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synced 2025-03-24 10:59:18 +00:00
This commit gets rid of contain-it-all structs and instead opt for interface union types containing underlying concrete types with no overloading. The code is much more verbose by doing this, but the API is much nicer to use. The only disadvantage in that regard is the interface assertion being too verbose and risky for users at times.
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package discord
import (
// Channel represents a guild or DM channel within Discord.
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#channel-object
type Channel struct {
// ID is the id of this channel.
ID ChannelID `json:"id"`
// GuildID is the id of the guild.
// This field may be missing for some channel objects received over gateway
// guild dispatches.
GuildID GuildID `json:"guild_id,omitempty"`
// Type is the type of channel.
Type ChannelType `json:"type,omitempty"`
// NSFW specifies whether the channel is nsfw.
NSFW bool `json:"nsfw,omitempty"`
// Position is the sorting position of the channel.
Position int `json:"position,omitempty"`
// Overwrites are the explicit permission overrides for members
// and roles.
Overwrites []Overwrite `json:"permission_overwrites,omitempty"`
// Name is the name of the channel (2-100 characters).
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
// Topic is the channel topic (0-1024 characters).
Topic string `json:"topic,omitempty"`
// LastMessageID is the id of the last message sent in this channel (may
// not point to an existing or valid message).
LastMessageID MessageID `json:"last_message_id,omitempty"`
// VoiceBitrate is the bitrate (in bits) of the voice channel.
VoiceBitrate uint `json:"bitrate,omitempty"`
// VoiceUserLimit is the user limit of the voice channel.
VoiceUserLimit uint `json:"user_limit,omitempty"`
// UserRateLimit is the amount of seconds a user has to wait before sending
// another message (0-21600). Bots, as well as users with the permission
// manage_messages or manage_channel, are unaffected.
UserRateLimit Seconds `json:"rate_limit_per_user,omitempty"`
// DMRecipients are the recipients of the DM.
DMRecipients []User `json:"recipients,omitempty"`
// Icon is the icon hash.
Icon Hash `json:"icon,omitempty"`
// OwnerID is the id of the DM or thread creator.
OwnerID UserID `json:"owner_id,omitempty"`
// AppID is the application id of the group DM creator if it is
// bot-created.
AppID AppID `json:"application_id,omitempty"`
// ParentID for guild channels: id of the parent category for a channel
// (each parent category can contain up to 50 channels), for threads: the
// id of the text channel this thread was created.
ParentID ChannelID `json:"parent_id,omitempty"`
// LastPinTime is when the last pinned message was pinned.
LastPinTime Timestamp `json:"last_pin_timestamp,omitempty"`
// RTCRegionID is the voice region id for the voice channel.
RTCRegionID string `json:"rtc_region,omitempty"`
// VideoQualityMode is the camera video quality mode of the voice channel.
VideoQualityMode VideoQualityMode `json:"video_quality_mode,omitempty"`
// MessageCount is an approximate count of messages in a thread. However,
// counting stops at 50.
MessageCount int `json:"message_count,omitempty"`
// MemberCount is an approximate count of users in a thread. However,
// counting stops at 50.
MemberCount int `json:"member_count,omitempty"`
// ThreadMetadata contains thread-specific fields not needed by other
// channels.
ThreadMetadata *ThreadMetadata `json:"thread_metadata,omitempty"`
// ThreadMember is the thread member object for the current user, if they
// have joined the thread, only included on certain API endpoints.
ThreadMember *ThreadMember `json:"thread_member,omitempty"`
// DefaultAutoArchiveDuration is the default duration for newly created
// threads, in minutes, to automatically archive the thread after recent
// activity.
DefaultAutoArchiveDuration ArchiveDuration `json:"default_auto_archive_duration,omitempty"`
// SelfPermissions are the computed permissions for the invoking user in
// the channel, including overwrites, only included when part of the
// resolved data received on a slash command interaction.
SelfPermissions Permissions `json:"permissions,omitempty,string"`
func (ch *Channel) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
type RawChannel Channel
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, (*RawChannel)(ch)); err != nil {
return err
// In the docs, Discord states that if VideoQualityMode is omitted, it is
// actually 1 aka. AutoVideoQuality, and they just didn't bother to send
// it.
// Refer to:
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#channel-object-channel-structure
if ch.VideoQualityMode == 0 {
ch.VideoQualityMode = 1
return nil
// CreatedAt returns a time object representing when the channel was created.
func (ch Channel) CreatedAt() time.Time {
return ch.ID.Time()
// Mention returns a mention of the channel.
func (ch Channel) Mention() string {
return ch.ID.Mention()
// IconURL returns the URL to the channel icon in the PNG format.
