
1044 lines
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//! The `graphics` module performs the actual drawing of images, text, and other
//! objects with the [`Drawable`](trait.Drawable.html) trait. It also handles
//! basic loading of images and text.
//! This module also manages graphics state, coordinate systems, etc.
//! The default coordinate system has the origin in the upper-left
//! corner of the screen, with Y increasing downwards.
//! This library differs significantly in performance characteristics from the
//! `LÖVE` library that it is based on. Many operations that are batched by default
//! in love (e.g. drawing primitives like rectangles or circles) are *not* batched
//! in `ggez`, so render loops with a large number of draw calls can be very slow.
//! The primary solution to efficiently rendering a large number of primitives is
//! a [`SpriteBatch`](spritebatch/struct.SpriteBatch.html), which can be orders
//! of magnitude more efficient than individual
//! draw calls.
//! The `pipe` module is auto-generated by `gfx_defines!`. You shouldn't need to
//! touch it, but alas we can't exclude it from `cargo doc`.
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::convert::From;
use std::fmt;
use std::path::Path;
use std::u16;
use gfx;
use gfx::Device;
use gfx::Factory;
use gfx::texture;
use gfx_device_gl;
use glutin;
use glutin::{NotCurrent, PossiblyCurrent};
pub use mint;
pub(crate) use nalgebra as na;
use winit::event_loop::EventLoopWindowTarget;
use glutin_ext::*;
use crate::ggez::conf;
use crate::ggez::conf::WindowMode;
use crate::ggez::context::Context;
use crate::ggez::context::DebugId;
use crate::ggez::GameError;
use crate::ggez::GameResult;
pub use crate::ggez::graphics::canvas::*;
pub use crate::ggez::graphics::drawparam::*;
pub use crate::ggez::graphics::image::*;
pub use crate::ggez::graphics::mesh::*;
pub use crate::ggez::graphics::shader::*;
pub use crate::ggez::graphics::types::*;
pub(crate) mod canvas;
pub(crate) mod context;
pub(crate) mod drawparam;
pub(crate) mod glutin_ext;
pub(crate) mod image;
pub(crate) mod mesh;
pub(crate) mod shader;
pub(crate) mod types;
pub mod spritebatch;
// This isn't really particularly nice, but it's only used
// in a couple places and it's not very easy to change or configure.
// Since the next major project is "rewrite the graphics engine" I think
// we're fine just leaving it.
// It exists basically because gfx-rs is incomplete and we can't *always*
// specify texture formats and such entirely at runtime, which we need to
// do to make sRGB handling work properly.
pub(crate) type BuggoSurfaceFormat = gfx::format::Rgba8;
type ShaderResourceType = [f32; 4];
type ColorFormat = gfx::format::Rgba8;
type DepthFormat = gfx::format::DepthStencil;
/// A trait providing methods for working with a particular backend, such as OpenGL,
/// with associated gfx-rs types for that backend. As a user you probably
/// don't need to touch this unless you want to write a new graphics backend
/// for ggez. (Trust me, you don't.)
pub trait BackendSpec: fmt::Debug {
/// gfx resource type
type Resources: gfx::Resources;
/// gfx factory type
type Factory: gfx::Factory<Self::Resources> + Clone;
/// gfx command buffer type
type CommandBuffer: gfx::CommandBuffer<Self::Resources>;
/// gfx device type
type Device: gfx::Device<Resources=Self::Resources, CommandBuffer=Self::CommandBuffer>;
/// A helper function to take a RawShaderResourceView and turn it into a typed one based on
/// the surface type defined in a `BackendSpec`.
/// But right now we only allow surfaces that use [f32;4] colors, so we can freely
/// hardcode this in the `ShaderResourceType` type.
fn raw_to_typed_shader_resource(
texture_view: gfx::handle::RawShaderResourceView<Self::Resources>,
) -> gfx::handle::ShaderResourceView<<Self as BackendSpec>::Resources, ShaderResourceType> {
// gfx::memory::Typed is UNDOCUMENTED, aiee!
// However there doesn't seem to be an official way to turn a raw tex/view into a typed
// one; this API oversight would probably get fixed, except gfx is moving to a new
// API model. So, that also fortunately means that undocumented features like this
// probably won't go away on pre-ll gfx...
let typed_view: gfx::handle::ShaderResourceView<_, ShaderResourceType> =
/// Returns the version of the backend, `(major, minor)`.
