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mirror of https://github.com/diamondburned/arikawa.git synced 2024-09-19 00:19:59 +00:00
diamondburned 015b1cdf6f
state: Revert "Cache CurrentApplication"
This reverts commit 7e49429.

The initial goal of this addition is to be used for interaction
followups, but the interaction event already comes with the application

The addition was also not done properly, and no invalidation on event is
2022-08-21 00:58:01 -07:00

802 lines
20 KiB

// Package state provides interfaces for a local or remote state, as well as
// abstractions around the REST API and Gateway events.
package state
import (
var (
MaxFetchMembers uint = 1000
MaxFetchGuilds uint = 100
// NewShardFunc creates a shard constructor with its own state registry and
// handlers. The given opts function is called everytime the State is created.
// The user should initialize handlers and intents in the opts function.
func NewShardFunc(opts func(*shard.Manager, *State)) shard.NewShardFunc {
return func(m *shard.Manager, id *gateway.Identifier) (shard.Shard, error) {
sessn := session.NewCustom(*id, api.NewClient(id.Token), handler.New())
state := NewFromSession(sessn, defaultstore.New())
opts(m, state)
return state, nil
// State is the cache to store events coming from Discord as well as data from
// API calls.
// Store
// The state basically provides abstractions on top of the API and the state
// storage (Store). The state storage is effectively a set of interfaces which
// allow arbitrary backends to be implemented.
// The default storage backend is a typical in-memory structure consisting of
// maps and slices. Custom backend implementations could embed this storage
// backend as an in-memory fallback. A good example of this would be embedding
// the default store for messages only, while handling everything else in Redis.
// The package also provides a no-op store (NoopStore) that implementations
// could embed. This no-op store will always return an error, which makes the
// state fetch information from the API. The setters are all no-ops, so the
// fetched data won't be updated.
// Handler
// The state uses its own handler over session's to make all handlers run after
// the state updates itself. A PreHandler is exposed in any case the user needs
// the handlers to run before the state updates itself. Refer to that field's
// documentation.
// The state also provides extra events and overrides to make up for Discord's
// inconsistencies in data. The following are known instances of such.
// The Guild Create event is split up to make the state's Guild Available, Guild
// Ready and Guild Join events. Refer to these events' documentations for more
// information.
// The Message Create and Message Update events with the Member field provided
// will have the User field copied from Author. This is because the User field
// will be empty, while the Member structure expects it to be there.
type State struct {
// *: State doesn't actually keep track of pinned messages.
readyMu *sync.Mutex
ready gateway.ReadyEvent
// StateLog logs all errors that come from the state cache. This includes
// not found errors. Defaults to a no-op, as state errors aren't that
// important.
StateLog func(error)
// PreHandler is the manual hook that is executed before the State handler
// is. This should only be used for low-level operations.
// It's recommended to set Synchronous to true if you mutate the events.
PreHandler *handler.Handler // default nil
// Command handler with inherited methods. Ran after PreHandler. You should
// most of the time use this instead of Session's, to avoid race conditions
// with the State.
// List of channels with few messages, so it doesn't bother hitting the API
// again.
fewMessages map[discord.ChannelID]struct{}
fewMutex *sync.Mutex
// unavailableGuilds is a set of discord.GuildIDs of guilds that became
// unavailable after connecting to the gateway, i.e. they were sent in a
// GuildUnavailableEvent.
unavailableGuilds map[discord.GuildID]struct{}
// unreadyGuilds is a set of discord.GuildIDs of the guilds received during
// the Ready event. After receiving guild create events for those guilds,
// they will be removed.
unreadyGuilds map[discord.GuildID]struct{}
guildMutex *sync.Mutex
// New creates a new state.
func New(token string) *State {
return NewWithStore(token, defaultstore.New())
// NewWithIntents creates a new state with the given gateway intents. For more
// information, refer to gateway.Intents.
