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package funkin.play.character;
import funkin.data.animation.AnimationData;
import funkin.modding.events.ScriptEvent;
import funkin.modding.events.ScriptEventDispatcher;
import funkin.play.character.ScriptedCharacter.ScriptedAnimateAtlasCharacter;
import funkin.play.character.ScriptedCharacter.ScriptedBaseCharacter;
import funkin.play.character.ScriptedCharacter.ScriptedMultiSparrowCharacter;
import funkin.play.character.ScriptedCharacter.ScriptedPackerCharacter;
import funkin.play.character.ScriptedCharacter.ScriptedSparrowCharacter;
import funkin.util.assets.DataAssets;
import funkin.util.VersionUtil;
import haxe.Json;
import openfl.utils.Assets;
import flixel.graphics.frames.FlxFrame;
class CharacterDataParser
* The current version string for the stage data format.
* Handle breaking changes by incrementing this value
* and adding migration to the `migrateStageData()` function.
* - Version 1.0.1 adds `death.cameraOffsets`
public static final CHARACTER_DATA_VERSION:String = '1.0.1';
* The current version rule check for the stage data format.
public static final CHARACTER_DATA_VERSION_RULE:String = '1.0.x';
static final characterCache:Map<String, CharacterData> = new Map<String, CharacterData>();
static final characterScriptedClass:Map<String, String> = new Map<String, String>();
static final DEFAULT_CHAR_ID:String = 'UNKNOWN';
* Parses and preloads the game's stage data and scripts when the game starts.
* If you want to force stages to be reloaded, you can just call this function again.
public static function loadCharacterCache():Void
// Clear any stages that are cached if there were any.
trace('[CHARACTER] Parsing all entries...');
var charIdList:Array<String> = DataAssets.listDataFilesInPath('characters/');
var unscriptedCharIds:Array<String> = charIdList.filter(function(charId:String):Bool {
return !characterCache.exists(charId);
trace(' Fetching data for ${unscriptedCharIds.length} characters...');
for (charId in unscriptedCharIds)
var charData:CharacterData = parseCharacterData(charId);
if (charData != null)
trace(' Loaded character data: ${charId}');
characterCache.set(charId, charData);
catch (e)
// Assume error was already logged.
// Fuck I wish scripted classes supported static functions.
var scriptedCharClassNames1:Array<String> = ScriptedSparrowCharacter.listScriptClasses();
if (scriptedCharClassNames1.length > 0)
trace(' Instantiating ${scriptedCharClassNames1.length} (Sparrow) scripted characters...');
for (charCls in scriptedCharClassNames1)
var character:SparrowCharacter = ScriptedSparrowCharacter.init(charCls, DEFAULT_CHAR_ID);
trace(' Initialized character ${character.characterName}');
characterScriptedClass.set(character.characterId, charCls);
catch (e)
trace(' FAILED to instantiate scripted Sparrow character: ${charCls}');
var scriptedCharClassNames2:Array<String> = ScriptedPackerCharacter.listScriptClasses();
if (scriptedCharClassNames2.length > 0)
trace(' Instantiating ${scriptedCharClassNames2.length} (Packer) scripted characters...');
for (charCls in scriptedCharClassNames2)
var character:PackerCharacter = ScriptedPackerCharacter.init(charCls, DEFAULT_CHAR_ID);
characterScriptedClass.set(character.characterId, charCls);
catch (e)
trace(' FAILED to instantiate scripted Packer character: ${charCls}');
var scriptedCharClassNames3:Array<String> = ScriptedMultiSparrowCharacter.listScriptClasses();
if (scriptedCharClassNames3.length > 0)
trace(' Instantiating ${scriptedCharClassNames3.length} (Multi-Sparrow) scripted characters...');
for (charCls in scriptedCharClassNames3)
var character:MultiSparrowCharacter = ScriptedMultiSparrowCharacter.init(charCls, DEFAULT_CHAR_ID);
characterScriptedClass.set(character.characterId, charCls);
catch (e)
trace(' FAILED to instantiate scripted Multi-Sparrow character: ${charCls}');
var scriptedCharClassNames4:Array<String> = ScriptedAnimateAtlasCharacter.listScriptClasses();
if (scriptedCharClassNames4.length > 0)
trace(' Instantiating ${scriptedCharClassNames4.length} (Animate Atlas) scripted characters...');
for (charCls in scriptedCharClassNames4)
var character:AnimateAtlasCharacter = ScriptedAnimateAtlasCharacter.init(charCls, DEFAULT_CHAR_ID);
characterScriptedClass.set(character.characterId, charCls);
catch (e)
trace(' FAILED to instantiate scripted Animate Atlas character: ${charCls}');
// NOTE: Only instantiate the ones not populated above.
