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mirror of https://github.com/doukutsu-rs/doukutsu-rs synced 2024-10-01 06:49:13 +00:00
2022-03-26 10:21:08 +01:00

761 lines
26 KiB

use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::{cmp, ops::Div};
use bitvec::vec::BitVec;
use chrono::{Datelike, Local};
use crate::bmfont_renderer::BMFontRenderer;
use crate::caret::{Caret, CaretType};
use crate::common::{ControlFlags, Direction, FadeState};
use crate::components::draw_common::{draw_number, Alignment};
use crate::engine_constants::EngineConstants;
use crate::framework::backend::BackendTexture;
use crate::framework::context::Context;
use crate::framework::error::GameResult;
use crate::framework::graphics::{create_texture_mutable, set_render_target};
use crate::framework::keyboard::ScanCode;
use crate::framework::vfs::OpenOptions;
use crate::framework::{filesystem, graphics};
#[cfg(feature = "hooks")]
use crate::hooks::init_hooks;
use crate::i18n::Locale;
use crate::input::touch_controls::TouchControls;
use crate::mod_list::ModList;
use crate::mod_requirements::ModRequirements;
use crate::npc::NPCTable;
use crate::profile::GameProfile;
use crate::rng::XorShift;
use crate::scene::game_scene::GameScene;
use crate::scene::title_scene::TitleScene;
use crate::scene::Scene;
#[cfg(feature = "scripting-lua")]
use crate::scripting::lua::LuaScriptingState;
use crate::scripting::tsc::credit_script::{CreditScript, CreditScriptVM};
use crate::scripting::tsc::text_script::{ScriptMode, TextScript, TextScriptExecutionState, TextScriptVM};
use crate::settings::Settings;
use crate::sound::SoundManager;
use crate::stage::StageData;
use crate::texture_set::TextureSet;
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub enum TimingMode {
impl TimingMode {
pub fn get_delta(self) -> usize {
match self {
TimingMode::_50Hz => 1000000000 / 50,
TimingMode::_60Hz => 1000000000 / 60,
TimingMode::FrameSynchronized => 0,
pub fn get_delta_millis(self) -> f64 {
match self {
TimingMode::_50Hz => 1000.0 / 50.0,
TimingMode::_60Hz => 1000.0 / 60.0,
TimingMode::FrameSynchronized => 0.0,
pub fn get_tps(self) -> usize {
match self {
TimingMode::_50Hz => 50,
TimingMode::_60Hz => 60,
TimingMode::FrameSynchronized => 0,
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone, num_derive::FromPrimitive)]
pub enum GameDifficulty {
Normal = 0,
Easy = 2,
Hard = 4,
impl GameDifficulty {
pub fn from_primitive(val: u8) -> GameDifficulty {
return num_traits::FromPrimitive::from_u8(val).unwrap_or(GameDifficulty::Normal);
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone, Hash, num_derive::FromPrimitive, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub enum Language {
impl Language {
pub fn to_language_code(self) -> &'static str {
match self {
Language::English => "en",
Language::Japanese => "jp",
pub fn to_string(self) -> String {
match self {
Language::English => "English".to_string(),
Language::Japanese => "Japanese".to_string(),
pub fn font(self) -> FontData {
match self {
Language::English => FontData::new("csfont.fnt".to_owned(), 0.5, 0.0),
// TODO: implement JP font rendering
Language::Japanese => FontData::new("0.fnt".to_owned(), 1.0, 0.0),
pub fn from_primitive(val: usize) -> Language {
return num_traits::FromPrimitive::from_usize(val).unwrap_or(Language::English);
pub fn values() -> Vec<Language> {
vec![Language::English, Language::Japanese]
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct FontData {
pub path: String,
pub scale: f32,
pub space_offset: f32,
impl FontData {
pub fn new(path: String, scale: f32, space_offset: f32) -> FontData {
FontData { path, scale, space_offset }
pub struct Fps {
pub frame_count: u32,
pub fps: u32,
last_capture: u128,
impl Fps {
pub fn new() -> Fps {
Fps { frame_count: 0, fps: 0, last_capture: 0 }
pub fn act(&mut self, state: &mut SharedGameState, ctx: &mut Context, time: u128) -> GameResult {
if time - self.last_capture > 1000000000 {
self.fps = self.frame_count;
self.frame_count = 0;
self.last_capture = time;
} else {
self.frame_count += 1;
draw_number(state.canvas_size.0 - 8.0, 8.0, self.fps as usize, Alignment::Right, state, ctx)?;
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum Season {
impl Season {
pub fn current() -> Season {
let now = Local::now();
if (now.month() == 10 && now.day() > 25) || (now.month() == 11 && now.day() < 3) {
} else if (now.month() == 12 && now.day() > 23) || (now.month() == 0 && now.day() < 7) {
} else if now.month() == 4 && now.day() == 29 {
} else {
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum MenuCharacter {
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum ReplayState {
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum TileSize {
impl TileSize {
pub const fn as_float(self) -> f32 {
match self {
TileSize::Tile8x8 => 8.0,
TileSize::Tile16x16 => 16.0,
pub const fn as_int(self) -> i32 {
match self {
TileSize::Tile8x8 => 8,
TileSize::Tile16x16 => 16,
pub struct SharedGameState {
pub control_flags: ControlFlags,
pub game_flags: BitVec,
pub skip_flags: BitVec,
pub map_flags: BitVec,
pub fade_state: FadeState,
/// RNG used by game state, using it for anything else might cause unintended side effects and break replays.
