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Luna a605e29914
Add some plugins to `shrine.rb` 2021-09-14 12:18:11 -04:00
Luna 6d06c2ec94
Add Chewy, Marcel, and Sidekiq to Gemfile 2021-09-14 12:17:23 -04:00
3 changed files with 51 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -9,12 +9,16 @@ ruby '2.7.3'
gem 'bcrypt', '~> 3.1', '>= 3.1.16' gem 'bcrypt', '~> 3.1', '>= 3.1.16'
# Boot large ruby/rails apps faster # Boot large ruby/rails apps faster
gem 'bootsnap', '~> 1.8', '>= 1.8.1', require: false gem 'bootsnap', '~> 1.8', '>= 1.8.1', require: false
# Chewy provides functionality for Elasticsearch index handling
gem 'chewy', '~> 7.2', '>= 7.2.2'
# Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden # Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden
gem 'devise', github: 'lunaisnotaboy/devise' gem 'devise', github: 'lunaisnotaboy/devise'
# High-level wrapper for processing images for the web with ImageMagick or libvips # High-level wrapper for processing images for the web with ImageMagick or libvips
gem 'image_processing', '~> 1.12', '>= 1.12.1' gem 'image_processing', '~> 1.12', '>= 1.12.1'
# Bundle and transpile JavaScript in Rails with esbuild, rollup.js, or Webpack # Bundle and transpile JavaScript in Rails with esbuild, rollup.js, or Webpack
gem 'jsbundling-rails', '~> 0.1.4' gem 'jsbundling-rails', '~> 0.1.4'
# Simple mime type detection using magic numbers, filenames, and extensions
gem 'marcel', '~> 1.0', '>= 1.0.1'
# PG is the Ruby interface to the PostgreSQL RDBMS # PG is the Ruby interface to the PostgreSQL RDBMS
gem 'pg', '~> 1.2', '>= 1.2.3' gem 'pg', '~> 1.2', '>= 1.2.3'
# Puma is a simple, fast, threaded, and highly concurrent HTTP 1.1 server for Ruby # Puma is a simple, fast, threaded, and highly concurrent HTTP 1.1 server for Ruby
@ -27,6 +31,8 @@ gem 'redis', '~> 4.4'
gem 'sassc-rails', '~> 2.1', '>= 2.1.2' gem 'sassc-rails', '~> 2.1', '>= 2.1.2'
# Shrine is a toolkit for file attachments in Ruby applications # Shrine is a toolkit for file attachments in Ruby applications
gem 'shrine', '~> 3.4' gem 'shrine', '~> 3.4'
# Simple, efficient background processing for Ruby
gem 'sidekiq', '~> 6.2', '>= 6.2.2'
# A modest JavaScript framework for the HTML you already have # A modest JavaScript framework for the HTML you already have
gem 'stimulus-rails', '~> 0.5.1' gem 'stimulus-rails', '~> 0.5.1'
# Terser minifies JavaScript files by wrapping TerserJS to be accessible in Ruby # Terser minifies JavaScript files by wrapping TerserJS to be accessible in Ruby

