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mirror of https://github.com/diamondburned/arikawa.git synced 2024-12-11 07:54:58 +00:00
diamondburned 331ec59dec discord: Refactor interactions and components
This commit gets rid of contain-it-all structs and instead opt for
interface union types containing underlying concrete types with no

The code is much more verbose by doing this, but the API is much nicer
to use. The only disadvantage in that regard is the interface assertion
being too verbose and risky for users at times.
2021-11-12 11:38:36 -08:00

393 lines
14 KiB

package discord
import (
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#message-object
type Message struct {
// ID is the id of the message.
ID MessageID `json:"id"`
// ChannelID is the id of the channel the message was sent in.
ChannelID ChannelID `json:"channel_id"`
// GuildID is the id of the guild the message was sent in.
GuildID GuildID `json:"guild_id,omitempty"`
// Type is the type of message.
Type MessageType `json:"type"`
// Flags are the MessageFlags.
Flags MessageFlags `json:"flags"`
// TTS specifies whether the was a TTS message.
TTS bool `json:"tts"`
// Pinned specifies whether the message is pinned.
Pinned bool `json:"pinned"`
// MentionEveryone specifies whether the message mentions everyone.
MentionEveryone bool `json:"mention_everyone"`
// Mentions contains the users specifically mentioned in the message.
// The user objects in the mentions array will only have the partial
// member field present in MESSAGE_CREATE and MESSAGE_UPDATE events from
// text-based guild channels.
Mentions []GuildUser `json:"mentions"`
// MentionRoleIDs contains the ids of the roles specifically mentioned in
// the message.
MentionRoleIDs []RoleID `json:"mention_roles"`
// MentionChannels are the channels specifically mentioned in the message.
// Not all channel mentions in a message will appear in mention_channels.
// Only textual channels that are visible to everyone in a lurkable guild
// will ever be included. Only crossposted messages (via Channel Following)
// currently include mention_channels at all. If no mentions in the message
// meet these requirements, the slice will be empty.
MentionChannels []ChannelMention `json:"mention_channels,omitempty"`
// Author is the author of the message.
// The author object follows the structure of the user object, but is only
// a valid user in the case where the message is generated by a user or bot
// user. If the message is generated by a webhook, the author object
// corresponds to the webhook's id, username, and avatar. You can tell if a
// message is generated by a webhook by checking for the webhook_id on the
// message object.
Author User `json:"author"`
// Content contains the contents of the message.
Content string `json:"content"`
// Timestamp specifies when the message was sent
Timestamp Timestamp `json:"timestamp,omitempty"`
// EditedTimestamp specifies when this message was edited.
// IsValid() will return false, if the messages hasn't been edited.
EditedTimestamp Timestamp `json:"edited_timestamp,omitempty"`
// Attachments contains any attached files.
Attachments []Attachment `json:"attachments"`
// Embeds contains any embedded content.
Embeds []Embed `json:"embeds"`
// Reactions contains any reactions to the message.
Reactions []Reaction `json:"reactions,omitempty"`
// Components contains any attached components.
Components ContainerComponents `json:"components,omitempty"`
// Used for validating a message was sent
Nonce string `json:"nonce,omitempty"`
// WebhookID contains the ID of the webhook, if the message was generated
// by a webhook.
WebhookID WebhookID `json:"webhook_id,omitempty"`
// Activity is sent with Rich Presence-related chat embeds.
Activity *MessageActivity `json:"activity,omitempty"`
// Application is sent with Rich Presence-related chat embeds.
Application *MessageApplication `json:"application,omitempty"`
// Reference is the reference data sent with crossposted messages and
// inline replies.
Reference *MessageReference `json:"message_reference,omitempty"`
// ReferencedMessage is the message that was replied to. If not present and
// the type is InlinedReplyMessage, the backend couldn't fetch the
// replied-to message. If null, the message was deleted. If present and
// non-null, it is a message object
ReferencedMessage *Message `json:"referenced_message,omitempty"`
// Stickers contains the sticker sent with the message.
