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package state
import (
// TODO: make an ExpiryStore
type DefaultStore struct {
self discord.User
// includes normal and private
privates map[discord.Snowflake]*discord.Channel // channelID:channel
guilds map[discord.Snowflake]*discord.Guild // guildID:guild
channels map[discord.Snowflake][]discord.Channel // guildID:channels
members map[discord.Snowflake][]discord.Member // guildID:members
presences map[discord.Snowflake][]discord.Presence // guildID:presences
messages map[discord.Snowflake][]discord.Message // channelID:messages
voiceStates map[discord.Snowflake][]discord.VoiceState // guildID:voiceStates
mut sync.Mutex
type DefaultStoreOptions struct {
MaxMessages uint // default 50
var _ Store = (*DefaultStore)(nil)
func NewDefaultStore(opts *DefaultStoreOptions) *DefaultStore {
if opts == nil {
opts = &DefaultStoreOptions{
MaxMessages: 50,
ds := &DefaultStore{
DefaultStoreOptions: opts,
return ds
func (s *DefaultStore) Reset() error {
defer s.mut.Unlock()
s.self = discord.User{}
s.privates = map[discord.Snowflake]*discord.Channel{}
s.guilds = map[discord.Snowflake]*discord.Guild{}
s.channels = map[discord.Snowflake][]discord.Channel{}
s.members = map[discord.Snowflake][]discord.Member{}
s.presences = map[discord.Snowflake][]discord.Presence{}
s.messages = map[discord.Snowflake][]discord.Message{}
s.voiceStates = map[discord.Snowflake][]discord.VoiceState{}
return nil
func (s *DefaultStore) Me() (*discord.User, error) {
defer s.mut.Unlock()
if !s.self.ID.Valid() {
return nil, ErrStoreNotFound
return &s.self, nil
func (s *DefaultStore) MyselfSet(me *discord.User) error {
s.self = *me
return nil
func (s *DefaultStore) Channel(id discord.Snowflake) (*discord.Channel, error) {
defer s.mut.Unlock()
if ch, ok := s.privates[id]; ok {
return ch, nil
for _, chs := range s.channels {
for _, ch := range chs {
if ch.ID == id {
return &ch, nil
return nil, ErrStoreNotFound
func (s *DefaultStore) Channels(guildID discord.Snowflake) ([]discord.Channel, error) {
defer s.mut.Unlock()
chs, ok := s.channels[guildID]
if !ok {
return nil, ErrStoreNotFound
return append([]discord.Channel{}, chs...), nil
// CreatePrivateChannel searches in the cache for a private channel. It makes no
// API calls.
func (s *DefaultStore) CreatePrivateChannel(recipient discord.Snowflake) (*discord.Channel, error) {
defer s.mut.Unlock()
// slow way
for _, ch := range s.privates {
if ch.Type != discord.DirectMessage || len(ch.DMRecipients) < 1 {
if ch.DMRecipients[0].ID == recipient {
return &(*ch), nil
return nil, ErrStoreNotFound
// PrivateChannels returns a list of Direct Message channels randomly ordered.
func (s *DefaultStore) PrivateChannels() ([]discord.Channel, error) {
defer s.mut.Unlock()
var chs = make([]discord.Channel, 0, len(s.privates))
for _, ch := range s.privates {
chs = append(chs, *ch)
return chs, nil
func (s *DefaultStore) ChannelSet(channel *discord.Channel) error {
defer s.mut.Unlock()
if !channel.GuildID.Valid() {
s.privates[channel.ID] = channel
} else {
chs := s.channels[channel.GuildID]
for i, ch := range chs {
if ch.ID == channel.ID {
// Also from discordgo.
if channel.Permissions == nil {
channel.Permissions = ch.Permissions
// Found, just edit
chs[i] = *channel
return nil
chs = append(chs, *channel)
s.channels[channel.GuildID] = chs
return nil
func (s *DefaultStore) ChannelRemove(channel *discord.Channel) error {
defer s.mut.Unlock()
chs, ok := s.channels[channel.GuildID]
if !ok {
return ErrStoreNotFound
for i, ch := range chs {
if ch.ID == channel.ID {
chs = append(chs[:i], chs[i+1:]...)
