
128 lines
4.3 KiB

use crate::common::{Color, Rect};
use crate::entity::GameEntity;
use crate::framework::context::Context;
use crate::framework::error::GameResult;
use crate::framework::graphics;
use crate::game::frame::Frame;
use crate::game::scripting::tsc::text_script::IllustrationState;
use crate::game::shared_game_state::SharedGameState;
use crate::graphics::font::Font;
pub struct Credits {}
impl Credits {
pub fn new() -> Credits {
Credits {}
pub fn draw_tick(&mut self, state: &mut SharedGameState) {
match state.textscript_vm.illustration_state {
IllustrationState::FadeIn(mut x) => {
x += 40.0 * state.frame_time as f32;
state.textscript_vm.illustration_state =
if x >= 0.0 { IllustrationState::Shown } else { IllustrationState::FadeIn(x) };
IllustrationState::FadeOut(mut x) => {
x -= 40.0 * state.frame_time as f32;
state.textscript_vm.illustration_state =
if x <= -160.0 { IllustrationState::Hidden } else { IllustrationState::FadeOut(x) };
_ => (),
impl GameEntity<()> for Credits {
fn tick(&mut self, _state: &mut SharedGameState, _custom: ()) -> GameResult {
fn draw(&self, state: &mut SharedGameState, ctx: &mut Context, _frame: &Frame) -> GameResult {
let rect = Rect::new(0, 0, (state.screen_size.0 / 2.0) as _, state.screen_size.1 as _);
graphics::draw_rect(ctx, rect, Color::from_rgb(0, 0, 32))?;
if state.textscript_vm.illustration_state != IllustrationState::Hidden {
let x = match state.textscript_vm.illustration_state {
IllustrationState::FadeIn(x) | IllustrationState::FadeOut(x) => x,
_ => 0.0,
if let Some(tex) = &state.textscript_vm.current_illustration {
let batch = state.texture_set.get_or_load_batch(ctx, &state.constants, tex)?;
batch.add(x, 0.0);
if state.creditscript_vm.lines.is_empty() {
return Ok(());
let batch = state.texture_set.get_or_load_batch(ctx, &state.constants, "Casts")?;
for line in &state.creditscript_vm.lines {
let x = (line.cast_id % 13) * 24;
let y = ((line.cast_id / 13) & 0xff) * 24;
let rect = Rect::new_size(x, y, 24, 24);
if state.more_rust && line.cast_id == 1 {
// sue with more rust
batch.add_rect_tinted(line.pos_x - 24.0, line.pos_y - 8.0, (200, 200, 255, 255), &rect);
} else {
batch.add_rect(line.pos_x - 24.0, line.pos_y - 8.0, &rect);
if state.more_rust {
// draw sue's headband separately because rust doesn't let me mutate the texture set multiple times at once
let headband_spritesheet = {
let base = if state.settings.original_textures { "ogph" } else { "plus" };
format!("headband/{}/Casts", base)
let batch = state.texture_set.get_or_load_batch(ctx, &state.constants, headband_spritesheet.as_str())?;
for line in &state.creditscript_vm.lines {
if line.cast_id != 1 {
let x = (line.cast_id % 13) * 24;
let y = ((line.cast_id / 13) & 0xff) * 24;
let rect = Rect::new_size(x, y, 24, 24);
batch.add_rect(line.pos_x - 24.0, line.pos_y - 8.0, &rect);
for line in &state.creditscript_vm.lines {
let mut text_ovr = None;
if state.more_rust {
text_ovr = Some(line.text.replace("Sue Sakamoto", "Crabby Sue"));
let mut text = line.text.as_str();
if let Some(ovr) = text_ovr.as_ref() {
text = ovr.as_str();
state.font.builder().position(line.pos_x, line.pos_y).shadow(true).draw(
&mut state.texture_set,