mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 20:40:31 +00:00
1288 lines
26 KiB
1288 lines
26 KiB
import faxe.Faxe;
import SndTV;
using StringTools;
//praise delahee, i'll figure out what this shit means later!
class Channel {
public var name:String;
public var onEnd : Void -> Void = null;
public var isDebug = false;
var started = true;
var paused = false;
var disposed = false;
var completed = false;
inline function new( ?name:String = null ){
if ( name == null )
this.name = C.EMPTY_STRING;
this.name = name;
public function poolBack(){
#if false
//trace("pool back");
started = false;
paused = false;
disposed = true;
completed = true;
isDebug = false;
public function reset(){
started = false;
paused = false;
disposed = false;
completed = false;
isDebug = false;
public function stop(){
started = false;
public function pause(){
paused = false;
started = true;
public function resume(){
paused = true;
started = true;
public function dispose(){
setVolume(0);//prevent any further listen
disposed = true;
onEnd = null;
public function onComplete() {
completed = true;
#if !prod
//trace("onComplete " + haxe.Timer.stamp() );
if( onEnd!=null ) {
var cb = onEnd;
onEnd = null;
public function isComplete(){
#if !prod
if ( completed ){
//trace("already completed");
if ( started ){
//trace("started ok");
return completed || (started && !isPlaying());
//returns in secs
public function getPlayCursorSec() : Float {
throw "override me";
return 0.0;
//returns in secs
public function getPlayCursorMs() : Float {
throw "override me";
return 0.0;
public function setPlayCursorSec(posSec:Float) {
setPlayCursorMs( posSec * 1000.0 );
public function setPlayCursorMs(posMs:Float) {
throw "override me";
public function isPlaying(){
throw "override me";
return false;
public function getVolume():Float{
throw "override me";
return 0.0;
public function setVolume(v:Float){
throw "override me";
public function setNbLoops(nb:Int){
class ChannelEventInstance extends Channel {//basically a sound instance
public static var EMPTY_STRING = "";
public var data : FmodStudioEventInstanceRef = null;
function new(?name:String){
started = false;
//instance does not start playing
public static var pool = {
var p = new hxd.Pool<ChannelEventInstance>(ChannelEventInstance);
//p.actives = null;
public static function alloc(data : FmodStudioEventInstanceRef, ?name:String=null ){
var s = pool.alloc();
s.data = data;
s.name = name == null ? EMPTY_STRING : name;
return s;
public static function delete( c : ChannelEventInstance){
public function getData() return data;
public override function dispose(){
if ( data != null){
data = null;
public override function poolBack(){
public override function stop(){
if (data != null) data.stop(FmodStudioStopMode.StopAllowFadeout());
public override function pause(){
if(data!=null) data.setPaused(true);
public override function resume(){
if(data!=null) data.setPaused(false);
public override function isPlaying(){
if ( completed ) return false;
if ( data == null ) {
//#if !prod
//trace("[CEI]no data " + name);
return false;
var b : Bool = false;
data.getPaused( Cpp.addr(b));
#if !prod
return !b;
//returns in secs
public override function getPlayCursorSec() : Float {
if ( data == null ) return 0.0;
var pos : Int = 0;
var res = data.getTimelinePosition( Cpp.addr(pos) );
var posF : Float = 1.0 * pos / 1000.0;
return posF;
//returns in secs
public override function getPlayCursorMs() : Float {
if ( data == null ) return 0.0;
var pos : Int = 0;
var res = data.getTimelinePosition( Cpp.addr(pos) );