// ScriptedBaseCharacter.listScriptClasses() will pick up scripts extending the other classes.
var scriptedCharClassNames:Array<String> = ScriptedBaseCharacter.listScriptClasses();
scriptedCharClassNames = scriptedCharClassNames.filter(function(charCls:String):Bool {
return !(scriptedCharClassNames1.contains(charCls)
|| scriptedCharClassNames2.contains(charCls)
|| scriptedCharClassNames3.contains(charCls)
|| scriptedCharClassNames4.contains(charCls));
if (scriptedCharClassNames.length > 0)
trace(' Instantiating ${scriptedCharClassNames.length} (Base) scripted characters...');
for (charCls in scriptedCharClassNames)
var character:BaseCharacter = ScriptedBaseCharacter.init(charCls, DEFAULT_CHAR_ID, Custom);
if (character == null)
trace(' Failed to instantiate scripted character: ${charCls}');
trace(' Successfully instantiated scripted character: ${charCls}');
characterScriptedClass.set(character.characterId, charCls);
trace(' Successfully loaded ${Lambda.count(characterCache)} stages.');
* Fetches data for a character and returns a BaseCharacter instance,
* ready to be added to the scene.
* @param charId The character ID to fetch.
* @return The character instance, or null if the character was not found.
public static function fetchCharacter(charId:String, debug:Bool = false):Null<BaseCharacter>
if (charId == null || charId == '' || !characterCache.exists(charId))
// Gracefully handle songs that don't use this character,
// or throw an error if the character is missing.
if (charId != null && charId != '') trace('Failed to build character, not found in cache: ${charId}');
return null;
var charData:CharacterData = characterCache.get(charId);
var charScriptClass:String = characterScriptedClass.get(charId);
var char:BaseCharacter;
if (charScriptClass != null)
switch (charData.renderType)
case CharacterRenderType.AnimateAtlas:
char = ScriptedAnimateAtlasCharacter.init(charScriptClass, charId);
case CharacterRenderType.MultiSparrow:
char = ScriptedMultiSparrowCharacter.init(charScriptClass, charId);
case CharacterRenderType.Sparrow:
char = ScriptedSparrowCharacter.init(charScriptClass, charId);
case CharacterRenderType.Packer:
char = ScriptedPackerCharacter.init(charScriptClass, charId);
// We're going to assume that the script class does the rendering.
char = ScriptedBaseCharacter.init(charScriptClass, charId, CharacterRenderType.Custom);
switch (charData.renderType)
case CharacterRenderType.AnimateAtlas:
char = new AnimateAtlasCharacter(charId);
case CharacterRenderType.MultiSparrow:
char = new MultiSparrowCharacter(charId);
case CharacterRenderType.Sparrow:
char = new SparrowCharacter(charId);
case CharacterRenderType.Packer:
char = new PackerCharacter(charId);
trace('[WARN] Creating character with undefined renderType ${charData.renderType}');
char = new BaseCharacter(charId, CharacterRenderType.Custom);
if (char == null)
trace('Failed to instantiate character: ${charId}');
return null;
trace('Successfully instantiated character (${debug ? 'debug' : 'stable'}): ${charId}');
char.debug = debug;
// Call onCreate only in the fetchCharacter() function, not at application initialization.