pub game_rng: XorShift,
/// RNG used by graphics effects that aren't dependent on game's state.
pub effect_rng: XorShift,
pub tile_size: TileSize,
pub quake_counter: u16,
pub super_quake_counter: u16,
pub teleporter_slots: Vec<(u16, u16)>,
pub carets: Vec<Caret>,
pub touch_controls: TouchControls,
pub mod_path: Option<String>,
pub mod_list: ModList,
pub npc_table: NPCTable,
pub npc_super_pos: (i32, i32),
pub npc_curly_target: (i32, i32),
pub npc_curly_counter: u16,
pub water_level: i32,
pub stages: Vec<StageData>,
pub frame_time: f64,
pub debugger: bool,
pub scale: f32,
pub canvas_size: (f32, f32),
pub screen_size: (f32, f32),
pub preferred_viewport_size: (f32, f32),
pub next_scene: Option<Box<dyn Scene>>,
pub textscript_vm: TextScriptVM,
pub creditscript_vm: CreditScriptVM,
pub lightmap_canvas: Option<Box<dyn BackendTexture>>,
pub season: Season,
pub menu_character: MenuCharacter,
pub constants: EngineConstants,
pub font: BMFontRenderer,
pub texture_set: TextureSet,
#[cfg(feature = "scripting-lua")]
pub lua: LuaScriptingState,
pub sound_manager: SoundManager,
pub settings: Settings,
pub save_slot: usize,
pub difficulty: GameDifficulty,
pub replay_state: ReplayState,
pub mod_requirements: ModRequirements,
pub shutdown: bool,
impl SharedGameState {
pub fn new(ctx: &mut Context) -> GameResult<SharedGameState> {
let mut constants = EngineConstants::defaults();
let sound_manager = SoundManager::new(ctx)?;
let settings = Settings::load(ctx)?;
let mod_requirements = ModRequirements::load(ctx)?;
if filesystem::exists(ctx, "/base/lighting.tbl") {
info!("Cave Story+ (Switch) data files detected.");
ctx.size_hint = (854, 480);
} else if filesystem::exists(ctx, "/base/ogph/SellScreen.bmp") {
error!("WiiWare DEMO data files detected. !UNSUPPORTED!"); //Missing credits.tsc and crashes due to missing Stage 13 (Start)
} else if filesystem::exists(ctx, "/base/strap_a_en.bmp") {
info!("WiiWare data files detected."); //Missing Challenges and Remastered Soundtrack but identical to CS+ PC otherwise
} else if filesystem::exists(ctx, "/root/buid_time.txt") {
error!("DSiWare data files detected. !UNSUPPORTED!"); //Freeware 2.0, sprites are arranged VERY differently + separate drowned carets
} else if filesystem::exists(ctx, "/darken.tex") || filesystem::exists(ctx, "/darken.png") {
error!("EShop data files detected. !UNSUPPORTED!"); //Ditto, drowned carets finally part of mychar, the turning point towards CS+
} else if filesystem::exists(ctx, "/data/stage3d/") {
error!("CS3D data files detected. !UNSUPPORTED!"); //Sprites are technically all there but filenames differ, + no n3ddta support
} else if filesystem::exists(ctx, "/base/Nicalis.bmp") || filesystem::exists(ctx, "/base/Nicalis.png") {
info!("Cave Story+ (PC) data files detected.");
} else if filesystem::exists(ctx, "/mrmap.bin") {
info!("CSE2E data files detected.");
} else if filesystem::exists(ctx, "/stage.dat") {
info!("NXEngine-evo data files detected.");
for soundtrack in constants.soundtracks.iter_mut() {
if filesystem::exists(ctx, &soundtrack.path) {
info!("Enabling soundtrack {} from {}.", soundtrack.name, soundtrack.path);
soundtrack.available = true;
let season = Season::current();
constants.rebuild_path_list(None, season, &settings);
let active_locale = constants.locales.get(&settings.locale.to_string()).unwrap();
if constants.is_cs_plus {
constants.font_scale = active_locale.font.scale;
let font = BMFontRenderer::load(&constants.base_paths, &active_locale.font.path, ctx).or_else(|e| {
log::warn!("Failed to load font, using built-in: {}", e);
BMFontRenderer::load(&vec!["/".to_owned()], "/builtin/builtin_font.fnt", ctx)
let mod_list = ModList::load(ctx, &constants.string_table)?;
for i in 0..0xffu8 {
let path = format!("/pxt/fx{:02x}.pxt", i);