// An empty string is returned if there's no icon.
func (ch Channel) IconURL() string {
return ch.IconURLWithType(PNGImage)
// IconURLWithType returns the URL to the channel icon using the passed
// ImageType. An empty string is returned if there's no icon.
// Supported ImageTypes: PNG, JPEG, WebP
func (ch Channel) IconURLWithType(t ImageType) string {
if ch.Icon == "" {
return ""
return "https://cdn.discordapp.com/channel-icons/" +
ch.ID.String() + "/" + t.format(ch.Icon)
// ChannelType describes the type of the channel.
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#channel-object-channel-types
type ChannelType uint16
const (
// GuildText is a text channel within a server.
GuildText ChannelType = iota
// DirectMessage is a direct message between users.
// GuildVoice is a voice channel within a server.
// GroupDM is a direct message between multiple users.
// GuildCategory is an organizational category that contains up to 50
// channels.
// GuildNews is a channel that users can follow and crosspost into their
// own server.
// GuildStore is a channel in which game developers can sell their game on
// Discord.
// GuildNewsThread is a temporary sub-channel within a GUILD_NEWS channel
// GuildPublicThread is a temporary sub-channel within a GUILD_TEXT
// channel.
// GuildPrivateThread isa temporary sub-channel within a GUILD_TEXT channel
// that is only viewable by those invited and those with the MANAGE_THREADS
// permission.
// GuildStageVoice is a voice channel for hosting events with an audience.
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#overwrite-object
type Overwrite struct {
// ID is the role or user id.
ID Snowflake `json:"id"`
// Type indicates the entity overwritten: role or member.
Type OverwriteType `json:"type"`
// Allow is a permission bit set for granted permissions.
Allow Permissions `json:"allow,string"`
// Deny is a permission bit set for denied permissions.
Deny Permissions `json:"deny,string"`
// OverwriteType is an enumerated type to indicate the entity being overwritten:
// role or member
type OverwriteType uint8
const (
// OverwriteRole is an overwrite for a role.
OverwriteRole OverwriteType = iota
// OverwriteMember is an overwrite for a member.
// UnmarshalJSON unmarshalls both a string-quoted number and a regular number
// into OverwriteType. We need to do this because Discord is so bad that they
// can't even handle 1s and 0s properly.
func (otype *OverwriteType) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
s := strings.Trim(string(b), `"`)
// It has been observed that discord still uses the "legacy" string
// overwrite types in at least the guild create event.
// Therefore this string check.
switch s {
case "role":
*otype = OverwriteRole
return nil
case "member":
*otype = OverwriteMember
return nil
u, err := strconv.ParseUint(s, 10, 8)
if err != nil {
return err
*otype = OverwriteType(u)
return nil
type VideoQualityMode uint8
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#channel-object-video-quality-modes
const (
AutoVideoQuality VideoQualityMode = iota + 1
// ThreadMetadata contains a number of thread-specific channel fields that are
// not needed by other channel types.
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#thread-metadata-object
type ThreadMetadata struct {
// Archived specifies whether the thread is archived.
Archived bool `json:"archived"`
// AutoArchiveDuration is the duration in minutes to automatically archive
// the thread after recent activity.
AutoArchiveDuration ArchiveDuration `json:"auto_archive_duration"`
// ArchiveTimestamp timestamp when the thread's archive status was last
// changed, used for calculating recent activity.
ArchiveTimestamp Timestamp `json:"archive_timestamp"`
// Locked specifies whether the thread is locked; when a thread is locked,
// only users with MANAGE_THREADS can unarchive it.
Locked bool `json:"locked"`
// Invitable specifies whether non-moderators can add other
// non-moderators to a thread; only available on private threads.
Invitable bool `json:"invitable,omitempty"`
type ThreadMember struct {
// ID is the id of the thread.
// This field will be omitted on the member sent within each thread in the
// guild create event.
ID ChannelID `json:"id,omitempty"`
// UserID is the id of the user.
// This field will be omitted on the member sent within each thread in the
// guild create event.
UserID UserID `json:"user_id,omitempty"`
// Member is the member, only included in Thread Members Update Events.
Member *Member `json:"member,omitempty"`
// Presence is the presence, only included in Thread Members Update Events.
Presence *Presence `json:"presence,omitempty"`
// JoinTimestamp is the time the current user last joined the thread.
JoinTimestamp Timestamp `json:"join_timestamp"`
// Flags are any user-thread settings.
Flags ThreadMemberFlags `json:"flags"`
// ThreadMemberFlags are the flags of a ThreadMember.
// Currently, none are documented.
type ThreadMemberFlags uint64