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package funkin.play.character;
import flixel.math.FlxPoint;
import funkin.Note.NoteDir;
import funkin.modding.events.ScriptEvent;
import funkin.play.character.CharacterData.CharacterDataParser;
import funkin.play.stage.Bopper;
using StringTools;
* A Character is a stage prop which bops to the music as well as controlled by the strumlines.
* Remember: The character's origin is at its FEET. (horizontal center, vertical bottom)
class BaseCharacter extends Bopper
// Metadata about a character.
public var characterId(default, null):String;
public var characterName(default, null):String;
* Whether the player is an active character (Boyfriend) or not.
public var characterType:CharacterType = OTHER;
* Tracks how long, in seconds, the character has been playing the current `sing` animation.
* This is used to ensure that characters play the `sing` animations for at least one beat,
* preventing them from reverting to the `idle` animation between notes.
public var holdTimer:Float = 0;
public var isDead:Bool = false;
public var debugMode:Bool = false;
final _data:CharacterData;
final singTimeCrochet:Float;
* The offset between the corner of the sprite and the origin of the sprite (at the character's feet).
* cornerPosition = stageData - characterOrigin
public var characterOrigin(get, null):FlxPoint;
function get_characterOrigin():FlxPoint
var xPos = (width / 2); // Horizontal center
var yPos = (height); // Vertical bottom
return new FlxPoint(xPos, yPos);
* The absolute position of the top-left of the character.
* @return
public var cornerPosition(get, null):FlxPoint;
function get_cornerPosition():FlxPoint
return new FlxPoint(x, y);
* The absolute position of the character's feet, at the bottom-center of the sprite.
public var feetPosition(get, null):FlxPoint;
function get_feetPosition():FlxPoint
return new FlxPoint(x + characterOrigin.x, y + characterOrigin.y);
* Returns the point the camera should focus on.
* Should be approximately centered on the character, and should not move based on the current animation.
* Set the position of this rather than reassigning it, so that anything referencing it will not be affected.
public var cameraFocusPoint(default, null):FlxPoint = new FlxPoint(0, 0);
override function set_animOffsets(value:Array<Float>)
if (animOffsets == null)
animOffsets = [0, 0];
if (animOffsets == value)
return value;
var xDiff = animOffsets[0] - value[0];
var yDiff = animOffsets[1] - value[1];
// Call the super function so that camera focus point is not affected.
super.set_x(this.x + xDiff);
super.set_y(this.y + yDiff);
return animOffsets = value;
* If the x position changes, other than via changing the animation offset,
* then we need to update the camera focus point.
override function set_x(value:Float):Float
if (value == this.x)
return value;
var xDiff = value - this.x;
this.cameraFocusPoint.x += xDiff;
return super.set_x(value);
* If the y position changes, other than via changing the animation offset,
* then we need to update the camera focus point.
override function set_y(value:Float):Float
if (value == this.y)
return value;
var yDiff = value - this.y;
this.cameraFocusPoint.y += yDiff;
return super.set_y(value);
public function new(id:String)
this.characterId = id;
_data = CharacterDataParser.fetchCharacterData(this.characterId);
if (_data == null)
throw 'Could not find character data for characterId: $characterId';
this.characterName = _data.name;
this.singTimeCrochet = _data.singTime;
this.globalOffsets = _data.offsets;
this.flipX = _data.flipX;
shouldBop = false;
* Set the sprite scale to the appropriate value.
* @param scale
function setScale(scale:Null<Float>):Void
if (scale == null)
scale = 1.0;
var feetPos:FlxPoint = feetPosition;
this.scale.x = scale;
this.scale.y = scale;
// Reposition with newly scaled sprite.
this.x = feetPos.x - characterOrigin.x + globalOffsets[0];
this.y = feetPos.y - characterOrigin.y + globalOffsets[1];
* The per-character camera offset.
var characterCameraOffsets(get, null):Array<Float>;
function get_characterCameraOffsets():Array<Float>
return _data.cameraOffsets;
override function onCreate(event:ScriptEvent):Void
// Camera focus point
var charCenterX = this.x + this.width / 2;
var charCenterY = this.y + this.height / 2;
this.cameraFocusPoint = new FlxPoint(charCenterX + _data.cameraOffsets[0], charCenterY + _data.cameraOffsets[1]);
public function initHealthIcon(isOpponent:Bool):Void
if (!isOpponent)
PlayState.instance.iconP1.characterId = _data.healthIcon.id;
PlayState.instance.iconP1.size.set(_data.healthIcon.scale, _data.healthIcon.scale);
PlayState.instance.iconP1.offset.x = _data.healthIcon.offsets[0];
PlayState.instance.iconP1.offset.y = _data.healthIcon.offsets[1];
PlayState.instance.iconP2.characterId = _data.healthIcon.id;
PlayState.instance.iconP2.size.set(_data.healthIcon.scale, _data.healthIcon.scale);
PlayState.instance.iconP2.offset.x = _data.healthIcon.offsets[0];
PlayState.instance.iconP2.offset.y = _data.healthIcon.offsets[1];
public override function onUpdate(event:UpdateScriptEvent):Void
// Reset hold timer for each note pressed.
