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package api
import (
"github.com/diamondburned/arikawa/discord" // for clarity
var EndpointGuilds = Endpoint + "guilds/"
// https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/resources/guild#create-guild-json-params
type CreateGuildData struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Icon Image `json:"image,omitempty"`
// package dc is just package discord
Verification discord.Verification `json:"verification_level"`
Notification discord.Notification `json:"default_message_notifications"`
ExplicitFilter discord.ExplicitFilter `json:"explicit_content_filter"`
// [0] (First entry) is ALWAYS @everyone.
Roles []discord.Role `json:"roles,omitempty"`
// Voice only
VoiceRegion string `json:"region,omitempty"`
// Partial, id field is ignored. Usually only Name and Type are changed.
Channels []discord.Channel `json:"channels,omitempty"`
func (c *Client) CreateGuild(data CreateGuildData) (*discord.Guild, error) {
var g *discord.Guild
return g, c.RequestJSON(&g, "POST", Endpoint+"guilds", httputil.WithJSONBody(data))
func (c *Client) Guild(id discord.Snowflake) (*discord.Guild, error) {
var g *discord.Guild
return g, c.RequestJSON(&g, "GET", EndpointGuilds+id.String())
// GuildWithCount will also return ApproximateMembers and ApproximatePresences
// for the guild.
func (c *Client) GuildWithCount(id discord.Snowflake) (*discord.Guild, error) {
var g *discord.Guild
return g, c.RequestJSON(
&g, "GET",
httputil.WithSchema(c, url.Values{
"with_counts": {"true"},
// Guilds returns all guilds, automatically paginating. Be careful, as this
// method may abuse the API by requesting thousands or millions of guilds. For
// lower-level access, usee GuildsRange. Guilds returned have some fields
// filled only (ID, Name, Icon, Owner, Permissions).
func (c *Client) Guilds(max uint) ([]discord.Guild, error) {
var guilds []discord.Guild
var after discord.Snowflake = 0
const hardLimit int = 100
for fetch := uint(hardLimit); max > 0; fetch = uint(hardLimit) {
if max > 0 {
if fetch > max {
fetch = max
max -= fetch
g, err := c.GuildsAfter(after, fetch)
if err != nil {
return guilds, err
guilds = append(guilds, g...)
if len(g) < hardLimit {
after = g[hardLimit-1].ID
return guilds, nil
// GuildsBefore fetches guilds. Check GuildsRange.
func (c *Client) GuildsBefore(before discord.Snowflake, limit uint) ([]discord.Guild, error) {
return c.GuildsRange(before, 0, limit)
// GuildsAfter fetches guilds. Check GuildsRange.
func (c *Client) GuildsAfter(after discord.Snowflake, limit uint) ([]discord.Guild, error) {
return c.GuildsRange(0, after, limit)
// GuildsRange fetches guilds. The limit is 1-100.
func (c *Client) GuildsRange(before, after discord.Snowflake, limit uint) ([]discord.Guild, error) {
if limit == 0 {
limit = 100
if limit > 100 {
limit = 100
var param struct {
Before discord.Snowflake `schema:"before"`
After discord.Snowflake `schema:"after"`
Limit uint `schema:"limit"`
param.Before = before
param.After = after
param.Limit = limit
var gs []discord.Guild
return gs, c.RequestJSON(
&gs, "GET",
httputil.WithSchema(c, param),
func (c *Client) LeaveGuild(id discord.Snowflake) error {
return c.FastRequest("DELETE", EndpointMe+"/guilds/"+id.String())
// https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/resources/guild#modify-guild-json-params
type ModifyGuildData struct {
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
Region option.String `json:"region,omitempty"`
// package d is just package discord
Verification *discord.Verification `json:"verification_level,omitempty"`
Notification *discord.Notification `json:"default_message_notifications,omitempty"`
ExplicitFilter *discord.ExplicitFilter `json:"explicit_content_filter,omitempty"`
AFKChannelID discord.Snowflake `json:"afk_channel_id,string,omitempty"`
AFKTimeout discord.Seconds `json:"afk_timeout,omitempty"`
OwnerID discord.Snowflake `json:"owner_id,omitempty"`
Icon *Image `json:"icon,omitempty"`
Splash *Image `json:"splash,omitempty"`
Banner *Image `json:"banner,omitempty"`
SystemChannelID discord.Snowflake `json:"system_channel_id,omitempty"`
RulesChannelID discord.Snowflake `json:"rules_channel_id,omitempty"`
PublicUpdatesChannelID discord.Snowflake `json:"public_updates_channel_id,omitempty"`
PreferredLocale option.String `json:"preferred_locale,omitempty"`
func (c *Client) ModifyGuild(id discord.Snowflake, data ModifyGuildData) (*discord.Guild, error) {
var g *discord.Guild
return g, c.RequestJSON(
&g, "PATCH",
func (c *Client) DeleteGuild(id discord.Snowflake) error {
return c.FastRequest("DELETE", EndpointGuilds+id.String())
// GuildVoiceRegions is the same as /voice, but returns VIP ones as well if
// available.