func NewWithIntents(token string, intents ...gateway.Intents) *State {
s := session.NewWithIntents(token, intents...)
return NewFromSession(s, defaultstore.New())
// NewWithIdentifier creates a new state with the given gateway identifier.
func NewWithIdentifier(id gateway.Identifier) *State {
s := session.NewWithIdentifier(id)
return NewFromSession(s, defaultstore.New())
// NewWithStore creates a new state with the given store cabinet.
func NewWithStore(token string, cabinet *store.Cabinet) *State {
s := session.New(token)
return NewFromSession(s, cabinet)
// NewFromSession creates a new State from the passed Session and Cabinet.
func NewFromSession(s *session.Session, cabinet *store.Cabinet) *State {
state := &State{
Session: s,
Cabinet: cabinet,
Handler: handler.New(),
StateLog: func(err error) {},
readyMu: new(sync.Mutex),
fewMessages: map[discord.ChannelID]struct{}{},
fewMutex: new(sync.Mutex),
unavailableGuilds: make(map[discord.GuildID]struct{}),
unreadyGuilds: make(map[discord.GuildID]struct{}),
guildMutex: new(sync.Mutex),
return state
// WithContext returns a shallow copy of State with the context replaced in the
// API client. All methods called on the State will use this given context. This
// method is thread-safe.
func (s *State) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *State {
copied := *s
copied.Session = s.Session.WithContext(ctx)
return &copied
// Ready returns a copy of the Ready event. Although this function is safe to
// call concurrently, its values should still not be changed, as certain types
// like slices are not concurrent-safe.
// Note that if Ready events are not received yet, then the returned event will
// be a zero-value Ready instance.
func (s *State) Ready() gateway.ReadyEvent {
r := s.ready
return r
//// Helper methods
func (s *State) AuthorDisplayName(message *gateway.MessageCreateEvent) string {
if !message.GuildID.IsValid() {
return message.Author.Username
if message.Member != nil {
if message.Member.Nick != "" {
return message.Member.Nick
return message.Author.Username
n, err := s.MemberDisplayName(message.GuildID, message.Author.ID)
if err != nil {
return message.Author.Username
return n
func (s *State) MemberDisplayName(guildID discord.GuildID, userID discord.UserID) (string, error) {
member, err := s.Member(guildID, userID)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if member.Nick == "" {
return member.User.Username, nil
return member.Nick, nil
// AuthorColor is a variant of MemberColor that possibly uses the existing
// Member field inside MessageCreateEvent.
func (s *State) AuthorColor(message *gateway.MessageCreateEvent) (discord.Color, bool) {
if !message.GuildID.IsValid() { // this is a dm
return discord.NullColor, false
if message.Member != nil {
return MemberColor(message.Member, func(id discord.RoleID) *discord.Role {
r, _ := s.Role(message.GuildID, id)
return r
return s.MemberColor(message.GuildID, message.Author.ID)
// MemberColor fetches the color of the member with the given user ID inside the
// guild with the given ID.
func (s *State) MemberColor(guildID discord.GuildID, userID discord.UserID) (discord.Color, bool) {
m, err := s.Member(guildID, userID)
if err != nil {
return discord.NullColor, false
return MemberColor(m, func(id discord.RoleID) *discord.Role {
r, _ := s.Role(guildID, id)
return r
// MemberColor is a weird variant of State's MemberColor method that allows a
// custom Role getter. If m is nil, then NullColor is returned.
func MemberColor(m *discord.Member, role func(discord.RoleID) *discord.Role) (discord.Color, bool) {
c := discord.NullColor
pos := -1
if m == nil {
return c, false
for _, roleID := range m.RoleIDs {
if r := role(roleID); r != nil {
if r.Color > 0 && r.Position > pos {
c = r.Color
pos = r.Position
return c, pos != -1
// Permissions gets the user's permissions in the given channel. If the channel
// is not in any guild, then an error is returned.