/// So for instance if the backend is using OpenGL version 3.2,
/// it would return `(3, 2)`.
fn version_tuple(&self) -> (u8, u8);
/// Returns the glutin `Api` enum for this backend.
fn api(&self) -> glutin::Api;
/// Returns the text of the vertex and fragment shader files
/// to create default shaders for this backend.
fn shaders(&self) -> (&'static [u8], &'static [u8]);
/// Returns a string containing some backend-dependent info.
fn info(&self, device: &Self::Device) -> String;
/// Creates the window.
fn init<'a>(
window_builder: glutin::window::WindowBuilder,
gl_builder: glutin::ContextBuilder<'a, NotCurrent>,
events_loop: &winit::event_loop::EventLoopWindowTarget<()>,
color_format: gfx::format::Format,
depth_format: gfx::format::Format,
) -> Result<
/// Create an Encoder for the backend.
fn encoder(factory: &mut Self::Factory) -> gfx::Encoder<Self::Resources, Self::CommandBuffer>;
/// Resizes the viewport for the backend. (right now assumes a Glutin window...)
fn resize_viewport(
color_view: &gfx::handle::RawRenderTargetView<Self::Resources>,
depth_view: &gfx::handle::RawDepthStencilView<Self::Resources>,
color_format: gfx::format::Format,
depth_format: gfx::format::Format,
window: &glutin::WindowedContext<PossiblyCurrent>,
) -> Option<(
/// A backend specification for OpenGL.
/// This is different from [`Backend`](../conf/enum.Backend.html)
/// because this needs to be its own struct to implement traits
/// upon, and because there may need to be a layer of translation
/// between what the user asks for in the config, and what the
/// graphics backend code actually gets from the driver.
/// You shouldn't normally need to fiddle with this directly
/// but it has to be public because generic types like
/// [`Shader`](type.Shader.html) depend on it.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, SmartDefault)]
pub struct GlBackendSpec {
#[default = 3]
major: u8,
#[default = 2]
minor: u8,
api: glutin::Api,
impl From<conf::Backend> for GlBackendSpec {
fn from(c: conf::Backend) -> Self {
match c {
conf::Backend::OpenGL { major, minor } => Self {
api: glutin::Api::OpenGl,
conf::Backend::OpenGLES { major, minor } => Self {
api: glutin::Api::OpenGlEs,
impl BackendSpec for GlBackendSpec {
type Resources = gfx_device_gl::Resources;
type Factory = gfx_device_gl::Factory;
type CommandBuffer = gfx_device_gl::CommandBuffer;
type Device = gfx_device_gl::Device;
fn version_tuple(&self) -> (u8, u8) {
(self.major, self.minor)
fn api(&self) -> glutin::Api {
fn shaders(&self) -> (&'static [u8], &'static [u8]) {
match self.api {
glutin::Api::OpenGl => (
glutin::Api::OpenGlEs => (
a => panic!("Unsupported API: {:?}, should never happen", a),
fn init<'a>(
window_builder: glutin::window::WindowBuilder,
gl_builder: glutin::ContextBuilder<'a, NotCurrent>,
events_loop: &EventLoopWindowTarget<()>,
color_format: gfx::format::Format,
depth_format: gfx::format::Format,
) -> Result<
> {
.with_gfx_color_depth::<ColorFormat, DepthFormat>()
.build_windowed(window_builder, &events_loop)?
.init_gfx_raw(color_format, depth_format))
fn info(&self, device: &Self::Device) -> String {
let info = device.get_info();
"Driver vendor: {}, renderer {}, version {:?}, shading language {:?}",
fn encoder(factory: &mut Self::Factory) -> gfx::Encoder<Self::Resources, Self::CommandBuffer> {
fn resize_viewport(
color_view: &gfx::handle::RawRenderTargetView<Self::Resources>,
depth_view: &gfx::handle::RawDepthStencilView<Self::Resources>,
color_format: gfx::format::Format,
depth_format: gfx::format::Format,
window: &glutin::WindowedContext<PossiblyCurrent>,
) -> Option<(
)> {
// Basically taken from the definition of
// gfx_window_glutin::update_views()
let dim = color_view.get_dimensions();
assert_eq!(dim, depth_view.get_dimensions());
if let Some((cv, dv)) = window.updated_views_raw(dim, color_format, depth_format)
Some((cv, dv))
} else {
const QUAD_VERTS: [Vertex; 4] = [
Vertex {
pos: [0.0, 0.0],
uv: [0.0, 0.0],
color: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
Vertex {
pos: [1.0, 0.0],
uv: [1.0, 0.0],
color: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
Vertex {
pos: [1.0, 1.0],
uv: [1.0, 1.0],
color: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
Vertex {
pos: [0.0, 1.0],
uv: [0.0, 1.0],
color: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
const QUAD_INDICES: [u16; 6] = [0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3];
gfx_defines! {
/// Structure containing fundamental vertex data.
