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synced 2025-02-11 13:52:53 +00:00
708 lines
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708 lines
15 KiB
<FL-7410<SVP<FL+7410<FL+7999<CLRGame saved.<NOD<END
Got the =Polar Star=!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0015
Got the =Polar Star=!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0015
Got the =Spur=!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0015
Got the =Spur=!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0015
Got the =Booster v0.8=!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0015
Got the =Booster v0.8=!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0015
7 bit + 3 bit adder using 2 full adders and 4 half adders
yes i just implemented a full on logic circuit in tsc using negative event numbers in order to count how many items the player collected. just wait until i have to parse it in the god forsaken credits using credit tsc
S = A^B S = (A^B)^C
C = A&B C = (A&B) | (C&(A^B))
A B | S C A B C | S C
--------- -----------
0 0 | 0 0 0 0 0 | 0 0
0 1 | 1 0 0 0 1 | 1 0
1 0 | 1 0 0 1 0 | 1 0
1 1 | 0 1 0 1 1 | 0 1
1 0 0 | 1 0
1 0 1 | 0 1
1 1 0 | 0 1
1 1 1 | 1 1
1 |4001|4201|4301|4011|4021
2 |4002|4202|4302|4012|4022
4 |4003|4203|4303|4013|4023
8 |4004|4204|----|4014|4024
F |4009|4100|----|4019|4029 (with the exception of carry flag 4100, these flags are used after addition to determine where to put the output)
Not technically counters like these are but other relevant flags:
x|----|4036 (24-pack)
A==0, B==0 : S1=0, C=0
A==1, B==0 : S1=1, C=0
A==0, B==1 : S1=1, C=0
A==1, B==1 : S1=0, C=1
A==0, B==0, C==0 : S2=0, C=0
A==1, B==0, C==0 : S2=1, C=0
A==0, B==1, C==0 : S2=1, C=0
A==0, B==0, C==1 : S2=1, C=0
A==1, B==1, C==0 : S2=0, C=1
A==1, B==0, C==1 : S2=0, C=1
A==0, B==1, C==1 : S2=0, C=1
A==1, B==1, C==0 : S2=0, C=1
A==1, B==1, C==1 : S2=1, C=1
A==0, B==0, C==0 : S2=0, C=0
A==1, B==0, C==0 : S2=1, C=0
A==0, B==1, C==0 : S2=1, C=0
A==0, B==0, C==1 : S2=1, C=0
A==1, B==1, C==0 : S2=0, C=1
A==1, B==0, C==1 : S2=0, C=1
A==0, B==1, C==1 : S2=0, C=1
A==1, B==1, C==0 : S2=0, C=1
A==1, B==1, C==1 : S2=1, C=1
A==0, C==0 : S3=0, C=0
A==1, C==0 : S3=1, C=0
A==0, C==1 : S3=1, C=0
A==1, C==1 : C3=0, C=1
same pattern proceeds
<FL-4019<EVE0015 Increment item counter after collecting HP
<MPJ0098<END Save the incremented death counter before continuing gameplay
<SKJ0042:000.<MPJ0098<END MPJ is for loading saves in rooms with CMPs
Got the =Polar Star=!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0015
=Polar Star= became the =Spur=!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0015
Got the =Fireball=!<WAI0025<NOD<CLR
Got the =Snake=!<WAI0025<NOD<CLR
<PRI<MSG<TURYou may trade the =Fireball=
with the =Snake= and vice-versa
at the computer in Arthur's House.<WAI0050<NOD<FL+2802
<CLRTrade now?<YNJ0015<AMJ0001:0043<TAM0003:0001:0000<EVE0015
Got the =Bubbler=!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0015
Got the =Machine Gun=!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0015
Got the =Blade=!<WAI0025<NOD<CLR
Got the =Nemesis=!<WAI0025<NOD<CLR
<PRI<MSG<TURYou may trade the =Nemesis=
with the =Blade= and vice-versa
at the computer in Arthur's House.<WAI0050<NOD<FL+2811
<CLRTrade now?<YNJ0015<AMJ0009:0044<TAM0012:0009:0000<EVE0015
<PRI<MSG<TUR<GIT1006Got a =Life Capsule=!
Max health increased by 3!<ML+0003<WAI0025<NOD<FL+4301<FL+4302<FL-4303<EVE0028
<PRI<MSG<TUR<GIT1006Got a =Life Capsule=!
Max health increased by 4!<ML+0004<WAI0025<NOD<FL-4301<FL-4302<FL+4303<EVE0028
<PRI<MSG<TUR<GIT1006Got a =Life Capsule=!
