.github | ||
0-examples | ||
api | ||
discord | ||
gateway | ||
internal | ||
session | ||
state | ||
utils | ||
voice | ||
.build.yml | ||
.editorconfig | ||
.gitlab-ci.yml | ||
arikawa.go | ||
go.mod | ||
go.sum | ||
A Golang library for the Discord API.
Commands (Hybrid)
commands-hybrid is an alternative variant of commands, where the program permits being hosted either as a Gateway-based daemon or as a web server using the Interactions Webhook API.
Both examples demonstrate adding interaction commands into the bot as well as an example of routing those commands to be executed.
Simple bot example without any state. All it does is logging messages sent into
the console. Run with BOT_TOKEN="TOKEN" go run .
. This example only
demonstrates the most simple needs; in most cases, bots should use the state or
the bot router.
Note that Discord discourages use of bots that do not use the interactions API, meaning that this example should not be used for bots.
A slightly more complicated example. This bot uses a local state to cache everything, including messages. It detects when someone deletes a message, logging the content into the console.
This example demonstrates the PreHandler feature of the state library. PreHandler calls all handlers that are registered (separately from the session), calling them before the state is updated.
Note that Discord discourages use of bots that do not use the interactions API, meaning that this example should not be used for bots.
Bare Minimum Messaging Example
The least amount of code recommended to have a bot that logs all messages to console.
package main
import (
func main() {
s := state.New("Bot " + os.Getenv("BOT_TOKEN"))
s.AddIntents(gateway.IntentGuilds | gateway.IntentGuildMessages)
s.AddHandler(func(m *gateway.MessageCreateEvent) {
log.Printf("%s: %s", m.Author.Username, m.Content)
ctx, cancel := signal.NotifyContext(context.Background(), os.Interrupt)
defer cancel()
if err := s.Connect(ctx); err != nil {
log.Println("cannot connect:", err)
Where is package bot
Package bot has now been deprecated after Discord's decision to eventually
deprecate regular message events as means of commanding bots. We've decided to
move the old bot
package into utils/
to signify that it should no longer be
Moving bot
into utils/
will allow us to eventually rewrite the whole package
to use slash commands without worrying about breaking the old (v2) API, which is
great, because almost nothing translates well from the previous design to slash
Comparison: Why not discordgo?
Discordgo is great. It's the first library that I used when I was learning Go. Though there are some things that I disagree on. Here are some ways that this library is different:
- Better package structure: this library divides the Discord library up into smaller packages.
- Cleaner API/Gateway structure separation: this library separates fields that would only appear in Gateway events, so to not cause confusion.
- Automatic un-pagination: this library automatically un-paginates endpoints that would otherwise not return everything fully.
- Flexible underlying abstractions: this library allows plugging in different JSON and Websocket implementations, as well as direct access to the HTTP client.
- Flexible API abstractions: because packages are separated, the developer could
choose to use a lower level package (such as
) or a higher level package (such asstate
). - Pre-handlers in the state: this allows the developers to access items from the state storage before they're removed.
- Pluggable state storages: although only having a default state storage in the library, it is abstracted with an interface, making it possible to implement a custom remote or local state storage.
- REST-updated state: this library will call the REST API if it can't find things in the state, which is useful for keeping it updated.
- No code generation: just so the library is a lot easier to maintain.
The package includes integration tests that require $BOT_TOKEN
. To run these
tests, do:
go test -tags integration -race ./...