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mirror of https://github.com/diamondburned/arikawa.git synced 2024-09-28 05:08:59 +00:00
diamondburned 331ec59dec discord: Refactor interactions and components
This commit gets rid of contain-it-all structs and instead opt for
interface union types containing underlying concrete types with no

The code is much more verbose by doing this, but the API is much nicer
to use. The only disadvantage in that regard is the interface assertion
being too verbose and risky for users at times.
2021-11-12 11:38:36 -08:00

456 lines
12 KiB

package discord
import (
// ComponentType is the type of a component.
type ComponentType uint
const (
_ ComponentType = iota
// String formats Type's name as a string.
func (t ComponentType) String() string {
switch t {
case ActionRowComponentType:
return "ActionRow"
case ButtonComponentType:
return "Button"
case SelectComponentType:
return "Select"
return fmt.Sprintf("ComponentType(%d)", int(t))
// ContainerComponents is primarily used for unmarshaling. It is the top-level
// type for component lists.
type ContainerComponents []ContainerComponent
// UnmarshalJSON unmarshals JSON into the component. It does type-checking and
// will only accept container components.
func (c *ContainerComponents) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
var jsons []json.Raw
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &jsons); err != nil {
return err
*c = make([]ContainerComponent, len(jsons))
for i, b := range jsons {
p, err := ParseComponent(b)
if err != nil {
return err
cc, ok := p.(ContainerComponent)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("expected container, got %T", p)
(*c)[i] = cc
return nil
// Component is a component that can be attached to an interaction response. A
// Component is either an InteractiveComponent or a ContainerComponent. See
// those appropriate types for more information.
type Component interface {
// Type returns the type of the underlying component.
Type() ComponentType
// InteractiveComponent extends the Component for components that are
// interactible, or components that aren't containers (like ActionRow). This is
// useful for ActionRow to type-check that no nested ActionRows are allowed.
type InteractiveComponent interface {
// ID returns the ID of the underlying component.
ID() ComponentID
// ContainerComponent is the opposite of InteractiveComponent: it describes
// components that only contain other components. The only component that
// satisfies that is ActionRow.
type ContainerComponent interface {
// NewComponent returns a new Component from the given type that's matched with
// the global ComponentFunc map. If the type is unknown, then Unknown is used.
func ParseComponent(b []byte) (Component, error) {
var t struct {
Type ComponentType
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &t); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to unmarshal component type")
var c Component
switch t.Type {
case ActionRowComponentType:
c = &ActionRowComponent{}
case ButtonComponentType:
c = &ButtonComponent{}
case SelectComponentType:
c = &SelectComponent{}
c = &UnknownComponent{typ: t.Type}
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, c); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to unmarshal component body")
return c, nil
// ActionRow is a row of components at the bottom of a message. Its type,
// InteractiveComponent, ensures that only non-ActionRow components are allowed
// on it.
type ActionRowComponent []InteractiveComponent
// Components wraps the given list of components inside ActionRows if it's not
// already in one. This is a convenient function that wraps components inside
// ActionRows for the user. It panics if any of the action rows have nested
// action rows in them.
// Here's an example of how to use it:
// discord.Components(
// discord.TextButtonComponent("Hello, world!"),
// discord.Components(
// discord.TextButtonComponent("Hello!"),
// discord.TextButtonComponent("Delete."),
// ),
// )
func Components(components ...Component) ContainerComponents {
new := make([]ContainerComponent, len(components))
for i, comp := range components {
cc, ok := comp.(ContainerComponent)
if !ok {
// Wrap. We're asserting that comp is either a ContainerComponent or
// an InteractiveComponent. Neither would be a bug, therefore panic.
cc = &ActionRowComponent{comp.(InteractiveComponent)}
new[i] = cc
return new
// ComponentsPtr returns the pointer to Components' return. This is a
// convenient function.
func ComponentsPtr(components ...Component) *ContainerComponents {
v := Components(components...)
