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mirror of https://github.com/doukutsu-rs/doukutsu-rs synced 2024-09-28 21:19:24 +00:00
2023-02-18 20:42:00 +02:00

365 lines
15 KiB

use num_traits::FromPrimitive;
use crate::framework::error::{GameError::CommandLineError, GameResult};
use crate::game::npc::NPC;
use crate::game::scripting::tsc::text_script::{ScriptMode, TextScript, TextScriptEncoding};
use crate::game::shared_game_state::SharedGameState;
use crate::game::weapon::WeaponType;
use crate::scene::game_scene::GameScene;
pub enum CommandLineCommand {
AddWeapon(u16, u16),
TeleportPlayer(f32, f32),
impl CommandLineCommand {
pub fn from_components(components: Vec<&str>) -> Option<CommandLineCommand> {
if components.len() == 0 {
return None;
let command = components[0];
if command.starts_with("<") {
return Some(CommandLineCommand::TSC(components.join(" ").replace("\\n", "\n")));
match command.replacen("/", "", 1).as_str() {
"add_item" => {
if components.len() < 2 {
return None;
let item_id = components[1].parse::<u16>();
if let Ok(item_id) = item_id {
return Some(CommandLineCommand::AddItem(item_id));
"remove_item" => {
if components.len() < 2 {
return None;
let item_id = components[1].parse::<u16>();
if let Ok(item_id) = item_id {
return Some(CommandLineCommand::RemoveItem(item_id));
"add_weapon" => {
if components.len() < 3 {
return None;
let weapon_id = components[1].parse::<u16>();
let ammo_count = components[2].parse::<u16>();
if let (Ok(weapon_id), Ok(ammo_count)) = (weapon_id, ammo_count) {
return Some(CommandLineCommand::AddWeapon(weapon_id, ammo_count));
"remove_weapon" => {
if components.len() < 2 {
return None;
let weapon_id = components[1].parse::<u16>();
if let Ok(weapon_id) = weapon_id {
return Some(CommandLineCommand::RemoveWeapon(weapon_id));
"add_weapon_ammo" => {
if components.len() < 2 {
return None;
let ammo_count = components[1].parse::<u16>();
if let Ok(ammo_count) = ammo_count {
return Some(CommandLineCommand::AddWeaponAmmo(ammo_count));
"set_weapon_max_ammo" => {
if components.len() < 2 {
return None;
let max_ammo_count = components[1].parse::<u16>();
if let Ok(max_ammo_count) = max_ammo_count {
return Some(CommandLineCommand::SetWeaponMaxAmmo(max_ammo_count));
"refill_ammo" => {
return Some(CommandLineCommand::RefillAmmo);
"refill_hp" => {
return Some(CommandLineCommand::RefillHP);
"add_xp" => {
if components.len() < 2 {
return None;
let xp_count = components[1].parse::<u16>();
if let Ok(xp_count) = xp_count {
return Some(CommandLineCommand::AddXP(xp_count));
"remove_xp" => {
if components.len() < 2 {
return None;
let xp_count = components[1].parse::<u16>();
if let Ok(xp_count) = xp_count {
return Some(CommandLineCommand::RemoveXP(xp_count));
"set_max_hp" => {
if components.len() < 2 {
return None;
let hp_count = components[1].parse::<u16>();
if let Ok(hp_count) = hp_count {
return Some(CommandLineCommand::SetMaxHP(hp_count));
"spawn_npc" => {
if components.len() < 2 {
return None;
let npc_id = components[1].parse::<u16>();
if let Ok(npc_id) = npc_id {
return Some(CommandLineCommand::SpawnNPC(npc_id));
"teleport_player" => {
if components.len() < 2 {
return None;
let x = components[1].parse::<f32>();
let y = components[2].parse::<f32>();
if let (Ok(x), Ok(y)) = (x, y) {
return Some(CommandLineCommand::TeleportPlayer(x, y));
"tsc" => {
if components.len() < 2 {
