aliases: fix alphabetical sorting, move html2text to install

This commit is contained in:
Phantop 2023-10-13 11:31:32 -04:00
parent 2977041657
commit 497182700c
2 changed files with 13 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ debootstrap
dolphin-emu dolphin-emu
dracula-gtk-theme-git dracula-gtk-theme-git
dracula-kde-theme-git dracula-kde-theme-git
expac expac
fd fd
fish fish
@ -43,7 +44,6 @@ ghex
gifsicle gifsicle
git git
gitui gitui
gnome-disk-utility gnome-disk-utility
gnome-keyring gnome-keyring
gnome-online-accounts gnome-online-accounts
@ -106,7 +106,6 @@ opendoas
opus-tools opus-tools
oxipng oxipng
p7zip p7zip
parallel parallel
perl-parallel-forkmanager perl-parallel-forkmanager
pgbouncer pgbouncer
@ -123,6 +122,7 @@ pulseaudio-jack
pup pup
pyenv pyenv
python-adblock python-adblock
python-pip python-pip
python-pipx python-pipx
python-pyusb python-pyusb

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@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ rm -r ~/.config/fish/*
stow --no-folding -d ~/.dotfiles -t ~/.config/fish fish stow --no-folding -d ~/.dotfiles -t ~/.config/fish fish
curl -sL | source curl -sL | source
fisher install {jorgebucaran/replay,PatrickF1/fzf}.fish
set -U fish_features all
fish_update_completions fish_update_completions
fisher install {jorgebucaran/replay,PatrickF1/fzf}.fish
ln -s /usr/share/autojump/ ~/.config/fish/conf.d ln -s /usr/share/autojump/ ~/.config/fish/conf.d
set -U fish_features all
starship init fish --print-full-init > ~/.config/fish/conf.d/ starship init fish --print-full-init > ~/.config/fish/conf.d/
alias a 'alias -s' alias a 'alias -s'
@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ a clip 'xsel -ib'
a cpugov 's cpupower frequency-set -g performance' a cpugov 's cpupower frequency-set -g performance'
a dirdl 'wget -r -k -p -np -e robots=off' a dirdl 'wget -r -k -p -np -e robots=off'
a dl 'not test "$argv" && cd ~/Downloads || aria2c -c -{j,s,x}16 --http-accept-gzip' a dl 'not test "$argv" && cd ~/Downloads || aria2c -c -{j,s,x}16 --http-accept-gzip'
a drivedl 'dl $argv | cut -d/ -f6)&confirm=t'
a dot 'cd ~/.dotfiles' a dot 'cd ~/.dotfiles'
a drivedl 'dl $argv | cut -d/ -f6)&confirm=t'
a epubpack 'cd $argv && zip -0rX ../(basename $argv).epub mimetype *; cd ..;:' a epubpack 'cd $argv && zip -0rX ../(basename $argv).epub mimetype *; cd ..;:'
a ff 'fd -HILi -Edosdevices -E.git' a ff 'fd -HILi -Edosdevices -E.git'
a g git a g git
@ -28,22 +28,22 @@ a gittop 'cd (git root)'
a giveme 's chown $USER' a giveme 's chown $USER'
a gsopti 'fd -e pdf -x gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dNOPAUSE -sOutputFile={}1 {} \; -x mv {}1 {}' a gsopti 'fd -e pdf -x gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dNOPAUSE -sOutputFile={}1 {} \; -x mv {}1 {}'
a hardinfo 'inxi -SPARM -GCDN -v1 -xGCRS -Fxz' a hardinfo 'inxi -SPARM -GCDN -v1 -xGCRS -Fxz'
a kittab 'kitty @ launch --type=tab --cwd $PWD'
a imgsum 'printf "$argv: " && identify -format "%#\n"' a imgsum 'printf "$argv: " && identify -format "%#\n"'
a kittab 'kitty @ launch --type=tab --cwd $PWD'
a l ls a l ls
a la 'l -A' a la 'l -A'
a launcher 'rofi -combi-modi drun,run,window -modi combi -show' a launcher 'rofi -combi-modi drun,run,window -modi combi -show'
a listen 'pactl list | grep loop && set t un; pactl "$t"load-module module-loopback' a listen 'pactl list | grep loop && set t un; pactl "$t"load-module module-loopback'
a nix '. ~/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/; command nix' a nix '. ~/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/; command nix'
a nsp 'netsurf (pandoc $argv -s -t html | psub -s .html);:'
a nsmd 'netsurf (md2html $argv | psub -s .html);:' a nsmd 'netsurf (md2html $argv | psub -s .html);:'
a nsp 'netsurf (pandoc $argv -s -t html | psub -s .html);:'
a off shutdown a off shutdown
a png2webp 'fd -e png -x cwebp -z 9 -mt {} -o {.}.webp \; -x rm' a png2webp 'fd -e png -x cwebp -z 9 -mt {} -o {.}.webp \; -x rm'
a qb 'qutebrowser --target auto'
a qutainer 'qutebrowser --temp-basedir' a qutainer 'qutebrowser --temp-basedir'
a re 'systemctl reboot -i'
a rmdirs 'ff -t d -x rmdir -p' a rmdirs 'ff -t d -x rmdir -p'
a rmlinks 'ff -t l -x rm' a rmlinks 'ff -t l -x rm'
a qb 'qutebrowser --target auto'
a re 'systemctl reboot -i'
a s 'doas env "PATH=$PATH"' a s 'doas env "PATH=$PATH"'
a ssh 'kitty +kitten ssh' a ssh 'kitty +kitten ssh'
a sus 'systemctl suspend' a sus 'systemctl suspend'
@ -77,11 +77,12 @@ a history_find 'history -p (string sub -s 2 $argv[1]) | head -n1;:'
a history_last 'history -n1;:' a history_last 'history -n1;:'
for i in (cut -d ' ' -f1 < ~/.config/qutebrowser/quickmarks) for i in (cut -d ' ' -f1 < ~/.config/qutebrowser/quickmarks)
a $i "qutebrowser / \":open $i\"" a $i "qutebrowser / \":open $i\""
end end
for i in deemix encodec git-sim html2text lightnovel-crawler mandown spleeter\ for i in deemix encodec git-sim lightnovel-crawler mandown mangadex-downloader\
mangadex-downloader mathicsscript pdf2docx portablemc ratarmount scdl soundscrape mathicsscript pdf2docx portablemc ratarmount scdl soundscrape spleeter
a $i "pipx run $i" a $i "pipx run $i"
end end
a in2csv 'pipx run --spec csvkit in2csv'
a mathics 'pipx run --spec mathics-django mathicsserver' a mathics 'pipx run --spec mathics-django mathicsserver'