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2024-09-09 08:23:46 +02:00

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package funkin.ui.charSelect;
import funkin.graphics.adobeanimate.FlxAtlasSprite;
import flixel.tweens.FlxTween;
import flixel.tweens.FlxEase;
import flixel.math.FlxMath;
import funkin.util.FramesJSFLParser;
import funkin.util.FramesJSFLParser.FramesJSFLInfo;
import funkin.util.FramesJSFLParser.FramesJSFLFrame;
import funkin.modding.IScriptedClass.IBPMSyncedScriptedClass;
import flixel.math.FlxMath;
import funkin.modding.events.ScriptEvent;
import funkin.vis.dsp.SpectralAnalyzer;
class CharSelectGF extends FlxAtlasSprite implements IBPMSyncedScriptedClass
var fadeTimer:Float = 0;
var fadingStatus:FadeStatus = OFF;
var fadeAnimIndex:Int = 0;
var animInInfo:FramesJSFLInfo;
var animOutInfo:FramesJSFLInfo;
var intendedYPos:Float = 0;
var intendedAlpha:Float = 0;
var list:Array<String> = [];
var analyzer:SpectralAnalyzer;
var curGF:GFChar = GF;
public function new()
super(0, 0, Paths.animateAtlas("charSelect/gfChill"));
list = anim.curSymbol.getFrameLabelNames();
override public function update(elapsed:Float):Void
switch (fadingStatus)
case OFF:
// do nothing if it's off!
// or maybe force position to be 0,0?
// maybe reset timers?
case FADE_OUT:
case FADE_IN:
if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.J)
alpha = 1;
x = y = 0;
fadingStatus = FADE_OUT;
if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.K)
alpha = 0;
fadingStatus = FADE_IN;
public function onStepHit(event:SongTimeScriptEvent):Void {}
var danceEvery:Int = 2;
public function onBeatHit(event:SongTimeScriptEvent):Void
// TODO: There's a minor visual bug where there's a little stutter.
// This happens because the animation is getting restarted while it's already playing.
// I tried make this not interrupt an existing idle,
// but isAnimationFinished() and isLoopComplete() both don't work! What the hell?
// danceEvery isn't necessary if that gets fixed.
if (getCurrentAnimation() == "idle" && (event.beat % danceEvery == 0))
trace('GF beat hit');
playAnimation("idle", true, false, false);
override public function draw()
if (analyzer != null) drawFFT();
function drawFFT()
if (curGF == NENE)
var levels = analyzer.getLevels();
var frame = anim.curSymbol.timeline.get("VIZ_bars").get(anim.curFrame);
var elements = frame.getList();
var len:Int = cast Math.min(elements.length, 7);
for (i in 0...len)
var animFrame:Int = Math.round(levels[i].value * 12);
#if desktop
// Web version scales with the Flixel volume level.
// This line brings platform parity but looks worse.
// animFrame = Math.round(animFrame * FlxG.sound.volume);
animFrame = Math.floor(Math.min(12, animFrame));
animFrame = Math.floor(Math.max(0, animFrame));
animFrame = Std.int(Math.abs(animFrame - 12)); // shitty dumbass flip, cuz dave got da shit backwards lol!
elements[i].symbol.firstFrame = animFrame;
* @param animInfo Should not be confused with animInInfo!
* This is merely a local var for the function!
function doFade(animInfo:FramesJSFLInfo):Void
fadeTimer += FlxG.elapsed;
if (fadeTimer >= 1 / 24)
fadeTimer -= FlxG.elapsed;
// only inc the index for the first frame, used for reference of where to "start"
if (fadeAnimIndex == 0)
var curFrame:FramesJSFLFrame = animInfo.frames[fadeAnimIndex];
var prevFrame:FramesJSFLFrame = animInfo.frames[fadeAnimIndex - 1];
var xDiff:Float = curFrame.x - prevFrame.x;
var yDiff:Float = curFrame.y - prevFrame.y;
var alphaDiff:Float = curFrame.alpha - prevFrame.alpha;
alphaDiff /= 100; // flash exports alpha as a whole number
alpha += alphaDiff;
alpha = FlxMath.bound(alpha, 0, 1);
x += xDiff;
y += yDiff;
if (fadeAnimIndex >= animInfo.frames.length) fadingStatus = OFF;
function resetFadeAnimParams()
fadeTimer = 0;
fadeAnimIndex = 0;
* For switching between "GFs" such as gf, nene, etc
* @param bf Which BF we are selecting, so that we know the accompyaning GF
public function switchGF(bf:String):Void
var prevGF:GFChar = curGF;
switch (bf)
case "pico":
curGF = NENE;
case "bf":
curGF = GF;
curGF = GF;
// We don't need to update any anims if we didn't change GF
if (prevGF != curGF)
loadAtlas(Paths.animateAtlas("charSelect/" + curGF + "Chill"));
animInInfo = FramesJSFLParser.parse(Paths.file("images/charSelect/" + curGF + "AnimInfo/" + curGF + "In.txt"));
animOutInfo = FramesJSFLParser.parse(Paths.file("images/charSelect/" + curGF + "AnimInfo/" + curGF + "Out.txt"));
playAnimation("idle", true, false, false);
// addFrameCallback(getNextFrameLabel("idle"), () -> playAnimation("idle", true, false, false));
public function onScriptEvent(event:ScriptEvent):Void {};
public function onCreate(event:ScriptEvent):Void {};
public function onDestroy(event:ScriptEvent):Void {};
public function onUpdate(event:UpdateScriptEvent):Void {};
enum FadeStatus
enum abstract GFChar(String) from String to String
var GF = "gf";
var NENE = "nene";