return &v
// Type implements the Component interface.
func (a *ActionRowComponent) Type() ComponentType {
return ActionRowComponentType
func (a *ActionRowComponent) _cmp() {}
func (a *ActionRowComponent) _ctn() {}
// MarshalJSON marshals the action row in the format Discord expects.
func (a *ActionRowComponent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
var actionRow struct {
Type ComponentType `json:"type"`
Components *[]InteractiveComponent `json:"components"`
actionRow.Components = (*[]InteractiveComponent)(a)
actionRow.Type = a.Type()
return json.Marshal(actionRow)
// UnmarshalJSON unmarshals JSON into the components. It does type-checking and
// will only accept interactive components.
func (a *ActionRowComponent) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
var row struct {
Components []json.Raw `json:"components"`
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &row); err != nil {
return err
*a = make(ActionRowComponent, len(row.Components))
for i, b := range row.Components {
p, err := ParseComponent(b)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to parse component %d", i)
ic, ok := p.(InteractiveComponent)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("expected interactive, got %T", p)
(*a)[i] = ic
return nil
// ComponentID is the type for a component's custom ID. It is NOT a snowflake,
// but rather a user-defined opaque string.
type ComponentID string
// ComponentEmoji is the emoji displayed on the button before the text. For more
// information, see Emoji.
type ComponentEmoji struct {
ID EmojiID `json:"id,omitempty"`
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
Animated bool `json:"animated,omitempty"`
// ButtonComponentStyle is the style to display a button in. Use one of the
// ButtonStyle constructor functions.
type ButtonComponentStyle interface {
style() int
type basicButtonStyle int
func (s basicButtonStyle) style() int { return int(s) }
const (
_ basicButtonStyle = iota
// PrimaryButtonStyle is a style for a blurple button.
func PrimaryButtonStyle() ButtonComponentStyle { return primaryButtonStyle }
// SecondaryButtonStyle is a style for a grey button.
func SecondaryButtonStyle() ButtonComponentStyle { return secondaryButtonStyle }
// SuccessButtonStyle is a style for a green button.
func SuccessButtonStyle() ButtonComponentStyle { return successButtonStyle }
// DangerButtonStyle is a style for a red button.
func DangerButtonStyle() ButtonComponentStyle { return dangerButtonStyle }
type linkButtonStyle URL
func (s linkButtonStyle) style() int { return int(linkButtonStyleNum) }
// LinkButtonStyle is a button style that navigates to a URL.
func LinkButtonStyle(url URL) ButtonComponentStyle { return linkButtonStyle(url) }
// Button is a clickable button that may be added to an interaction
// response.
type ButtonComponent struct {
// Style is one of the button styles.
Style ButtonComponentStyle `json:"style"`
// CustomID attached to InteractionCreate event when clicked.
CustomID ComponentID `json:"custom_id,omitempty"`
// Label is the text that appears on the button. It can have maximum 100
// characters.
Label string `json:"label,omitempty"`
// Emoji should have Name, ID and Animated filled.
Emoji *ComponentEmoji `json:"emoji,omitempty"`
// Disabled determines whether the button is disabled.
Disabled bool `json:"disabled,omitempty"`
// TextButtonComponent creates a new button with the given label used for the label and
// the custom ID.
func TextButtonComponent(style ButtonComponentStyle, label string) ButtonComponent {
return ButtonComponent{
Style: style,
Label: label,
CustomID: ComponentID(label),
// ID implements the Component interface.
func (b *ButtonComponent) ID() ComponentID { return b.CustomID }
// Type implements the Component interface.
func (b *ButtonComponent) Type() ComponentType {
return ButtonComponentType
func (b *ButtonComponent) _cmp() {}
func (b *ButtonComponent) _icp() {}
// MarshalJSON marshals the button in the format Discord expects.
func (b *ButtonComponent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
if b.Style == nil {
b.Style = PrimaryButtonStyle() // Sane default for button.