Stickers []Sticker `json:"stickers,omitempty"`
// URL generates a Discord client URL to the message. If the message doesn't
// have a GuildID, it will generate a URL with the guild "@me".
func (m Message) URL() string {
var guildID = "@me"
if m.GuildID.IsValid() {
guildID = m.GuildID.String()
return fmt.Sprintf(
guildID, m.ChannelID.String(), m.ID.String(),
type MessageType uint8
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#message-object-message-types
const (
DefaultMessage MessageType = iota
// ThreadCreatedMessage is a new message sent to the parent GuildText
// channel, used to inform users that a thread has been created. It is
// currently only sent in one case: when a GuildPublicThread is created
// from an older message (older is still TBD, but is currently set to a
// very small value). The message contains a message reference with the
// GuildID and ChannelID of the thread. The content of the message is the
// name of the thread.
// ThreadStarterMessage is a new message sent as the first message in
// threads that are started from an existing message in the parent channel.
// It only contains a message reference field that points to the message
// from which the thread was started.
type MessageFlags enum.Enum
// NullMessage is the JSON null value of MessageFlags.
const NullMessage MessageFlags = enum.Null
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#message-object-message-flags
const (
// CrosspostedMessage specifies whether the message has been published to
// subscribed channels (via Channel Following).
CrosspostedMessage MessageFlags = 1 << iota
// MessageIsCrosspost specifies whether the message originated from a
// message in another channel (via Channel Following).
// SuppressEmbeds specifies whether to not include any embeds when
// serializing the message.
// SourceMessageDeleted specifies whether the source message for the
// crosspost has been deleted (via Channel Following).
// UrgentMessage specifies whether the message came from the urgent message
// system.
// MessageHasThread specifies whether the message has an associated thread
// with the same id as the message
// EphemeralMessage specifies whether the message is only visible to
// the user who invoked the Interaction
// MessageLoading specifies whether the message is an Interaction Response
// and the bot is "thinking"
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#message-object-message-sticker-structure
type Sticker struct {
// ID is the ID of the sticker.
ID StickerID `json:"id"`
// PackID is the ID of the pack the sticker is from.
PackID StickerPackID `json:"pack_id,omitempty"`
// Name is the name of the sticker.
Name string `json:"name"`
// Description is the description of the sticker.
Description string `json:"description"`
// Tags is a comma-delimited list of tags for the sticker. To get the list
// as a slice, use TagList.
Tags string `json:"tags"`
// Type is the type of sticker.
Type StickerType `json:"type"`
// FormatType is the type of sticker format.
FormatType StickerFormatType `json:"format_type"`
// Available specifies whether this guild sticker can be used, may be false due to loss of Server Boosts.
Available bool `json:"available,omitempty"`
// GuildID is the id of the guild that owns this sticker.
GuildID GuildID `json:"guild_id,omitempty"`
// User is the user that uploaded the guild sticker
User *User `json:"user,omitempty"`
// SortValue is the standard sticker's sort order within its pack.
SortValue *int `json:"sort_value,omitempty"`
// CreatedAt returns a time object representing when the sticker was created.
func (s Sticker) CreatedAt() time.Time {
return s.ID.Time()
// PackCreatedAt returns a time object representing when the sticker's pack
// was created.
func (s Sticker) PackCreatedAt() time.Time {
return s.PackID.Time()
// TagList splits the sticker tags into a slice of strings.
func (s Sticker) TagList() []string {
return strings.Split(s.Tags, ",")
type StickerType int
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/sticker#sticker-object-sticker-types
const (
// StandardSticker is an official sticker in a pack, part of Nitro or in a removed purchasable pack.