return 1.0 * pos;
public override function setPlayCursorMs(posMs:Float) {
if ( data == null ) return;
if ( posMs < 0.0) posMs = 0.0;
var pos : Int = 0;
pos = Math.round( posMs );
var res = data.setTimelinePosition( pos );
if ( res != FMOD_OK){
#if debug
//trace("[SND][Channel]{"+name+"} Repositionning S err " + FaxeRef.fmodResultToString(res)+" to :"+pos+" ("+posMs+")");
#if debug
//trace("setPlayCursorMs "+posMs);
public override function setNbLoops(nb:Int){
public override function getVolume() : Float{
if (data == null ) return 0.0;
var vol : cpp.Float32 = 0.0;
var fvol : cpp.Float32 = 0.0;
var res = data.getVolume( Cpp.addr(vol),Cpp.addr(fvol) );
if ( res != FMOD_OK){
#if debug
//trace("[SND][Channel]{"+name+"} getVolume err " + FaxeRef.fmodResultToString(res));
return vol;
public override function setVolume(v:Float){
if (data == null ){
//#if debug
//trace("no data for "+name);
var res = data.setVolume( hxd.Math.clamp(v,0,1) );
if ( res != FMOD_OK){
//#if debug
//trace("[SND][Channel]{"+name+"} setVolume err " + FaxeRef.fmodResultToString(res));
else {
//if ( isDebug ){
//#if !prod
//trace("[SND][Channel]{"+name+"} setVolume ok " + v);
class ChannelLowLevel extends Channel{
public static var EMPTY_STRING = "";
public var data : FmodChannelRef = null;
function new( data : FmodChannelRef, ?name:String ){
this.data = data;
started = true;
public static var pool = {
var p = new hxd.Pool<ChannelLowLevel>(ChannelLowLevel);
//p.actives = null;
public static function alloc(data : FmodChannelRef, ?name ){
var s = pool.alloc();
s.data = data;
s.name = name == null?EMPTY_STRING:name;
return s;
public static function delete( c : ChannelLowLevel){
public function getData(){
return data;
public override function poolBack(){
public override function stop(){
if (data != null) data.stop();
public override function pause(){
if(data!=null) data.setPaused(true);
public override function resume(){
if(data!=null) data.setPaused(false);
public override function dispose(){
data = null;
public override function isPlaying(){
if ( completed ) return false;
if (data == null) {
//#if !prod
//trace("no data no playing! "+name);
return false;
var b : Bool = false;
var res = data.isPlaying( Cpp.addr(b));
if ( res != FMOD_OK ){
//#if debug
//trace("[SND][ChannelLowLevel]{"+name+"} isPlaying err " + FaxeRef.fmodResultToString(res));
return false;
return b;
//returns in secs
public override function getPlayCursorSec() : Float {
if (data == null) return 0.0;
var pos : cpp.UInt32 = 0;
var res = data.getPosition( Cpp.addr(pos), faxe.Faxe.FmodTimeUnit.FTM_MS );
var posF : Float = 1.0 * pos * 1000.0;
return posF;
//returns in secs
public override function getPlayCursorMs() : Float {
if (data == null) return 0.0;
var pos : cpp.UInt32 = 0;
var res = data.getPosition( Cpp.addr(pos), faxe.Faxe.FmodTimeUnit.FTM_MS );
return 1.0 * pos;
public override function setPlayCursorMs(posMs:Float) {
if (data == null) return;
if ( posMs < 0.0) posMs = 0.0;
var posU : cpp.UInt32 = 0;
posU = Math.round( posMs );
var res = data.setPosition( posU, FmodTimeUnit.FTM_MS );
if ( res != FMOD_OK){
//#if debug
//trace("[SND][Channel]{"+name+"} Repositionning S err " + FaxeRef.fmodResultToString(res)+" to :"+posU+" ("+posMs+")");
public override function setNbLoops(nb:Int){
if (data == null) return;
public override function getVolume():Float{
if (data == null) return 0.0;
var vol : cpp.Float32 = 0.0;
var res = data.getVolume( Cpp.addr(vol) );
if ( res != FMOD_OK){
//#if debug