ScriptEventDispatcher.callEvent(char, new ScriptEvent(CREATE));
return char;
* Fetches just the character data for a character.
* @param charId The character ID to fetch.
* @return The character data, or null if the character was not found.
public static function fetchCharacterData(charId:String):Null<CharacterData>
if (characterCache.exists(charId)) return characterCache.get(charId);
return null;
* Lists all the valid character IDs.
* @return An array of character IDs.
public static function listCharacterIds():Array<String>
return characterCache.keys().array();
* Returns the idle frame of a character.
public static function getCharPixelIconAsset(char:String):FlxFrame
var charPath:String = "freeplay/icons/";
// FunkinCrew please dont skin me alive for copying pixelated icon and changing it a tiny bit
switch (char)
case "bf-christmas" | "bf-car" | "bf-pixel" | "bf-holding-gf" | "bf-dark":
charPath += "bfpixel";
case "monster-christmas":
charPath += "monsterpixel";
case "mom" | "mom-car":
charPath += "mommypixel";
case "pico-blazin" | "pico-playable" | "pico-speaker":
charPath += "picopixel";
case "gf-christmas" | "gf-car" | "gf-pixel" | "gf-tankmen" | "gf-dark":
charPath += "gfpixel";
case "dad":
charPath += "dadpixel";
case "darnell-blazin":
charPath += "darnellpixel";
case "senpai-angry":
charPath += "senpaipixel";
case "spooky-dark":
charPath += "spookypixel";
case "tankman-atlas":
charPath += "tankmanpixel";
case "pico-christmas" | "pico-dark":
charPath += "picopixel";
charPath += '${char}pixel';
if (!Assets.exists(Paths.image(charPath)))
trace('[WARN] Character ${char} has no freeplay icon.');
return null;
var isAnimated = Assets.exists(Paths.file('images/$charPath.xml'));
var frame:FlxFrame = null;
if (isAnimated)
var frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas(charPath);
var idleFrame:FlxFrame = frames.frames.find(function(frame:FlxFrame):Bool {
return frame.name.startsWith('idle');
if (idleFrame == null)
trace('[WARN] Character ${char} has no idle in their freeplay icon.');
return null;
// so, haxe.ui.backend.AssetsImpl uses the parent width and height, which makes the image go crazy when rendered
// so this is a work around so that it uses the actual width and height
var imageGraphic = flixel.graphics.FlxGraphic.fromFrame(idleFrame);
var imageFrame = flixel.graphics.frames.FlxImageFrame.fromImage(imageGraphic);
frame = imageFrame.frame;
var imageFrame = flixel.graphics.frames.FlxImageFrame.fromImage(Paths.image(charPath));
frame = imageFrame.frame;
return frame;
* Clears the character data cache.
static function clearCharacterCache():Void
if (characterCache != null)
if (characterScriptedClass != null)
* Load a character's JSON file and parse its data.
* @param charId The character to load.
* @return The character data, or null if validation failed.
public static function parseCharacterData(charId:String):Null<CharacterData>
var rawJson:String = loadCharacterFile(charId);
var charData:CharacterData = migrateCharacterData(rawJson, charId);
return validateCharacterData(charId, charData);
static function loadCharacterFile(charPath:String):String
var charFilePath:String = Paths.json('characters/${charPath}');
var rawJson = Assets.getText(charFilePath).trim();
while (!StringTools.endsWith(rawJson, '}'))
rawJson = rawJson.substr(0, rawJson.length - 1);
return rawJson;
static function migrateCharacterData(rawJson:String, charId:String):Null<CharacterData>
// If you update the character data format in a breaking way,
// handle migration here by checking the `version` value.
var charData:CharacterData = cast Json.parse(rawJson);
return charData;
catch (e)
trace(' Error parsing data for character: ${charId}');
trace(' ${e}');
return null;
* The default time the character should sing for, in steps.