if let Ok(file) = filesystem::open_find(ctx, &constants.base_paths, path) {
sound_manager.set_sample_params_from_file(i, file)?;
let path = format!("/PixTone/{:03}.pxt", i);
if let Ok(file) = filesystem::open_find(ctx, &constants.base_paths, path) {
sound_manager.set_sample_params_from_file(i, file)?;
#[cfg(feature = "hooks")]
Ok(SharedGameState {
control_flags: ControlFlags(0),
game_flags: bitvec::bitvec![0; 8000],
skip_flags: bitvec::bitvec![0; 64],
map_flags: bitvec::bitvec![0; 64],
fade_state: FadeState::Hidden,
game_rng: XorShift::new(0),
effect_rng: XorShift::new(123),
tile_size: TileSize::Tile16x16,
quake_counter: 0,
super_quake_counter: 0,
teleporter_slots: Vec::with_capacity(8),
carets: Vec::with_capacity(32),
touch_controls: TouchControls::new(),
mod_path: None,
npc_table: NPCTable::new(),
npc_super_pos: (0, 0),
npc_curly_target: (0, 0),
npc_curly_counter: 0,
water_level: 0,
stages: Vec::with_capacity(96),
frame_time: 0.0,
debugger: false,
scale: 2.0,
screen_size: (640.0, 480.0),
canvas_size: (320.0, 240.0),
preferred_viewport_size: (320.0, 240.0),
next_scene: None,
textscript_vm: TextScriptVM::new(),
creditscript_vm: CreditScriptVM::new(),
lightmap_canvas: None,
menu_character: MenuCharacter::Quote,
texture_set: TextureSet::new(),
#[cfg(feature = "scripting-lua")]
lua: LuaScriptingState::new(),
save_slot: 1,
difficulty: GameDifficulty::Normal,
replay_state: ReplayState::None,
shutdown: false,
pub fn process_debug_keys(&mut self, key_code: ScanCode) {
match key_code {
ScanCode::F3 => self.settings.god_mode = !self.settings.god_mode,
ScanCode::F4 => self.settings.infinite_booster = !self.settings.infinite_booster,
ScanCode::F5 => self.settings.subpixel_coords = !self.settings.subpixel_coords,
ScanCode::F6 => self.settings.motion_interpolation = !self.settings.motion_interpolation,
ScanCode::F7 => self.set_speed(1.0),
ScanCode::F8 => {
if self.settings.speed > 0.2 {
self.set_speed(self.settings.speed - 0.1);
ScanCode::F9 => {
if self.settings.speed < 3.0 {
self.set_speed(self.settings.speed + 0.1);
ScanCode::F10 => self.settings.debug_outlines = !self.settings.debug_outlines,
ScanCode::F11 => self.settings.fps_counter = !self.settings.fps_counter,
ScanCode::F12 => self.debugger = !self.debugger,
_ => {}
pub fn reload_resources(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context) -> GameResult {
self.constants.rebuild_path_list(self.mod_path.clone(), self.season, &self.settings);
let stages = StageData::load_stage_table(ctx, &self.constants.base_paths, self.constants.is_switch)?;
self.stages = stages;
let npc_tbl = filesystem::open_find(ctx, &self.constants.base_paths, "/npc.tbl")?;
let npc_table = NPCTable::load_from(npc_tbl)?;
self.npc_table = npc_table;
let head_tsc = filesystem::open_find(ctx, &self.constants.base_paths, "/Head.tsc")?;
let head_script = TextScript::load_from(head_tsc, &self.constants)?;
let arms_item_tsc = filesystem::open_find(ctx, &self.constants.base_paths, "/ArmsItem.tsc")?;
let arms_item_script = TextScript::load_from(arms_item_tsc, &self.constants)?;
let stage_select_tsc = filesystem::open_find(ctx, &self.constants.base_paths, "/StageSelect.tsc")?;
let stage_select_script = TextScript::load_from(stage_select_tsc, &self.constants)?;
let credit_tsc = filesystem::open_find(ctx, &self.constants.base_paths, "/Credit.tsc")?;
let credit_script = CreditScript::load_from(credit_tsc, &self.constants)?;
self.sound_manager.load_custom_sound_effects(ctx, &self.constants.base_paths)?;
pub fn reload_graphics(&mut self) {
self.constants.rebuild_path_list(self.mod_path.clone(), self.season, &self.settings);
pub fn reload_fonts(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context) {
let active_locale = self.get_active_locale();
let font = BMFontRenderer::load(&self.constants.base_paths, &active_locale.font.path, ctx)
