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package dsp;
using Lambda;
Signal processing miscellaneous utilities.
class Signal {
Returns a smoothed version of the input array using a moving average.
public static function smooth(y:Array<Float>, n:Int) : Array<Float> {
if (n <= 0) {
return null;
} else if (n == 1) {
return y.copy();
} else {
var smoothed = new Array<Float>();
for (i in 0...y.length) {
var m = i + 1 < n ? i : n - 1;
smoothed[i] = sum(y.slice(i - m, i + 1));
return smoothed;
Finds indexes of peaks in the order they appear in the input sequence.
@param threshold Minimal peak height wrt. its neighbours, defaults to 0.
@param minHeight Minimal peak height wrt. the whole input, defaults to global minimum.
public static function findPeaks(
) : Array<Int> {
threshold = threshold == null ? 0.0 : Math.abs(threshold);
minHeight = minHeight == null ? Signal.min(y) : minHeight;
var peaks = new Array<Int>();
final dy = [for (i in 1...y.length) y[i] - y[i-1]];
for (i in 1...dy.length) {
// peak: function growth positive to its left and negative to its right
if (
dy[i-1] > threshold && dy[i] < -threshold &&
y[i] > minHeight
) {
return peaks;
Returns the sum of all the elements of a given array.
This function tries to minimize floating-point precision errors.
public static function sum(array:Array<Float>) : Float {
// Neumaier's "improved Kahan-Babuska algorithm":
var sum = 0.0;
var c = 0.0; // running compensation for lost precision
for (v in array) {
var t = sum + v;
c += Math.abs(sum) >= Math.abs(v)
? (sum - t) + v // sum is bigger => low-order digits of v are lost
: (v - t) + sum; // v is bigger => low-order digits of sum are lost
sum = t;
return sum + c; // correction only applied at the very end
Returns the average value of an array.
public static function mean(y:Array<Float>) : Float
return sum(y) / y.length;
Returns the global maximum.
public static function max(y:Array<Float>) : Float
return y.fold(Math.max, y[0]);
Returns the global maximum's index.
public static function maxi(y:Array<Float>) : Int
return y.foldi((yi, m, i) -> yi > y[m] ? i : m, 0);
Returns the global minimum.
public static function min(y:Array<Float>) : Float
return y.fold(Math.min, y[0]);
Returns the global minimum's index.
public static function mini(y:Array<Float>) : Int
return y.foldi((yi, m, i) -> yi < y[m] ? i : m, 0);