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package flixel.addons.transition;
import flixel.FlxSubState;
import flixel.addons.transition.FlxTransitionableState;
* A `FlxSubState` which can perform visual transitions
* Usage:
* First, extend `FlxTransitionableSubState` as ie, `FooState`.
* Method 1:
* ```haxe
* var in:TransitionData = new TransitionData(...); // add your data where "..." is
* var out:TransitionData = new TransitionData(...);
* FlxG.switchState(new FooState(in,out));
* ```
* Method 2:
* ```haxe
* FlxTransitionableSubState.defaultTransIn = new TransitionData(...);
* FlxTransitionableSubState.defaultTransOut = new TransitionData(...);
* FlxG.switchState(new FooState());
* ```
class FlxTransitionableSubState extends FlxSubState
// global default transitions for ALL states, used if transIn/transOut are null
public static var defaultTransIn(get, set):TransitionData;
static function get_defaultTransIn():TransitionData
return FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransIn;
static function set_defaultTransIn(value:TransitionData):TransitionData
return FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransIn = value;
public static var defaultTransOut(get, set):TransitionData;
static function get_defaultTransOut():TransitionData
return FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransOut;
static function set_defaultTransOut(value:TransitionData):TransitionData
return FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransOut = value;
public static var skipNextTransIn(get, set):Bool;
static function get_skipNextTransIn():Bool
return FlxTransitionableState.skipNextTransIn;
static function set_skipNextTransIn(value:Bool):Bool
return FlxTransitionableState.skipNextTransIn = value;
public static var skipNextTransOut(get, set):Bool;
static function get_skipNextTransOut():Bool
return FlxTransitionableState.skipNextTransOut;
static function set_skipNextTransOut(value:Bool):Bool
return FlxTransitionableState.skipNextTransOut = value;
// beginning & ending transitions for THIS state:
public var transIn:TransitionData;
public var transOut:TransitionData;
public var hasTransIn(get, never):Bool;
public var hasTransOut(get, never):Bool;
* Create a state with the ability to do visual transitions
* @param TransIn Plays when the state begins
* @param TransOut Plays when the state ends
public function new(?TransIn:TransitionData, ?TransOut:TransitionData)
transIn = TransIn;
transOut = TransOut;
if (transIn == null && defaultTransIn != null)
transIn = defaultTransIn;
if (transOut == null && defaultTransOut != null)
transOut = defaultTransOut;
override function destroy():Void
transIn = null;
transOut = null;
_onExit = null;
override function create():Void
override function startOutro(onOutroComplete:() -> Void)
if (!hasTransOut) onOutroComplete();
else if (!_exiting)
// play the exit transition, and when it's done call FlxG.switchState
_exiting = true;
if (skipNextTransOut)
skipNextTransOut = false;
* Starts the in-transition. Can be called manually at any time.
public function transitionIn():Void
if (transIn != null && transIn.type != NONE)
if (skipNextTransIn)
skipNextTransIn = false;
if (finishTransIn != null)
var _trans = createTransition(transIn);
_trans.finishCallback = finishTransIn;
* Starts the out-transition. Can be called manually at any time.
public function transitionOut(?OnExit:Void->Void):Void
_onExit = OnExit;
if (hasTransOut)
var _trans = createTransition(transOut);
_trans.finishCallback = finishTransOut;
var transOutFinished:Bool = false;
var _exiting:Bool = false;
var _onExit:Void->Void;
function get_hasTransIn():Bool
return transIn != null && transIn.type != NONE;
function get_hasTransOut():Bool
return transOut != null && transOut.type != NONE;
function createTransition(data:TransitionData):Transition
return switch (data.type)
case TILES: new Transition(data);
case FADE: new Transition(data);
default: null;
function finishTransIn()
function finishTransOut()
transOutFinished = true;
if (!_exiting)
if (_onExit != null)