vertex Vertex {
pos: [f32; 2] = "a_Pos",
uv: [f32; 2] = "a_Uv",
color: [f32;4] = "a_VertColor",
/// Internal structure containing values that are different for each
/// drawable object. This is the per-object data that
/// gets fed into the shaders.
vertex InstanceProperties {
// the columns here are for the transform matrix;
// you can't shove a full matrix into an instance
// buffer, annoyingly.
col1: [f32; 4] = "a_TCol1",
col2: [f32; 4] = "a_TCol2",
col3: [f32; 4] = "a_TCol3",
col4: [f32; 4] = "a_TCol4",
src: [f32; 4] = "a_Src",
color: [f32; 4] = "a_Color",
/// Internal structure containing global shader state.
constant Globals {
mvp_matrix: [[f32; 4]; 4] = "u_MVP",
// Internal structure containing graphics pipeline state.
// This can't be a doc comment though because it somehow
// breaks the gfx_defines! macro though. :-(
pipeline pipe {
vbuf: gfx::VertexBuffer<Vertex> = (),
mvp: gfx::Global<[[f32; 4]; 4]> = "u_MVP",
tex: gfx::TextureSampler<[f32; 4]> = "t_Texture",
globals: gfx::ConstantBuffer<Globals> = "Globals",
rect_instance_properties: gfx::InstanceBuffer<InstanceProperties> = (),
// The default values here are overwritten by the
// pipeline init values in `shader::create_shader()`.
out: gfx::RawRenderTarget =
gfx::format::Format(gfx::format::SurfaceType::R8_G8_B8_A8, gfx::format::ChannelType::Unorm),
gfx::state::ColorMask::all(), Some(gfx::preset::blend::ALPHA)
impl fmt::Display for InstanceProperties {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let mut matrix_vec: Vec<f32> = vec![];
let matrix = na::Matrix4::from_column_slice(&matrix_vec);
"Src: ({},{}+{},{})",
self.src[0], self.src[1], self.src[2], self.src[3]
writeln!(f, "Color: {:?}", self.color)?;
write!(f, "Matrix: {}", matrix)
impl Default for InstanceProperties {
fn default() -> Self {
InstanceProperties {
col1: [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
col2: [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
col3: [1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
col4: [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
src: [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0],
color: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
/// A structure for conveniently storing `Sampler`'s, based off
/// their `SamplerInfo`.
pub(crate) struct SamplerCache<B>
B: BackendSpec,
samplers: HashMap<texture::SamplerInfo, gfx::handle::Sampler<B::Resources>>,
impl<B> SamplerCache<B>
B: BackendSpec,
fn new() -> Self {
SamplerCache {
samplers: HashMap::new(),
fn get_or_insert(
&mut self,
info: texture::SamplerInfo,
factory: &mut B::Factory,
) -> gfx::handle::Sampler<B::Resources> {
let sampler = self
.or_insert_with(|| factory.create_sampler(info));
impl From<gfx::buffer::CreationError> for GameError {
fn from(e: gfx::buffer::CreationError) -> Self {
use gfx::buffer::CreationError;
match e {
CreationError::UnsupportedBind(b) => GameError::RenderError(format!(
"Could not create buffer: Unsupported Bind ({:?})",
CreationError::UnsupportedUsage(u) => GameError::RenderError(format!(
"Could not create buffer: Unsupported Usage ({:?})",
CreationError::Other => {
GameError::RenderError("Could not create buffer: Unknown error".to_owned())
// **********************************************************************
// **********************************************************************
/// Clear the screen to the background color.
pub fn clear(ctx: &mut Context, color: Color) {
let gfx = &mut ctx.gfx_context;
let c: [f32; 4] = color.into();
gfx.encoder.clear_raw(&, c.into());
/// Draws the given `Drawable` object to the screen by calling its
/// [`draw()`](trait.Drawable.html#tymethod.draw) method.
pub fn draw<D, T>(ctx: &mut Context, drawable: &D, params: T) -> GameResult
D: Drawable,
T: Into<DrawParam>,
let params = params.into();
drawable.draw(ctx, params)
/// Tells the graphics system to actually put everything on the screen.