.or_else(|e| {
log::warn!("Failed to load font, using built-in: {}", e);
BMFontRenderer::load(&vec!["/".to_owned()], "/builtin/builtin_font.fnt", ctx)
if self.constants.is_cs_plus {
self.constants.font_scale = active_locale.font.scale;
self.font = font;
pub fn graphics_reset(&mut self) {
pub fn start_new_game(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context) -> GameResult {
#[cfg(feature = "scripting-lua")]
let mut next_scene = GameScene::new(self, ctx, self.constants.game.new_game_stage as usize)?;
let (pos_x, pos_y) = self.constants.game.new_game_player_pos;
next_scene.player1.x = pos_x as i32 * next_scene.stage.map.tile_size.as_int() * 0x200;
next_scene.player1.y = pos_y as i32 * next_scene.stage.map.tile_size.as_int() * 0x200;
self.fade_state = FadeState::Hidden;
self.textscript_vm.state = TextScriptExecutionState::Running(self.constants.game.new_game_event, 0);
self.next_scene = Some(Box::new(next_scene));
pub fn start_intro(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context) -> GameResult {
#[cfg(feature = "scripting-lua")]
let start_stage_id = self.constants.game.intro_stage as usize;
if self.stages.len() < start_stage_id {
log::warn!("Intro scene out of bounds in stage table, skipping to title...");
self.next_scene = Some(Box::new(TitleScene::new()));
return Ok(());
let mut next_scene = GameScene::new(self, ctx, start_stage_id)?;
let (pos_x, pos_y) = self.constants.game.intro_player_pos;
next_scene.player1.x = pos_x as i32 * next_scene.stage.map.tile_size.as_int() * 0x200;
next_scene.player1.y = pos_y as i32 * next_scene.stage.map.tile_size.as_int() * 0x200;
next_scene.intro_mode = true;
self.fade_state = FadeState::Hidden;
self.textscript_vm.state = TextScriptExecutionState::Running(self.constants.game.intro_event, 0);
self.next_scene = Some(Box::new(next_scene));
pub fn save_game(&mut self, game_scene: &mut GameScene, ctx: &mut Context) -> GameResult {
if let Some(save_path) = self.get_save_filename(self.save_slot) {
if let Ok(data) = filesystem::open_options(ctx, save_path, OpenOptions::new().write(true).create(true)) {
let profile = GameProfile::dump(self, game_scene);
} else {
log::warn!("Cannot open save file.");
} else {
log::info!("Mod has saves disabled.");
pub fn load_or_start_game(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context) -> GameResult {
if let Some(save_path) = self.get_save_filename(self.save_slot) {
if let Ok(data) = filesystem::user_open(ctx, save_path) {
match GameProfile::load_from_save(data) {
Ok(profile) => {
let mut next_scene = GameScene::new(self, ctx, profile.current_map as usize)?;
profile.apply(self, &mut next_scene, ctx);
#[cfg(feature = "scripting-lua")]
self.next_scene = Some(Box::new(next_scene));
return Ok(());
Err(e) => {
log::warn!("Failed to load save game, starting new one: {}", e);
} else {
log::warn!("No save game found, starting new one...");
} else {
log::info!("Mod has saves disabled.");
pub fn reset(&mut self) {
self.control_flags.0 = 0;
self.game_flags = bitvec::bitvec![0; 8000];
self.fade_state = FadeState::Hidden;
self.game_rng = XorShift::new(0);
self.quake_counter = 0;
self.textscript_vm.suspend = true;
pub fn handle_resize(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context) -> GameResult {
self.screen_size = graphics::screen_size(ctx);
let scale_x = self.screen_size.1.div(self.preferred_viewport_size.1).floor().max(1.0);
let scale_y = self.screen_size.0.div(self.preferred_viewport_size.0).floor().max(1.0);
self.scale = f32::min(scale_x, scale_y);
self.canvas_size = (self.screen_size.0 / self.scale, self.screen_size.1 / self.scale);
let (width, height) = (self.screen_size.0 as u16, self.screen_size.1 as u16);
// ensure no texture is bound before destroying them.