func (s *State) Permissions(
channelID discord.ChannelID, userID discord.UserID) (discord.Permissions, error) {
ch, err := s.Channel(channelID)
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get channel")
if !ch.GuildID.IsValid() {
return 0, errors.New("channel is not in a guild")
var wg sync.WaitGroup
var (
g *discord.Guild
m *discord.Member
gerr = store.ErrNotFound
merr = store.ErrNotFound
if s.HasIntents(gateway.IntentGuilds) {
g, gerr = s.Cabinet.Guild(ch.GuildID)
if s.HasIntents(gateway.IntentGuildMembers) {
m, merr = s.Cabinet.Member(ch.GuildID, userID)
switch {
case gerr != nil && merr != nil:
go func() {
g, gerr = s.fetchGuild(ch.GuildID)
m, merr = s.fetchMember(ch.GuildID, userID)
case gerr != nil:
g, gerr = s.fetchGuild(ch.GuildID)
case merr != nil:
m, merr = s.fetchMember(ch.GuildID, userID)
if gerr != nil {
return 0, errors.Wrap(merr, "failed to get guild")
if merr != nil {
return 0, errors.Wrap(merr, "failed to get member")
return discord.CalcOverwrites(*g, *ch, *m), nil
func (s *State) Me() (*discord.User, error) {
u, err := s.Cabinet.Me()
if err == nil {
return u, nil
u, err = s.Session.Me()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
s.Cabinet.MyselfSet(*u, false)
return u, nil
func (s *State) Channel(id discord.ChannelID) (c *discord.Channel, err error) {
c, err = s.Cabinet.Channel(id)
if err == nil && s.tracksChannel(c) {
c, err = s.Session.Channel(id)
if err != nil {
if s.tracksChannel(c) {
s.Cabinet.ChannelSet(c, false)
func (s *State) Channels(guildID discord.GuildID) (cs []discord.Channel, err error) {
if s.HasIntents(gateway.IntentGuilds) {
cs, err = s.Cabinet.Channels(guildID)
if err == nil {
cs, err = s.Session.Channels(guildID)
if err != nil {
if s.HasIntents(gateway.IntentGuilds) {
for i := range cs {
s.Cabinet.ChannelSet(&cs[i], false)
func (s *State) CreatePrivateChannel(recipient discord.UserID) (*discord.Channel, error) {
c, err := s.Cabinet.CreatePrivateChannel(recipient)
if err == nil {
return c, nil
c, err = s.Session.CreatePrivateChannel(recipient)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
s.Cabinet.ChannelSet(c, false)
return c, nil
// PrivateChannels gets the direct messages of the user.
// This is not supported for bots.
func (s *State) PrivateChannels() ([]discord.Channel, error) {
cs, err := s.Cabinet.PrivateChannels()
if err == nil {
return cs, nil
cs, err = s.Session.PrivateChannels()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for i := range cs {
s.Cabinet.ChannelSet(&cs[i], false)
return cs, nil
func (s *State) Emoji(
guildID discord.GuildID, emojiID discord.EmojiID) (e *discord.Emoji, err error) {
if s.HasIntents(gateway.IntentGuildEmojis) {
e, err = s.Cabinet.Emoji(guildID, emojiID)
if err == nil {
} else { // Fast path
return s.Session.Emoji(guildID, emojiID)
es, err := s.Session.Emojis(guildID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
s.Cabinet.EmojiSet(guildID, es, false)
for _, e := range es {
if e.ID == emojiID {
return &e, nil
return nil, store.ErrNotFound
func (s *State) Emojis(guildID discord.GuildID) (es []discord.Emoji, err error) {
if s.HasIntents(gateway.IntentGuildEmojis) {
es, err = s.Cabinet.Emojis(guildID)
if err == nil {
es, err = s.Session.Emojis(guildID)
if err != nil {
if s.HasIntents(gateway.IntentGuildEmojis) {
s.Cabinet.EmojiSet(guildID, es, false)
func (s *State) Guild(id discord.GuildID) (*discord.Guild, error) {
if s.HasIntents(gateway.IntentGuilds) {
c, err := s.Cabinet.Guild(id)
if err == nil {
return c, nil
return s.fetchGuild(id)
// Guilds will only fill a maximum of 100 guilds from the API.