/// Call this at the end of your [`EventHandler`](../event/trait.EventHandler.html)'s
/// [`draw()`](../event/trait.EventHandler.html#tymethod.draw) method.
/// Unsets any active canvas.
pub fn present(ctx: &mut Context) -> GameResult<()> {
let gfx = &mut ctx.gfx_context; = gfx.screen_render_target.clone();
// We might want to give the user more control over when the
// encoder gets flushed eventually, if we want them to be able
// to do their own gfx drawing. HOWEVER, the whole pipeline type
// thing is a bigger hurdle, so this is fine for now.
gfx.encoder.flush(&mut *gfx.device);
/// Take a screenshot by outputting the current render surface
/// (screen or selected canvas) to an `Image`.
pub fn screenshot(ctx: &mut Context) -> GameResult<Image> {
use gfx::memory::Bind;
let debug_id = DebugId::get(ctx);
let gfx = &mut ctx.gfx_context;
let (w, h, _depth, aa) =;
if aa != gfx_core::texture::AaMode::Single {
// Details see
return Err(GameError::RenderError("Can't take screenshots of anti aliased textures.\n(since neither copying or resolving them is supported right now)".to_string()));
let surface_format = gfx.color_format();
let gfx::format::Format(surface_type, channel_type) = surface_format;
let texture_kind = gfx::texture::Kind::D2(w, h, aa);
let texture_info = gfx::texture::Info {
kind: texture_kind,
levels: 1,
format: surface_type,
usage: gfx::memory::Usage::Data,
let target_texture = gfx
.create_texture_raw(texture_info, Some(channel_type), None)?;
let image_info = gfx::texture::ImageInfoCommon {
xoffset: 0,
yoffset: 0,
zoffset: 0,
width: w,
height: h,
depth: 0,
format: surface_format,
mipmap: 0,
let mut local_encoder: gfx::Encoder<gfx_device_gl::Resources, gfx_device_gl::CommandBuffer> =
local_encoder.flush(&mut *gfx.device);
let resource_desc = gfx::texture::ResourceDesc {
channel: channel_type,
layer: None,
min: 0,
max: 0,
swizzle: gfx::format::Swizzle::new(),
let shader_resource = gfx
.view_texture_as_shader_resource_raw(&target_texture, resource_desc)?;
let image = Image {
texture: shader_resource,
texture_handle: target_texture,
sampler_info: gfx.default_sampler_info,
blend_mode: None,
width: w,
height: h,
// **********************************************************************
// **********************************************************************
/// Get the default filter mode for new images.
pub fn default_filter(ctx: &Context) -> FilterMode {
let gfx = &ctx.gfx_context;
/// Returns a string that tells a little about the obtained rendering mode.
/// It is supposed to be human-readable and will change; do not try to parse
/// information out of it!
pub fn renderer_info(ctx: &Context) -> GameResult<String> {
let backend_info =*ctx.gfx_context.device);
"Requested {:?} {}.{} Core profile, actually got {}.",
/// Returns a rectangle defining the coordinate system of the screen.
/// It will be `Rect { x: left, y: top, w: width, h: height }`
/// If the Y axis increases downwards, the `height` of the `Rect`
/// will be negative.
pub fn screen_coordinates(ctx: &Context) -> Rect {
/// Sets the default filter mode used to scale images.
/// This does not apply retroactively to already created images.
pub fn set_default_filter(ctx: &mut Context, mode: FilterMode) {
let gfx = &mut ctx.gfx_context;
let new_mode = mode.into();
let sampler_info = texture::SamplerInfo::new(new_mode, texture::WrapMode::Clamp);
// We create the sampler now so we don't end up creating it at some
// random-ass time while we're trying to draw stuff.
let _sampler = gfx.samplers.get_or_insert(sampler_info, &mut *gfx.factory);
gfx.default_sampler_info = sampler_info;
/// Sets the bounds of the screen viewport.
/// The default coordinate system has (0,0) at the top-left corner
/// with X increasing to the right and Y increasing down, with the
/// viewport scaled such that one coordinate unit is one pixel on the
/// screen. This function lets you change this coordinate system to
/// be whatever you prefer.
