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synced 2025-03-23 18:39:35 +00:00
* Support modal interactions along with the TextInput component * Replace ModalInteraction with Modal to prevent confusion * Fix the required field from not being used correctly * PR Fixes
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543 lines
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package discord
import (
// ComponentType is the type of a component.
type ComponentType uint
const (
_ ComponentType = iota
// String formats Type's name as a string.
func (t ComponentType) String() string {
switch t {
case ActionRowComponentType:
return "ActionRow"
case ButtonComponentType:
return "Button"
case SelectComponentType:
return "Select"
case TextInputComponentType:
return "TextInput"
return fmt.Sprintf("ComponentType(%d)", int(t))
// ContainerComponents is primarily used for unmarshaling. It is the top-level
// type for component lists.
type ContainerComponents []ContainerComponent
// UnmarshalJSON unmarshals JSON into the component. It does type-checking and
// will only accept container components.
func (c *ContainerComponents) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
var jsons []json.Raw
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &jsons); err != nil {
return err
*c = make([]ContainerComponent, len(jsons))
for i, b := range jsons {
p, err := ParseComponent(b)
if err != nil {
return err
cc, ok := p.(ContainerComponent)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("expected container, got %T", p)
(*c)[i] = cc
return nil
// Component is a component that can be attached to an interaction response. A
// Component is either an InteractiveComponent or a ContainerComponent. See
// those appropriate types for more information.
// The following types satisfy this interface:
// - *ActionRowComponent
// - *ButtonComponent
// - *SelectComponent
type Component interface {
// Type returns the type of the underlying component.
Type() ComponentType
// InteractiveComponent extends the Component for components that are
// interactible, or components that aren't containers (like ActionRow). This is
// useful for ActionRow to type-check that no nested ActionRows are allowed.
// The following types satisfy this interface:
// - *ButtonComponent
// - *SelectComponent
type InteractiveComponent interface {
// ID returns the ID of the underlying component.
ID() ComponentID
// ContainerComponent is the opposite of InteractiveComponent: it describes
// components that only contain other components. The only component that
// satisfies that is ActionRow.
// The following types satisfy this interface:
// - *ActionRowComponent
type ContainerComponent interface {
// NewComponent returns a new Component from the given type that's matched with
// the global ComponentFunc map. If the type is unknown, then Unknown is used.
func ParseComponent(b []byte) (Component, error) {
var t struct {
Type ComponentType
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &t); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to unmarshal component type")
var c Component
switch t.Type {
case ActionRowComponentType:
c = &ActionRowComponent{}
case ButtonComponentType:
c = &ButtonComponent{}
case SelectComponentType:
c = &SelectComponent{}
case TextInputComponentType:
c = &TextInputComponent{}
c = &UnknownComponent{typ: t.Type}
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, c); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to unmarshal component body")
return c, nil
// ActionRow is a row of components at the bottom of a message. Its type,
// InteractiveComponent, ensures that only non-ActionRow components are allowed
// on it.
type ActionRowComponent []InteractiveComponent
// Components wraps the given list of components inside ActionRows if it's not
// already in one. This is a convenient function that wraps components inside
// ActionRows for the user. It panics if any of the action rows have nested
// action rows in them.
// Here's an example of how to use it:
// discord.Components(
// discord.TextButtonComponent("Hello, world!"),
// discord.Components(
// discord.TextButtonComponent("Hello!"),
// discord.TextButtonComponent("Delete."),
// ),
// )
func Components(components ...Component) ContainerComponents {
new := make([]ContainerComponent, len(components))
for i, comp := range components {
cc, ok := comp.(ContainerComponent)
if !ok {
// Wrap. We're asserting that comp is either a ContainerComponent or
// an InteractiveComponent. Neither would be a bug, therefore panic.
cc = &ActionRowComponent{comp.(InteractiveComponent)}
new[i] = cc
return new
// ComponentsPtr returns the pointer to Components' return. This is a
// convenient function.
func ComponentsPtr(components ...Component) *ContainerComponents {
v := Components(components...)
return &v
// Type implements the Component interface.
func (a *ActionRowComponent) Type() ComponentType {
return ActionRowComponentType
func (a *ActionRowComponent) _cmp() {}
func (a *ActionRowComponent) _ctn() {}
// MarshalJSON marshals the action row in the format Discord expects.
func (a *ActionRowComponent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
var actionRow struct {
Type ComponentType `json:"type"`
Components *[]InteractiveComponent `json:"components"`
actionRow.Components = (*[]InteractiveComponent)(a)
actionRow.Type = a.Type()
return json.Marshal(actionRow)
// UnmarshalJSON unmarshals JSON into the components. It does type-checking and
// will only accept interactive components.
