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package discord
import (
// CommandType is the type of the command, which describes the intended
// invokation source of the command.
type CommandType uint
const (
ChatInputCommand CommandType = iota + 1
// Command is the base "command" model that belongs to an application. This is
// what you are creating when you POST a new command.
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/application-commands#application-command-object-application-command-structure
type Command struct {
// ID is the unique id of the command.
ID CommandID `json:"id"`
// Type is the intended source of the command.
Type CommandType `json:"type,omitempty"`
// AppID is the unique id of the parent application.
AppID AppID `json:"application_id"`
// GuildID is the guild id of the command, if not global.
GuildID GuildID `json:"guild_id,omitempty"`
// Name is the 1-32 lowercase character name matching ^[\w-]{1,32}$.
Name string `json:"name"`
NameLocalizations StringLocales `json:"name_localizations,omitempty"`
// Description is the 1-100 character description.
Description string `json:"description"`
DescriptionLocalizations StringLocales `json:"description_localizations,omitempty"`
// LocalizedName is only populated when this is received from Discord's API.
LocalizedName string `json:"name_localized,omitempty"`
// LocalizedDescription is only populated when this is received from
// Discord's API.
LocalizedDescription string `json:"description_localized,omitempty"`
// Options are the parameters for the command. Its types are value types,
// which can either be a SubcommandOption or a SubcommandGroupOption.
// Note that required options must be listed before optional options, and
// a command, or each individual subcommand, can have a maximum of 25
// options.
// It is only present on ChatInputCommands.
Options CommandOptions `json:"options,omitempty"`
// DefaultMemberPermissions is set of permissions.
DefaultMemberPermissions *Permissions `json:"default_member_permissions,string,omitempty"`
// NoDMPermission indicates whether the command is NOT available in DMs with
// the app, only for globally-scoped commands. By default, commands are visible.
NoDMPermission bool `json:"-"`
// NoDefaultPermissions defines whether the command is NOT enabled by
// default when the app is added to a guild.
NoDefaultPermission bool `json:"-"`
// Version is an autoincrementing version identifier updated during
// substantial record changes
Version Snowflake `json:"version,omitempty"`
// Language is a string type for language codes, such as "en-US" or "fr". Refer
// to the constants for valid language codes.
// The list of all valid language codes are at
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/reference#locales
type Language string
// StringLocales is the map mapping a language code to a localized string.
type StringLocales map[Language]string
const (
Danish Language = "da"
German Language = "de"
EnglishUK Language = "en-GB"
EnglishUS Language = "en-US"
Spanish Language = "es-ES"
French Language = "fr"
Croatian Language = "hr"
Italian Language = "it"
Lithuanian Language = "lt"
Hungarian Language = "hu"
Dutch Language = "nl"
Norwegian Language = "no"
Polish Language = "pl"
PortugueseBR Language = "pt-BR"
Romanian Language = "ro"
Finnish Language = "fi"
Swedish Language = "sv-SE"
Vietnamses Language = "vi"
Turkish Language = "tr"
Czech Language = "cs"
Greek Language = "el"
Bulgarian Language = "bg"
Russian Language = "ru"
Ukrainian Language = "uk"
Hindi Language = "hi"
Thai Language = "th"
ChineseChina Language = "zh-CN"
Japanese Language = "ja"
ChineseTaiwan Language = "zh-TW"
Korean Language = "ko"
// CreatedAt returns a time object representing when the command was created.
func (c *Command) CreatedAt() time.Time {
return c.ID.Time()
func (c *Command) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
type RawCommand Command
cmd := struct {
DMPermission bool `json:"dm_permission"`
DefaultPermission bool `json:"default_permission"`
}{RawCommand: (*RawCommand)(c)}
// Discord defaults default_permission to true, so we need to invert the
// meaning of the field (>No<DefaultPermission) to match Go's default
// value, false.
cmd.DefaultPermission = !c.NoDefaultPermission
cmd.DMPermission = !c.NoDMPermission
return json.Marshal(cmd)
func (c *Command) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
type rawCommand Command
cmd := struct {
DMPermission bool `json:"dm_permission"`
DefaultPermission bool `json:"default_permission"`
rawCommand: (*rawCommand)(c),
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &cmd); err != nil {
return err
// Discord defaults default_permission to true, so we need to invert the
// meaning of the field (>No<DefaultPermission) to match Go's default
// value, false.