/// The `Rect`'s x and y will define the top-left corner of the screen,
/// and that plus its w and h will define the bottom-right corner.
pub fn set_screen_coordinates(context: &mut Context, rect: Rect) -> GameResult {
let gfx = &mut context.gfx_context;
/// Sets the raw projection matrix to the given homogeneous
/// transformation matrix.
/// You must call [`apply_transformations(ctx)`](fn.apply_transformations.html)
/// after calling this to apply these changes and recalculate the
/// underlying MVP matrix.
pub fn set_projection<M>(context: &mut Context, proj: M)
M: Into<mint::ColumnMatrix4<f32>>,
let proj = Matrix4::from(proj.into());
let gfx = &mut context.gfx_context;
/// Premultiplies the given transformation matrix with the current projection matrix
/// You must call [`apply_transformations(ctx)`](fn.apply_transformations.html)
/// after calling this to apply these changes and recalculate the
/// underlying MVP matrix.
pub fn mul_projection<M>(context: &mut Context, transform: M)
M: Into<mint::ColumnMatrix4<f32>>,
let transform = Matrix4::from(transform.into());
let gfx = &mut context.gfx_context;
let curr = gfx.projection();
gfx.set_projection(transform * curr);
/// Gets a copy of the context's raw projection matrix
pub fn projection(context: &Context) -> mint::ColumnMatrix4<f32> {
let gfx = &context.gfx_context;
/// Pushes a homogeneous transform matrix to the top of the transform
/// (model) matrix stack of the `Context`. If no matrix is given, then
/// pushes a copy of the current transform matrix to the top of the stack.
/// You must call [`apply_transformations(ctx)`](fn.apply_transformations.html)
/// after calling this to apply these changes and recalculate the
/// underlying MVP matrix.
/// A [`DrawParam`](struct.DrawParam.html) can be converted into an appropriate
/// transform matrix by turning it into a [`DrawTransform`](struct.DrawTransform.html):
/// ```rust,no_run
/// # use ggez::*;
/// # use ggez::graphics::*;
/// # fn main() {
/// # let ctx = &mut ContextBuilder::new("foo", "bar").build().unwrap().0;
/// let param = /* DrawParam building */
/// # DrawParam::new();
/// let transform = param.to_matrix();
/// graphics::push_transform(ctx, Some(transform));
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn push_transform<M>(context: &mut Context, transform: Option<M>)
M: Into<mint::ColumnMatrix4<f32>>,
let transform =|transform| Matrix4::from(transform.into()));
let gfx = &mut context.gfx_context;
if let Some(t) = transform {
} else {
let copy = *gfx
.expect("Matrix stack empty, should never happen");
/// Pops the transform matrix off the top of the transform
/// (model) matrix stack of the `Context`.
/// You must call [`apply_transformations(ctx)`](fn.apply_transformations.html)
/// after calling this to apply these changes and recalculate the
/// underlying MVP matrix.
pub fn pop_transform(context: &mut Context) {
let gfx = &mut context.gfx_context;
/// Sets the current model transformation to the given homogeneous
/// transformation matrix.
/// You must call [`apply_transformations(ctx)`](fn.apply_transformations.html)
/// after calling this to apply these changes and recalculate the
/// underlying MVP matrix.
/// A [`DrawParam`](struct.DrawParam.html) can be converted into an appropriate
/// transform matrix with `DrawParam::to_matrix()`.
/// ```rust,no_run
/// # use ggez::*;
/// # use ggez::graphics::*;
/// # fn main() {
/// # let ctx = &mut ContextBuilder::new("foo", "bar").build().unwrap().0;
/// let param = /* DrawParam building */
/// # DrawParam::new();
/// let transform = param.to_matrix();
/// graphics::set_transform(ctx, transform);
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn set_transform<M>(context: &mut Context, transform: M)
M: Into<mint::ColumnMatrix4<f32>>,
let transform = transform.into();
let gfx = &mut context.gfx_context;
/// Gets a copy of the context's current transform matrix
pub fn transform(context: &Context) -> mint::ColumnMatrix4<f32> {
let gfx = &context.gfx_context;
/// Premultiplies the given transform with the current model transform.
/// You must call [`apply_transformations(ctx)`](fn.apply_transformations.html)
/// after calling this to apply these changes and recalculate the
/// underlying MVP matrix.
