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package funkin.data.notestyle;
import haxe.DynamicAccess;
import funkin.data.animation.AnimationData;
* A type definition for the data in a note style JSON file.
* @see https://lib.haxe.org/p/json2object/
typedef NoteStyleData =
* The version number of the note style data schema.
* When making changes to the note style data format, this should be incremented,
* and a migration function should be added to NoteStyleDataParser to handle old versions.
var version:String;
* The readable title of the note style.
var name:String;
* The author of the note style.
var author:String;
* The note style to use as a fallback/parent.
* @default null
var fallback:Null<String>;
* Data for each of the assets in the note style.
var assets:NoteStyleAssetsData;
typedef NoteStyleAssetsData =
* The sprites for the notes.
* @default The sprites from the fallback note style.
var note:NoteStyleAssetData<NoteStyleData_Note>;
* The sprites for the hold notes.
* @default The sprites from the fallback note style.
var holdNote:NoteStyleAssetData<NoteStyleData_HoldNote>;
* The sprites for the strumline.
* @default The sprites from the fallback note style.
var noteStrumline:NoteStyleAssetData<NoteStyleData_NoteStrumline>;
* The sprites for the note splashes.
var noteSplash:NoteStyleAssetData<NoteStyleData_NoteSplash>;
* The sprites for the hold note covers.
var holdNoteCover:NoteStyleAssetData<NoteStyleData_HoldNoteCover>;
* The THREE sound (and an optional pre-READY graphic).
var countdownThree:NoteStyleAssetData<NoteStyleData_Countdown>;
* The TWO sound and READY graphic.
var countdownTwo:NoteStyleAssetData<NoteStyleData_Countdown>;
* The ONE sound and SET graphic.
var countdownOne:NoteStyleAssetData<NoteStyleData_Countdown>;
* The GO sound and GO! graphic.
var countdownGo:NoteStyleAssetData<NoteStyleData_Countdown>;
* The SICK! judgement.
var judgementSick:NoteStyleAssetData<NoteStyleData_Judgement>;
* The GOOD! judgement.
var judgementGood:NoteStyleAssetData<NoteStyleData_Judgement>;
* The BAD! judgement.
var judgementBad:NoteStyleAssetData<NoteStyleData_Judgement>;
* The SHIT! judgement.
var judgementShit:NoteStyleAssetData<NoteStyleData_Judgement>;
var comboNumber0:NoteStyleAssetData<NoteStyleData_ComboNum>;
var comboNumber1:NoteStyleAssetData<NoteStyleData_ComboNum>;
var comboNumber2:NoteStyleAssetData<NoteStyleData_ComboNum>;
var comboNumber3:NoteStyleAssetData<NoteStyleData_ComboNum>;
var comboNumber4:NoteStyleAssetData<NoteStyleData_ComboNum>;
var comboNumber5:NoteStyleAssetData<NoteStyleData_ComboNum>;
var comboNumber6:NoteStyleAssetData<NoteStyleData_ComboNum>;
var comboNumber7:NoteStyleAssetData<NoteStyleData_ComboNum>;
var comboNumber8:NoteStyleAssetData<NoteStyleData_ComboNum>;
var comboNumber9:NoteStyleAssetData<NoteStyleData_ComboNum>;
* Data shared by all note style assets.
typedef NoteStyleAssetData<T> =
* The image to use for the asset. May be a Sparrow sprite sheet.
var assetPath:String;
* The scale to render the prop at.
* @default 1.0
var scale:Float;
* Offset the sprite's position by this amount.
* @default [0, 0]
@:default([0, 0])
var offsets:Null<Array<Float>>;
* If true, the prop is a pixel sprite, and will be rendered without anti-aliasing.
var isPixel:Bool;
* If true, animations will be played on the graphic.
* @default `false` to save performance.
var animated:Bool;
* The structure of this data depends on the asset.
var data:Null<T>;
typedef NoteStyleData_Note =
var left:UnnamedAnimationData;
var down:UnnamedAnimationData;
var up:UnnamedAnimationData;
var right:UnnamedAnimationData;
typedef NoteStyleData_Countdown =
var audioPath:String;
typedef NoteStyleData_HoldNote = {}
typedef NoteStyleData_Judgement = {}
typedef NoteStyleData_ComboNum = {}
* Data on animations for each direction of the strumline.
typedef NoteStyleData_NoteStrumline =
var leftStatic:UnnamedAnimationData;
var leftPress:UnnamedAnimationData;
var leftConfirm:UnnamedAnimationData;
var leftConfirmHold:UnnamedAnimationData;
var downStatic:UnnamedAnimationData;
var downPress:UnnamedAnimationData;
var downConfirm:UnnamedAnimationData;
var downConfirmHold:UnnamedAnimationData;
var upStatic:UnnamedAnimationData;
var upPress:UnnamedAnimationData;
var upConfirm:UnnamedAnimationData;
var upConfirmHold:UnnamedAnimationData;
var rightStatic:UnnamedAnimationData;
var rightPress:UnnamedAnimationData;
var rightConfirm:UnnamedAnimationData;
var rightConfirmHold:UnnamedAnimationData;
typedef NoteStyleData_NoteSplash =
* If false, note splashes are entirely hidden on this note style.
* @default Note splashes are enabled.
var enabled:Bool;
typedef NoteStyleData_HoldNoteCover =
* If false, hold note covers are entirely hidden on this note style.
* @default Hold note covers are enabled.
var enabled:Bool;