c.NoDefaultPermission = !cmd.DefaultPermission
c.NoDMPermission = !cmd.DMPermission
// Discord defaults type to 1 if omitted.
if c.Type == 0 {
c.Type = ChatInputCommand
return nil
// commandTypeCheckError is returned if a one of Command's Options fails the
// type check.
type commandTypeCheckError struct {
name string
got interface{}
expect string
// Name returns the name of the erroneous command.
func (err commandTypeCheckError) Name() string {
return err.name
// Data returns the erroneous data that belongs to this error. It is usually
// either a CommandOption or a CommandOptionValue.
func (err commandTypeCheckError) Data() interface{} {
return err.got
// Error implements error.
func (err commandTypeCheckError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf(
"error at option name %q: expected %s, got %T",
err.name, err.expect, err.got,
// CommandOptions is used primarily for unmarshaling.
type CommandOptions []CommandOption
// UnmarshalJSON unmarshals b into these CommandOptions.
func (c *CommandOptions) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
var unknowns []UnknownCommandOption
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &unknowns); err != nil {
return err
if len(unknowns) == 0 {
*c = nil
return nil
*c = make([]CommandOption, len(unknowns))
for i, v := range unknowns {
(*c)[i] = v.data
return nil
// UnknownCommandOption is used for unknown or unmarshaled CommandOption values.
// It is used in the unmarshaling stage for all CommandOption types.
// An UnknownCommandOption will satisfy both CommandOption and
// CommandOptionValue. Code that type-switches on either of them should not
// assume that only the expected types are used.
type UnknownCommandOption struct {
OptionName string `json:"name"`
OptionType CommandOptionType `json:"type"`
raw json.Raw
data CommandOption
// Name returns the supposeed name for this UnknownCommandOption.
func (u *UnknownCommandOption) Name() string {
return u.OptionName
// Type returns the supposed type for this UnknownCommandOption.
func (u *UnknownCommandOption) Type() CommandOptionType {
return u.OptionType
// Raw returns the raw JSON of this UnknownCommandOption. It will only return a
// non-nil blob of JSON if the command option's type cannot be found. If this
// method doesn't return nil, then Data's type will be UnknownCommandOption.
func (u *UnknownCommandOption) Raw() json.Raw {
return u.raw
// Data returns the underlying data type, which is a type that satisfies either
// CommandOption or CommandOptionValue.
func (u *UnknownCommandOption) Data() CommandOption {
return u.data
// Implement both CommandOption and CommandOptionValue.
func (u *UnknownCommandOption) _val() {}
// UnmarshalJSON parses the JSON into the struct as-is then reads all its
// children Options/Choices (if subcommand(group)). Typed command options are
// created into u.Data, or u.Raw if the type is unknown. This is done from the
// bottom up.
func (u *UnknownCommandOption) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
type unknown UnknownCommandOption
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, (*unknown)(u)); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to unmarshal unknown")
switch u.Type() {
case SubcommandOptionType:
u.data = &SubcommandOption{}
case SubcommandGroupOptionType:
u.data = &SubcommandGroupOption{}
case StringOptionType:
u.data = &StringOption{}
case IntegerOptionType:
u.data = &IntegerOption{}
case BooleanOptionType:
u.data = &BooleanOption{}
case UserOptionType:
u.data = &UserOption{}
case ChannelOptionType:
u.data = &ChannelOption{}
case RoleOptionType:
u.data = &RoleOption{}
case MentionableOptionType:
u.data = &MentionableOption{}
case NumberOptionType:
u.data = &NumberOption{}
// Copy the blob of bytes into a new slice.
u.raw = append(json.Raw(nil), b...)
u.data = u
return nil
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, u.data); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to unmarshal type %d", u.Type())
return nil
// CommandOptionType is the enumerated integer type for command options. The
// user usually won't have to touch any of these enum constants.
type CommandOptionType uint
const (
SubcommandOptionType CommandOptionType = iota + 1
maxOptionType // for bound checking
// CommandOption is a union of command option types. The constructors for
// CommandOption will hint the types that can be a CommandOption.
// The following types implement this interface:
// - *SubcommandGroupOption
// - *SubcommandOption
// - *StringOption
// - *IntegerOption
// - *BooleanOption
// - *UserOption
// - *ChannelOption
// - *RoleOption
// - *MentionableOption
// - *NumberOption
// - *AttachmentOption
type CommandOption interface {
Name() string
Type() CommandOptionType
// Maintaining these structs is quite an effort. If a new field is added into
// the generic CommandOption type, you MUST update ALL CommandOption structs.