set_render_target(ctx, None)?;
self.lightmap_canvas = Some(create_texture_mutable(ctx, width, height)?);
pub fn tick_carets(&mut self) {
for caret in &mut self.carets {
caret.tick(&self.effect_rng, &self.constants);
self.carets.retain(|c| !c.is_dead());
pub fn create_caret(&mut self, x: i32, y: i32, ctype: CaretType, direct: Direction) {
self.carets.push(Caret::new(x, y, ctype, direct, &self.constants));
pub fn set_speed(&mut self, value: f64) {
self.settings.speed = value.clamp(0.1, 3.0);
self.frame_time = 0.0;
pub fn current_tps(&self) -> f64 {
self.settings.timing_mode.get_tps() as f64 * self.settings.speed
pub fn shutdown(&mut self) {
self.shutdown = true;
pub fn set_flag(&mut self, id: usize, value: bool) {
if id < self.game_flags.len() {
self.game_flags.set(id, value);
} else {
log::warn!("Attempted to set an out-of-bounds flag: {} to {}.", id, value);
pub fn get_flag(&self, id: usize) -> bool {
if let Some(flag) = self.game_flags.get(id) {
} else {
pub fn reset_skip_flags(&mut self) {
self.skip_flags = bitvec::bitvec![0; 64];
pub fn set_skip_flag(&mut self, id: usize, value: bool) {
if id < self.skip_flags.len() {
self.skip_flags.set(id, value);
} else {
log::warn!("Attempted to set an out-of-bounds skip flag {}:", id);
pub fn get_skip_flag(&self, id: usize) -> bool {
if let Some(flag) = self.skip_flags.get(id) {
} else {
pub fn reset_map_flags(&mut self) {
self.map_flags = bitvec::bitvec![0; 128];
pub fn set_map_flag(&mut self, id: usize, value: bool) {
if id < self.map_flags.len() {
self.map_flags.set(id, value);
} else {
log::warn!("Attempted to set an out-of-bounds map flag {}:", id);
pub fn get_map_flag(&self, id: usize) -> bool {
if let Some(flag) = self.map_flags.get(id) {
} else {
pub fn get_save_filename(&mut self, slot: usize) -> Option<String> {
if let Some(mod_path) = &self.mod_path {
let save_slot = self.mod_list.get_save_from_path(mod_path.to_string());
if save_slot < 0 {
return None;
} else if save_slot > 0 {
return Some(format!("/Mod{}_Profile{}.dat", save_slot, slot));
if slot == 1 {
return Some("/Profile.dat".to_owned());
} else {
return Some(format!("/Profile{}.dat", slot));
pub fn get_rec_filename(&self) -> String {
if let Some(mod_path) = &self.mod_path {
let name = self.mod_list.get_name_from_path(mod_path.to_string());
return format!("/{}", name);
} else {
return "/290".to_string();
pub fn has_replay_data(&self, ctx: &mut Context) -> bool {
filesystem::user_exists(ctx, [self.get_rec_filename(), ".rep".to_string()].join(""))
pub fn get_damage(&self, hp: i32) -> i32 {
match self.difficulty {
GameDifficulty::Easy => cmp::max(hp / 2, 1),
GameDifficulty::Normal | GameDifficulty::Hard => hp,
pub fn get_skinsheet_offset(&self) -> u16 {
if !self.constants.is_cs_plus {
return 0;
if self.settings.seasonal_textures {
let season = Season::current();
if season == Season::Halloween {
return 3; // Edgy Quote
if season == Season::Christmas {
return 4; // Furry Quote
return self.difficulty as u16;
pub fn get_active_locale(&self) -> &Locale {
let active_locale = self.constants.locales.get(&self.settings.locale.to_string()).unwrap();
return active_locale;
pub fn t(&self, key: &str) -> String {
return self.get_active_locale().t(key);
pub fn tt(&self, key: &str, args: HashMap<String, String>) -> String {
return self.get_active_locale().tt(key, args);