mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 12:59:26 +00:00
Refactor renderer initialization
This commit is contained in:
@ -36,48 +36,65 @@ pub trait Backend {
pub trait BackendEventLoop {
pub trait BackendEventLoop {
fn run(&mut self, game: &mut Game, ctx: &mut Context);
fn run(&mut self, game: &mut Game, ctx: &mut Context);
fn new_renderer(&self, ctx: *mut Context) -> GameResult<Box<dyn BackendRenderer>>;
fn new_renderer(&self) -> GameResult<Box<dyn BackendRenderer>>;
fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any;
fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any;
pub trait BackendRenderer {
pub trait BackendRenderer {
/// Human-readable name for the renderer. May return different values based on current platform or settings.
fn renderer_name(&self) -> String;
fn renderer_name(&self) -> String;
/// Clear the current render target with the specified color.
fn clear(&mut self, color: Color);
fn clear(&mut self, color: Color);
/// Present the current frame to the screen.
fn present(&mut self) -> GameResult;
fn present(&mut self) -> GameResult;
/// Sets the preferred frame swap mode.
fn set_swap_mode(&mut self, _mode: SwapMode) -> GameResult {
fn set_swap_mode(&mut self, _mode: SwapMode) -> GameResult {
// Prepare the renderer for drawing.
fn prepare_draw(&mut self, _width: f32, _height: f32) -> GameResult {
fn prepare_draw(&mut self, _width: f32, _height: f32) -> GameResult {
/// Create a new mutable texture with the specified dimensions.
fn create_texture_mutable(&mut self, width: u16, height: u16) -> GameResult<Box<dyn BackendTexture>>;
fn create_texture_mutable(&mut self, width: u16, height: u16) -> GameResult<Box<dyn BackendTexture>>;
/// Create a new texture with the specified dimensions and data.
fn create_texture(&mut self, width: u16, height: u16, data: &[u8]) -> GameResult<Box<dyn BackendTexture>>;
fn create_texture(&mut self, width: u16, height: u16, data: &[u8]) -> GameResult<Box<dyn BackendTexture>>;
/// Set the current blend mode.
fn set_blend_mode(&mut self, blend: BlendMode) -> GameResult;
fn set_blend_mode(&mut self, blend: BlendMode) -> GameResult;
/// Set the current render target.
fn set_render_target(&mut self, texture: Option<&Box<dyn BackendTexture>>) -> GameResult;
fn set_render_target(&mut self, texture: Option<&Box<dyn BackendTexture>>) -> GameResult;
/// Draw a filled rectangle with the specified color.
fn draw_rect(&mut self, rect: Rect, color: Color) -> GameResult;
fn draw_rect(&mut self, rect: Rect, color: Color) -> GameResult;
/// Draw an outlined rectangle with the specified line width and color.
fn draw_outline_rect(&mut self, rect: Rect, line_width: usize, color: Color) -> GameResult;
fn draw_outline_rect(&mut self, rect: Rect, line_width: usize, color: Color) -> GameResult;
/// Set the current clipping rectangle.
fn set_clip_rect(&mut self, rect: Option<Rect>) -> GameResult;
fn set_clip_rect(&mut self, rect: Option<Rect>) -> GameResult;
/// Get a mutable reference to the imgui context.
fn imgui(&self) -> GameResult<&mut imgui::Context>;
fn imgui(&self) -> GameResult<&mut imgui::Context>;
/// Get an imgui texture id for the specified texture.
fn imgui_texture_id(&self, texture: &Box<dyn BackendTexture>) -> GameResult<imgui::TextureId>;
fn imgui_texture_id(&self, texture: &Box<dyn BackendTexture>) -> GameResult<imgui::TextureId>;
/// Prepare the imgui context for rendering.
fn prepare_imgui(&mut self, ui: &imgui::Ui) -> GameResult;
fn prepare_imgui(&mut self, ui: &imgui::Ui) -> GameResult;
/// Render the imgui draw data.
fn render_imgui(&mut self, draw_data: &DrawData) -> GameResult;
fn render_imgui(&mut self, draw_data: &DrawData) -> GameResult;
/// Draw a list of triangles, in mode similar to GL_TRIANGLES.
fn draw_triangle_list(
fn draw_triangle_list(
&mut self,
&mut self,
vertices: &[VertexData],
vertices: &[VertexData],
@ -89,18 +106,23 @@ pub trait BackendRenderer {
pub trait BackendTexture {
pub trait BackendTexture {
/// Get the dimensions of the texture.
fn dimensions(&self) -> (u16, u16);
fn dimensions(&self) -> (u16, u16);
/// Adds a new drawing command to the texture batch.
fn add(&mut self, command: SpriteBatchCommand);
fn add(&mut self, command: SpriteBatchCommand);
/// Clear the texture batch.
