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Welcome to the BWEM library homepage

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Brood War Easy Map is a C++ library that analyses Brood War's maps and provides relevant information such as areas, choke points and base locations.
It is built on top of the BWAPI library.
It first aims at simplifying the development of bots for Brood War, but can be used for any task requiring high level map information. It can be used as a replacement for the BWTA2 add-on, as it performs faster and shows better robustness while providing similar information.

The current version is 1.4.1

It has been tested with Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop, 32-bit

If you encounter any bug, error or warning message, do not hesitate to report it on http://sourceforge.net/p/bwem/discussion/general or contact me.



Ride of Valkyries.scx

Heartbreak Ridge.scx

Great Barrier Reef.scx

Baby Steps.scm

Download link

License: MIT/X11




July, 2017 : 1.4

September, 2016 : 1.3

November, 2015 : 1.2

September, 2015 : first release 1.0 beta

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