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package funkin.ui.debug.charting.components;
import flixel.FlxObject;
import flixel.FlxSprite;
import flixel.graphics.frames.FlxFramesCollection;
import flixel.graphics.frames.FlxAtlasFrames;
import flixel.graphics.frames.FlxFrame;
import flixel.graphics.frames.FlxTileFrames;
import flixel.math.FlxPoint;
import funkin.data.animation.AnimationData;
import funkin.data.song.SongData.SongNoteData;
import funkin.data.notestyle.NoteStyleRegistry;
import funkin.play.notes.notestyle.NoteStyle;
import funkin.play.notes.NoteDirection;
* A sprite that can be used to display a note in a chart.
* Designed to be used and reused efficiently. Has no gameplay functionality.
class ChartEditorNoteSprite extends FlxSprite
* The list of available note skin to validate against.
public static final NOTE_STYLES:Array<String> = ['funkin', 'pixel'];
* The ChartEditorState this note belongs to.
public var parentState:ChartEditorState;
* The note data that this sprite represents.
* You can set this to null to kill the sprite and flag it for recycling.
public var noteData(default, set):Null<SongNoteData>;
* The name of the note style currently in use.
public var noteStyle(get, set):Null<String>;
public var overrideStepTime(default, set):Null<Float> = null;
function set_overrideStepTime(value:Null<Float>):Null<Float>
if (overrideStepTime == value) return overrideStepTime;
overrideStepTime = value;
return overrideStepTime;
public var overrideData(default, set):Null<Int> = null;
function set_overrideData(value:Null<Int>):Null<Int>
if (overrideData == value) return overrideData;
overrideData = value;
return overrideData;
public function new(parent:ChartEditorState)
this.parentState = parent;
var entries:Array<String> = NoteStyleRegistry.instance.listEntryIds();
if (noteFrameCollection == null)
for (entry in entries)
if (noteFrameCollection == null) throw 'ERROR: Could not initialize note sprite animations.';
this.frames = noteFrameCollection;
for (entry in entries)
static var noteFrameCollection:Null<FlxFramesCollection> = null;
function fetchNoteStyle(noteStyleId:String):NoteStyle
var result = NoteStyleRegistry.instance.fetchEntry(noteStyleId);
if (result != null) return result;
return NoteStyleRegistry.instance.fetchDefault();
static function addNoteStyleFrames(noteStyle:NoteStyle):Void
var prefix:String = noteStyle.id.toTitleCase();
var frameCollection:FlxAtlasFrames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas(noteStyle.getNoteAssetPath(), noteStyle.getNoteAssetLibrary());
if (frameCollection == null)
trace('Could not retrieve frame collection for ${noteStyle}: ${Paths.image(noteStyle.getNoteAssetPath(), noteStyle.getNoteAssetLibrary())}');
FlxG.log.error('Could not retrieve frame collection for ${noteStyle}: ${Paths.image(noteStyle.getNoteAssetPath(), noteStyle.getNoteAssetLibrary())}');
for (frame in frameCollection.frames)
// cloning the frame because else
// we will fuck up the frame data used in game
var clonedFrame:FlxFrame = frame.copyTo();
clonedFrame.name = '$prefix${clonedFrame.name}';
function addNoteStyleAnimations(noteStyle:NoteStyle):Void
var prefix:String = noteStyle.id.toTitleCase();
var suffix:String = noteStyle.id.toTitleCase();
var leftData:AnimationData = noteStyle.fetchNoteAnimationData(NoteDirection.LEFT);
this.animation.addByPrefix('tapLeft$suffix', '$prefix${leftData.prefix}', leftData.frameRate, leftData.looped, leftData.flipX, leftData.flipY);
var downData:AnimationData = noteStyle.fetchNoteAnimationData(NoteDirection.DOWN);
this.animation.addByPrefix('tapDown$suffix', '$prefix${downData.prefix}', downData.frameRate, downData.looped, downData.flipX, downData.flipY);
var upData:AnimationData = noteStyle.fetchNoteAnimationData(NoteDirection.UP);
this.animation.addByPrefix('tapUp$suffix', '$prefix${upData.prefix}', upData.frameRate, upData.looped, upData.flipX, upData.flipY);
var rightData:AnimationData = noteStyle.fetchNoteAnimationData(NoteDirection.RIGHT);
this.animation.addByPrefix('tapRight$suffix', '$prefix${rightData.prefix}', rightData.frameRate, rightData.looped, rightData.flipX, rightData.flipY);
static function buildEmptyFrameCollection():Void
noteFrameCollection = new FlxFramesCollection(null, ATLAS, null);
function set_noteData(value:Null<SongNoteData>):Null<SongNoteData>
this.noteData = value;
if (this.noteData == null)
return this.noteData;
this.visible = true;
// Update the animation to match the note data.