return None;
let script = components[1..].join(" ").replace("\\n", "\n");
return Some(CommandLineCommand::TSC(script));
_ => return None,
pub fn execute(&mut self, game_scene: &mut GameScene, state: &mut SharedGameState) -> GameResult {
match self.clone() {
CommandLineCommand::AddItem(item_id) => {
CommandLineCommand::RemoveItem(item_id) => {
if !game_scene.inventory_player1.has_item(item_id) {
return Err(CommandLineError(format!("Player does not have item {}", item_id)));
CommandLineCommand::AddWeapon(weapon_id, ammo_count) => {
let weapon_type: Option<WeaponType> = FromPrimitive::from_u16(weapon_id);
match weapon_type {
Some(weapon_type) => game_scene.inventory_player1.add_weapon(weapon_type, ammo_count),
None => return Err(CommandLineError(format!("Invalid weapon id {}", weapon_id))),
CommandLineCommand::RemoveWeapon(weapon_id) => {
let weapon_type: Option<WeaponType> = FromPrimitive::from_u16(weapon_id);
match weapon_type {
Some(weapon_type) => {
if !game_scene.inventory_player1.has_weapon(weapon_type) {
return Err(CommandLineError(format!("Player does not have weapon {:?}", weapon_type)));
None => return Err(CommandLineError(format!("Invalid weapon id {}", weapon_id))),
CommandLineCommand::AddWeaponAmmo(ammo_count) => {
let weapon = game_scene.inventory_player1.get_current_weapon_mut();
match weapon {
Some(weapon) => weapon.ammo += ammo_count,
None => return Err(CommandLineError(format!("Player does not have an active weapon"))),
CommandLineCommand::SetWeaponMaxAmmo(max_ammo) => {
let weapon = game_scene.inventory_player1.get_current_weapon_mut();
match weapon {
Some(weapon) => weapon.max_ammo = max_ammo,
None => return Err(CommandLineError(format!("Player does not have an active weapon"))),
CommandLineCommand::RefillAmmo => {
CommandLineCommand::RefillHP => {
game_scene.player1.life = game_scene.player1.max_life;
CommandLineCommand::AddXP(xp_count) => {
game_scene.inventory_player1.add_xp(xp_count, &mut game_scene.player1, state);
CommandLineCommand::RemoveXP(xp_count) => {
game_scene.inventory_player1.take_xp(xp_count, state);
CommandLineCommand::SetMaxHP(hp_count) => {
game_scene.player1.max_life = hp_count;
game_scene.player1.life = hp_count;
#[cfg(feature = "discord-rpc")]
CommandLineCommand::SpawnNPC(id) => {
let mut npc = NPC::create(id, &state.npc_table);
npc.y = game_scene.player1.y;
npc.x = game_scene.player1.x + game_scene.player1.direction.vector_x() * (0x2000 * 3);
game_scene.npc_list.spawn(0x100, npc)?;
CommandLineCommand::TeleportPlayer(x, y) => {
game_scene.player1.x = (x * 512.0) as i32;
game_scene.player1.y = (y * 512.0) as i32;
game_scene.player2.x = game_scene.player1.x;
game_scene.player2.y = game_scene.player1.y;
CommandLineCommand::TSC(script) => {
log::info!("Executing TSC script: {}", format!("#9999\n{}", script));
match TextScript::compile(format!("#9999\n{}", script).as_bytes(), true, TextScriptEncoding::UTF8) {
Ok(text_script) => {
Err(err) => {
return Err(CommandLineError(format!("Error compiling TSC: {}", err)));
pub fn to_command(&self) -> String {
match self {
CommandLineCommand::AddItem(item_id) => format!("/add_item {}", item_id),
CommandLineCommand::RemoveItem(item_id) => format!("/remove_item {}", item_id),
CommandLineCommand::AddWeapon(weapon_id, ammo_count) => format!("/add_weapon {} {}", weapon_id, ammo_count),
