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synced 2025-03-24 19:09:19 +00:00
This commit adds automatic Intents detection into package bot. When the Start function is used, the intents will be OR'd after running the options callback. This commit also breaks the old "AddIntent" methods to rename them to "AddIntents" for correctness.
440 lines
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440 lines
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package bot
import (
var (
typeMessageCreate = reflect.TypeOf((*gateway.MessageCreateEvent)(nil))
typeMessageUpdate = reflect.TypeOf((*gateway.MessageUpdateEvent)(nil))
typeIError = reflect.TypeOf((*error)(nil)).Elem()
typeIManP = reflect.TypeOf((*ManualParser)(nil)).Elem()
typeICusP = reflect.TypeOf((*CustomParser)(nil)).Elem()
typeIParser = reflect.TypeOf((*Parser)(nil)).Elem()
typeIUsager = reflect.TypeOf((*Usager)(nil)).Elem()
typeSetupFn = methodType((*CanSetup)(nil), "Setup")
func methodType(iface interface{}, name string) reflect.Type {
method, _ := reflect.TypeOf(iface).
return method.Type
// HelpUnderline formats command arguments with an underline, similar to
// manpages.
var HelpUnderline = true
func underline(word string) string {
if HelpUnderline {
return "__" + word + "__"
return word
// Subcommand is any form of command, which could be a top-level command or a
// subcommand.
// Allowed method signatures
// These are the acceptable function signatures that would be parsed as commands
// or events. A return type <T> implies that return value will be ignored.
// func(*gateway.MessageCreateEvent, ...) (string, error)
// func(*gateway.MessageCreateEvent, ...) (*discord.Embed, error)
// func(*gateway.MessageCreateEvent, ...) (*api.SendMessageData, error)
// func(*gateway.MessageCreateEvent, ...) (T, error)
// func(*gateway.MessageCreateEvent, ...) error
// func(*gateway.MessageCreateEvent, ...)
// func(<AnyEvent>) (T, error)
// func(<AnyEvent>) error
// func(<AnyEvent>)
type Subcommand struct {
// Description is a string that's appended after the subcommand name in
// (*Context).Help().
Description string
// Hidden if true will not be shown by (*Context).Help(). It will
// also cause unknown command errors to be suppressed.
Hidden bool
// Raw struct name, including the flag (only filled for actual subcommands,
// will be empty for Context):
StructName string
// Parsed command name:
Command string
// SanitizeMessage is executed on the message content if the method returns
// a string content or a SendMessageData.
SanitizeMessage func(content string) string
// Commands can actually return either a string, an embed, or a
// SendMessageData, with error as the second argument.
// All registered method contexts:
Events []*MethodContext
Commands []*MethodContext
plumbed *MethodContext
// Global middlewares.
globalmws []*MiddlewareContext
// Directly to struct
cmdValue reflect.Value
cmdType reflect.Type
// Pointer value
ptrValue reflect.Value
ptrType reflect.Type
helper func() string
command interface{}
// CanSetup is used for subcommands to change variables, such as Description.
// This method will be triggered when InitCommands is called, which is during
// New for Context and during RegisterSubcommand for subcommands.
type CanSetup interface {
// Setup should panic when it has an error.
// CanHelp is an interface that subcommands can implement to return its own help
// message. Those messages will automatically be indented into suitable sections
// by the default Help() implementation. Unlike Usager or CanSetup, the Help()
// method will be called every time it's needed.
type CanHelp interface {
Help() string
// NewSubcommand is used to make a new subcommand. You usually wouldn't call
// this function, but instead use (*Context).RegisterSubcommand().
func NewSubcommand(cmd interface{}) (*Subcommand, error) {
var sub = Subcommand{
command: cmd,
SanitizeMessage: func(c string) string {
return c
if err := sub.reflectCommands(); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to reflect commands")
if err := sub.parseCommands(); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to parse commands")
return &sub, nil
// NeedsName sets the name for this subcommand. Like InitCommands, this
// shouldn't be called at all, rather you should use RegisterSubcommand.
func (sub *Subcommand) NeedsName() {
sub.StructName = sub.cmdType.Name()
sub.Command = lowerFirstLetter(sub.StructName)
func lowerFirstLetter(name string) string {
return strings.ToLower(string(name[0])) + name[1:]
// FindCommand finds the MethodContext. It panics if methodName is not found.
func (sub *Subcommand) FindCommand(methodName string) *MethodContext {
for _, c := range sub.Commands {
if c.MethodName == methodName {
return c
panic("Can't find method " + methodName)
// ChangeCommandInfo changes the matched methodName's Command and Description.
// Empty means unchanged. This function panics if methodName is not found.
func (sub *Subcommand) ChangeCommandInfo(methodName, cmd, desc string) {
var command = sub.FindCommand(methodName)
if cmd != "" {
command.Command = cmd
if desc != "" {
command.Description = desc
// Help calls the subcommand's Help() or auto-generates one with HelpGenerate()
// if the subcommand doesn't implement CanHelp. It doesn't show hidden commands
// by default.
func (sub *Subcommand) Help() string {
return sub.HelpShowHidden(false)
// HelpShowHidden does the same as Help(), except it will render hidden commands
// if the subcommand doesn't implement CanHelp and showHiddeen is true.
func (sub *Subcommand) HelpShowHidden(showHidden bool) string {
// Check if the subcommand implements CanHelp.
if sub.helper != nil {
return sub.helper()
return sub.HelpGenerate(showHidden)
// HelpGenerate auto-generates a help message. Use this only if you want to
// override the Subcommand's help, else use Help(). This function will show
// hidden commands if showHidden is true.
func (sub *Subcommand) HelpGenerate(showHidden bool) string {
// A wider space character.
const s = "\u2000"
var buf strings.Builder
for i, cmd := range sub.Commands {
if cmd.Hidden && !showHidden {
buf.WriteString(sub.Command + " " + cmd.Command)
// Write the usages first.
for _, usage := range cmd.Usage() {
// Is the last argument trailing? If so, append ellipsis.
if cmd.Variadic {
usage += "..."