func (a *ActionRowComponent) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
var row struct {
Components []json.Raw `json:"components"`
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &row); err != nil {
return err
*a = make(ActionRowComponent, len(row.Components))
for i, b := range row.Components {
p, err := ParseComponent(b)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to parse component %d", i)
ic, ok := p.(InteractiveComponent)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("expected interactive, got %T", p)
(*a)[i] = ic
return nil
// ComponentID is the type for a component's custom ID. It is NOT a snowflake,
// but rather a user-defined opaque string.
type ComponentID string
// ComponentEmoji is the emoji displayed on the button before the text. For more
// information, see Emoji.
type ComponentEmoji struct {
ID EmojiID `json:"id,omitempty"`
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
Animated bool `json:"animated,omitempty"`
// ButtonComponentStyle is the style to display a button in. Use one of the
// ButtonStyle constructor functions.
type ButtonComponentStyle interface {
style() int
type basicButtonStyle int
func (s basicButtonStyle) style() int { return int(s) }
const (
_ basicButtonStyle = iota
// PrimaryButtonStyle is a style for a blurple button.
func PrimaryButtonStyle() ButtonComponentStyle { return primaryButtonStyle }
// SecondaryButtonStyle is a style for a grey button.
func SecondaryButtonStyle() ButtonComponentStyle { return secondaryButtonStyle }
// SuccessButtonStyle is a style for a green button.
func SuccessButtonStyle() ButtonComponentStyle { return successButtonStyle }
// DangerButtonStyle is a style for a red button.
func DangerButtonStyle() ButtonComponentStyle { return dangerButtonStyle }
type linkButtonStyle URL
func (s linkButtonStyle) style() int { return int(linkButtonStyleNum) }
// LinkButtonStyle is a button style that navigates to a URL.
func LinkButtonStyle(url URL) ButtonComponentStyle { return linkButtonStyle(url) }
// Button is a clickable button that may be added to an interaction
// response.
type ButtonComponent struct {
// Style is one of the button styles.
Style ButtonComponentStyle `json:"style"`
// CustomID attached to InteractionCreate event when clicked.
CustomID ComponentID `json:"custom_id,omitempty"`
// Label is the text that appears on the button. It can have maximum 100
// characters.
Label string `json:"label,omitempty"`
// Emoji should have Name, ID and Animated filled.
Emoji *ComponentEmoji `json:"emoji,omitempty"`
// Disabled determines whether the button is disabled.
Disabled bool `json:"disabled,omitempty"`
// TextButtonComponent creates a new button with the given label used for the label and
// the custom ID.
func TextButtonComponent(style ButtonComponentStyle, label string) ButtonComponent {
return ButtonComponent{
Style: style,
Label: label,
CustomID: ComponentID(label),
// ID implements the Component interface.
func (b *ButtonComponent) ID() ComponentID { return b.CustomID }
// Type implements the Component interface.
func (b *ButtonComponent) Type() ComponentType {
return ButtonComponentType
func (b *ButtonComponent) _cmp() {}
func (b *ButtonComponent) _icp() {}
// MarshalJSON marshals the button in the format Discord expects.
func (b *ButtonComponent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
if b.Style == nil {
b.Style = PrimaryButtonStyle() // Sane default for button.
type button ButtonComponent
type Msg struct {
Type ComponentType `json:"type"`
Style int `json:"style"`
URL URL `json:"url,omitempty"`
msg := Msg{
Type: ButtonComponentType,
Style: b.Style.style(),
button: (*button)(b),
if link, ok := b.Style.(linkButtonStyle); ok {
msg.URL = URL(link)
return json.Marshal(msg)
// UnmarshalJSON unmarshals a component JSON into the button. It does NOT do
// type-checking; use ParseComponent for that.
func (b *ButtonComponent) UnmarshalJSON(j []byte) error {
type button ButtonComponent
msg := struct {
Style basicButtonStyle `json:"style"`
URL URL `json:"url,omitempty"`
button: (*button)(b),
if err := json.Unmarshal(j, &msg); err != nil {
return err
if 0 > msg.Style || msg.Style >= basicButtonStyleLen {
return fmt.Errorf("unknown button style %d", msg.Style)
switch msg.Style {
case linkButtonStyleNum:
b.Style = LinkButtonStyle(msg.URL)
b.Style = msg.Style
return nil
// Select is a clickable button that may be added to an interaction
// response.
type SelectComponent struct {
// Options are the choices in the select.
