mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 20:40:10 +00:00
Discord/API: Added Audit Log
This commit is contained in:
@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ func (c *Client) CreateGuild(data CreateGuildData) (*discord.Guild, error) {
return g, c.RequestJSON(&g, "POST", Endpoint+"guilds", httputil.WithJSONBody(c, data))
func (c *Client) Guild(guildID discord.Snowflake) (*discord.Guild, error) {
func (c *Client) Guild(id discord.Snowflake) (*discord.Guild, error) {
var g *discord.Guild
return g, c.RequestJSON(&g, "GET", EndpointGuilds+guildID.String())
return g, c.RequestJSON(&g, "GET", EndpointGuilds+id.String())
// Guilds returns all guilds, automatically paginating. Be careful, as this
@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ func (c *Client) GuildsRange(before, after discord.Snowflake, limit uint) ([]dis
func (c *Client) LeaveGuild(guildID discord.Snowflake) error {
return c.FastRequest("DELETE", EndpointMe+"/guilds/"+guildID.String())
func (c *Client) LeaveGuild(id discord.Snowflake) error {
return c.FastRequest("DELETE", EndpointMe+"/guilds/"+id.String())
// https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/resources/guild#modify-guild-json-params
@ -143,19 +143,17 @@ type ModifyGuildData struct {
PreferredLocale json.OptionString `json:"preferred_locale,omitempty"`
func (c *Client) ModifyGuild(
guildID discord.Snowflake, data ModifyGuildData) (*discord.Guild, error) {
func (c *Client) ModifyGuild(id discord.Snowflake, data ModifyGuildData) (*discord.Guild, error) {
var g *discord.Guild
return g, c.RequestJSON(
&g, "PATCH",
httputil.WithJSONBody(c, data),
func (c *Client) DeleteGuild(guildID discord.Snowflake) error {
return c.FastRequest("DELETE", EndpointGuilds+guildID.String())
func (c *Client) DeleteGuild(id discord.Snowflake) error {
return c.FastRequest("DELETE", EndpointGuilds+id.String())
// GuildVoiceRegions is the same as /voice, but returns VIP ones as well if
@ -165,6 +163,38 @@ func (c *Client) VoiceRegionsGuild(guildID discord.Snowflake) ([]discord.VoiceRe
return vrs, c.RequestJSON(&vrs, "GET", EndpointGuilds+guildID.String()+"/regions")
// AuditLogData contains query parameters used for AuditLog. All fields are
// optional.
type AuditLogData struct {
// Filter the log for actions made by a user
UserID discord.Snowflake `json:"user_id,omitempty"`
// The type of audit log event
ActionType discord.AuditLogEvent `json:"action_type,omitempty"`
// Filter the log before a certain entry ID
Before discord.Snowflake `json:"before,omitempty"`
// How many entries are returned (default 50, minimum 1, maximum 100)
Limit uint `json:"limit"`
// AuditLog returns an audit log object for the guild. Requires the
// VIEW_AUDIT_LOG permission.
func (c *Client) AuditLog(guildID discord.Snowflake, data AuditLogData) (*discord.AuditLog, error) {
switch {
case data.Limit == 0:
data.Limit = 50
case data.Limit > 100:
data.Limit = 100
var audit *discord.AuditLog
return audit, c.RequestJSON(
&audit, "GET",
httputil.WithJSONBody(c, data),
// Integrations requires MANAGE_GUILD.
