule(5), -- Sand Zone (Upper)
capsule5D = life_capsule(5), -- Sand Zone (Lower)
capsule5E = life_capsule(5), -- Labyrinth
capsule5F = life_capsule(5), -- Plantation (West)
capsule4B = life_capsule(4), -- Plantation (Puppy)
capsule5G = life_capsule(5), -- Sacred Grounds
capsule3A = lifeCapsule(3), -- First Cave
capsule3B = lifeCapsule(3), -- Yamashita Farm
capsule3C = lifeCapsule(3), -- Egg Corridor (Basil)
capsule4A = lifeCapsule(4), -- Egg Corridor (Cthulhu)
capsule5A = lifeCapsule(5), -- Grasstown
capsule5B = lifeCapsule(5), -- Execution Chamber
capsule5C = lifeCapsule(5), -- Sand Zone (Upper)
capsule5D = lifeCapsule(5), -- Sand Zone (Lower)
capsule5E = lifeCapsule(5), -- Labyrinth
capsule5F = lifeCapsule(5), -- Plantation (West)
capsule4B = lifeCapsule(4), -- Plantation (Puppy)
capsule5G = lifeCapsule(5), -- Sacred Grounds
missileA = missiles(), -- Grasstown
missileB = missiles(), -- Grasstown Hut
missileC = missiles(), -- Egg Corridor?
missileD = missiles(), -- Egg Observation Room?
missileHell = weapon({
name = "Missile Expansion",
script = "",
attributes = {"weaponSN", "missileLauncher"}
for k, t in pairs(data) do
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ function countLogWarningsAndErrors()
return _logCounts[2], _logCounts[1]
function getLogText()
return table.concat(_logLines, "\n")
return table.concat(_logLines, "\n\r")
function resetLog()
_logCounts = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
local ItemDeck = require 'item_deck'
local TscFile = require 'tsc_file'
local WorldGraph = require 'database.locations'
local C = Class:extend()
@ -14,12 +15,6 @@ do
function C:new()
self._isCaveStoryPlus = false
@ -106,49 +101,27 @@ end
function C:_shuffleItems(tscFiles)
local itemDeck = ItemDeck()
local worldGraph = WorldGraph()
-- Place random weapon in either First Cave or Hermit Gunsmith.
local firstArea, firstItemKey = unpack(_.sample({
{'Cave.tsc', 'lFirstCave'},
{'Pole.tsc', 'wPolarStar'},
local firstWeapon = itemDeck:getWeapon()
tscFiles[firstArea]:replaceSpecificItem(firstItemKey, firstWeapon)
-- First cutscene won't play if missiles go in polar star chest.
if firstArea == 'Cave.tsc' then
tscFiles['Pole.tsc']:replaceSpecificItem('wPolarStar', itemDeck:getAnyExceptMissiles())
-- first, place puppies in the sand zone
for i=1, 5 do
local puppy = itemDeck:getAnyByAttributes({"puppy"})
local puppySpot = worldGraph:getAnyByRegion({"lowerSandZone", "upperSandZone"})
placeItem(puppySpot, puppy)
-- Replace all weapon trades with random weapons
tscFiles['Curly.tsc']:replaceSpecificItem('wMachineGun', itemDeck:getWeapon())
tscFiles['MazeA.tsc']:replaceSpecificItem('wSnake', itemDeck:getWeapon())
tscFiles['Pole.tsc']:replaceSpecificItem('wSpur', itemDeck:getWeapon())
tscFiles['Little.tsc']:replaceSpecificItem('wNemesis', itemDeck:getWeapon())
-- next, place weapon at hermit gunsmith and random item in first cave
placeItem(worldGraph:get("gunsmithChest"), itemDeck:getAnyByAttributes({"weaponSN"}))
placeItem(worldGraph:get("firstCapsule"), itemDeck:getAny())
-- Replace items which are part of elaborate events.
-- Missiles jump to a global event, so shouldn't be used here.
local items = {
{'Santa.tsc', 'wFireball'},
{'Chako.tsc', 'iChakosRouge'},
{'MazeA.tsc', 'eTurbocharge'},
{'MazeA.tsc', 'eWhimsicalStar'},
{'Stream.tsc', 'iAlienMedal'},
{'Cent.tsc', 'lPlantationA'},
{'Cent.tsc', 'iLifePot'},
for _, t in ipairs(items) do
local file, itemKey = unpack(t)
tscFiles[file]:replaceSpecificItem(itemKey, itemDeck:getAnyExceptMissiles())
-- for now, just implementing a forward fill - will do a better fill later
while itemDeck:remaining() > 0 do
local location = worldGraph:getAnyAccessible(itemDeck:getPlacedItems())
local item = itemDeck:getAny()
tscFiles[location.map]:placeItem(location.event, item.script)
-- Replace the rest of the items.
for _, tscFile in pairs(tscFiles) do
while tscFile:hasUnreplacedItems() do
return _.contains(WEAPONS_WHICH_CAN_NOT_BREAK_BLOCKS, firstWeapon.key)
function C:_writeModifiedData(tscFiles)
Reference in a new issue