// This means copy-pasting, yes.
// SubcommandGroupOption is a subcommand group that fits into a CommandOption.
type SubcommandGroupOption struct {
OptionName string `json:"name"`
OptionNameLocalizations StringLocales `json:"name_localizations,omitempty"`
Description string `json:"description"`
DescriptionLocalizations StringLocales `json:"description_localizations,omitempty"`
Required bool `json:"required"`
Subcommands []*SubcommandOption `json:"options"`
// LocalizedOptionName is only populated when this is received from
// Discord's API.
LocalizedOptionName string `json:"name_localized,omitempty"`
// LocalizedDescription is only populated when this is received from
// Discord's API.
LocalizedDescription string `json:"description_localized,omitempty"`
// Name implements CommandOption.
func (s *SubcommandGroupOption) Name() string { return s.OptionName }
// Type implements CommandOption.
func (s *SubcommandGroupOption) Type() CommandOptionType { return SubcommandGroupOptionType }
// SubcommandOption is a subcommand option that fits into a CommandOption.
type SubcommandOption struct {
OptionName string `json:"name"`
OptionNameLocalizations StringLocales `json:"name_localizations,omitempty"`
Description string `json:"description"`
DescriptionLocalizations StringLocales `json:"description_localizations,omitempty"`
Required bool `json:"required"`
// Options contains command option values. All CommandOption types except
// for SubcommandOption and SubcommandGroupOption will implement this
// interface.
Options []CommandOptionValue `json:"options"`
// LocalizedOptionName is only populated when this is received from
// Discord's API.
LocalizedOptionName string `json:"name_localized,omitempty"`
// LocalizedDescription is only populated when this is received from
// Discord's API.
LocalizedDescription string `json:"description_localized,omitempty"`
// Name implements CommandOption.
func (s *SubcommandOption) Name() string { return s.OptionName }
// Type implements CommandOption.
func (s *SubcommandOption) Type() CommandOptionType { return SubcommandOptionType }
// UnmarshalJSON unmarshals the given JSON bytes. It actually does
// type-checking.
func (s *SubcommandOption) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
type raw SubcommandOption
var opt struct {
Type CommandOptionType `json:"type"`
Options []UnknownCommandOption `json:"options"`
opt.raw = (*raw)(s)
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &opt); err != nil {
return err
if opt.Type != SubcommandOptionType {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected (not SubcommandOption) type %d", s.Type())
s.Options = make([]CommandOptionValue, len(opt.Options))
for i, opt := range opt.Options {
ov, ok := opt.data.(CommandOptionValue)
if !ok {
return commandTypeCheckError{opt.OptionName, opt.data, "CommandOptionValue"}
s.Options[i] = ov
return nil
// CommandOptionValue is a subcommand option that fits into a subcommand.
// The following types implement this interface:
// - *StringOption
// - *IntegerOption
// - *BooleanOption
// - *UserOption
// - *ChannelOption
// - *RoleOption
// - *MentionableOption
// - *NumberOption
// - *AttachmentOption
type CommandOptionValue interface {
// StringOption is a subcommand option that fits into a CommandOptionValue.
type StringOption struct {
OptionName string `json:"name"`
OptionNameLocalizations StringLocales `json:"name_localizations,omitempty"`
Description string `json:"description"`
DescriptionLocalizations StringLocales `json:"description_localizations,omitempty"`
Required bool `json:"required"`
Choices []StringChoice `json:"choices,omitempty"`
// Autocomplete must not be true if Choices are present.
Autocomplete bool `json:"autocomplete"`
// LocalizedOptionName is only populated when this is received from
// Discord's API.
LocalizedOptionName string `json:"name_localized,omitempty"`
// LocalizedDescription is only populated when this is received from
// Discord's API.
LocalizedDescription string `json:"description_localized,omitempty"`
// Name implements CommandOption.
func (s *StringOption) Name() string { return s.OptionName }
// Type implements CommandOptionValue.
func (s *StringOption) Type() CommandOptionType { return StringOptionType }
func (s *StringOption) _val() {}
// StringChoice is a pair of string key to a string.
type StringChoice struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
NameLocalizations StringLocales `json:"name_localizations,omitempty"`
Value string `json:"value"`
// LocalizedName is only populated when this is received from Discord's API.