/// A [`DrawParam`](struct.DrawParam.html) can be converted into an appropriate
/// transform matrix by turning it into a [`DrawTransform`](struct.DrawTransform.html):
/// ```rust,no_run
/// # use ggez::nalgebra as na;
/// # use ggez::*;
/// # use ggez::graphics::*;
/// # fn main() {
/// # let ctx = &mut ContextBuilder::new("foo", "bar").build().unwrap().0;
/// let param = /* DrawParam building */
/// # DrawParam::new();
/// let transform = param.to_matrix();
/// graphics::mul_transform(ctx, transform);
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn mul_transform<M>(context: &mut Context, transform: M)
M: Into<mint::ColumnMatrix4<f32>>,
let transform = Matrix4::from(transform.into());
let gfx = &mut context.gfx_context;
let curr = gfx.transform();
gfx.set_transform(curr * transform);
/// Sets the current model transform to the origin transform (no transformation)
/// You must call [`apply_transformations(ctx)`](fn.apply_transformations.html)
/// after calling this to apply these changes and recalculate the
/// underlying MVP matrix.
pub fn origin(context: &mut Context) {
let gfx = &mut context.gfx_context;
/// Calculates the new total transformation (Model-View-Projection) matrix
/// based on the matrices at the top of the transform and view matrix stacks
/// and sends it to the graphics card.
pub fn apply_transformations(context: &mut Context) -> GameResult {
let gfx = &mut context.gfx_context;
/// Sets the blend mode of the currently active shader program
pub fn set_blend_mode(ctx: &mut Context, mode: BlendMode) -> GameResult {
/// Sets the window mode, such as the size and other properties.
/// Setting the window mode may have side effects, such as clearing
/// the screen or setting the screen coordinates viewport to some
/// undefined value (for example, the window was resized). It is
/// recommended to call
/// [`set_screen_coordinates()`](fn.set_screen_coordinates.html) after
/// changing the window size to make sure everything is what you want
/// it to be.
pub fn set_mode(context: &mut Context, mode: WindowMode) -> GameResult {
let gfx = &mut context.gfx_context;
// Save updated mode.
context.conf.window_mode = mode;
/// Sets the window to fullscreen or back.
pub fn set_fullscreen(context: &mut Context, fullscreen: conf::FullscreenType) -> GameResult {
let mut window_mode = context.conf.window_mode;
window_mode.fullscreen_type = fullscreen;
set_mode(context, window_mode)
/// Sets the window size/resolution to the specified width and height.
pub fn set_drawable_size(context: &mut Context, width: f32, height: f32) -> GameResult {
let mut window_mode = context.conf.window_mode;
window_mode.width = width;
window_mode.height = height;
set_mode(context, window_mode)
/// Sets whether or not the window is resizable.
pub fn set_resizable(context: &mut Context, resizable: bool) -> GameResult {
let mut window_mode = context.conf.window_mode;
window_mode.resizable = resizable;
set_mode(context, window_mode)
/// Sets the window icon.
pub fn set_window_icon<P: AsRef<Path>>(context: &mut Context, path: Option<P>) -> GameResult<()> {
let icon = match path {
Some(p) => {
let p: &Path = p.as_ref();
Some(context::load_icon(p, &mut context.filesystem)?)
None => None,
/// Sets the window title.
pub fn set_window_title(context: &Context, title: &str) {
/// Returns a reference to the Glutin window.
/// Ideally you should not need to use this because ggez
/// would provide all the functions you need without having
/// to dip into Glutin itself. But life isn't always ideal.
pub fn window(context: &Context) -> &glutin::WindowedContext<PossiblyCurrent> {
let gfx = &context.gfx_context;
/// Returns the size of the window in pixels as (width, height),
/// including borders, titlebar, etc.
/// Returns zeros if the window doesn't exist.
pub fn size(context: &Context) -> (f32, f32) {
let gfx = &context.gfx_context;
let size = gfx.window.window().outer_size();
(size.width as f32, size.height as f32)
/// Returns the size of the window's underlying drawable in pixels as (width, height).
/// Returns zeros if window doesn't exist.
pub fn drawable_size(context: &Context) -> (f32, f32) {
let gfx = &context.gfx_context;
let size = gfx.window.window().inner_size();
(size.width as f32, size.height as f32)
/// Returns raw `gfx-rs` state objects, if you want to use `gfx-rs` to write
/// your own graphics pipeline then this gets you the interfaces you need
/// to do so.