s.channels[channel.GuildID] = chs
return nil
return ErrStoreNotFound
func (s *DefaultStore) Emoji(guildID, emojiID discord.Snowflake) (*discord.Emoji, error) {
defer s.mut.Unlock()
gd, ok := s.guilds[guildID]
if !ok {
return nil, ErrStoreNotFound
for _, emoji := range gd.Emojis {
if emoji.ID == emojiID {
return &emoji, nil
return nil, ErrStoreNotFound
func (s *DefaultStore) Emojis(guildID discord.Snowflake) ([]discord.Emoji, error) {
defer s.mut.Unlock()
gd, ok := s.guilds[guildID]
if !ok {
return nil, ErrStoreNotFound
return append([]discord.Emoji{}, gd.Emojis...), nil
func (s *DefaultStore) EmojiSet(guildID discord.Snowflake, emojis []discord.Emoji) error {
defer s.mut.Unlock()
gd, ok := s.guilds[guildID]
if !ok {
return ErrStoreNotFound
filtered := emojis[:0]
for _, enew := range emojis {
// Try and see if this emoji is already in the slice
for i, emoji := range gd.Emojis {
if emoji.ID == enew.ID {
// If it is, we simply replace it
gd.Emojis[i] = enew
continue Main
// If not, we add it to the slice that's to be appended.
filtered = append(filtered, enew)
// Append the new emojis
gd.Emojis = append(gd.Emojis, filtered...)
return nil
func (s *DefaultStore) Guild(id discord.Snowflake) (*discord.Guild, error) {
defer s.mut.Unlock()
ch, ok := s.guilds[id]
if !ok {
return nil, ErrStoreNotFound
return ch, nil
func (s *DefaultStore) Guilds() ([]discord.Guild, error) {
if len(s.guilds) == 0 {
return nil, ErrStoreNotFound
var gs = make([]discord.Guild, 0, len(s.guilds))
for _, g := range s.guilds {
gs = append(gs, *g)
sort.Slice(gs, func(i, j int) bool {
return gs[i].ID > gs[j].ID
return gs, nil
func (s *DefaultStore) GuildSet(guild *discord.Guild) error {
defer s.mut.Unlock()
if g, ok := s.guilds[guild.ID]; ok {
// preserve state stuff
if guild.Roles == nil {
guild.Roles = g.Roles
if guild.Emojis == nil {
guild.Emojis = g.Emojis
s.guilds[guild.ID] = guild
return nil
func (s *DefaultStore) GuildRemove(id discord.Snowflake) error {
delete(s.guilds, id)
return nil
func (s *DefaultStore) Member(guildID, userID discord.Snowflake) (*discord.Member, error) {
defer s.mut.Unlock()
ms, ok := s.members[guildID]
if !ok {
return nil, ErrStoreNotFound
for _, m := range ms {
if m.User.ID == userID {
return &m, nil
return nil, ErrStoreNotFound
func (s *DefaultStore) Members(guildID discord.Snowflake) ([]discord.Member, error) {
defer s.mut.Unlock()
ms, ok := s.members[guildID]
if !ok {
return nil, ErrStoreNotFound
return append([]discord.Member{}, ms...), nil
func (s *DefaultStore) MemberSet(guildID discord.Snowflake, member *discord.Member) error {
defer s.mut.Unlock()
ms := s.members[guildID]
// Try and see if this member is already in the slice
for i, m := range ms {
if m.User.ID == member.User.ID {
// If it is, we simply replace it
ms[i] = *member
s.members[guildID] = ms
return nil
// Append the new member
ms = append(ms, *member)
s.members[guildID] = ms
return nil
func (s *DefaultStore) MemberRemove(guildID, userID discord.Snowflake) error {
defer s.mut.Unlock()
ms, ok := s.members[guildID]
if !ok {
return ErrStoreNotFound
// Try and see if this member is already in the slice
for i, m := range ms {
if m.User.ID == userID {
ms = append(ms, ms[i+1:]...)
s.members[guildID] = ms
return nil
return ErrStoreNotFound
func (s *DefaultStore) Message(channelID, messageID discord.Snowflake) (*discord.Message, error) {
defer s.mut.Unlock()
ms, ok := s.messages[channelID]
if !ok {
return nil, ErrStoreNotFound
for _, m := range ms {
if m.ID == messageID {
return &m, nil
return nil, ErrStoreNotFound
func (s *DefaultStore) Messages(channelID discord.Snowflake) ([]discord.Message, error) {
defer s.mut.Unlock()
ms, ok := s.messages[channelID]
if !ok {
return nil, ErrStoreNotFound
cp := make([]discord.Message, len(ms))
copy(cp, ms)
return cp, nil
func (s *DefaultStore) MaxMessages() int {
return int(s.DefaultStoreOptions.MaxMessages)
func (s *DefaultStore) MessageSet(message *discord.Message) error {
defer s.mut.Unlock()
ms, ok := s.messages[message.ChannelID]
if !ok {
ms = make([]discord.Message, 0, s.MaxMessages()+1)
// Check if we already have the message.
for i, m := range ms {
if m.ID == message.ID {
DiffMessage(*message, &m)
ms[i] = m
return nil
// Prepend the latest message at the end
if end := s.MaxMessages(); len(ms) >= end {
// Copy hack to prepend. This copies the 0th-(end-1)th entries to
// 1st-endth.
copy(ms[1:end], ms[0:end-1])
// Then, set the 0th entry.