fn clear(&mut self);
fn clear(&mut self);
/// Draw the texture batch to the screen.
fn draw(&mut self) -> GameResult;
fn draw(&mut self) -> GameResult;
fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any;
fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any;
pub trait BackendGamepad {
pub trait BackendGamepad {
/// Run a gamepad rumble effect using the specified parameters.
fn set_rumble(&mut self, low_freq: u16, high_freq: u16, duration_ms: u32) -> GameResult;
fn set_rumble(&mut self, low_freq: u16, high_freq: u16, duration_ms: u32) -> GameResult;
fn instance_id(&self) -> u32;
fn instance_id(&self) -> u32;
@ -406,10 +406,8 @@ impl BackendEventLoop for HorizonEventLoop {
fn new_renderer(&self, ctx: *mut Context) -> GameResult<Box<dyn BackendRenderer>> {
fn new_renderer(&self) -> GameResult<Box<dyn BackendRenderer>> {
let mut imgui = imgui::Context::create();
let mut imgui = imgui::Context::create();
let ctx = unsafe { &mut *ctx };
imgui.io_mut().display_size = [ctx.screen_size.0, ctx.screen_size.1];
let device = DeviceMaker::new().create();
let device = DeviceMaker::new().create();
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ impl BackendEventLoop for NullEventLoop {
fn new_renderer(&self, _ctx: *mut Context) -> GameResult<Box<dyn BackendRenderer>> {
fn new_renderer(&self) -> GameResult<Box<dyn BackendRenderer>> {
let mut imgui = imgui::Context::create();
let mut imgui = imgui::Context::create();
imgui.io_mut().display_size = [640.0, 480.0];
imgui.io_mut().display_size = [640.0, 480.0];
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
use core::mem;
use core::mem;
use std::any::Any;
use std::any::Any;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::ffi::c_void;
use std::ffi::c_void;
use std::io::Read;
use std::io::Read;
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::ops::Deref;
@ -146,7 +147,6 @@ impl WindowOrCanvas {
struct SDL2EventLoop {
struct SDL2EventLoop {
event_pump: EventPump,
event_pump: EventPump,
refs: Rc<RefCell<SDL2Context>>,
refs: Rc<RefCell<SDL2Context>>,
opengl_available: RefCell<bool>,
struct SDL2Context {
struct SDL2Context {
@ -156,6 +156,7 @@ struct SDL2Context {
blend_mode: sdl2::render::BlendMode,
blend_mode: sdl2::render::BlendMode,
fullscreen_type: sdl2::video::FullscreenType,
fullscreen_type: sdl2::video::FullscreenType,
game_controller: GameControllerSubsystem,
game_controller: GameControllerSubsystem,
preferred_renderer: Option<String>,
impl SDL2EventLoop {
impl SDL2EventLoop {
@ -192,8 +193,6 @@ impl SDL2EventLoop {
let opengl_available = if let Ok(v) = std::env::var("CAVESTORY_NO_OPENGL") { v != "1" } else { true };
let event_loop = SDL2EventLoop {
let event_loop = SDL2EventLoop {
refs: Rc::new(RefCell::new(SDL2Context {
refs: Rc::new(RefCell::new(SDL2Context {
@ -203,8 +202,8 @@ impl SDL2EventLoop {
blend_mode: sdl2::render::BlendMode::Blend,
blend_mode: sdl2::render::BlendMode::Blend,
fullscreen_type: sdl2::video::FullscreenType::Off,
fullscreen_type: sdl2::video::FullscreenType::Off,
preferred_renderer: ctx.preferred_renderer.clone(),
opengl_available: RefCell::new(opengl_available),
@ -254,6 +253,80 @@ impl SDL2EventLoop {
let _ = enabled;
let _ = enabled;
fn create_imgui() -> GameResult<imgui::Context> {
let mut imgui = init_imgui()?;
let mut key_map = &mut imgui.io_mut().key_map;
key_map[ImGuiKey_Backspace as usize] = Scancode::Backspace as u32;
key_map[ImGuiKey_Delete as usize] = Scancode::Delete as u32;
key_map[ImGuiKey_Enter as usize] = Scancode::Return as u32;
#[cfg(feature = "render-opengl")]
fn try_create_opengl_renderer(&self) -> GameResult<Box<dyn BackendRenderer>> {
let mut refs = self.refs.borrow_mut();
match refs.window.window().gl_create_context() {
Ok(gl_ctx) => {
refs.window.window().gl_make_current(&gl_ctx).map_err(|e| GameError::RenderError(e.to_string()))?;
refs.gl_context = Some(gl_ctx);
Err(err) => {
return Err(GameError::RenderError(format!("Failed to initialize OpenGL context: {}", err)));