func (c *Client) Integrations(guildID discord.Snowflake) ([]discord.Integration, error) {
var ints []discord.Integration
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
package discord
import "github.com/diamondburned/arikawa/utils/json"
type AuditLog struct {
// List of webhooks found in the audit log
Webhooks []Webhook `json:"webhooks"`
// List of users found in the audit log
Users []User `json:"users"`
// List of audit log entries
Entries []AuditLogEntries `json:"audit_log_entries"`
// List of partial integration objects, only ID, Name, Type, and Account
Integrations []Integration `json:"integrations"`
type AuditLogEntries struct {
ID Snowflake `json:"id"`
UserID Snowflake `json:"user_id"`
TargetID string `json:"target_id,omitempty"`
ActionType AuditLogEvent `json:"action_type"`
Changes []AuditLogChange `json:"changes,omitempty"`
Options AuditEntryInfo `json:"options,omitempty"`
Reason string `json:"reason,omitempty"`
type AuditLogEvent uint8
const (
GuildUpdate AuditLogEvent = 1
ChannelCreate AuditLogEvent = 10
ChannelUpdate AuditLogEvent = 11
ChannelDelete AuditLogEvent = 12
ChannelOverwriteCreate AuditLogEvent = 13
ChannelOverwriteUpdate AuditLogEvent = 14
ChannelOverwriteDelete AuditLogEvent = 15
MemberKick AuditLogEvent = 20
MemberPrune AuditLogEvent = 21
MemberBanAdd AuditLogEvent = 22
MemberBanRemove AuditLogEvent = 23
MemberUpdate AuditLogEvent = 24
MemberRoleUpdate AuditLogEvent = 25
MemberMove AuditLogEvent = 26
MemberDisconnect AuditLogEvent = 27
BotAdd AuditLogEvent = 28
RoleCreate AuditLogEvent = 30
RoleUpdate AuditLogEvent = 31
RoleDelete AuditLogEvent = 32
InviteCreate AuditLogEvent = 40
InviteUpdate AuditLogEvent = 41
InviteDelete AuditLogEvent = 42
WebhookCreate AuditLogEvent = 50
WebhookUpdate AuditLogEvent = 51
WebhookDelete AuditLogEvent = 52
EmojiCreate AuditLogEvent = 60
EmojiUpdate AuditLogEvent = 61
EmojiDelete AuditLogEvent = 62
MessageDelete AuditLogEvent = 72
MessageBulkDelete AuditLogEvent = 73
MessagePin AuditLogEvent = 74
MessageUnpin AuditLogEvent = 75
IntegrationCreate AuditLogEvent = 80
IntegrationUpdate AuditLogEvent = 81
IntegrationDelete AuditLogEvent = 82
type AuditEntryInfo struct {
DeleteMemberDays string `json:"delete_member_days,omitempty"`
MembersRemoved string `json:"members_removed,omitempty"`
ChannelID Snowflake `json:"channel_id,omitempty"`
MessageID Snowflake `json:"message_id,omitempty"`
Count string `json:"count,omitempty"`
ID Snowflake `json:"id,omitempty"`
Type ChannelOverwritten `json:"type,omitempty"`
RoleName string `json:"role_name,omitempty"`
// ChannelOverwritten is the type of overwritten entity in
// (AuditEntryInfo).Type.
type ChannelOverwritten string
const (
MemberChannelOverwritten ChannelOverwritten = "member"
RoleChannelOverwritten ChannelOverwritten = "role"
type AuditLogChange struct {
Key string `json:"key"`
NewValue *AuditLogChangeKey `json:"new_value,omitempty"`
OldValue *AuditLogChangeKey `json:"old_value,omitempty"`
type AuditLogChangeKey struct {
// The ID of the changed entity - sometimes used in conjunction with other
// keys
ID Snowflake `json:"snowflake"`
// Type of entity created, either a ChannelType (int) or string.
Type json.AlwaysString `json:"type"`
// AuditLogChangeGuild is the audit log key for Guild.
type AuditLogChangeGuild struct {
// Name changed
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
// Icon changed
IconHash string `json:"icon_hash,omitempty"`
// Invite splash page artwork changed
SplashHash string `json:"splash_hash,omitempty"`
// Owner changed
OwnerID Snowflake `json:"owner_id,omitempty"`
// Region changed
Region string `json:"region,omitempty"`
// AFK channel changed
AfkChannelID Snowflake `json:"afk_channel_id,omitempty"`
// AFK timeout duration changed
AFKTimeout Seconds `json:"afk_timeout,omitempty"`
// Two-factor auth requirement changed
MFA MFALevel `json:"mfa_level,omitempty"`
// Required verification level changed
Verification Verification `json:"verification_level,omitempty"`
// Change in whose messages are scanned and deleted for explicit content in
// the server
ExplicitFilter ExplicitFilter `json:"explicit_content_filter,omitempty"`
// Default message notification level changed
Notification Notification `json:"default_message_notifications,omitempty"`
// Guild invite vanity url changed
VanityURLCode string `json:"vanity_url_code,omitempty"`
// New role added, only ID and Name are available
RoleAdd []Role `json:"$add,omitempty"`
// Role removed, partial similar to RoleAdd
RoleRemove []Role `json:"$remove,omitempty"`
// Change in number of days after which inactive and role-unassigned members
// are kicked
PruneDeleteDays int `json:"prune_delete_days,omitempty"`
// Server widget enabled/disable
WidgetEnabled bool `json:"widget_enabled,omitempty"`
// Channel id of the server widget changed
WidgetChannelID Snowflake `json:"widget_channel_id,omitempty"`
// ID of the system channel changed
SystemChannelID Snowflake `json:"system_channel_id,omitempty"`
// AuditLogChangeChannel is the audit log key for Channel.