//trace("[SND][Channel]{"+name+"} getVolume err " + FaxeRef.fmodResultToString(res));
return vol;
public override function setVolume(v:Float){
if (data == null) {
//if ( isDebug ){
//#if !prod
//trace("[SND][Channel]{"+name+"} setVolume no data");
var vcl = hxd.Math.clamp(v, 0, 1);
var res = data.setVolume( vcl );
if ( res != FMOD_OK){
//#if !prod
//trace("[SND][Channel]{"+name+"} setVolume err " + FaxeRef.fmodResultToString(res));
else {
if ( isDebug ){
//#if !prod
//trace("[SND][Channel]{"+name+"} setVolume ok " + v+" corrected:"+vcl);
class Sound {
* length is in seconds
public var name = "";
public var length(get, null) : Float;
public var id3 : Dynamic = null;
public var isDebug = false;
var disposed = false;
function new( ?name:String=null ){
disposed = false;
function get_length() : Float{
return 0.0;
//returns in msec
public function getDuration(): Float{
return getDurationMs();
public function getDurationSec() : Float{
return length;
public function getDurationMs() : Float{
return length * 1000.0;
public function dispose(){
if (disposed) return;
disposed = true;
public function play( ?offsetMs : Float = 0.0, ?nbLoops:Int = 1, ?volume:Float = 1.0 ) : Channel {
return null;
class SoundLowLevel extends Sound{
public var data : FmodSoundRef = null;
public function new( data : cpp.Pointer<faxe.Faxe.FmodSound>, ?name:String = null ){
this.data = Cpp.ref(data);
public function getData(){
return data;
public override function dispose(){
if ( Snd.released ) {
data = null;
data = null;
//returns in secs
override function get_length() : Float{
if (disposed) return 0.0;
var pos : cpp.UInt32 = 0;
var res = data.getLength( Cpp.addr(pos), FmodTimeUnit.FTM_MS );
if ( res != FMOD_OK ){
#if debug
//trace("impossible to retrieve sound len");
var posF = 1.0 * pos / 1000.0;
return posF;
public override function play( ?offsetMs : Float = 0.0, ?nbLoops:Int = 1, ?volume:Float = 1.0) : Channel {
var nativeChan : FmodChannelRef = FaxeRef.playSoundWithHandle( data , false);
var chan = ChannelLowLevel.alloc( nativeChan, name );
#if debug
//trace("[Sound] offset " + offsetMs);
//trace("play " + haxe.Timer.stamp() );
@:privateAccess chan.started = true;
@:privateAccess chan.completed = false;
@:privateAccess chan.disposed = false;
@:privateAccess chan.paused = false;
if( offsetMs != 0.0 ) chan.setPlayCursorMs( offsetMs );
if( volume != 1.0 ) chan.setVolume( volume );
if( nbLoops > 1 ) chan.setNbLoops( nbLoops );
return chan;
class SoundEvent extends Sound{
public var data : FmodStudioEventDescriptionRef = null;
public function new( data : FmodStudioEventDescriptionRef, ?name:String = null ){
this.data = data;
public override function dispose(){
if ( Snd.released ) {
data = null;
if ( data != null){
data = null;
public function getData(){
return data;
//returns in secs
override function get_length() : Float{
if (disposed) return 0.0;
var pos : Int = 0;
var res = data.getLength( Cpp.addr(pos) );
if ( res != FMOD_OK ){
//#if !prod
//trace("impossible to retrieve sound len");
var posF = 1.0 * pos / 1000.0;
return posF;
public override function play( ?offsetMs : Float = 0.0, ?nbLoops:Int = 1, ?volume:Float = 1.0) : Channel{
var nativeInstance : FmodStudioEventInstanceRef = data.createInstance();
var chan = ChannelEventInstance.alloc( nativeInstance, name );
//#if !prod
//trace("play " + haxe.Timer.stamp() );
@:privateAccess chan.started = true;
@:privateAccess chan.completed = false;
@:privateAccess chan.disposed = false;
@:privateAccess chan.paused = false;
if( offsetMs != 0.0 ) chan.setPlayCursorMs( offsetMs );
