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Eric 21f44edf1d New crash handler + Additional null safety for ChartEditorState (#130)
* A bunch of smaller syntax tweaks.

* New crash handler catches and logs critical errors!

* Chart editor now has null safety enabled.

* Fix -W build issue.

* Actually update hmm.json to use the crash handling branch

* Fix issues causing crash handler to trigger
2023-08-28 15:03:29 -04:00

130 lines
3.7 KiB

package funkin;
import flixel.FlxSprite;
import flixel.FlxState;
import flixel.graphics.FlxGraphic;
import flixel.graphics.frames.FlxAtlasFrames;
import flixel.math.FlxMath;
import flixel.math.FlxPoint;
import flixel.math.FlxRect;
import flixel.system.FlxAssets.FlxGraphicAsset;
import flixel.tweens.FlxEase;
import flixel.tweens.FlxTween;
import funkin.play.PlayState;
import funkin.shaderslmfao.ScreenWipeShader;
import haxe.format.JsonParser;
import lime.math.Rectangle;
import lime.utils.Assets;
import openfl.filters.ShaderFilter;
class CoolUtil
public static function coolBaseLog(base:Float, fin:Float):Float
return Math.log(fin) / Math.log(base);
public static function coolTextFile(path:String):Array<String>
var daList:Array<String> = [];
var swagArray:Array<String> = Assets.getText(path).trim().split('\n');
for (item in swagArray)
// comment support in the quick lil text formats??? using //
if (!item.trim().startsWith('//')) daList.push(item);
for (i in 0...daList.length)
daList[i] = daList[i].trim();
return daList;
public static function numberArray(max:Int, ?min = 0):Array<Int>
var dumbArray:Array<Int> = [];
for (i in min...max)
return dumbArray;
static var oldCamPos:FlxPoint = new FlxPoint();
static var oldMousePos:FlxPoint = new FlxPoint();
* Used to be for general camera middle click dragging, now generalized for any click and drag type shit!
* Listen I don't make the rules here
* @param target what you want to be dragged, defaults to CAMERA SCROLL
* @param jusPres the "justPressed", should be a button of some sort
* @param pressed the "pressed", which should be the same button as `jusPres`
public static function mouseCamDrag(?target:FlxPoint, ?jusPres:Bool, ?pressed:Bool):Void
if (target == null) target = FlxG.camera.scroll;
if (jusPres == null) jusPres = FlxG.mouse.justPressedMiddle;
if (pressed == null) pressed = FlxG.mouse.pressedMiddle;
if (jusPres)
oldCamPos.set(target.x, target.y);
oldMousePos.set(FlxG.mouse.screenX, FlxG.mouse.screenY);
if (pressed)
target.x = oldCamPos.x - (FlxG.mouse.screenX - oldMousePos.x);
target.y = oldCamPos.y - (FlxG.mouse.screenY - oldMousePos.y);
public static function mouseWheelZoom():Void
if (FlxG.mouse.wheel != 0) FlxG.camera.zoom += FlxG.mouse.wheel * (0.1 * FlxG.camera.zoom);
Lerps camera, but accountsfor framerate shit?
Right now it's simply for use to change the followLerp variable of a camera during update
Actually make and modify the scroll and lerp shit in it's own function
instead of solely relying on changing the lerp on the fly
public static function camLerpShit(lerp:Float):Float
return lerp * (FlxG.elapsed / (1 / 60));
public static function coolSwitchState(state:FlxState, transitionTex:String = "shaderTransitionStuff/coolDots", time:Float = 2)
var screenShit:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite().loadGraphic(Paths.image("shaderTransitionStuff/coolDots"));
var screenWipeShit:ScreenWipeShader = new ScreenWipeShader();
screenWipeShit.funnyShit.input = screenShit.pixels;
FlxTween.tween(screenWipeShit, {daAlphaShit: 1}, time,
ease: FlxEase.quadInOut,
onComplete: function(twn) {
FlxG.switchState(new MainMenuState());
FlxG.camera.setFilters([new ShaderFilter(screenWipeShit)]);
* frame dependant lerp kinda lol
public static function coolLerp(base:Float, target:Float, ratio:Float):Float
return base + camLerpShit(ratio) * (target - base);