if (justPressedNote() && this.characterType == BF)
holdTimer = 0;
if (isDead)
if (hasAnimation('idle-end') && getCurrentAnimation() == "idle" && isAnimationFinished())
if (hasAnimation('singLEFT-end') && getCurrentAnimation() == "singLEFT" && isAnimationFinished())
if (hasAnimation('singDOWN-end') && getCurrentAnimation() == "singDOWN" && isAnimationFinished())
if (hasAnimation('singUP-end') && getCurrentAnimation() == "singUP" && isAnimationFinished())
if (hasAnimation('singRIGHT-end') && getCurrentAnimation() == "singRIGHT" && isAnimationFinished())
// Handle character note hold time.
if (getCurrentAnimation().startsWith("sing"))
holdTimer += event.elapsed;
var singTimeMs:Float = singTimeCrochet * (Conductor.crochet * 0.001); // x beats, to ms.
if (getCurrentAnimation().endsWith("miss"))
singTimeMs *= 2; // makes it feel more awkward when you miss
// Without this check here, the player character would only play the `sing` animation
// for one beat, as opposed to holding it as long as the player is holding the button.
var shouldStopSinging:Bool = (this.characterType == BF) ? !isHoldingNote() : true;
FlxG.watch.addQuick('singTimeMs-${characterId}', singTimeMs);
if (holdTimer > singTimeMs && shouldStopSinging)
// trace('holdTimer reached ${holdTimer}sec (> ${singTimeMs}), stopping sing animation');
holdTimer = 0;
holdTimer = 0;
// super.onBeatHit handles the regular `dance()` calls.
FlxG.watch.addQuick('holdTimer-${characterId}', holdTimer);
* Since no `onBeatHit` or `dance` calls happen in GameOverSubstate,
* this regularly gets called instead.
public function playDeathAnimation(force:Bool = false):Void
if (force || (getCurrentAnimation().startsWith("firstDeath") && isAnimationFinished()))
override function dance(force:Bool = false)
// Prevent default dancing behavior.
if (debugMode)
if (!force)
if (getCurrentAnimation().startsWith("sing"))
if (["hey", "cheer"].contains(getCurrentAnimation()) && !isAnimationFinished())
// Prevent dancing while another animation is playing.
if (!force && getCurrentAnimation().startsWith("sing"))
// Otherwise, fallback to the super dance() method, which handles playing the idle animation.
* Returns true if the player just pressed a note.
* Used when determing whether a the player character should revert to the `idle` animation.
* On non-player characters, this should be ignored.
function justPressedNote(player:Int = 1):Bool
// Returns true if at least one of LEFT, DOWN, UP, or RIGHT is being held.
switch (player)
case 1:
return [
case 2:
return [
return false;
* Returns true if the player is holding a note.
* Used when determing whether a the player character should revert to the `idle` animation.
* On non-player characters, this should be ignored.
function isHoldingNote(player:Int = 1):Bool
// Returns true if at least one of LEFT, DOWN, UP, or RIGHT is being held.
switch (player)
case 1:
return [
case 2:
return [
return false;
* Every time a note is hit, check if the note is from the same strumline.
* If it is, then play the sing animation.
public override function onNoteHit(event:NoteScriptEvent)
if (event.note.mustPress && characterType == BF)
// If the note is from the same strumline, play the sing animation.
this.playSingAnimation(event.note.data.dir, false, event.note.data.altNote);
holdTimer = 0;
else if (!event.note.mustPress && characterType == DAD)
// If the note is from the same strumline, play the sing animation.
this.playSingAnimation(event.note.data.dir, false, event.note.data.altNote);
holdTimer = 0;
* Every time a note is missed, check if the note is from the same strumline.
* If it is, then play the sing animation.
public override function onNoteMiss(event:NoteScriptEvent)
if (event.note.mustPress && characterType == BF)
// If the note is from the same strumline, play the sing animation.
this.playSingAnimation(event.note.data.dir, true, event.note.data.altNote);
else if (!event.note.mustPress && characterType == DAD)
// If the note is from the same strumline, play the sing animation.
this.playSingAnimation(event.note.data.dir, true, event.note.data.altNote);
* Every time a wrong key is pressed, play the miss animation if we are Boyfriend.
public override function onNoteGhostMiss(event:GhostMissNoteScriptEvent)
if (event.eventCanceled || !event.playAnim)
// Skipping...
if (characterType == BF)
trace('Playing ghost miss animation...');
// If the note is from the same strumline, play the sing animation.
this.playSingAnimation(event.dir, true, null);
public override function onDestroy(event:ScriptEvent):Void
this.characterType = OTHER;
* Play the appropriate singing animation, for the given note direction.
* @param dir The direction of the note.
* @param miss If true, play the miss animation instead of the sing animation.
* @param suffix A suffix to append to the animation name, like `alt`.
public function playSingAnimation(dir:NoteDir, miss:Bool = false, suffix:String = ""):Void
var anim:String = 'sing${dir.nameUpper}${miss ? 'miss' : ''}${suffix != "" ? '-${suffix}' : ''}';
// restart even if already playing, because the character might sing the same note twice.
playAnimation(anim, true);
enum CharacterType