if( volume != 1.0 ) chan.setVolume( volume );
return chan;
class Snd {
public static var EMPTY_STRING = "";
public static var PLAYING : hxd.Stack<Snd> = new hxd.Stack();
static var MUTED = false;
static var DISABLED = false;
static var GLOBAL_VOLUME = 1.0;
static var TW = new SndTV();
public var name : String ;
public var pan : Float = 0.0;
public var volume(default,set) : Float = 1.0;
public var curPlay : Null<Channel> = null;
public var bus = otherBus;
public var isDebug = true;
* for when stop is called explicitly
* allows disposal
public var onStop = new hxd.Signal();
public var sound : Sound = null;
var onEnd : Null<Void->Void> = null;
static var fmodSystem : FmodSystemRef = null;
public static var otherBus = new SndBus();
public static var sfxBus = new SndBus();
public static var musicBus = new SndBus();
public function new( snd : Sound, ?name:String ) {
volume = 1;
pan = 0;
sound = snd;
muted = false;
this.name = name==null?EMPTY_STRING:name;
public function isLoaded() {
return sound!=null;
//does not dispose sound, only instanced
public function stop(){
TW.terminate(this);//prevent reentrancy of fadeStop() stop() not cutting any sound
if ( isPlaying() && !onStop.isTriggering )
if ( curPlay != null){
curPlay = null;
#if !prod
//trace(name+" stopped");
//bus = otherBus;
public function dispose(){
//#if !prod
//trace(name+" disposing");
if ( isPlaying() ){
if ( curPlay != null){
curPlay = null;
//#if !prod
//trace(name+" disposed");
if ( sound != null) {
sound = null;
onEnd = null;
curPlay = null;
* @return in ms
public inline function getPlayCursor() : Float {
if ( curPlay == null) return 0.0;
return curPlay.getPlayCursorMs();
public function play(?vol:Float, ?pan:Float) : Snd {
if( vol == null ) vol = volume;
if( pan == null ) pan = this.pan;
start(0, vol, 0.0);
return this;
* launches the sound, stops previous and rewrite the cur play dropping it into oblivion for the gc
public function start(loops:Int=0, vol:Float=1.0, ?startOffsetMs:Float=0.0) {
if ( DISABLED ) {
//#if debug
//trace("[SND] Disabled");
if ( sound == null ){
//#if debug
//trace("[SND] no inner sound");
if ( isPlaying() ){
//#if !prod
//trace(name+" interrupting ");
this.volume = vol;
this.pan = normalizePanning(pan);
curPlay = sound.play( startOffsetMs, loops, getRealVolume());
if ( curPlay == null){
//#if !prod
//trace(" play missed?");
else {
//#if !prod
* launches the sound and rewrite the cur play dropping it into oblivion for the gc
public function startNoStop(?loops:Int=0, ?vol:Float=1.0, ?startOffsetMs:Float=0.0) : Null<Channel>{
if ( DISABLED ) {
//#if debug
//trace("[SND] Disabled");
return null;
if ( sound == null ){
//#if debug
//trace("[SND] no inner sound");
return null;
this.volume = vol;
this.pan = normalizePanning(pan);
curPlay = sound.play( startOffsetMs, loops, getRealVolume());
return curPlay;
public inline function getDuration() {
return getDurationMs();
public inline function getDurationSec() {
return sound.length;
* returns in ms
public inline function getDurationMs() {
return sound.length * 1000.0;
public static inline
function trunk(v:Float, digit:Int) : Float{
var hl = Math.pow( 10.0 , digit );
return Std.int( v * hl ) / hl;
public static function dumpMemory(){
var v0 : Int = 0;
var v1 : Int = 0;
var v2 : Int = 0;
var v0p : cpp.Pointer<Int> = Cpp.addr(v0);
var v1p : cpp.Pointer<Int> = Cpp.addr(v1);
var v2p : cpp.Pointer<Int> = Cpp.addr(v2);
var str = "";
var res = fmodSystem.getSoundRAM( v0p, v1p, v2p );
if ( res != FMOD_OK){
//#if debug
//trace("[SND] cannot fetch snd ram dump ");
