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2020-08-19 19:11:32 +00:00
//! I guess these docs will never appear since we re-export the canvas
//! module from graphics...
use gfx::format::Swizzle;
use gfx::handle::RawRenderTargetView;
use gfx::memory::{Bind, Usage};
use gfx::texture::{AaMode, Kind};
use gfx::Factory;
use crate::ggez::conf;
use crate::ggez::context::DebugId;
use crate::ggez::error::*;
use crate::ggez::graphics::*;
use crate::ggez::Context;
/// A generic canvas independent of graphics backend. This type should
/// never need to be used directly; use [`graphics::Canvas`](type.Canvas.html)
/// instead.
pub struct CanvasGeneric<Spec>
Spec: BackendSpec,
target: RawRenderTargetView<Spec::Resources>,
image: Image,
debug_id: DebugId,
/// A canvas that can be rendered to instead of the screen (sometimes referred
/// to as "render target" or "render to texture"). Set the canvas with the
/// [`graphics::set_canvas()`](fn.set_canvas.html) function, and then anything you
/// draw will be drawn to the canvas instead of the screen.
/// Resume drawing to the screen by calling `graphics::set_canvas(None)`.
/// A `Canvas` allows graphics to be rendered to images off-screen
/// in order to do things like saving to an image file or creating cool effects
/// by using shaders that render to an image.
/// If you just want to draw multiple things efficiently, look at
/// [`SpriteBatch`](spritebatch/struct.Spritebatch.html).
pub type Canvas = CanvasGeneric<GlBackendSpec>;
impl Canvas {
/// Create a new `Canvas` with the given size and number of samples.
pub fn new(
ctx: &mut Context,
width: u16,
height: u16,
samples: conf::NumSamples,
) -> GameResult<Canvas> {
let debug_id = DebugId::get(ctx);
let aa = match samples {
conf::NumSamples::One => AaMode::Single,
s => AaMode::Multi(s as u8),
let kind = Kind::D2(width, height, aa);
let levels = 1;
let color_format = ctx.gfx_context.color_format();
let factory = &mut ctx.gfx_context.factory;
let texture_create_info = gfx::texture::Info {
format: color_format.0,
usage: Usage::Data,
let tex = factory.create_texture_raw(texture_create_info, Some(color_format.1), None)?;
let resource_desc = gfx::texture::ResourceDesc {
channel: color_format.1,
layer: None,
min: 0,
max: levels - 1,
swizzle: Swizzle::new(),
let resource = factory.view_texture_as_shader_resource_raw(&tex, resource_desc)?;
let render_desc = gfx::texture::RenderDesc {
channel: color_format.1,
level: 0,
layer: None,
let target = factory.view_texture_as_render_target_raw(&tex, render_desc)?;
Ok(Canvas {
image: Image {
texture: resource,
texture_handle: tex,
sampler_info: ctx.gfx_context.default_sampler_info,
blend_mode: None,
/// Create a new `Canvas` with the current window dimensions.
pub fn with_window_size(ctx: &mut Context) -> GameResult<Canvas> {
use crate::graphics;
let (w, h) = graphics::drawable_size(ctx);
// Default to no multisampling
Canvas::new(ctx, w as u16, h as u16, conf::NumSamples::One)
/// Gets the backend `Image` that is being rendered to.
pub fn image(&self) -> &Image {
/// Get the filter mode for the image.
pub fn filter(&self) -> FilterMode {
/// Set the filter mode for the canvas.
pub fn set_filter(&mut self, mode: FilterMode) {
/// Destroys the `Canvas` and returns the `Image` it contains.
pub fn into_inner(self) -> Image {
// TODO: This texture is created with different settings
// than the default; does that matter?
// Test; we really just need to add Bind::TRANSFER_SRC
// and change the Usage's to match to make them identical.
// Ask termhn maybe?
impl Drawable for Canvas {
fn draw(&self, ctx: &mut Context, param: DrawParam) -> GameResult {
// Gotta flip the image on the Y axis here
// to account for OpenGL's origin being at the bottom-left.
let mut flipped_param = param;
flipped_param.scale.y *= -1.0;
flipped_param.dest.y += f32::from(self.image.height()) * param.scale.y;
self.image.draw(ctx, flipped_param)?;
fn dimensions(&self, _: &mut Context) -> Option<Rect> {
fn set_blend_mode(&mut self, mode: Option<BlendMode>) {
self.image.blend_mode = mode;
fn blend_mode(&self) -> Option<BlendMode> {
/// Set the `Canvas` to render to. Specifying `Option::None` will cause all
/// rendering to be done directly to the screen.
pub fn set_canvas(ctx: &mut Context, target: Option<&Canvas>) {
match target {
Some(surface) => {
ctx.gfx_context.data.out = surface.target.clone();
None => {
ctx.gfx_context.data.out = ctx.gfx_context.screen_render_target.clone();