Options []SelectOption `json:"options"`
// CustomID is the custom unique ID.
CustomID ComponentID `json:"custom_id,omitempty"`
// Placeholder is the custom placeholder text if nothing is selected. Max
// 100 characters.
Placeholder string `json:"placeholder,omitempty"`
// ValueLimits is the minimum and maximum number of items that can be
// chosen. The default is [1, 1] if ValueLimits is a zero-value.
ValueLimits [2]int `json:"-"`
// Disabled disables the select if true.
Disabled bool `json:"disabled,omitempty"`
// SelectOption is an option in the select component.
type SelectOption struct {
// Label is the user-facing name of the option. Max 100 characters.
Label string `json:"label"`
// Value is the internal value that is echoed back to the program. It's
// similar to the custom ID. Max 100 characters.
Value string `json:"value"`
// Description is the additional description of an option.
Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
// Emoji is the optional emoji object.
Emoji *ComponentEmoji `json:"emoji,omitempty"`
// Default will render this option as selected by default if true.
Default bool `json:"default,omitempty"`
// ID implements the Component interface.
func (s *SelectComponent) ID() ComponentID { return s.CustomID }
// Type implements the Component interface.
func (s *SelectComponent) Type() ComponentType {
return SelectComponentType
func (s *SelectComponent) _cmp() {}
func (s *SelectComponent) _icp() {}
// MarshalJSON marshals the select in the format Discord expects.
func (s *SelectComponent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
type sel SelectComponent
type Msg struct {
Type ComponentType `json:"type"`
MinValues *int `json:"min_values,omitempty"`
MaxValues *int `json:"max_values,omitempty"`
msg := Msg{
Type: SelectComponentType,
sel: (*sel)(s),
if s.ValueLimits != [2]int{0, 0} {
msg.MinValues = new(int)
msg.MaxValues = new(int)
*msg.MinValues = s.ValueLimits[0]
*msg.MaxValues = s.ValueLimits[1]
return json.Marshal(msg)
type TextInputStyle uint8
const (
_ TextInputStyle = iota
// TextInputComponents provide a user-facing text box to be filled out. They can only
// be used with modals.
type TextInputComponent struct {
// CustomID provides a developer-defined ID for the input (max 100 chars)
CustomID ComponentID `json:"custom_id"`
// Style determines if the component should use the short or paragraph style
Style TextInputStyle `json:"style"`
// Label is the title of this component, describing its use
Label string `json:"label"`
// ValueLimits is the minimum and maximum length for the input
ValueLimits [2]int `json:"-"`
// Required dictates whether or not the user must fill out the component
Required bool `json:"required"`
// Value is the pre-filled value of this component (max 4000 chars)
Value option.NullableString `json:"value,omitempty"`
// Placeholder is the text that appears when the input is empty (max 100 chars)
Placeholder option.NullableString `json:"placeholder,omitempty"`
func (s *TextInputComponent) _cmp() {}
func (s *TextInputComponent) _icp() {}
func (i *TextInputComponent) ID() ComponentID {
return i.CustomID
func (i *TextInputComponent) Type() ComponentType {
return TextInputComponentType
func (i *TextInputComponent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
type text TextInputComponent
type Msg struct {
Type ComponentType `json:"type"`
MinValues *int `json:"max_values,omitempty"`
MaxValues *int `json:"min_values,omitempty"`
m := Msg{
Type: i.Type(),
text: (*text)(i),
if i.ValueLimits != [2]int{0, 0} {
m.MinValues = new(int)
m.MaxValues = new(int)
*m.MinValues = i.ValueLimits[0]
*m.MaxValues = i.ValueLimits[1]
return json.Marshal(m)
// Unknown is reserved for components with unknown or not yet implemented
// components types. It can also be used in place of a ComponentInteraction.
type UnknownComponent struct {
id ComponentID
typ ComponentType
// ID implements the Component and ComponentInteraction interfaces.
func (u *UnknownComponent) ID() ComponentID { return u.id }
// Type implements the Component and ComponentInteraction interfaces.
func (u *UnknownComponent) Type() ComponentType { return u.typ }
// Type implements InteractionData.
func (u *UnknownComponent) InteractionType() InteractionDataType {
return ComponentInteractionType
func (u *UnknownComponent) resp() {}
func (u *UnknownComponent) data() {}
func (u *UnknownComponent) _cmp() {}
func (u *UnknownComponent) _icp() {}