struct SDL2GLPlatform(Rc<RefCell<SDL2Context>>);
impl render_opengl::GLPlatformFunctions for SDL2GLPlatform {
fn get_proc_address(&self, name: &str) -> *const c_void {
let refs = self.0.borrow();
refs.video.gl_get_proc_address(name) as *const _
fn swap_buffers(&self) {
let mut refs = self.0.borrow();
fn set_swap_mode(&self, mode: SwapMode) {
match mode {
SwapMode::Immediate => unsafe {
SwapMode::VSync => unsafe {
SwapMode::Adaptive => unsafe {
if sdl2_sys::SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval(-1) == -1 {
log::warn!("Failed to enable variable refresh rate, falling back to non-V-Sync.");
let platform = Box::new(SDL2GLPlatform(self.refs.clone()));
let gl_context: GLContext = GLContext { gles2_mode: false, platform };
let imgui = Self::create_imgui()?;
OpenGLRenderer::new(gl_context, imgui)
fn try_create_sdl2_renderer(&self) -> GameResult<Box<dyn BackendRenderer>> {
let imgui = Self::create_imgui()?;
let mut refs = self.refs.borrow_mut();
let window = std::mem::take(&mut refs.window);
refs.window = window.make_canvas()?;
SDL2Renderer::new(self.refs.clone(), imgui)
impl BackendEventLoop for SDL2EventLoop {
impl BackendEventLoop for SDL2EventLoop {
@ -440,74 +513,35 @@ impl BackendEventLoop for SDL2EventLoop {
fn new_renderer(&self, ctx: *mut Context) -> GameResult<Box<dyn BackendRenderer>> {
fn new_renderer(&self) -> GameResult<Box<dyn BackendRenderer>> {
#[cfg(feature = "render-opengl")]
let mut renderers = {
let mut renderers: Vec<(&'static str, fn(&Self) -> GameResult<Box<dyn BackendRenderer>>)> = Vec::new();
let mut refs = self.refs.borrow_mut();
match refs.window.window().gl_create_context() {
#[cfg(feature = "render-opengl")]
Ok(gl_ctx) => {
renderers.push((OpenGLRenderer::RENDERER_ID, Self::try_create_opengl_renderer));
refs.window.window().gl_make_current(&gl_ctx).map_err(|e| GameError::RenderError(e.to_string()))?;
refs.gl_context = Some(gl_ctx);
renderers.push((SDL2Renderer::RENDERER_ID, Self::try_create_sdl2_renderer));
Err(err) => {
*self.opengl_available.borrow_mut() = false;
log::error!("Failed to initialize OpenGL context, falling back to SDL2 renderer: {}", err);
if let Some(preferred_renderer) = &self.refs.borrow().preferred_renderer {
// remove the preferred renderer from the list
let index = renderers.iter().position(|(id, _)| id == preferred_renderer);
let pref_renderer = index.map(|index| renderers.remove(index));
if let Some(pref_renderer) = pref_renderer {
renderers.insert(0, pref_renderer);
let mut imgui = init_imgui()?;
for (id, renderer_fn) in renderers {
match renderer_fn(self) {
#[cfg(feature = "render-opengl")]
Ok(renderer) => return Ok(renderer),
if *self.opengl_available.borrow() {
Err(e) => log::warn!("Failed to create renderer {}: {}", id, e),
let mut key_map = &mut imgui.io_mut().key_map;
key_map[ImGuiKey_Backspace as usize] = Scancode::Backspace as u32;
key_map[ImGuiKey_Delete as usize] = Scancode::Delete as u32;
key_map[ImGuiKey_Enter as usize] = Scancode::Return as u32;
struct SDL2GLPlatform(Rc<RefCell<SDL2Context>>);
impl render_opengl::GLPlatformFunctions for SDL2GLPlatform {
fn get_proc_address(&self, name: &str) -> *const c_void {
let refs = self.0.borrow();
refs.video.gl_get_proc_address(name) as *const _
fn swap_buffers(&self) {
let mut refs = self.0.borrow();
fn set_swap_mode(&self, mode: SwapMode) {
match mode {
SwapMode::Immediate => unsafe {
SwapMode::VSync => unsafe {
SwapMode::Adaptive => unsafe {
if sdl2_sys::SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval(-1) == -1 {
log::warn!("Failed to enable variable refresh rate, falling back to non-V-Sync.");
let platform = Box::new(SDL2GLPlatform(self.refs.clone()));
let gl_context: GLContext = GLContext { gles2_mode: false, platform, ctx };
return Ok(Box::new(OpenGLRenderer::new(gl_context, imgui)));
Err(GameError::RenderError("Failed to create any renderer".to_owned()))
let mut refs = self.refs.borrow_mut();
let window = std::mem::take(&mut refs.window);
refs.window = window.make_canvas()?;