type AuditLogChangeChannel struct {
// Text channel topic changed
Topic string `json:"topic,omitempty"`
// Voice channel bitrate changed
Bitrate uint `json:"bitrate,omitempty"`
// Permissions on a channel changed
Permissions []Overwrite `json:"permission_overwrites,omitempty"`
// Channel NSFW restriction changed
NSFW bool `json:"nsfw,omitempty"`
// Application ID of the added or removed webhook or bot
ApplicationID Snowflake `json:"application_id,omitempty"`
// Amount of seconds a user has to wait before sending another message
// changed
UserRateLimit Seconds `json:"rate_limit_per_user,omitempty"`
// AuditLogChangeRole is the audit log key for Role.
type AuditLogChangeRole struct {
// Permissions for a role changed
Permissions Permissions `json:"permissions,omitempty"`
// Role color changed
Color Color `json:"color,omitempty"`
// Role is now displayed/no longer displayed separate from online users
Hoist bool `json:"hoist,omitempty"`
// Role is now mentionable/unmentionable
Mentionable bool `json:"mentionable,omitempty"`
// A permission on a text or voice channel was allowed for a role
Allow Permissions `json:"allow,omitempty"`
// A permission on a text or voice channel was denied for a role
Deny Permissions `json:"deny,omitempty"`
// AuditLogChangeInvite is the audit log key for InviteMetadata.
type AuditLogChangeInvite struct {
// Invite code changed
Code string `json:"code,omitempty"`
// Channel for invite code changed
ChannelID Snowflake `json:"channel_id,omitempty"`
// Person who created invite code changed
InviterID Snowflake `json:"inviter_id,omitempty"`
// Change to max number of times invite code can be used
MaxUses int `json:"max_uses,omitempty"`
// Number of times invite code used changed
Uses int `json:"uses,omitempty"`
// How long invite code lasts changed
MaxAge Seconds `json:"max_age,omitempty"`
// Invite code is temporary/never expires
Temporary bool `json:"temporary,omitempty"`
// AuditLogChangeUser is the audit log key for User.
type AuditLogChangeUser struct {
// User server deafened/undeafened
Deaf bool `json:"deaf,omitempty"`
// User server muted/unmuted
Mute bool `json:"mute,omitempty"`
// User nickname changed
Nick string `json:"nick,omitempty"`
// User avatar changed
Avatar Hash `json:"avatar_hash,omitempty"`
// AuditLogChangeIntegration is the audit log key for Integration.
type AuditLogChangeIntegration struct {
// Integration emoticons enabled/disabled
EnableEmoticons bool `json:"enable_emoticons,omitempty"`
// Integration expiring subscriber behavior changed
ExpireBehavior int `json:"expire_behavior,omitempty"`
// Integration expire grace period changed
ExpireGracePeriod int `json:"expire_grace_period,omitempty"`
@ -20,3 +20,17 @@ const (
InviteNormalUser InviteUserType = iota
// Extra information about an invite, will extend the invite object.
type InviteMetadata struct {
// Number of times this invite has been used
Uses int `json:"uses"`
// Max number of times this invite can be used
MaxUses int `json:"max_uses"`
// Duration (in seconds) after which the invite expires
MaxAge Seconds `json:"max_age"`
// Whether this invite only grants temporary membership
Temporary bool `json:"temporary"`
// When this invite was created
CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"`
@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
package json
import (
type Marshaler interface {
MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
@ -29,3 +34,17 @@ func (m *Raw) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
func (m Raw) String() string {
return string(m)
// AlwaysString would always unmarshal into a string, from any JSON type. Quotes
// will be stripped.
type AlwaysString string
func (m *AlwaysString) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
data = bytes.Trim(data, `"`)
*m = AlwaysString(data)
return nil
func (m AlwaysString) Int() (int, error) {
return strconv.Atoi(string(m))
Reference in a new issue