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package openfl.utils;
import openfl.display.BitmapData;
import openfl.text.Font;
#if lime
import lime.utils.Assets as LimeAssets;
The AssetCache class is the default cache implementation used
by openfl.utils.Assets, objects will be cached for the lifetime
of the application unless removed explicitly, or using Assets
#if !openfl_debug
class AssetCache implements IAssetCache
Whether caching is currently enabled.
public var enabled(get, set):Bool;
@:noCompletion @:dox(hide) public var bitmapData:Map<String, BitmapData>;
@:noCompletion @:dox(hide) public var font:Map<String, Font>;
@:noCompletion @:dox(hide) public var sound:Map<String, Sound>;
@:noCompletion private var __enabled:Bool = true;
#if openfljs
@:noCompletion private static function __init__()
untyped global.Object.defineProperty(AssetCache.prototype, "enabled", {
get: untyped #if haxe4 js.Syntax.code #else __js__ #end ("function () { return this.get_enabled (); }"),
set: untyped #if haxe4 js.Syntax.code #else __js__ #end ("function (v) { return this.set_enabled (v); }")
Creates a new AssetCache instance.
public function new()
bitmapData = new Map<String, BitmapData>();
font = new Map<String, Font>();
sound = new Map<String, Sound>();
Clears all cached assets, or all assets with an ID that
matches an optional prefix.
For example:
Assets.setBitmapData("image1", image1);
Assets.setBitmapData("assets/image2", image2);
Assets.clear("assets"); // will clear image2
Assets.clear("image"); // will clear image1
@param prefix A ID prefix
public function clear(prefix:String = null):Void
Clears all cached Bitmap assets, or all assets with an ID that
matches an optional prefix.
@param prefix A ID prefix
public function clearBitmapData(prefix:String = null):Void
if (prefix == null)
bitmapData = new Map<String, BitmapData>();
for (key in getBitmapKeys(prefix))
Clears all cached Font assets, or all assets with an ID that
matches an optional prefix.
@param prefix A ID prefix
public function clearFonts(prefix:String = null):Void
if (prefix == null)
font = new Map<String, Font>();
for (key in getFontKeys(prefix))
Clears all cached Sound assets, or all assets with an ID that
matches an optional prefix.
@param prefix A ID prefix
public function clearSounds(prefix:String = null):Void
if (prefix == null)
sound = new Map<String, Sound>();
for (key in getSoundKeys(prefix))
Returns the IDs of all assets with an ID that
matches an optional prefix.
For example:
Assets.setBitmapData("image1", image1);
Assets.setBitmapData("assets/image2", image2);
Assets.getKeys("assets"); // will return ["assets/image2"]
Assets.getKeys("image"); // will return ["image1"]
@param prefix A ID prefix
public function getKeys(prefix:String = null):Array<String>
var result:Array<String> = [];
result = result.concat(getBitmapKeys(prefix));
result = result.concat(getFontKeys(prefix));
result = result.concat(getSoundKeys(prefix));
return result;
Returns the IDs of all BitmapData assets with an ID that
matches an optional prefix.
@param prefix A ID prefix
public function getBitmapKeys(prefix:String = null):Array<String>
var result:Array<String> = [];
if (prefix == null)
for (key in bitmapData.keys())
for (key in bitmapData.keys())
if (StringTools.startsWith(key, prefix))
return result;
Returns the IDs of all Font assets with an ID that
matches an optional prefix.
@param prefix A ID prefix
public function getFontKeys(prefix:String = null):Array<String>
var result:Array<String> = [];
if (prefix == null)
for (key in font.keys())
for (key in font.keys())
if (StringTools.startsWith(key, prefix))
return result;
Returns the IDs of all Sound assets with an ID that
matches an optional prefix.
@param prefix A ID prefix
public function getSoundKeys(prefix:String = null):Array<String>
var result:Array<String> = [];
if (prefix == null)
for (key in sound.keys())
for (key in sound.keys())
if (StringTools.startsWith(key, prefix))
return result;
Retrieves a cached BitmapData.
@param id The ID of the cached BitmapData
@return The cached BitmapData instance
public function getBitmapData(id:String):BitmapData
return bitmapData.get(id);
Retrieves a cached Font.
@param id The ID of the cached Font
@return The cached Font instance
public function getFont(id:String):Font
return font.get(id);
Retrieves a cached Sound.
@param id The ID of the cached Sound
@return The cached Sound instance
public function getSound(id:String):Sound
return sound.get(id);
Checks whether a BitmapData asset is cached.
@param id The ID of a BitmapData asset
@return Whether the object has been cached
public function hasBitmapData(id:String):Bool
return bitmapData.exists(id);
Checks whether a Font asset is cached.
@param id The ID of a Font asset
@return Whether the object has been cached
public function hasFont(id:String):Bool
return font.exists(id);
Checks whether a Sound asset is cached.
@param id The ID of a Sound asset
@return Whether the object has been cached
public function hasSound(id:String):Bool
return sound.exists(id);
Removes a BitmapData from the cache.
@param id The ID of a BitmapData asset
@return `true` if the asset was removed, `false` if it was not in the cache
public function removeBitmapData(id:String):Bool
#if lime
return bitmapData.remove(id);
Removes a Font from the cache.
@param id The ID of a Font asset
@return `true` if the asset was removed, `false` if it was not in the cache
public function removeFont(id:String):Bool
#if lime
return font.remove(id);
Removes a Sound from the cache.
@param id The ID of a Sound asset
@return `true` if the asset was removed, `false` if it was not in the cache
public function removeSound(id:String):Bool
#if lime;
return sound.remove(id);
Adds or replaces a BitmapData asset in the cache.
@param id The ID of a BitmapData asset
@param bitmapData The matching BitmapData instance
public function setBitmapData(id:String, bitmapData:BitmapData):Void
this.bitmapData.set(id, bitmapData);
Adds or replaces a Font asset in the cache.
@param id The ID of a Font asset
@param bitmapData The matching Font instance
public function setFont(id:String, font:Font):Void
this.font.set(id, font);
Adds or replaces a Sound asset in the cache.
@param id The ID of a Sound asset
@param bitmapData The matching Sound instance
public function setSound(id:String, sound:Sound):Void
this.sound.set(id, sound);
// Get & Set Methods
@:noCompletion private function get_enabled():Bool
return __enabled;
@:noCompletion private function set_enabled(value:Bool):Bool
return __enabled = value;