StandardSticker StickerType = iota + 1
// GuildSticker is a sticker uploaded to a boosted guild for the guild's members.
type StickerFormatType uint8
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#message-object-message-sticker-format-types
const (
StickerFormatPNG = 1
StickerFormatAPNG = 2
StickerFormatLottie = 3
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#channel-mention-object
type ChannelMention struct {
// ChannelID is the ID of the channel.
ChannelID ChannelID `json:"id"`
// GuildID is the ID of the guild containing the channel.
GuildID GuildID `json:"guild_id"`
// ChannelType is the type of channel.
ChannelType ChannelType `json:"type"`
// ChannelName is the name of the channel.
ChannelName string `json:"name"`
type GuildUser struct {
Member *Member `json:"member,omitempty"`
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#message-object-message-activity-structure
type MessageActivity struct {
// Type is the type of message activity.
Type MessageActivityType `json:"type"`
// PartyID is the party_id from a Rich Presence event.
PartyID string `json:"party_id,omitempty"`
type MessageActivityType uint8
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#message-object-message-activity-types
const (
JoinMessage MessageActivityType = iota + 1
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#message-object-message-application-structure
type MessageApplication struct {
// ID is the id of the application.
ID AppID `json:"id"`
// CoverID is the id of the embed's image asset.
CoverID string `json:"cover_image,omitempty"`
// Description is the application's description.
Description string `json:"description"`
// Icon is the id of the application's icon.
Icon string `json:"icon"`
// Name is the name of the application.
Name string `json:"name"`
// CreatedAt returns a time object representing when the message application
// was created.
func (m MessageApplication) CreatedAt() time.Time {
return m.ID.Time()
// MessageReference is used in four situations:
// Crosspost messages
// Messages that originated from another channel (IS_CROSSPOST flag). These
// messages have all three fields, with data of the original message that was
// crossposted.
// Channel Follow Add messages
// Automatic messages sent when a channel is followed into the current channel
// (type 12). These messages have the ChannelID and GuildID fields, with data
// of the followed announcement channel.
// Pin messages
// Automatic messages sent when a message is pinned (type 6). These messages
// have MessageID and ChannelID, and GuildID if it is in a guild, with data
// of the message that was pinned.
// Replies
// Messages replying to a previous message (type 19). These messages have
// MessageID, and ChannelID, and GuildID if it is in a guild, with data of the
// message that was replied to. The ChannelID and GuildID will be the
// same as the reply.
// Replies are created by including a message_reference when sending a message.
// When sending, only MessageID is required.
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#message-object-message-reference-structure
type MessageReference struct {
// MessageID is the id of the originating message.
MessageID MessageID `json:"message_id,omitempty"`
// ChannelID is the id of the originating message's channel.
ChannelID ChannelID `json:"channel_id,omitempty"`
// GuildID is the id of the originating message's guild.
GuildID GuildID `json:"guild_id,omitempty"`
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#attachment-object
type Attachment struct {
// ID is the attachment id.
ID AttachmentID `json:"id"`
// Filename is the name of file attached.
Filename string `json:"filename"`
// ContentType is the media type of file.
ContentType string `json:"content_type,omitempty"`
// Size is the size of file in bytes.
Size uint64 `json:"size"`
// URL is the source url of file.
URL URL `json:"url"`
// Proxy is the a proxied url of file.
Proxy URL `json:"proxy_url"`
// Height is the height of the file, if it is an image.
Height uint `json:"height,omitempty"`
// Width is the width of the file, if it is an image.
Width uint `json:"width,omitempty"`
// Ephemeral is whether this attachment is ephemeral. Ephemeral attachments
// will automatically be removed after a set period of time. Ephemeral
// attachments on messages are guaranteed to be available as long as
// the message itself exists.
Ephemeral bool `json:"ephemeral,omitempty"`
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#reaction-object
type Reaction struct {
// Count is the amount of times the emoji has been used to react.
Count int `json:"count"`
// Me specifies whether the current user reacted using this emoji.
Me bool `json:"me"`
// Emoji contains emoji information.
Emoji Emoji `json:"emoji"`