Max health increased by 5!<ML+0005<WAI0025<NOD<FL+4301<FL-4302<FL+4303<EVE0028
//skip the item counter if receiving a multiworld item
<EVE0/00 increment the item counter
Do you want to save?<YNJ0000<FL+0431<FL-7999<FLJ7410:0*01<SVP<FL+7999<CLRGame saved.<NOD<END
Health refilled.<NOD<END
Health and missiles refilled.<NOD<END
Do you want to rest?<YNJ0000<FAO0004<CMU0000<WAI0020<CLR<TUR.....<NOD<CLO
Health restored.<NOD<CLO<RMU<FAI0004<END
Got a =Puppy=!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0015
Got a second =Puppy=!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0015
Got a third =Puppy=!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0015
Got a fourth =Puppy=!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0015
Got the last =Puppy=!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0015
<EVE0/20 Add to life counter
<EVE0/40 Set missile expansion count flags
<GIT0005Got the =Missile Launcher=!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0029
<GIT0006Max missiles increased by <NUM0000!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0029
<GIT0011Max missiles increased by <NUM0000!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0029
Your Missiles were powered up!!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0015
Got the =Missile Launcher=!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0015
<PRI<AM+0005:0024<MSG<TUR<GIT0006Max missiles increased by <NUM0000!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0015
<PRI<AM+0010:0024<MSG<TUR<GIT0011Max missiles increased by <NUM0000!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0015
Got the =Super Missile Launcher=!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0015
You have died.<NOD<CLRWant to retry?<YNJ0049<CLO
You have drowned.<NOD<CLRWant to retry?<YNJ0049<CLO
You were never seen again...<NOD<CLRWant to retry?<YNJ0049<CLO
<TAM0001:0003:0000<EVE0015 Snake/Fireball trade
<TAM0009:0012:0000<EVE0015 Blade/Nemesis trade
Got =Arthur's Key=!<WAI0025<NOD<CLO
Got the =Map System=!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0015
Got =Santa's Key=!<WAI0025<NOD<CLO
Got the =Silver Locket=!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0015
Got the =Beast Fang=!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0015
Got the =ID Card=!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0015
Got the =Jellyfish Juice=!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0015
Got the =Rusty Key=!<WAI0025<NOD<CLO
Got the =Gum Key=!<WAI0025<NOD<CLO
Got the =Gum Base=!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0015
Got the =Charcoal=!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0015
Got the =Explosive=!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0015
<EVE0020<FL+7112 (Puppies have their own flags)
Got the =Life Pot=!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0015
Got the =Cure-All=!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0015
Got the =Clinic Key=!<WAI0025<NOD<CLO
Got the =Booster v0.8=!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0015
Got the =Arms Barrier=!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0015
Got the =Turbocharge=!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0015
Got =Curly's Air Tank=!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0015
Got the =Nikumaru Counter=!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0015
Got the =Booster v2.0=!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0015
Got the =Mimiga Mask=!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0015
Got the =Teleporter Room Key=!<WAI0025<NOD<CLO
Got =Sue's Letter=!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0015
Got the =Controller=!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0015
Got the =Broken Sprinkler=!<WAI0025<NOD<CLO<ITJ0043:0+23<ITJ0029:0+23<EVE0015
Got the =Sprinkler=!<WAI0025<NOD<CLO<ITJ0043:0+23<ITJ0028:0+23<EVE0015
Got the =Tow Rope=!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0015
Got the =Clay Figure Medal=!<WAI0025<NOD<CLO<ITJ0041:0+21<ITJ0036:0+21<EVE0015
Got the =Little Man=!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0015
Got the =Mushroom Badge=!<WAI0025<NOD<CLO<ITJ0044:0+24<ITJ0034:0+24<EVE0015
Got =Ma Pignon=!<WAI0025<NOD<CLO<ITJ0044:0+24<ITJ0033:0+24<EVE0015
Got =Curly's Underwear=!<WAI0025<NOD<CLO<ITJ0042:0+22<ITJ0037:0+22<EVE0015
Got the =Alien Medal=!<WAI0025<NOD<CLO<ITJ0041:0+21<ITJ0031:0+21<EVE0015
Got =Chaco's Lipstick=!<WAI0025<NOD<CLO<ITJ0042:0+22<ITJ0035:0+22<EVE0015
Got the =Whimsical Star=!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0015
Got the =Iron Bond=!<WAI0025<NOD<EVE0015