CommandLineCommand::RemoveWeapon(weapon_id) => format!("/remove_weapon {}", weapon_id),
CommandLineCommand::AddWeaponAmmo(ammo_count) => format!("/add_weapon_ammo {}", ammo_count),
CommandLineCommand::SetWeaponMaxAmmo(max_ammo_count) => format!("/set_weapon_max_ammo {}", max_ammo_count),
CommandLineCommand::RefillAmmo => "/refill_ammo".to_string(),
CommandLineCommand::RefillHP => "/refill_hp".to_string(),
CommandLineCommand::AddXP(xp_count) => format!("/add_xp {}", xp_count),
CommandLineCommand::RemoveXP(xp_count) => format!("/remove_xp {}", xp_count),
CommandLineCommand::SetMaxHP(hp_count) => format!("/set_max_hp {}", hp_count),
CommandLineCommand::SpawnNPC(npc_id) => format!("/spawn_npc {}", npc_id),
CommandLineCommand::TeleportPlayer(x, y) => format!("/teleport_player {} {}", x, y),
CommandLineCommand::TSC(script) => format!("/tsc {}", script.replace("\n", "\\n")),
pub fn feedback_string(&self) -> String {
match self {
CommandLineCommand::AddItem(item_id) => format!("Added item with ID {}.", item_id),
CommandLineCommand::RemoveItem(item_id) => format!("Removed item with ID {}.", item_id),
CommandLineCommand::AddWeapon(weapon_id, ammo_count) => {
format!("Added weapon with ID {} and {} ammo.", weapon_id, ammo_count)
CommandLineCommand::RemoveWeapon(weapon_id) => format!("Removed weapon with ID {}.", weapon_id),
CommandLineCommand::AddWeaponAmmo(ammo_count) => format!("Added {} ammo to current weapon.", ammo_count),
CommandLineCommand::SetWeaponMaxAmmo(max_ammo_count) => {
format!("Set max ammo of current weapon to {}.", max_ammo_count)
CommandLineCommand::RefillAmmo => "Refilled ammo of all weapons.".to_string(),
CommandLineCommand::RefillHP => "Refilled HP of player.".to_string(),
CommandLineCommand::AddXP(xp_count) => format!("Added {} XP to current weapon.", xp_count),
CommandLineCommand::RemoveXP(xp_count) => format!("Removed {} XP from current weapon.", xp_count),
CommandLineCommand::SetMaxHP(hp_count) => format!("Set max HP of player to {}.", hp_count),
CommandLineCommand::SpawnNPC(npc_id) => format!("Spawned NPC ID {} in front of player.", npc_id),
CommandLineCommand::TeleportPlayer(x, y) => format!("Teleported players to ({}, {}).", x, y),
CommandLineCommand::TSC(_) => "Executed TSC script.".to_string(),
pub struct CommandLineParser {
command_history: Vec<CommandLineCommand>,
cursor: usize,
pub last_feedback: String,
pub last_feedback_color: [f32; 4],
pub buffer: String,
impl CommandLineParser {
pub fn new() -> CommandLineParser {
CommandLineParser {
command_history: Vec::new(),
last_feedback: "Awaiting command.".to_string(),
last_feedback_color: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
cursor: 0,
buffer: String::new(),
pub fn push(&mut self, command: String) -> Option<CommandLineCommand> {
let components = command.split_whitespace().collect::<Vec<&str>>();
let command = CommandLineCommand::from_components(components);
match command {
Some(command) => {
self.cursor = self.command_history.len() - 1;
None => None,
pub fn traverse(&mut self, delta: i16) -> Option<&CommandLineCommand> {
if self.command_history.is_empty() {
return None;
let command = self.command_history.get(self.cursor);
if delta == -1 && self.cursor == 0 {
self.cursor = self.command_history.len() - 1;
} else if delta == 1 && self.cursor == self.command_history.len() - 1 {
self.cursor = 0;
} else {
self.cursor = (self.cursor as i16 + delta) as usize;