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mirror of https://github.com/ninjamuffin99/Funkin.git synced 2024-09-19 16:41:39 +00:00

376 lines
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package funkin.play.stage;
import flixel.FlxSprite;
import flixel.math.FlxPoint;
import flixel.util.FlxTimer;
import funkin.modding.IScriptedClass.IPlayStateScriptedClass;
import funkin.modding.events.ScriptEvent;
import funkin.play.stage.StageProp;
typedef AnimationFrameCallback = String->Int->Int->Void;
typedef AnimationFinishedCallback = String->Void;
* A Bopper is a stage prop which plays a dance animation.
* Y'know, a thingie that bops. A bopper.
class Bopper extends StageProp implements IPlayStateScriptedClass
* The bopper plays the dance animation once every `danceEvery` beats.
* Set to 0 to disable idle animation.
public var danceEvery:Int = 1;
* Whether the bopper should dance left and right.
* - If true, alternate playing `danceLeft` and `danceRight`.
* - If false, play `idle` every time.
* You can manually set this value, or you can leave it as `null` to determine it automatically.
public var shouldAlternate:Null<Bool> = null;
* Offset the character's sprite by this much when playing each animation.
public var animationOffsets:Map<String, Array<Float>> = new Map<String, Array<Float>>();
* Add a suffix to the `idle` animation (or `danceLeft` and `danceRight` animations)
* that this bopper will play.
public var idleSuffix(default, set):String = '';
* If this bopper is rendered with pixel art,
* disable anti-aliasing and render at 6x scale.
public var isPixel(default, set):Bool = false;
function set_isPixel(value:Bool):Bool
if (isPixel == value) return value;
return isPixel = value;
* Whether this bopper should bop every beat. By default it's true, but when used
* for characters/players, it should be false so it doesn't cut off their animations!!!!!
public var shouldBop:Bool = true;
function set_idleSuffix(value:String):String
this.idleSuffix = value;
return value;
* The offset of the character relative to the position specified by the stage.
public var globalOffsets(default, set):Array<Float> = [0, 0];
function set_globalOffsets(value:Array<Float>):Array<Float>
if (globalOffsets == null) globalOffsets = [0, 0];
if (globalOffsets == value) return value;
var xDiff = globalOffsets[0] - value[0];
var yDiff = globalOffsets[1] - value[1];
this.x += xDiff;
this.y += yDiff;
return globalOffsets = value;
var animOffsets(default, set):Array<Float> = [0, 0];
public var originalPosition:FlxPoint = new FlxPoint(0, 0);
function set_animOffsets(value:Array<Float>):Array<Float>
if (animOffsets == null) animOffsets = [0, 0];
if ((animOffsets[0] == value[0]) && (animOffsets[1] == value[1])) return value;
var xDiff = animOffsets[0] - value[0];
var yDiff = animOffsets[1] - value[1];
this.x += xDiff;
this.y += yDiff;
return animOffsets = value;
* Whether to play `danceRight` next iteration.
* Only used when `shouldAlternate` is true.
var hasDanced:Bool = false;
public function new(danceEvery:Int = 1)
this.danceEvery = danceEvery;
if (this.animation != null)
this.animation.callback = this.onAnimationFrame;
this.animation.finishCallback = this.onAnimationFinished;
* Called when an animation finishes.
* @param name The name of the animation that just finished.
function onAnimationFinished(name:String)
// TODO: Can we make a system of like, animation priority or something?
if (!canPlayOtherAnims)
canPlayOtherAnims = true;
* Called when the current animation's frame changes.
* @param name The name of the current animation.
* @param frameNumber The number of the current frame.
* @param frameIndex The index of the current frame.
* For example, if an animation was defined as having the indexes [3, 0, 1, 2],
* then the first callback would have frameNumber = 0 and frameIndex = 3.
function onAnimationFrame(name:String = "", frameNumber:Int = -1, frameIndex:Int = -1)
// Do nothing by default.
// This can be overridden by, for example, scripted characters,
// or by calling `animationFrame.add()`.
// Try not to do anything expensive here, it runs many times a second.
