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Cameron Taylor 75dfed8229 -release fix
2024-01-12 19:50:13 -05:00

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package funkin.ui.debug.charting.components;
import funkin.play.notes.Strumline;
import funkin.data.notestyle.NoteStyleRegistry;
import flixel.FlxObject;
import flixel.FlxSprite;
import flixel.graphics.frames.FlxFramesCollection;
import flixel.graphics.frames.FlxTileFrames;
import flixel.math.FlxPoint;
import funkin.play.notes.SustainTrail;
import funkin.data.song.SongData.SongNoteData;
import flixel.math.FlxMath;
* A sprite that can be used to display the trail of a hold note in a chart.
* Designed to be used and reused efficiently. Has no gameplay functionality.
class ChartEditorHoldNoteSprite extends SustainTrail
* The ChartEditorState this note belongs to.
public var parentState:ChartEditorState;
public function new(parent:ChartEditorState)
var noteStyle = NoteStyleRegistry.instance.fetchDefault();
super(0, 100, noteStyle);
this.parentState = parent;
zoom = 1.0;
zoom *= noteStyle.fetchHoldNoteScale();
zoom *= 0.7;
zoom *= ChartEditorState.GRID_SIZE / Strumline.STRUMLINE_SIZE;
public override function updateHitbox():Void
// Expand the clickable hitbox to the full column width, then nudge to the left to re-center it.
width = ChartEditorState.GRID_SIZE;
height = graphicHeight;
var xOffset = (ChartEditorState.GRID_SIZE - graphicWidth) / 2;
offset.set(-xOffset, 0);
origin.set(width * 0.5, height * 0.5);
* Set the height directly, to a value in pixels.
* @param h The desired height in pixels.
public function setHeightDirectly(h:Float, ?lerp:Bool = false)
if (lerp != null && lerp) sustainLength = FlxMath.lerp(sustainLength, h / (getScrollSpeed() * Constants.PIXELS_PER_MS), 0.25);
sustainLength = h / (getScrollSpeed() * Constants.PIXELS_PER_MS);
fullSustainLength = sustainLength;
* Call this to override how debug bounding boxes are drawn for this sprite.
public override function drawDebugOnCamera(camera:flixel.FlxCamera):Void
if (!camera.visible || !camera.exists || !isOnScreen(camera)) return;
var rect = getBoundingBox(camera);
trace('hold note bounding box: ' + rect.x + ', ' + rect.y + ', ' + rect.width + ', ' + rect.height);
var gfx = beginDrawDebug(camera);
debugBoundingBoxColor = 0xffFF66FF;
gfx.lineStyle(2, color, 0.5); // thickness, color, alpha
gfx.drawRect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
function setup():Void
strumTime = 999999999;
missedNote = false;
hitNote = false;
active = true;
visible = true;
alpha = 1.0;
graphicWidth = graphic.width / 8 * zoom; // amount of notes * 2
public override function revive():Void
public override function kill():Void
active = false;
visible = false;
noteData = null;
strumTime = 999999999;
noteDirection = 0;
sustainLength = 0;
fullSustainLength = 0;
* Return whether this note is currently visible.
public function isHoldNoteVisible(viewAreaBottom:Float, viewAreaTop:Float):Bool
// True if the note is above the view area.
var aboveViewArea = (this.y + this.height < viewAreaTop);
// True if the note is below the view area.
var belowViewArea = (this.y > viewAreaBottom);
return !aboveViewArea && !belowViewArea;
* Return whether a hold note, if placed in the scene, would be visible.
public static function wouldHoldNoteBeVisible(viewAreaBottom:Float, viewAreaTop:Float, noteData:SongNoteData, ?origin:FlxObject):Bool
var noteHeight:Float = noteData.getStepLength() * ChartEditorState.GRID_SIZE;
var stepTime:Float = inline noteData.getStepTime();
var notePosY:Float = stepTime * ChartEditorState.GRID_SIZE;
if (origin != null) notePosY += origin.y;
// True if the note is above the view area.
var aboveViewArea = (notePosY + noteHeight < viewAreaTop);
// True if the note is below the view area.
var belowViewArea = (notePosY > viewAreaBottom);
return !aboveViewArea && !belowViewArea;
public function updateHoldNotePosition(?origin:FlxObject):Void
if (this.noteData == null) return;
var cursorColumn:Int = this.noteData.data;
if (cursorColumn < 0) cursorColumn = 0;
if (cursorColumn >= (ChartEditorState.STRUMLINE_SIZE * 2 + 1))
cursorColumn = (ChartEditorState.STRUMLINE_SIZE * 2 + 1);
// Invert player and opponent columns.
if (cursorColumn >= ChartEditorState.STRUMLINE_SIZE)
cursorColumn -= ChartEditorState.STRUMLINE_SIZE;
cursorColumn += ChartEditorState.STRUMLINE_SIZE;
this.x = cursorColumn * ChartEditorState.GRID_SIZE;
// Notes far in the song will start far down, but the group they belong to will have a high negative offset.
// noteData.getStepTime() returns a calculated value which accounts for BPM changes
var stepTime:Float =
inline this.noteData.getStepTime();
if (stepTime >= 0)
// Add epsilon to fix rounding issues?
// var roundedStepTime:Float = Math.floor((stepTime + 0.01) / noteSnapRatio) * noteSnapRatio;
this.y = stepTime * ChartEditorState.GRID_SIZE;
this.x += ChartEditorState.GRID_SIZE / 2;
this.x -= this.graphicWidth / 2;
this.y += ChartEditorState.GRID_SIZE / 2;
if (origin != null)
this.x += origin.x;
this.y += origin.y;
// Account for expanded clickable hitbox.
this.x += this.offset.x;