LocalizedName string `json:"name_localized,omitempty"`
// IntegerOption is a subcommand option that fits into a CommandOptionValue.
type IntegerOption struct {
OptionName string `json:"name"`
OptionNameLocalizations StringLocales `json:"name_localizations,omitempty"`
Description string `json:"description"`
DescriptionLocalizations StringLocales `json:"description_localizations,omitempty"`
Required bool `json:"required"`
Min option.Int `json:"min_value,omitempty"`
Max option.Int `json:"max_value,omitempty"`
Choices []IntegerChoice `json:"choices,omitempty"`
// Autocomplete must not be true if Choices are present.
Autocomplete bool `json:"autocomplete"`
// LocalizedOptionName is only populated when this is received from
// Discord's API.
LocalizedOptionName string `json:"name_localized,omitempty"`
// LocalizedDescription is only populated when this is received from
// Discord's API.
LocalizedDescription string `json:"description_localized,omitempty"`
// Name implements CommandOption.
func (i *IntegerOption) Name() string { return i.OptionName }
// Type implements CommandOptionValue.
func (i *IntegerOption) Type() CommandOptionType { return IntegerOptionType }
func (i *IntegerOption) _val() {}
// IntegerChoice is a pair of string key to an integer.
type IntegerChoice struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
NameLocalizations StringLocales `json:"name_localizations,omitempty"`
Value int `json:"value"`
// LocalizedName is only populated when this is received from Discord's API.
LocalizedName string `json:"name_localized,omitempty"`
// BooleanOption is a subcommand option that fits into a CommandOptionValue.
type BooleanOption struct {
OptionName string `json:"name"`
OptionNameLocalizations StringLocales `json:"name_localizations,omitempty"`
Description string `json:"description"`
DescriptionLocalizations StringLocales `json:"description_localizations,omitempty"`
Required bool `json:"required"`
// LocalizedOptionName is only populated when this is received from
// Discord's API.
LocalizedOptionName string `json:"name_localized,omitempty"`
// LocalizedDescription is only populated when this is received from
// Discord's API.
LocalizedDescription string `json:"description_localized,omitempty"`
// Name implements CommandOption.
func (b *BooleanOption) Name() string { return b.OptionName }
// Type implements CommandOptionValue.
func (b *BooleanOption) Type() CommandOptionType { return BooleanOptionType }
func (b *BooleanOption) _val() {}
// UserOption is a subcommand option that fits into a CommandOptionValue.
type UserOption struct {
OptionName string `json:"name"`
OptionNameLocalizations StringLocales `json:"name_localizations,omitempty"`
Description string `json:"description"`
DescriptionLocalizations StringLocales `json:"description_localizations,omitempty"`
Required bool `json:"required"`
// LocalizedOptionName is only populated when this is received from
// Discord's API.
LocalizedOptionName string `json:"name_localized,omitempty"`
// LocalizedDescription is only populated when this is received from
// Discord's API.
LocalizedDescription string `json:"description_localized,omitempty"`
// Name implements CommandOption.
func (u *UserOption) Name() string { return u.OptionName }
// Type implements CommandOptionValue.
func (u *UserOption) Type() CommandOptionType { return UserOptionType }
func (u *UserOption) _val() {}
// ChannelOption is a subcommand option that fits into a CommandOptionValue.
type ChannelOption struct {
OptionName string `json:"name"`
OptionNameLocalizations StringLocales `json:"name_localizations,omitempty"`
Description string `json:"description"`
DescriptionLocalizations StringLocales `json:"description_localizations,omitempty"`
Required bool `json:"required"`
ChannelTypes []ChannelType `json:"channel_types,omitempty"`
// LocalizedOptionName is only populated when this is received from
// Discord's API.
LocalizedOptionName string `json:"name_localized,omitempty"`
// LocalizedDescription is only populated when this is received from
// Discord's API.
LocalizedDescription string `json:"description_localized,omitempty"`
// Name implements CommandOption.
func (c *ChannelOption) Name() string { return c.OptionName }
// Type implements CommandOptionValue.
func (c *ChannelOption) Type() CommandOptionType { return ChannelOptionType }
func (c *ChannelOption) _val() {}
// RoleOption is a subcommand option that fits into a CommandOptionValue.
type RoleOption struct {
OptionName string `json:"name"`
OptionNameLocalizations StringLocales `json:"name_localizations,omitempty"`
Description string `json:"description"`
DescriptionLocalizations StringLocales `json:"description_localizations,omitempty"`
Required bool `json:"required"`
// LocalizedOptionName is only populated when this is received from
// Discord's API.
