
260 lines
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use crate::graphics::*;
use mint;
/// A struct containing all the necessary info for drawing a [`Drawable`](trait.Drawable.html).
/// This struct implements the `Default` trait, so to set only some parameter
/// you can just do:
/// ```rust
/// # use ggez::*;
/// # use ggez::graphics::*;
/// # fn t<P>(ctx: &mut Context, drawable: &P) where P: Drawable {
/// let my_dest = nalgebra::Point2::new(13.0, 37.0);
/// graphics::draw(ctx, drawable, DrawParam::default().dest(my_dest) );
/// # }
/// ```
/// As a shortcut, it also implements `From` for a variety of tuple types.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct DrawParam {
/// A portion of the drawable to clip, as a fraction of the whole image.
/// Defaults to the whole image `(0,0 to 1,1)` if omitted.
pub src: Rect,
/// The position to draw the graphic expressed as a `Point2`.
pub dest: mint::Point2<f32>,
/// The orientation of the graphic in radians.
pub rotation: f32,
/// The x/y scale factors expressed as a `Vector2`.
pub scale: mint::Vector2<f32>,
/// An offset from the center for transform operations like scale/rotation,
/// with `0,0` meaning the origin and `1,1` meaning the opposite corner from the origin.
/// By default these operations are done from the top-left corner, so to rotate something
/// from the center specify `Point2::new(0.5, 0.5)` here.
pub offset: mint::Point2<f32>,
/// A color to draw the target with.
/// Default: white.
pub color: Color,
impl Default for DrawParam {
fn default() -> Self {
DrawParam {
src: Rect::one(),
dest: mint::Point2 { x: 0.0, y: 0.0 },
rotation: 0.0,
scale: mint::Vector2 { x: 1.0, y: 1.0 },
offset: mint::Point2 { x: 0.0, y: 0.0 },
color: WHITE,
impl DrawParam {
/// Create a new DrawParam with default values.
pub fn new() -> Self {
/// Set the source rect
pub fn src(mut self, src: Rect) -> Self {
self.src = src;
/// Set the dest point
pub fn dest<P>(mut self, dest: P) -> Self
P: Into<mint::Point2<f32>>,
let p: mint::Point2<f32> = dest.into();
self.dest = p;
/// Set the drawable color. This will be blended with whatever
/// color the drawn object already is.
pub fn color(mut self, color: Color) -> Self {
self.color = color;
/// Set the rotation of the drawable.
pub fn rotation(mut self, rotation: f32) -> Self {
self.rotation = rotation;
/// Set the scaling factors of the drawable.
pub fn scale<V>(mut self, scale: V) -> Self
V: Into<mint::Vector2<f32>>,
let p: mint::Vector2<f32> = scale.into();
self.scale = p;
/// Set the transformation offset of the drawable.
pub fn offset<P>(mut self, offset: P) -> Self
P: Into<mint::Point2<f32>>,
let p: mint::Point2<f32> = offset.into();
self.offset = p;
/// A [`DrawParam`](struct.DrawParam.html) that has been crunched down to a single matrix.
fn to_na_matrix(&self) -> Matrix4 {
// Calculate a matrix equivalent to doing this:
// type Vec3 = na::Vector3<f32>;
// let translate = Matrix4::new_translation(&Vec3::new(self.dest.x, self.dest.y, 0.0));
// let offset = Matrix4::new_translation(&Vec3::new(self.offset.x, self.offset.y, 0.0));
// let offset_inverse =
// Matrix4::new_translation(&Vec3::new(-self.offset.x, -self.offset.y, 0.0));
// let axis_angle = Vec3::z() * self.rotation;
// let rotation = Matrix4::new_rotation(axis_angle);
// let scale = Matrix4::new_nonuniform_scaling(&Vec3::new(self.scale.x, self.scale.y, 1.0));
// translate * offset * rotation * scale * offset_inverse
let cosr = self.rotation.cos();
let sinr = self.rotation.sin();
let m00 = cosr * self.scale.x;
let m01 = -sinr * self.scale.y;
let m10 = sinr * self.scale.x;
let m11 = cosr * self.scale.y;
let m03 = self.offset.x * (1.0 - m00) - self.offset.y * m01 + self.dest.x;
let m13 = self.offset.y * (1.0 - m11) - self.offset.x * m10 + self.dest.y;
Matrix4::new(m00, m01, 0.0, m03, m10, m11, 0.0, m13, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
/// A [`DrawParam`](struct.DrawParam.html) that has been crunched down to a single
///matrix. Because of this it only contains the transform part (rotation/scale/etc),
/// with no src/dest/color info.
pub fn to_matrix(&self) -> mint::ColumnMatrix4<f32> {
/// Create a `DrawParam` from a location.
/// Note that this takes a single-element tuple.
/// It's a little weird but keeps the trait implementations
/// from clashing.
impl<P> From<(P,)> for DrawParam
P: Into<mint::Point2<f32>>,
fn from(location: (P,)) -> Self {
/// Create a `DrawParam` from a location and color
impl<P> From<(P, Color)> for DrawParam
P: Into<mint::Point2<f32>>,
fn from((location, color): (P, Color)) -> Self {
/// Create a `DrawParam` from a location, rotation and color
impl<P> From<(P, f32, Color)> for DrawParam
P: Into<mint::Point2<f32>>,
fn from((location, rotation, color): (P, f32, Color)) -> Self {
/// Create a `DrawParam` from a location, rotation, offset and color
impl<P> From<(P, f32, P, Color)> for DrawParam
P: Into<mint::Point2<f32>>,
fn from((location, rotation, offset, color): (P, f32, P, Color)) -> Self {
/// Create a `DrawParam` from a location, rotation, offset, scale and color
impl<P, V> From<(P, f32, P, V, Color)> for DrawParam
P: Into<mint::Point2<f32>>,
V: Into<mint::Vector2<f32>>,
fn from((location, rotation, offset, scale, color): (P, f32, P, V, Color)) -> Self {
/// A [`DrawParam`](struct.DrawParam.html) that has been crunched down to a single matrix.
/// This is a lot less useful for doing transformations than I'd hoped; basically, we sometimes
/// have to modify parameters of a `DrawParam` based *on* the parameters of a `DrawParam`, for
/// instance when scaling images so that they are in units of pixels. This makes it really
/// hard to extract scale and rotation and such, so meh.
/// It's still useful for a couple internal things though, so it's kept around.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub(crate) struct DrawTransform {
/// The transform matrix for the DrawParams
pub matrix: Matrix4,
/// A portion of the drawable to clip, as a fraction of the whole image.
/// Defaults to the whole image (1.0) if omitted.
pub src: Rect,
/// A color to draw the target with.
/// Default: white.
pub color: Color,
impl Default for DrawTransform {
fn default() -> Self {
DrawTransform {
matrix: na::one(),
src: Rect::one(),
color: WHITE,
impl From<DrawParam> for DrawTransform {
fn from(param: DrawParam) -> Self {
let transform = param.to_matrix();
DrawTransform {
src: param.src,
color: param.color,
matrix: transform.into(),
impl DrawTransform {
pub(crate) fn to_instance_properties(&self) -> InstanceProperties {
let mat: [[f32; 4]; 4] = self.matrix.into();
let color: [f32; 4] = self.color.into();
InstanceProperties {
src: self.src.into(),
col1: mat[0],
col2: mat[1],
col3: mat[2],
col4: mat[3],