// Uses \u2000, which is wider than a space.
buf.WriteString(s + "__" + usage + "__")
// Write the description if there's any.
if cmd.Description != "" {
buf.WriteString(": " + cmd.Description)
// Add a new line if this isn't the last command.
if i != len(sub.Commands)-1 {
return buf.String()
// Hide marks a command as hidden, meaning it won't be shown in help and its
// UnknownCommand errors will be suppressed.
func (sub *Subcommand) Hide(methodName string) {
sub.FindCommand(methodName).Hidden = true
func (sub *Subcommand) reflectCommands() error {
t := reflect.TypeOf(sub.command)
v := reflect.ValueOf(sub.command)
if t.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
return errors.New("sub is not a pointer")
// Set the pointer fields
sub.ptrValue = v
sub.ptrType = t
ts := t.Elem()
vs := v.Elem()
if ts.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
return errors.New("sub is not pointer to struct")
// Set the struct fields
sub.cmdValue = vs
sub.cmdType = ts
return nil
// InitCommands fills a Subcommand with a context. This shouldn't be called at
// all, rather you should use the RegisterSubcommand method of a Context.
func (sub *Subcommand) InitCommands(ctx *Context) error {
// Start filling up a *Context field
if err := sub.fillStruct(ctx); err != nil {
return err
// See if struct implements CanSetup:
if v, ok := sub.command.(CanSetup); ok {
// See if struct implements CanHelper:
if v, ok := sub.command.(CanHelp); ok {
sub.helper = v.Help
return nil
func (sub *Subcommand) fillStruct(ctx *Context) error {
for i := 0; i < sub.cmdValue.NumField(); i++ {
field := sub.cmdValue.Field(i)
if !field.CanSet() || !field.CanInterface() {
if _, ok := field.Interface().(*Context); !ok {
return nil
return errors.New("no fields with *bot.Context found")
func (sub *Subcommand) parseCommands() error {
var numMethods = sub.ptrValue.NumMethod()
for i := 0; i < numMethods; i++ {
method := sub.ptrValue.Method(i)
if !method.CanInterface() {
methodT := sub.ptrType.Method(i)
if methodT.Name == "Setup" && methodT.Type == typeSetupFn {
cctx := parseMethod(method, methodT)
if cctx == nil {
// Append.
if cctx.event == typeMessageCreate {
sub.Commands = append(sub.Commands, cctx)
} else {
sub.Events = append(sub.Events, cctx)
return nil
// AddMiddleware adds a middleware into multiple or all methods, including
// commands and events. Multiple method names can be comma-delimited. For all
// methods, use a star (*). The given middleware argument can either be a
// function with one of the allowed methods or a *MiddlewareContext.
// Allowed function signatures
// Below are the acceptable function signatures that would be parsed as a proper
// middleware. A return value of type T will be ignored. If the given function
// is invalid, then this method will panic.
// func(<AnyEvent>) (T, error)
// func(<AnyEvent>) error
// func(<AnyEvent>)
// Note that although technically all of the above function signatures are
// acceptable, one should almost always return only an error.
func (sub *Subcommand) AddMiddleware(methodName string, middleware interface{}) {
var mw *MiddlewareContext
// Allow *MiddlewareContext to be passed into.
if v, ok := middleware.(*MiddlewareContext); ok {
mw = v
} else {
mw = ParseMiddleware(middleware)
// Parse method name:
for _, method := range strings.Split(methodName, ",") {
// Trim space.
if method = strings.TrimSpace(method); method == "*" {
// Append middleware to global middleware slice.
sub.globalmws = append(sub.globalmws, mw)
// Append middleware to that individual function.
func (sub *Subcommand) findMethod(name string) *MethodContext {
for _, ev := range sub.Events {
if ev.MethodName == name {
return ev
return sub.FindCommand(name)
func (sub *Subcommand) eventCallers(evT reflect.Type) (callers []caller) {
// Search for global middlewares.
for _, mw := range sub.globalmws {
if mw.isEvent(evT) {
callers = append(callers, mw)
// Search for specific handlers.
for _, cctx := range sub.Events {
// We only take middlewares and callers if the event matches and is not
// a MessageCreate. The other function already handles that.
if cctx.isEvent(evT) {
// Add the command's middlewares first.
for _, mw := range cctx.middlewares {
// Concrete struct to interface conversion done implicitly.
callers = append(callers, mw)
callers = append(callers, cctx)
// SetPlumb sets the method as the plumbed command.
func (sub *Subcommand) SetPlumb(methodName string) {
sub.plumbed = sub.FindCommand(methodName)
// AddAliases add alias(es) to specific command (defined with commandName).
func (sub *Subcommand) AddAliases(commandName string, aliases ...string) {
// Get command
command := sub.FindCommand(commandName)
// Write new listing of aliases
command.Aliases = append(command.Aliases, aliases...)
// DeriveIntents derives all possible gateway intents from the method handlers
// and middlewares.
func (sub *Subcommand) DeriveIntents() gateway.Intents {
var intents gateway.Intents
for _, event := range sub.Events {
intents |= event.intents()
for _, command := range sub.Commands {
intents |= command.intents()
if sub.plumbed != nil {
intents |= sub.plumbed.intents()
for _, middleware := range sub.globalmws {
intents |= middleware.intents()
return intents