ms[0] = *message
} else {
ms = append(ms, *message)
s.messages[message.ChannelID] = ms
return nil
func (s *DefaultStore) MessageRemove(channelID, messageID discord.Snowflake) error {
defer s.mut.Unlock()
ms, ok := s.messages[channelID]
if !ok {
return ErrStoreNotFound
for i, m := range ms {
if m.ID == messageID {
ms = append(ms[:i], ms[i+1:]...)
s.messages[channelID] = ms
return nil
return ErrStoreNotFound
func (s *DefaultStore) Presence(guildID, userID discord.Snowflake) (*discord.Presence, error) {
defer s.mut.Unlock()
ps, ok := s.presences[guildID]
if !ok {
return nil, ErrStoreNotFound
for _, p := range ps {
if p.User.ID == userID {
return &p, nil
return nil, ErrStoreNotFound
func (s *DefaultStore) Presences(guildID discord.Snowflake) ([]discord.Presence, error) {
defer s.mut.Unlock()
ps, ok := s.presences[guildID]
if !ok {
return nil, ErrStoreNotFound
return ps, nil
func (s *DefaultStore) PresenceSet(guildID discord.Snowflake, presence *discord.Presence) error {
defer s.mut.Unlock()
ps := s.presences[guildID]
for i, p := range ps {
if p.User.ID == presence.User.ID {
ps[i] = *presence
s.presences[guildID] = ps
return nil
ps = append(ps, *presence)
s.presences[guildID] = ps
return nil
func (s *DefaultStore) PresenceRemove(guildID, userID discord.Snowflake) error {
defer s.mut.Unlock()
ps, ok := s.presences[guildID]
if !ok {
return ErrStoreNotFound
for i, p := range ps {
if p.User.ID == userID {
ps = append(ps[:i], ps[i+1:]...)
s.presences[guildID] = ps
return nil
return ErrStoreNotFound
func (s *DefaultStore) Role(guildID, roleID discord.Snowflake) (*discord.Role, error) {
defer s.mut.Unlock()
gd, ok := s.guilds[guildID]
if !ok {
return nil, ErrStoreNotFound
for _, r := range gd.Roles {
if r.ID == roleID {
return &r, nil
return nil, ErrStoreNotFound
func (s *DefaultStore) Roles(guildID discord.Snowflake) ([]discord.Role, error) {
defer s.mut.Unlock()
gd, ok := s.guilds[guildID]
if !ok {
return nil, ErrStoreNotFound
return append([]discord.Role{}, gd.Roles...), nil
func (s *DefaultStore) RoleSet(guildID discord.Snowflake, role *discord.Role) error {
defer s.mut.Unlock()
gd, ok := s.guilds[guildID]
if !ok {
return ErrStoreNotFound
for i, r := range gd.Roles {
if r.ID == role.ID {
gd.Roles[i] = *role
return nil
gd.Roles = append(gd.Roles, *role)
return nil
func (s *DefaultStore) RoleRemove(guildID, roleID discord.Snowflake) error {
defer s.mut.Unlock()
gd, ok := s.guilds[guildID]
if !ok {
return ErrStoreNotFound
for i, r := range gd.Roles {
if r.ID == roleID {
gd.Roles = append(gd.Roles[:i], gd.Roles[i+1:]...)
return nil
return ErrStoreNotFound
func (s *DefaultStore) VoiceState(guildID, userID discord.Snowflake) (*discord.VoiceState, error) {
defer s.mut.Unlock()
states, ok := s.voiceStates[guildID]
if !ok {
return nil, ErrStoreNotFound
for _, vs := range states {
if vs.UserID == userID {
return &vs, nil
return nil, ErrStoreNotFound
func (s *DefaultStore) VoiceStates(guildID discord.Snowflake) ([]discord.VoiceState, error) {
defer s.mut.Unlock()
states, ok := s.voiceStates[guildID]
if !ok {
return nil, ErrStoreNotFound
return append([]discord.VoiceState{}, states...), nil
func (s *DefaultStore) VoiceStateSet(guildID discord.Snowflake, voiceState *discord.VoiceState) error {
defer s.mut.Unlock()
states := s.voiceStates[guildID]
for i, vs := range states {
if vs.UserID == voiceState.UserID {
states[i] = *voiceState
s.voiceStates[guildID] = states
return nil
states = append(states, *voiceState)
s.voiceStates[guildID] = states
return nil
func (s *DefaultStore) VoiceStateRemove(guildID, userID discord.Snowflake) error {
defer s.mut.Unlock()
states, ok := s.voiceStates[guildID]
if !ok {
return ErrStoreNotFound
for i, vs := range states {
if vs.UserID == userID {
states = append(states[:i], states[i+1:]...)
s.voiceStates[guildID] = states
return nil
return ErrStoreNotFound