LocalizedOptionName string `json:"name_localized,omitempty"`
// LocalizedDescription is only populated when this is received from
// Discord's API.
LocalizedDescription string `json:"description_localized,omitempty"`
// Name implements CommandOption.
func (r *RoleOption) Name() string { return r.OptionName }
// Type implements CommandOptionValue.
func (r *RoleOption) Type() CommandOptionType { return RoleOptionType }
func (r *RoleOption) _val() {}
// MentionableOption is a subcommand option that fits into a CommandOptionValue.
type MentionableOption struct {
OptionName string `json:"name"`
OptionNameLocalizations StringLocales `json:"name_localizations,omitempty"`
Description string `json:"description"`
DescriptionLocalizations StringLocales `json:"description_localizations,omitempty"`
Required bool `json:"required"`
// LocalizedOptionName is only populated when this is received from
// Discord's API.
LocalizedOptionName string `json:"name_localized,omitempty"`
// LocalizedDescription is only populated when this is received from
// Discord's API.
LocalizedDescription string `json:"description_localized,omitempty"`
// Name implements CommandOption.
func (m *MentionableOption) Name() string { return m.OptionName }
// Type implements CommandOptionValue.
func (m *MentionableOption) Type() CommandOptionType { return MentionableOptionType }
func (m *MentionableOption) _val() {}
// NumberOption is a subcommand option that fits into a CommandOptionValue.
type NumberOption struct {
OptionName string `json:"name"`
OptionNameLocalizations StringLocales `json:"name_localizations,omitempty"`
Description string `json:"description"`
DescriptionLocalizations StringLocales `json:"description_localizations,omitempty"`
Required bool `json:"required"`
Min option.Float `json:"min_value,omitempty"`
Max option.Float `json:"max_value,omitempty"`
Choices []NumberChoice `json:"choices,omitempty"`
// Autocomplete must not be true if Choices are present.
Autocomplete bool `json:"autocomplete"`
// LocalizedOptionName is only populated when this is received from
// Discord's API.
LocalizedOptionName string `json:"name_localized,omitempty"`
// LocalizedDescription is only populated when this is received from
// Discord's API.
LocalizedDescription string `json:"description_localized,omitempty"`
// Name implements CommandOption.
func (n *NumberOption) Name() string { return n.OptionName }
// Type implements CommandOptionValue.
func (n *NumberOption) Type() CommandOptionType { return NumberOptionType }
func (n *NumberOption) _val() {}
// NumberChoice is a pair of string key to a float64 values.
type NumberChoice struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
NameLocalizations StringLocales `json:"name_localizations,omitempty"`
Value float64 `json:"value"`
// LocalizedName is only populated when this is received from Discord's API.
LocalizedName string `json:"name_localized,omitempty"`
// AttachmentOption is a subcommand option that fits into a CommandOptionValue.
type AttachmentOption struct {
OptionName string `json:"name"`
OptionNameLocalizations StringLocales `json:"name_localizations,omitempty"`
Description string `json:"description"`
DescriptionLocalizations StringLocales `json:"description_localizations,omitempty"`
Required bool `json:"required"`
// LocalizedOptionName is only populated when this is received from
// Discord's API.
LocalizedOptionName string `json:"name_localized,omitempty"`
// LocalizedDescription is only populated when this is received from
// Discord's API.
LocalizedDescription string `json:"description_localized,omitempty"`
// Name implements CommandOption.
func (n *AttachmentOption) Name() string { return n.OptionName }
// Type implements CommandOptionValue.
func (n *AttachmentOption) Type() CommandOptionType { return AttachmentOptionType }
func (n *AttachmentOption) _val() {}
// NewCommand creates a new command.
func NewCommand(name, description string, options ...CommandOption) Command {
return Command{
Name: name,
Description: description,
Options: options,
// NewSubcommandGroupOption creates a new subcommand group option.
func NewSubcommandGroupOption(name, description string, subs ...*SubcommandOption) *SubcommandGroupOption {
return &SubcommandGroupOption{
OptionName: name,
Description: description,
Subcommands: subs,
// NewSubcommandOption creates a new subcommand option.
func NewSubcommandOption(name, description string, options ...CommandOptionValue) *SubcommandOption {
return &SubcommandOption{
OptionName: name,
Description: description,
Options: options,
// NewStringOption creates a new string option.