* Values that are too low will cause the character to stop singing between notes.
* Values that are too high will cause the character to hold their singing pose for too long after they're done.
* @default `8 steps`
public static final DEFAULT_SINGTIME:Float = 8.0;
public static final DEFAULT_DANCEEVERY:Float = 1.0;
public static final DEFAULT_FLIPX:Bool = false;
public static final DEFAULT_FLIPY:Bool = false;
public static final DEFAULT_FRAMERATE:Int = 24;
public static final DEFAULT_ISPIXEL:Bool = false;
public static final DEFAULT_LOOP:Bool = false;
public static final DEFAULT_NAME:String = 'Untitled Character';
public static final DEFAULT_OFFSETS:Array<Float> = [0, 0];
public static final DEFAULT_HEALTHICON_OFFSETS:Array<Int> = [0, 25];
public static final DEFAULT_RENDERTYPE:CharacterRenderType = CharacterRenderType.Sparrow;
public static final DEFAULT_SCALE:Float = 1;
public static final DEFAULT_SCROLL:Array<Float> = [0, 0];
public static final DEFAULT_STARTINGANIM:String = 'idle';
* Set unspecified parameters to their defaults.
* If the parameter is mandatory, print an error message.
* @param id
* @param input
* @return The validated character data
static function validateCharacterData(id:String, input:CharacterData):Null<CharacterData>
if (input == null)
trace('ERROR: Could not parse character data for "${id}".');
return null;
if (input.version == null)
trace('WARN: No semantic version specified for character data file "$id", assuming ${CHARACTER_DATA_VERSION}');
if (!VersionUtil.validateVersionStr(input.version, CHARACTER_DATA_VERSION_RULE))
trace('ERROR: Could not load character data for "$id": bad version (got ${input.version}, expected ${CHARACTER_DATA_VERSION_RULE})');
return null;
if (input.name == null)
trace('WARN: Character data for "$id" missing name');
input.name = DEFAULT_NAME;
if (input.renderType == null)
input.renderType = DEFAULT_RENDERTYPE;
if (input.assetPath == null)
trace('ERROR: Could not load character data for "$id": missing assetPath');
return null;
if (input.offsets == null)
input.offsets = DEFAULT_OFFSETS;
if (input.cameraOffsets == null)
input.cameraOffsets = DEFAULT_OFFSETS;
if (input.healthIcon == null)
input.healthIcon =
id: null,
scale: null,
flipX: null,
isPixel: null,
offsets: null
if (input.healthIcon.id == null)
input.healthIcon.id = id;
if (input.healthIcon.scale == null)
input.healthIcon.scale = DEFAULT_SCALE;
if (input.healthIcon.flipX == null)
input.healthIcon.flipX = DEFAULT_FLIPX;
if (input.healthIcon.offsets == null)
input.healthIcon.offsets = DEFAULT_OFFSETS;
if (input.startingAnimation == null)
input.startingAnimation = DEFAULT_STARTINGANIM;
if (input.scale == null)
input.scale = DEFAULT_SCALE;
if (input.isPixel == null)
input.isPixel = DEFAULT_ISPIXEL;
if (input.healthIcon.isPixel == null)
input.healthIcon.isPixel = input.isPixel;
if (input.danceEvery == null)
input.danceEvery = DEFAULT_DANCEEVERY;
if (input.singTime == null)
input.singTime = DEFAULT_SINGTIME;
if (input.animations == null || input.animations.length == 0)
trace('ERROR: Could not load character data for "$id": missing animations');
input.animations = [];
if (input.flipX == null)
input.flipX = DEFAULT_FLIPX;
if (input.animations.length == 0 && input.startingAnimation != null)
return null;
for (inputAnimation in input.animations)
if (inputAnimation.name == null)
trace('ERROR: Could not load character data for "$id": missing animation name for prop "${input.name}"');
return null;
if (inputAnimation.frameRate == null)
inputAnimation.frameRate = DEFAULT_FRAMERATE;
if (inputAnimation.offsets == null)
inputAnimation.offsets = DEFAULT_OFFSETS;
if (inputAnimation.looped == null)
inputAnimation.looped = DEFAULT_LOOP;
if (inputAnimation.flipX == null)
inputAnimation.flipX = DEFAULT_FLIPX;
if (inputAnimation.flipY == null)
inputAnimation.flipY = DEFAULT_FLIPY;
// All good!