type button ButtonComponent
type Msg struct {
Type ComponentType `json:"type"`
Style int `json:"style"`
URL URL `json:"url,omitempty"`
msg := Msg{
Type: ButtonComponentType,
Style: b.Style.style(),
button: (*button)(b),
if link, ok := b.Style.(linkButtonStyle); ok {
msg.URL = URL(link)
return json.Marshal(msg)
// UnmarshalJSON unmarshals a component JSON into the button. It does NOT do
// type-checking; use ParseComponent for that.
func (b *ButtonComponent) UnmarshalJSON(j []byte) error {
type button ButtonComponent
msg := struct {
Style basicButtonStyle `json:"style"`
URL URL `json:"url,omitempty"`
button: (*button)(b),
if err := json.Unmarshal(j, &msg); err != nil {
return err
if 0 > msg.Style || msg.Style >= basicButtonStyleLen {
return fmt.Errorf("unknown button style %d", msg.Style)
switch msg.Style {
case linkButtonStyleNum:
b.Style = LinkButtonStyle(msg.URL)
b.Style = msg.Style
return nil
// Select is a clickable button that may be added to an interaction
// response.
type SelectComponent struct {
// Options are the choices in the select.
Options []SelectOption `json:"options"`
// CustomID is the custom unique ID.
CustomID ComponentID `json:"custom_id,omitempty"`
// Placeholder is the custom placeholder text if nothing is selected. Max
// 100 characters.
Placeholder string `json:"placeholder,omitempty"`
// ValueLimits is the minimum and maximum number of items that can be
// chosen. The default is [1, 1] if ValueLimits is a zero-value.
ValueLimits [2]int `json:"-"`
// Disabled disables the select if true.
Disabled bool `json:"disabled,omitempty"`
// SelectOption is an option in the select component.
type SelectOption struct {
// Label is the user-facing name of the option. Max 100 characters.
Label string `json:"label"`
// Value is the internal value that is echoed back to the program. It's
// similar to the custom ID. Max 100 characters.
Value string `json:"value"`
// Description is the additional description of an option.
Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
// Emoji is the optional emoji object.
Emoji *ComponentEmoji `json:"emoji,omitempty"`
// Default will render this option as selected by default if true.
Default bool `json:"default,omitempty"`
// ID implements the Component interface.
func (s *SelectComponent) ID() ComponentID { return s.CustomID }
// Type implements the Component interface.
func (s *SelectComponent) Type() ComponentType {
return SelectComponentType
func (s *SelectComponent) _cmp() {}
func (s *SelectComponent) _icp() {}
// MarshalJSON marshals the select in the format Discord expects.
func (s *SelectComponent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
type sel SelectComponent
type Msg struct {
Type ComponentType `json:"type"`
MinValues *int `json:"min_values,omitempty"`
MaxValues *int `json:"max_values,omitempty"`
msg := Msg{
Type: SelectComponentType,
sel: (*sel)(s),
if s.ValueLimits != [2]int{0, 0} {
msg.MinValues = new(int)
msg.MaxValues = new(int)
*msg.MinValues = s.ValueLimits[0]
*msg.MaxValues = s.ValueLimits[1]
return json.Marshal(msg)
// Unknown is reserved for components with unknown or not yet implemented
// components types. It can also be used in place of a ComponentInteraction.
type UnknownComponent struct {
id ComponentID
typ ComponentType
// ID implements the Component and ComponentInteraction interfaces.
func (u *UnknownComponent) ID() ComponentID { return u.id }
// Type implements the Component and ComponentInteraction interfaces.
func (u *UnknownComponent) Type() ComponentType { return u.typ }
// Type implements InteractionData.
func (u *UnknownComponent) InteractionType() InteractionDataType {
return ComponentInteractionType
func (u *UnknownComponent) resp() {}
func (u *UnknownComponent) data() {}
func (u *UnknownComponent) _cmp() {}
func (u *UnknownComponent) _icp() {}