
246 lines
7.7 KiB

use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use scripting::tsc::text_script::ScriptMode;
use crate::framework::context::Context;
use crate::framework::error::GameResult;
use crate::framework::graphics;
use crate::framework::graphics::VSyncMode;
use crate::framework::ui::UI;
use crate::game::filesystem_container::FilesystemContainer;
use crate::game::shared_game_state::{Fps, SharedGameState, TimingMode};
use crate::graphics::texture_set::{G_MAG, I_MAG};
use crate::scene::loading_scene::LoadingScene;
use crate::scene::Scene;
pub mod caret;
pub mod filesystem_container;
pub mod frame;
pub mod inventory;
pub mod map;
pub mod npc;
pub mod physics;
pub mod player;
pub mod profile;
pub mod scripting;
pub mod settings;
pub mod shared_game_state;
pub mod stage;
pub mod weapon;
pub struct LaunchOptions {
pub server_mode: bool,
pub editor: bool,
lazy_static! {
pub static ref GAME_SUSPENDED: Mutex<bool> = Mutex::new(false);
pub struct Game {
pub(crate) scene: Option<Box<dyn Scene>>,
pub(crate) state: UnsafeCell<SharedGameState>,
ui: UI,
start_time: Instant,
last_tick: u128,
next_tick: u128,
pub(crate) loops: u32,
next_tick_draw: u128,
present: bool,
fps: Fps,
impl Game {
fn new(ctx: &mut Context) -> GameResult<Game> {
let s = Game {
scene: None,
ui: UI::new(ctx)?,
state: UnsafeCell::new(SharedGameState::new(ctx)?),
start_time: Instant::now(),
last_tick: 0,
next_tick: 0,
loops: 0,
next_tick_draw: 0,
present: true,
fps: Fps::new(),
pub(crate) fn update(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context) -> GameResult {
if let Some(scene) = &mut self.scene {
let state_ref = unsafe { &mut *self.state.get() };
let speed =
if state_ref.textscript_vm.mode == ScriptMode::Map && state_ref.textscript_vm.flags.cutscene_skip() {
4.0 * state_ref.settings.speed
} else {
1.0 * state_ref.settings.speed
match state_ref.settings.timing_mode {
TimingMode::_50Hz | TimingMode::_60Hz => {
let last_tick = self.next_tick;
while self.start_time.elapsed().as_nanos() >= self.next_tick && self.loops < 10 {
if (speed - 1.0).abs() < 0.01 {
self.next_tick += state_ref.settings.timing_mode.get_delta() as u128;
} else {
self.next_tick += (state_ref.settings.timing_mode.get_delta() as f64 / speed) as u128;
self.loops += 1;
if self.loops == 10 {
log::warn!("Frame skip is way too high, a long system lag occurred?");
self.last_tick = self.start_time.elapsed().as_nanos();
self.next_tick =
self.last_tick + (state_ref.settings.timing_mode.get_delta() as f64 / speed) as u128;
self.loops = 0;
if self.loops != 0 {
self.last_tick = last_tick;
for _ in 0..self.loops {
scene.tick(state_ref, ctx)?;
self.fps.tick_count = self.fps.tick_count.saturating_add(self.loops as u32);
TimingMode::FrameSynchronized => {
scene.tick(state_ref, ctx)?;
pub(crate) fn draw(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context) -> GameResult {
let state_ref = unsafe { &mut *self.state.get() };
match ctx.vsync_mode {
VSyncMode::Uncapped | VSyncMode::VSync => {
self.present = true;
_ => unsafe {
self.present = false;
let divisor = match ctx.vsync_mode {
VSyncMode::VRRTickSync1x => 1,
VSyncMode::VRRTickSync2x => 2,
VSyncMode::VRRTickSync3x => 3,
_ => std::hint::unreachable_unchecked(),
let delta = (state_ref.settings.timing_mode.get_delta() / divisor) as u64;
let now = self.start_time.elapsed().as_nanos();
if now > self.next_tick_draw + delta as u128 * 4 {
self.next_tick_draw = now;
while self.start_time.elapsed().as_nanos() >= self.next_tick_draw {
self.next_tick_draw += delta as u128;
self.present = true;
if !self.present {
self.loops = 0;
return Ok(());
if ctx.headless {
self.loops = 0;
state_ref.frame_time = 1.0;
return Ok(());
if state_ref.settings.timing_mode != TimingMode::FrameSynchronized {
let mut elapsed = self.start_time.elapsed().as_nanos();
// Even with the non-monotonic Instant mitigation at the start of the event loop, there's still a chance of it not working.
// This check here should trigger if that happens and makes sure there's no panic from an underflow.
if elapsed < self.last_tick {
elapsed = self.last_tick;
let n1 = (elapsed - self.last_tick) as f64;
let n2 = (self.next_tick - self.last_tick) as f64;
state_ref.frame_time = if state_ref.settings.motion_interpolation { n1 / n2 } else { 1.0 };
unsafe {
G_MAG = if state_ref.settings.subpixel_coords { state_ref.scale } else { 1.0 };
I_MAG = state_ref.scale;
self.loops = 0;
graphics::clear(ctx, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0].into());
if let Some(scene) = &mut self.scene {
scene.draw(state_ref, ctx)?;
if state_ref.settings.touch_controls {
&mut state_ref.texture_set,
if state_ref.settings.fps_counter {
self.fps.act(state_ref, ctx, self.start_time.elapsed().as_nanos())?;
self.ui.draw(state_ref, ctx, scene)?;
pub fn init(options: LaunchOptions) -> GameResult {
let _ = simple_logger::SimpleLogger::new()
let mut context = Box::pin(Context::new());
let mut fs_container = FilesystemContainer::new();
fs_container.mount_fs(&mut context)?;
if options.server_mode {
log::info!("Running in server mode...");
context.headless = true;
let mut game = Box::pin(Game::new(&mut context)?);
#[cfg(feature = "scripting-lua")]
game.state.get().lua.update_refs(unsafe { &mut *game.state.get() }, &mut context as *mut Context);
game.state.get_mut().fs_container = Some(fs_container);
game.state.get_mut().next_scene = Some(Box::new(LoadingScene::new()));
log::info!("Starting main loop...");;