return input;
* Describes the available rendering types for a character.
enum abstract CharacterRenderType(String) from String to String
* Renders the character using a single spritesheet and XML data.
public var Sparrow = 'sparrow';
* Renders the character using a single spritesheet and TXT data.
public var Packer = 'packer';
* Renders the character using multiple spritesheets and XML data.
public var MultiSparrow = 'multisparrow';
* Renders the character using a spritesheet of symbols and JSON data.
public var AnimateAtlas = 'animateatlas';
* Renders the character using a custom method.
public var Custom = 'custom';
* The JSON data schema used to define a character.
typedef CharacterData =
* The sematic version number of the character data JSON format.
var version:String;
* The readable name of the character.
var name:String;
* The type of rendering system to use for the character.
* @default sparrow
var renderType:CharacterRenderType;
* Behavior varies by render type:
* - SPARROW: Path to retrieve both the spritesheet and the XML data from.
* - PACKER: Path to retrieve both the spritsheet and the TXT data from.
var assetPath:String;
* The scale of the graphic as a float.
* Pro tip: On pixel-art levels, save the sprites small and set this value to 6 or so to save memory.
* @default 1
var scale:Null<Float>;
* Optional data about the health icon for the character.
var healthIcon:Null<HealthIconData>;
var death:Null<DeathData>;
* The global offset to the character's position, in pixels.
* @default [0, 0]
var offsets:Null<Array<Float>>;
* The amount to offset the camera by while focusing on this character.
* Default value focuses on the character directly.
* @default [0, 0]
var cameraOffsets:Array<Float>;
* Setting this to true disables anti-aliasing for the character.
* @default false
var isPixel:Null<Bool>;
* The frequency at which the character will play its idle animation, in beats.
* Increasing this number will make the character dance less often.
* Supports up to `0.25` precision.
* @default `1.0` on characters
var danceEvery:Null<Float>;
* The minimum duration that a character will play a note animation for, in beats.
* If this number is too low, you may see the character start playing the idle animation between notes.
* If this number is too high, you may see the the character play the sing animation for too long after the notes are gone.
* Examples:
* - Daddy Dearest uses a value of `1.525`.
* @default 1.0
var singTime:Null<Float>;
* An optional array of animations which the character can play.
var animations:Array<AnimationData>;
* If animations are used, this is the name of the animation to play first.
* @default idle
var startingAnimation:Null<String>;
* Whether or not the whole ass sprite is flipped by default.
* Useful for characters that could also be played (Pico)
* @default false
var flipX:Null<Bool>;
* The JSON data schema used to define the health icon for a character.
typedef HealthIconData =
* The ID to use for the health icon.
* @default The character's ID
var id:Null<String>;
* The scale of the health icon.
var scale:Null<Float>;
* Whether to flip the health icon horizontally.
* @default false
var flipX:Null<Bool>;
* Multiply scale by 6 and disable antialiasing
* @default false
var isPixel:Null<Bool>;
* The offset of the health icon, in pixels.
* @default [0, 25]
var offsets:Null<Array<Float>>;
typedef DeathData =
* The amount to offset the camera by while focusing on this character as they die.
* Default value focuses on the character's graphic midpoint.
* @default [0, 0]
var ?cameraOffsets:Array<Float>;
* The amount to zoom the camera by while focusing on this character as they die.
* Value is a multiplier of the default camera zoom for the stage.
* @default 1.0
var ?cameraZoom:Float;
* Impose a delay between when the character reaches `0` health and when the death animation plays.
* @default 0.0
var ?preTransitionDelay:Float;