func (s *State) Guilds() (gs []discord.Guild, err error) {
if s.HasIntents(gateway.IntentGuilds) {
gs, err = s.Cabinet.Guilds()
if err == nil {
gs, err = s.Session.Guilds(MaxFetchGuilds)
if err != nil {
if s.HasIntents(gateway.IntentGuilds) {
for i := range gs {
s.Cabinet.GuildSet(&gs[i], false)
func (s *State) Member(guildID discord.GuildID, userID discord.UserID) (*discord.Member, error) {
if s.HasIntents(gateway.IntentGuildMembers) {
m, err := s.Cabinet.Member(guildID, userID)
if err == nil {
return m, nil
return s.fetchMember(guildID, userID)
func (s *State) Members(guildID discord.GuildID) (ms []discord.Member, err error) {
if s.HasIntents(gateway.IntentGuildMembers) {
ms, err = s.Cabinet.Members(guildID)
if err == nil {
ms, err = s.Session.Members(guildID, MaxFetchMembers)
if err != nil {
if s.HasIntents(gateway.IntentGuildMembers) {
for i := range ms {
s.Cabinet.MemberSet(guildID, &ms[i], false)
func (s *State) Message(
channelID discord.ChannelID, messageID discord.MessageID) (*discord.Message, error) {
m, err := s.Cabinet.Message(channelID, messageID)
if err == nil && s.tracksMessage(m) {
return m, nil
var (
wg sync.WaitGroup
c *discord.Channel
cerr = store.ErrNotFound
c, cerr = s.Cabinet.Channel(channelID)
if cerr != nil || !s.tracksChannel(c) {
go func() {
c, cerr = s.Session.Channel(channelID)
if cerr == nil && s.HasIntents(gateway.IntentGuilds) {
s.Cabinet.ChannelSet(c, false)
m, err = s.Session.Message(channelID, messageID)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "unable to fetch message")
if cerr != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(cerr, "unable to fetch channel")
m.ChannelID = c.ID
m.GuildID = c.GuildID
return m, err
// Messages returns a slice filled with the most recent messages sent in the
// channel with the passed ID. The method automatically paginates until it
// reaches the passed limit, or, if the limit is set to 0, has fetched all
// messages in the channel.
// As the underlying endpoint is capped at a maximum of 100 messages per
// request, at maximum a total of limit/100 rounded up requests will be made,
// although they may be less, if no more messages are available or there are
// cached messages.
// When fetching the messages, those with the highest ID, will be fetched
// first. The returned slice will be sorted from latest to oldest.
func (s *State) Messages(channelID discord.ChannelID, limit uint) ([]discord.Message, error) {
storeMessages, err := s.Cabinet.Messages(channelID)
if len(storeMessages) > 0 && s.tracksMessage(&storeMessages[0]) {
// Is the channel tiny?
if _, ok := s.fewMessages[channelID]; ok {
return storeMessages, nil
// No, fetch from the API.