* If this Bopper was defined by the stage, return the prop to its original position.
public function resetPosition()
var oldAnimOffsets = [animOffsets[0], animOffsets[1]];
animOffsets = [0, 0];
this.x = originalPosition.x;
this.y = originalPosition.y;
animOffsets = oldAnimOffsets;
function update_shouldAlternate():Void
if (hasAnimation('danceLeft'))
this.shouldAlternate = true;
* Called once every beat of the song.
public function onBeatHit(event:SongTimeScriptEvent):Void
if (danceEvery > 0 && event.beat % danceEvery == 0)
* Called every `danceEvery` beats of the song.
public function dance(forceRestart:Bool = false):Void
if (this.animation == null)
if (shouldAlternate == null)
if (shouldAlternate)
if (hasDanced)
trace('DanceRight (alternate)');
playAnimation('danceRight$idleSuffix', forceRestart);
trace('DanceLeft (alternate)');
playAnimation('danceLeft$idleSuffix', forceRestart);
hasDanced = !hasDanced;
playAnimation('idle$idleSuffix', forceRestart);
public function hasAnimation(id:String):Bool
if (this.animation == null) return false;
return this.animation.getByName(id) != null;
* Ensure that a given animation exists before playing it.
* Will gracefully check for name, then name with stripped suffixes, then 'idle', then fail to play.
* @param name
function correctAnimationName(name:String):String
// If the animation exists, we're good.
if (hasAnimation(name)) return name;
trace('[BOPPER] Animation "$name" does not exist!');
// Attempt to strip a `-alt` suffix, if it exists.
if (name.lastIndexOf('-') != -1)
var correctName = name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf('-'));
trace('[BOPPER] Attempting to fallback to "$correctName"');
return correctAnimationName(correctName);
if (name != 'idle')
trace('[BOPPER] Attempting to fallback to "idle"');
return correctAnimationName('idle');
trace('[BOPPER] Failing animation playback.');
return null;
public var canPlayOtherAnims:Bool = true;
* @param name The name of the animation to play.
* @param restart Whether to restart the animation if it is already playing.
* @param ignoreOther Whether to ignore all other animation inputs, until this one is done playing
* @param reversed If true, play the animation backwards, from the last frame to the first.
public function playAnimation(name:String, restart:Bool = false, ignoreOther:Bool = false, reversed:Bool = false):Void
if (!canPlayOtherAnims && !ignoreOther) return;
var correctName = correctAnimationName(name);
if (correctName == null) return;
this.animation.play(correctName, restart, reversed, 0);
if (ignoreOther)
canPlayOtherAnims = false;
var forceAnimationTimer:FlxTimer = new FlxTimer();
* @param name The animation to play.
* @param duration The duration in which other (non-forced) animations will be skipped, in seconds (NOT MILLISECONDS).
public function forceAnimationForDuration(name:String, duration:Float):Void
// TODO: Might be nice to rework this function, maybe have a numbered priority system?
if (this.animation == null) return;
var correctName = correctAnimationName(name);
if (correctName == null) return;
this.animation.play(correctName, false, false);
canPlayOtherAnims = false;
forceAnimationTimer.start(duration, (timer) -> {
canPlayOtherAnims = true;
}, 1);
function applyAnimationOffsets(name:String):Void
var offsets = animationOffsets.get(name);
if (offsets != null && !(offsets[0] == 0 && offsets[1] == 0))
this.animOffsets = [offsets[0] + globalOffsets[0], offsets[1] + globalOffsets[1]];
this.animOffsets = globalOffsets;
public function isAnimationFinished():Bool
return this.animation.finished;
public function setAnimationOffsets(name:String, xOffset:Float, yOffset:Float):Void
animationOffsets.set(name, [xOffset, yOffset]);
* Returns the name of the animation that is currently playing.
* If no animation is playing (usually this means the character is BROKEN!),
* returns an empty string to prevent NPEs.
public function getCurrentAnimation():String
if (this.animation == null || this.animation.curAnim == null) return "";
return this.animation.curAnim.name;
public function onPause(event:PauseScriptEvent) {}
public function onResume(event:ScriptEvent) {}
public function onSongStart(event:ScriptEvent) {}
public function onSongEnd(event:ScriptEvent) {}
public function onGameOver(event:ScriptEvent) {}
public function onNoteHit(event:NoteScriptEvent) {}
public function onNoteMiss(event:NoteScriptEvent) {}
public function onSongEvent(event:SongEventScriptEvent) {}
public function onNoteGhostMiss(event:GhostMissNoteScriptEvent) {}
public function onStepHit(event:SongTimeScriptEvent) {}
public function onCountdownStart(event:CountdownScriptEvent) {}
public function onCountdownStep(event:CountdownScriptEvent) {}
public function onCountdownEnd(event:CountdownScriptEvent) {}
public function onSongLoaded(event:SongLoadScriptEvent) {}
public function onSongRetry(event:ScriptEvent) {}