func NewStringOption(name, description string, required bool) *StringOption {
return &StringOption{
OptionName: name,
Description: description,
Required: required,
// NewIntegerOption creates a new integer option.
func NewIntegerOption(name, description string, required bool) *IntegerOption {
return &IntegerOption{
OptionName: name,
Description: description,
Required: required,
// NewBooleanOption creates a new boolean option.
func NewBooleanOption(name, description string, required bool) *BooleanOption {
return &BooleanOption{
OptionName: name,
Description: description,
Required: required,
// NewUserOption creates a new user option.
func NewUserOption(name, description string, required bool) *UserOption {
return &UserOption{
OptionName: name,
Description: description,
Required: required,
// NewChannelOption creates a new channel option.
func NewChannelOption(name, description string, required bool) *ChannelOption {
return &ChannelOption{
OptionName: name,
Description: description,
Required: required,
// NewRoleOption creates a new role option.
func NewRoleOption(name, description string, required bool) *RoleOption {
return &RoleOption{
OptionName: name,
Description: description,
Required: required,
// NewMentionableOption creates a new mentionable option.
func NewMentionableOption(name, description string, required bool) *MentionableOption {
return &MentionableOption{
OptionName: name,
Description: description,
Required: required,
// NewNumberOption creates a new number option.
func NewNumberOption(name, description string, required bool) *NumberOption {
return &NumberOption{
OptionName: name,
Description: description,
Required: required,
// Generated with utils/generate-option-marshalers.sh
// MarshalJSON marshals SubcommandOption to JSON with the "type" field.
func (s *SubcommandOption) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
type raw SubcommandOption
return json.Marshal(struct {
Type CommandOptionType `json:"type"`
Type: s.Type(),
raw: (*raw)(s),
// MarshalJSON marshals SubcommandGroupOption to JSON with the "type" field.
func (s *SubcommandGroupOption) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
type raw SubcommandGroupOption
return json.Marshal(struct {
Type CommandOptionType `json:"type"`
Type: s.Type(),
raw: (*raw)(s),
// MarshalJSON marshals StringOption to JSON with the "type" field.
func (s *StringOption) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
type raw StringOption
return json.Marshal(struct {
Type CommandOptionType `json:"type"`
Type: s.Type(),
raw: (*raw)(s),
// MarshalJSON marshals IntegerOption to JSON with the "type" field.
func (i *IntegerOption) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
type raw IntegerOption
return json.Marshal(struct {
Type CommandOptionType `json:"type"`
Type: i.Type(),
raw: (*raw)(i),
// MarshalJSON marshals BooleanOption to JSON with the "type" field.
func (b *BooleanOption) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
type raw BooleanOption
return json.Marshal(struct {
Type CommandOptionType `json:"type"`
Type: b.Type(),
raw: (*raw)(b),
// MarshalJSON marshals UserOption to JSON with the "type" field.
func (u *UserOption) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
type raw UserOption
return json.Marshal(struct {
Type CommandOptionType `json:"type"`
Type: u.Type(),
raw: (*raw)(u),
// MarshalJSON marshals ChannelOption to JSON with the "type" field.
func (c *ChannelOption) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
type raw ChannelOption
return json.Marshal(struct {
Type CommandOptionType `json:"type"`
Type: c.Type(),
raw: (*raw)(c),
// MarshalJSON marshals RoleOption to JSON with the "type" field.
func (r *RoleOption) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
type raw RoleOption
return json.Marshal(struct {
Type CommandOptionType `json:"type"`
Type: r.Type(),
raw: (*raw)(r),
// MarshalJSON marshals MentionableOption to JSON with the "type" field.
func (m *MentionableOption) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
type raw MentionableOption
return json.Marshal(struct {
Type CommandOptionType `json:"type"`
Type: m.Type(),
raw: (*raw)(m),
// MarshalJSON marshals NumberOption to JSON with the "type" field.
func (n *NumberOption) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
type raw NumberOption
return json.Marshal(struct {
Type CommandOptionType `json:"type"`
Type: n.Type(),
raw: (*raw)(n),
// MarshalJSON marshals AttachmentOption to JSON with the "type" field.
func (a *AttachmentOption) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
type raw AttachmentOption
return json.Marshal(struct {
Type CommandOptionType `json:"type"`
Type: a.Type(),
raw: (*raw)(a),