return Ok(Box::new(SDL2Renderer::new(self.refs.clone(), imgui)?));
fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any {
fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any {
@ -563,8 +597,10 @@ struct SDL2Renderer {
impl SDL2Renderer {
impl SDL2Renderer {
pub const RENDERER_ID: &'static str = "sdl2";
pub fn new(refs: Rc<RefCell<SDL2Context>>, mut imgui: imgui::Context) -> GameResult<SDL2Renderer> {
pub fn new(refs: Rc<RefCell<SDL2Context>>, mut imgui: imgui::Context) -> GameResult<Box<dyn BackendRenderer>> {
let imgui_font_tex = {
let imgui_font_tex = {
let refs = refs.clone();
let refs = refs.clone();
@ -605,7 +641,7 @@ impl SDL2Renderer {
imgui.fonts().tex_id = TextureId::new(imgui_font_tex.texture.as_ref().unwrap().raw() as usize);
imgui.fonts().tex_id = TextureId::new(imgui_font_tex.texture.as_ref().unwrap().raw() as usize);
Ok((SDL2Renderer { refs, imgui: Rc::new(RefCell::new(imgui)), imgui_font_tex }))
Ok(Box::new(SDL2Renderer { refs, imgui: Rc::new(RefCell::new(imgui)), imgui_font_tex }))
@ -293,48 +293,10 @@ impl BackendEventLoop for WinitEventLoop {
fn new_renderer(&self, ctx: *mut Context) -> GameResult<Box<dyn BackendRenderer>> {
fn new_renderer(&self) -> GameResult<Box<dyn BackendRenderer>> {
let mut imgui = init_imgui()?;
let mut imgui = init_imgui()?;
imgui.io_mut().display_size = [640.0, 480.0];
imgui.io_mut().display_size = [640.0, 480.0];
// let refs = self.refs.clone();
// let user_data = Rc::into_raw(refs) as *mut c_void;
// unsafe fn get_proc_address(user_data: &mut *mut c_void, name: &str) -> *const c_void {
// let refs = Rc::from_raw(*user_data as *mut UnsafeCell<Option<WindowedContext<PossiblyCurrent>>>);
// let result = {
// let refs = &mut *refs.get();
// if let Some(refs) = refs {
// refs.get_proc_address(name)
// } else {
// std::ptr::null()
// }
// };
// *user_data = Rc::into_raw(refs) as *mut c_void;
// result
// }
// unsafe fn swap_buffers(user_data: &mut *mut c_void) {
// let refs = Rc::from_raw(*user_data as *mut UnsafeCell<Option<WindowedContext<PossiblyCurrent>>>);
// {
// let refs = &mut *refs.get();
// if let Some(refs) = refs {
// refs.swap_buffers();
// }
// }
// *user_data = Rc::into_raw(refs) as *mut c_void;
// }
// let gl_context = GLContext { gles2_mode: true, is_sdl: false, get_proc_address, swap_buffers, user_data, ctx };
// Ok(Box::new(OpenGLRenderer::new(gl_context, imgui)))
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ pub struct Context {
pub shutdown_requested: bool,
pub shutdown_requested: bool,
pub size_hint: (u16, u16),
pub size_hint: (u16, u16),
pub window_title: String,
pub window_title: String,
pub preferred_renderer: Option<String>,
pub(crate) filesystem: Filesystem,
pub(crate) filesystem: Filesystem,
pub(crate) renderer: Option<Box<dyn BackendRenderer>>,
pub(crate) renderer: Option<Box<dyn BackendRenderer>>,
pub(crate) gamepad_context: GamepadContext,
pub(crate) gamepad_context: GamepadContext,
@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ impl Context {
shutdown_requested: false,
shutdown_requested: false,
size_hint: (640, 480),
size_hint: (640, 480),
window_title: "Game".to_string(),
window_title: "Game".to_string(),
preferred_renderer: None,
filesystem: Filesystem::new(),
filesystem: Filesystem::new(),
renderer: None,
renderer: None,
gamepad_context: GamepadContext::new(),
gamepad_context: GamepadContext::new(),
@ -43,7 +45,7 @@ impl Context {
pub fn run(&mut self, game: &mut Game) -> GameResult {
pub fn run(&mut self, game: &mut Game) -> GameResult {
let backend = init_backend(self.headless, self.size_hint)?;
let backend = init_backend(self.headless, self.size_hint)?;
let mut event_loop = backend.create_event_loop(self)?;
let mut event_loop = backend.create_event_loop(self)?;
self.renderer = Some(event_loop.new_renderer(self as *mut Context)?);
self.renderer = Some(event_loop.new_renderer()?);
event_loop.run(game, self);
event_loop.run(game, self);
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Reference in a new issue