// Animation is updated first so size is correct before updating position.
// Update the position to match the note data.
return this.noteData;
public function updateNotePosition(?origin:FlxObject):Void
if (this.noteData == null) return;
var cursorColumn:Int = (overrideData != null) ? overrideData : this.noteData.data;
cursorColumn = ChartEditorState.noteDataToGridColumn(cursorColumn);
this.x = cursorColumn * ChartEditorState.GRID_SIZE;
// Notes far in the song will start far down, but the group they belong to will have a high negative offset.
// noteData.getStepTime() returns a calculated value which accounts for BPM changes
var stepTime:Float = (overrideStepTime != null) ? overrideStepTime : noteData.getStepTime();
if (stepTime >= 0)
this.y = stepTime * ChartEditorState.GRID_SIZE;
if (origin != null)
this.x += origin.x;
this.y += origin.y;
function get_noteStyle():Null<String>
if (this.noteStyle == null)
var result = this.parentState.currentSongNoteStyle;
return result;
return this.noteStyle;
function set_noteStyle(value:Null<String>):Null<String>
this.noteStyle = value;
return value;
public function playNoteAnimation():Void
if (this.noteData == null) return;
// Decide whether to display a note or a sustain.
var baseAnimationName:String = 'tap';
// Play the appropriate animation for the type, direction, and skin.
var dirName:String = overrideData != null ? SongNoteData.buildDirectionName(overrideData) : this.noteData.getDirectionName();
var noteStyleSuffix:String = this.noteStyle?.toTitleCase() ?? Constants.DEFAULT_NOTE_STYLE.toTitleCase();
var animationName:String = '${baseAnimationName}${dirName}${this.noteStyle.toTitleCase()}';
// Resize note.
switch (baseAnimationName)
case 'tap':
this.setGraphicSize(ChartEditorState.GRID_SIZE, 0);
var bruhStyle:NoteStyle = fetchNoteStyle(this.noteStyle);
this.antialiasing = !bruhStyle._data?.assets?.note?.isPixel ?? true;
* Return whether this note (or its parent) is currently visible.
public function isNoteVisible(viewAreaBottom:Float, viewAreaTop:Float):Bool
// True if the note is above the view area.
var aboveViewArea = (this.y + this.height < viewAreaTop);
// True if the note is below the view area.
var belowViewArea = (this.y > viewAreaBottom);
return !aboveViewArea && !belowViewArea;
* Return whether a note, if placed in the scene, would be visible.
* This function should be made HYPER EFFICIENT because it's called a lot.
public static function wouldNoteBeVisible(viewAreaBottom:Float, viewAreaTop:Float, noteData:SongNoteData, ?origin:FlxObject):Bool
var noteHeight:Float = ChartEditorState.GRID_SIZE;
var stepTime:Float = inline noteData.getStepTime();
var notePosY:Float = stepTime * ChartEditorState.GRID_SIZE;
if (origin != null) notePosY += origin.y;
// True if the note is above the view area.
var aboveViewArea = (notePosY + noteHeight < viewAreaTop);
// True if the note is below the view area.
var belowViewArea = (notePosY > viewAreaBottom);
return !aboveViewArea && !belowViewArea;