func (c *Client) VoiceRegionsGuild(guildID discord.Snowflake) ([]discord.VoiceRegion, error) {
var vrs []discord.VoiceRegion
return vrs, c.RequestJSON(&vrs, "GET", EndpointGuilds+guildID.String()+"/regions")
// AuditLogData contains query parameters used for AuditLog. All fields are
// optional.
type AuditLogData struct {
// Filter the log for actions made by a user
UserID discord.Snowflake `schema:"user_id,omitempty"`
// The type of audit log event
ActionType discord.AuditLogEvent `schema:"action_type,omitempty"`
// Filter the log before a certain entry ID
Before discord.Snowflake `schema:"before,omitempty"`
// How many entries are returned (default 50, minimum 1, maximum 100)
Limit uint `schema:"limit"`
// AuditLog returns an audit log object for the guild. Requires the
// VIEW_AUDIT_LOG permission.
func (c *Client) AuditLog(guildID discord.Snowflake, data AuditLogData) (*discord.AuditLog, error) {
switch {
case data.Limit == 0:
data.Limit = 50
case data.Limit > 100:
data.Limit = 100
var audit *discord.AuditLog
return audit, c.RequestJSON(
&audit, "GET",
httputil.WithSchema(c, data),
// Integrations requires MANAGE_GUILD.
func (c *Client) Integrations(guildID discord.Snowflake) ([]discord.Integration, error) {
var ints []discord.Integration
return ints, c.RequestJSON(&ints, "GET", EndpointGuilds+guildID.String()+"/integrations")
// AttachIntegration requires MANAGE_GUILD.
func (c *Client) AttachIntegration(
guildID, integrationID discord.Snowflake,
integrationType discord.Service) error {
var param struct {
Type discord.Service `json:"type"`
ID discord.Snowflake `json:"id"`
return c.FastRequest(
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/guild#modify-guild-integration-json-params
type ModifyIntegrationData struct {
ExpireBehavior *discord.ExpireBehavior `json:"expire_behavior"`
ExpireGracePeriod option.Int `json:"expire_grace_period"`
EnableEmoticons option.Bool `json:"enable_emoticons"` // limited to twitch
// ModifyIntegration requires MANAGE_GUILD.
func (c *Client) ModifyIntegration(guildID, integrationID discord.Snowflake, data ModifyIntegrationData) error {
return c.FastRequest(
"PATCH", EndpointGuilds+guildID.String()+"/integrations/"+integrationID.String(),
func (c *Client) SyncIntegration(guildID, integrationID discord.Snowflake) error {
return c.FastRequest("POST", EndpointGuilds+guildID.String()+
func (c *Client) GuildEmbed(guildID discord.Snowflake) (*discord.GuildEmbed, error) {
var ge *discord.GuildEmbed
return ge, c.RequestJSON(&ge, "GET", EndpointGuilds+guildID.String()+"/embed")
// ModifyGuildEmbed modifies the guild embed and updates the passed in
// GuildEmbed data.
// This method should be used with care: if you still want the embed enabled,
// you need to set the Enabled boolean, even if it's already enabled. If you
// don't, JSON will default it to false.
func (c *Client) ModifyGuildEmbed(guildID discord.Snowflake, data *discord.GuildEmbed) error {
return c.RequestJSON(&data, "PATCH", EndpointGuilds+guildID.String()+"/embed")
// GuildVanityURL returns *Invite, but only Code and Uses are filled. Requires
func (c *Client) GuildVanityURL(guildID discord.Snowflake) (*discord.Invite, error) {
var inv *discord.Invite
return inv, c.RequestJSON(&inv, "GET", EndpointGuilds+guildID.String()+"/vanity-url")
type GuildImageStyle string
const (
GuildShield GuildImageStyle = "shield"
GuildBanner1 GuildImageStyle = "banner1"
GuildBanner2 GuildImageStyle = "banner2"
GuildBanner3 GuildImageStyle = "banner3"
GuildBanner4 GuildImageStyle = "banner4"
func (c *Client) GuildImageURL(guildID discord.Snowflake, img GuildImageStyle) string {
return EndpointGuilds + guildID.String() + "/widget.png?style=" + string(img)
func (c *Client) GuildImage(guildID discord.Snowflake, img GuildImageStyle) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
r, err := c.Request("GET", c.GuildImageURL(guildID, img))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return r.GetBody(), nil