View File

@ -118,14 +118,47 @@ GEM
rack-test (>= 0.6.3) rack-test (>= 0.6.3)
regexp_parser (>= 1.5, < 3.0) regexp_parser (>= 1.5, < 3.0)
xpath (~> 3.2) xpath (~> 3.2)
chewy (7.2.2)
activesupport (>= 5.2)
elasticsearch (>= 7.12.0)
childprocess (3.0.0) childprocess (3.0.0)
concurrent-ruby (1.1.9) concurrent-ruby (1.1.9)
connection_pool (2.2.5)
content_disposition (1.0.0) content_disposition (1.0.0)
crass (1.0.6) crass (1.0.6)
down (5.2.3) down (5.2.3)
addressable (~> 2.8) addressable (~> 2.8)
elasticsearch (7.14.1)
elasticsearch-api (= 7.14.1)
elasticsearch-transport (= 7.14.1)
elasticsearch-api (7.14.1)
elasticsearch-dsl (0.1.10)
elasticsearch-transport (7.14.1)
faraday (~> 1)
erubi (1.10.0) erubi (1.10.0)
execjs (2.8.1) execjs (2.8.1)
faraday (1.7.2)
faraday-em_http (~> 1.0)
faraday-em_synchrony (~> 1.0)
faraday-excon (~> 1.1)
faraday-httpclient (~> 1.0.1)
faraday-net_http (~> 1.0)
faraday-net_http_persistent (~> 1.1)
faraday-patron (~> 1.0)
faraday-rack (~> 1.0)
multipart-post (>= 1.2, < 3)
ruby2_keywords (>= 0.0.4)
faraday-em_http (1.0.0)
faraday-em_synchrony (1.0.0)
faraday-excon (1.1.0)
faraday-httpclient (1.0.1)
faraday-net_http (1.0.1)
faraday-net_http_persistent (1.2.0)
faraday-patron (1.0.0)
faraday-rack (1.0.0)
ffi (1.15.4) ffi (1.15.4)
globalid (0.5.2) globalid (0.5.2)
activesupport (>= 5.0) activesupport (>= 5.0)
@ -147,6 +180,8 @@ GEM
mini_mime (1.1.1) mini_mime (1.1.1)
minitest (5.14.4) minitest (5.14.4)
msgpack (1.4.2) msgpack (1.4.2)
multi_json (1.15.0)
multipart-post (2.1.1)
nio4r (2.5.8) nio4r (2.5.8)
nokogiri (1.12.4-x86_64-linux) nokogiri (1.12.4-x86_64-linux)
racc (~> 1.4) racc (~> 1.4)
@ -193,6 +228,7 @@ GEM
ruby-progressbar (1.11.0) ruby-progressbar (1.11.0)
ruby-vips (2.1.3) ruby-vips (2.1.3)
ffi (~> 1.12) ffi (~> 1.12)
ruby2_keywords (0.0.5)
rubyzip (2.3.2) rubyzip (2.3.2)
sassc (2.4.0) sassc (2.4.0)
ffi (~> 1.9) ffi (~> 1.9)
@ -208,6 +244,10 @@ GEM
shrine (3.4.0) shrine (3.4.0)
content_disposition (~> 1.0) content_disposition (~> 1.0)
down (~> 5.1) down (~> 5.1)
sidekiq (6.2.2)
connection_pool (>= 2.2.2)
rack (~> 2.0)
redis (>= 4.2.0)
spring (3.0.0) spring (3.0.0)
sprockets (4.0.2) sprockets (4.0.2)
concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0) concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
@ -257,9 +297,11 @@ DEPENDENCIES
bootsnap (~> 1.8, >= 1.8.1) bootsnap (~> 1.8, >= 1.8.1)
byebug (~> 11.1, >= 11.1.3) byebug (~> 11.1, >= 11.1.3)
capybara (~> 3.35, >= 3.35.3) capybara (~> 3.35, >= 3.35.3)
chewy (~> 7.2, >= 7.2.2)
devise! devise!
image_processing (~> 1.12, >= 1.12.1) image_processing (~> 1.12, >= 1.12.1)
jsbundling-rails (~> 0.1.4) jsbundling-rails (~> 0.1.4)
marcel (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.1)
pg (~> 1.2, >= 1.2.3) pg (~> 1.2, >= 1.2.3)
puma (~> 5.4) puma (~> 5.4)
rails! rails!
@ -269,6 +311,7 @@ DEPENDENCIES
sassc-rails (~> 2.1, >= 2.1.2) sassc-rails (~> 2.1, >= 2.1.2)
selenium-webdriver (~> 3.142, >= 3.142.7) selenium-webdriver (~> 3.142, >= 3.142.7)
shrine (~> 3.4) shrine (~> 3.4)
sidekiq (~> 6.2, >= 6.2.2)
spring (~> 3.0) spring (~> 3.0)
stimulus-rails (~> 0.5.1) stimulus-rails (~> 0.5.1)
terser (~> 1.1, >= 1.1.5) terser (~> 1.1, >= 1.1.5)

View File

@ -10,4 +10,6 @@ Shrine.storages = {
Shrine.plugin :activerecord Shrine.plugin :activerecord
Shrine.plugin :cached_attachment_data Shrine.plugin :cached_attachment_data
Shrine.plugin :determine_mime_type, analyzer: :marcel
Shrine.plugin :pretty_location
Shrine.plugin :restore_cached_data Shrine.plugin :restore_cached_data