} else {
// Something wrong with the cached messages, make sure they aren't
// returned.
storeMessages = nil
// Store already has enough messages.
if len(storeMessages) >= int(limit) && limit > 0 {
return storeMessages[:limit], nil
// Decrease the limit, if we aren't fetching all messages.
if limit > 0 {
limit -= uint(len(storeMessages))
var before discord.MessageID = 0
if len(storeMessages) > 0 {
before = storeMessages[len(storeMessages)-1].ID
apiMessages, err := s.Session.MessagesBefore(channelID, before, limit)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(storeMessages)+len(apiMessages) < s.MaxMessages() {
// Tiny channel, store this.
s.fewMessages[channelID] = struct{}{}
if len(apiMessages) == 0 {
return storeMessages, nil
// New messages fetched weirdly does not have GuildID filled. If we have
// cached messages, we can use their GuildID. Otherwise, we need to fetch
// it from the api.
var guildID discord.GuildID
if len(storeMessages) > 0 {
guildID = storeMessages[0].GuildID
} else {
c, err := s.Channel(channelID)
if err == nil {
// If it's 0, it's 0 anyway. We don't need a check here.
guildID = c.GuildID
for i := range apiMessages {
apiMessages[i].GuildID = guildID
if s.tracksMessage(&apiMessages[0]) && len(storeMessages) < s.MaxMessages() {
// Only add as many messages as the store can hold.
i := s.MaxMessages() - len(storeMessages)
if i > len(apiMessages) {
i = len(apiMessages)
msgs := apiMessages[:i]
for i := range msgs {
s.Cabinet.MessageSet(&msgs[i], false)
return append(storeMessages, apiMessages...), nil
// Presence checks the state for user presences. If no guildID is given, it
// will look for the presence in all cached guilds.
func (s *State) Presence(gID discord.GuildID, uID discord.UserID) (*discord.Presence, error) {
if !s.HasIntents(gateway.IntentGuildPresences) {
return nil, store.ErrNotFound
// If there's no guild ID, look in all guilds
if !gID.IsValid() {
if !s.HasIntents(gateway.IntentGuilds) {
return nil, store.ErrNotFound
g, err := s.Cabinet.Guilds()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, g := range g {
if p, err := s.Cabinet.Presence(g.ID, uID); err == nil {
return p, nil
return nil, store.ErrNotFound
return s.Cabinet.Presence(gID, uID)
func (s *State) Role(guildID discord.GuildID, roleID discord.RoleID) (target *discord.Role, err error) {
if s.HasIntents(gateway.IntentGuilds) {
target, err = s.Cabinet.Role(guildID, roleID)
if err == nil {
rs, err := s.Session.Roles(guildID)
if err != nil {
for i, r := range rs {
if r.ID == roleID {
r := r // copy to prevent mem aliasing
target = &r
if s.HasIntents(gateway.IntentGuilds) {
s.RoleSet(guildID, &rs[i], false)
if target == nil {
return nil, store.ErrNotFound
func (s *State) Roles(guildID discord.GuildID) ([]discord.Role, error) {
rs, err := s.Cabinet.Roles(guildID)
if err == nil {
return rs, nil
rs, err = s.Session.Roles(guildID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if s.HasIntents(gateway.IntentGuilds) {
for i := range rs {
s.RoleSet(guildID, &rs[i], false)
return rs, nil
func (s *State) fetchGuild(id discord.GuildID) (g *discord.Guild, err error) {
g, err = s.Session.Guild(id)
if err == nil && s.HasIntents(gateway.IntentGuilds) {
s.Cabinet.GuildSet(g, false)
func (s *State) fetchMember(gID discord.GuildID, uID discord.UserID) (m *discord.Member, err error) {
m, err = s.Session.Member(gID, uID)
if err == nil && s.HasIntents(gateway.IntentGuildMembers) {
s.Cabinet.MemberSet(gID, m, false)
// tracksMessage reports whether the state would track the passed message and
// messages from the same channel.
func (s *State) tracksMessage(m *discord.Message) bool {
return (m.GuildID.IsValid() && s.HasIntents(gateway.IntentGuildMessages)) ||
(!m.GuildID.IsValid() && s.HasIntents(gateway.IntentDirectMessages))
// tracksChannel reports whether the state would track the passed channel.
func (s *State) tracksChannel(c *discord.Channel) bool {
return (c.GuildID.IsValid() && s.HasIntents(gateway.IntentGuilds)) ||