/// Returns all the relevant objects at once;
/// getting them one by one is awkward 'cause it tends to create double-borrows
/// on the Context object.
pub fn gfx_objects(
context: &mut Context,
) -> (
&mut <GlBackendSpec as BackendSpec>::Factory,
&mut <GlBackendSpec as BackendSpec>::Device,
&mut gfx::Encoder<
<GlBackendSpec as BackendSpec>::Resources,
<GlBackendSpec as BackendSpec>::CommandBuffer,
gfx::handle::RawDepthStencilView<<GlBackendSpec as BackendSpec>::Resources>,
gfx::handle::RawRenderTargetView<<GlBackendSpec as BackendSpec>::Resources>,
) {
let gfx = &mut context.gfx_context;
let f = &mut gfx.factory;
let d = gfx.device.as_mut();
let e = &mut gfx.encoder;
let dv = gfx.depth_view.clone();
let cv =;
(f, d, e, dv, cv)
/// All types that can be drawn on the screen implement the `Drawable` trait.
pub trait Drawable {
/// Draws the drawable onto the rendering target.
fn draw(&self, ctx: &mut Context, param: DrawParam) -> GameResult;
/// Returns a bounding box in the form of a `Rect`.
/// It returns `Option` because some `Drawable`s may have no bounding box
/// (an empty `SpriteBatch` for example).
fn dimensions(&self, ctx: &mut Context) -> Option<Rect>;
/// Sets the blend mode to be used when drawing this drawable.
/// This overrides the general [`graphics::set_blend_mode()`](fn.set_blend_mode.html).
/// If `None` is set, defers to the blend mode set by
/// `graphics::set_blend_mode()`.
fn set_blend_mode(&mut self, mode: Option<BlendMode>);
/// Gets the blend mode to be used when drawing this drawable.
fn blend_mode(&self) -> Option<BlendMode>;
/// Applies `DrawParam` to `Rect`.
pub fn transform_rect(rect: Rect, param: DrawParam) -> Rect {
let w = param.src.w * param.scale.x * rect.w;
let h = param.src.h * param.scale.y * rect.h;
let offset_x = w * param.offset.x;
let offset_y = h * param.offset.y;
let dest_x = param.dest.x - offset_x;
let dest_y = param.dest.y - offset_y;
let mut r = Rect {
x: dest_x + rect.x * param.scale.x,
y: dest_y + rect.y * param.scale.y,
mod tests {
use std::f32::consts::PI;
use approx::assert_relative_eq;
use crate::graphics::{DrawParam, Rect, transform_rect};
fn headless_test_transform_rect() {
let r = Rect {
x: 0.0,
y: 0.0,
w: 1.0,
h: 1.0,
let param = DrawParam::new();
let real = transform_rect(r, param);
let expected = r;
assert_relative_eq!(real, expected);
let r = Rect {
x: -1.0,
y: -1.0,
w: 2.0,
h: 1.0,
let param = DrawParam::new().scale([0.5, 0.5]);
let real = transform_rect(r, param);
let expected = Rect {
x: -0.5,
y: -0.5,
w: 1.0,
h: 0.5,
assert_relative_eq!(real, expected);
let r = Rect {
x: -1.0,
y: -1.0,
w: 1.0,
h: 1.0,
let param = DrawParam::new().offset([0.5, 0.5]);
let real = transform_rect(r, param);
let expected = Rect {
x: -1.5,
y: -1.5,
w: 1.0,
h: 1.0,
assert_relative_eq!(real, expected);
let r = Rect {
x: 1.0,
y: 0.0,
w: 2.0,
h: 1.0,
let param = DrawParam::new().rotation(PI * 0.5);
let real = transform_rect(r, param);
let expected = Rect {
x: -1.0,
y: 1.0,
w: 1.0,
h: 2.0,
assert_relative_eq!(real, expected);
let r = Rect {
x: -1.0,
y: -1.0,
w: 2.0,
h: 1.0,
let param = DrawParam::new()
.scale([0.5, 0.5])
.offset([0.0, 1.0])
.rotation(PI * 0.5);
let real = transform_rect(r, param);
let expected = Rect {
x: 0.5,
y: -0.5,
w: 0.5,
h: 1.0,
assert_relative_eq!(real, expected);