inline function f( val :Float) : Float{
return trunk(val, 2);
if( v2 > 0 ){
str+="fmod Sound chip RAM all:" + f(v0 / 1024.0) + "KB \t max:" + f(v1 / 1024.0) + "KB \t total: " + f(v2 / 1024.0) + " KB\r\n";
v0 = 0;
v1 = 0;
var res = FaxeRef.Memory_GetStats( v0p, v1p, false );
str += "fmod Motherboard chip RAM all:" + f(v0 / 1024.0) + "KB \t max:" + f(v1 / 1024.0) + "KB \t total: " + f(v2 / 1024.0) + " KB";
return str;
public function playLoop(?loops = 9999, ?vol:Float=1.0, ?startOffset = 0.0) : Snd {
if( vol==null )
vol = volume;
start(loops, vol, startOffset);
return this;
function set_volume(v:Float) {
volume = v;
return volume;
public function setVolume(v:Float) {
public inline function getRealPanning() {
return pan;
public function setPanning(p:Float) {
pan = p;
public function onEndOnce(cb:Void->Void) {
onEnd = cb;
public function fadePlay(?fadeDuration = 100, ?endVolume:Float=1.0 ) {
var p = play(0.0001);
if ( p == null ){
//trace("nothing ret");
else {
if ( p.curPlay == null){
//trace("no curplay wtf?");
//trace("curplay ok");
tweenVolume(endVolume, fadeDuration);
return p;
public function fadePlayLoop(?fadeDuration = 100, ?endVolume:Float=1.0 , ?loops=9999) {
var p = playLoop(loops,0);
tweenVolume(endVolume, fadeDuration);
return p;
public function fadeStop( ?fadeDuration = 100 ) {
if ( !isPlaying()){
//#if !prod
//trace("not playing " + name+" winn not unfade");//can cause reentrancy issues
return null;
isDebug = true;
var t = tweenVolume(0, fadeDuration);
t.onEnd = _stop;
return t;
public var muted : Bool = false;
public function toggleMute() {
muted = !muted;//todo
public function mute() {
muted = true;
public function unmute() {
muted = false;
public function isPlaying(){
if ( curPlay == null ){
#if !prod
//trace("no curplay");
return false;
return curPlay.isPlaying();
public static function init(){
#if debug
trace("[Snd] fmod init");
Faxe.fmod_init( 256 );
fmodSystem = FaxeRef.getSystem();
released = false;
public static var released = true;
public static function release(){
for (s in PLAYING)
released = true;
//trace("releasing fmod");
#if !prod
trace("fmod released");
public static function setGlobalVolume(vol:Float) {
GLOBAL_VOLUME = normalizeVolume(vol);
function refresh() {
if ( curPlay != null ) {
var vol = getRealVolume();
curPlay.setVolume( vol );
else {
//#if debug
//trace("[Snd] no playin no refresh "+name);
public function setPlayCursorSec( pos:Float ) {
if (curPlay != null) {
else {
//#if debug
//trace("setPlayCursorSec/no current instance");
public function setPlayCursorMs( pos:Float ){
if (curPlay != null)
else {
//#if debug
//trace("setPlayCursorMs/no current instance");
public function tweenVolume(v:Float, ?easing:h2d.Tweenie.TType, ?milliseconds:Float=100) : TweenV {
if ( easing == null ) easing = h2d.Tweenie.TType.TEase;
var t = TW.create(this, TVVVolume, v, easing, milliseconds);
//#if !prod
//trace("tweening " + name+" to " + v);
return t;
public function tweenPan(v:Float, ?easing:h2d.Tweenie.TType, ?milliseconds:Float=100) : TweenV {
if ( easing == null ) easing = h2d.Tweenie.TType.TEase;
var t = TW.create(this, TVVPan, v, easing, milliseconds);
return t;
public inline function getRealVolume() {
var v = volume * GLOBAL_VOLUME * (DISABLED?0:1) * (MUTED?0:1) * (muted?0:1) * bus.volume;
if ( v <= 0.001)
v = 0.0;
return normalizeVolume(v);
static inline function normalizeVolume(f:Float) {
return hxd.Math.clamp(f, 0,1);
static inline function normalizePanning(f:Float) {
return hxd.Math.clamp(f, -1,1);
static var _stop = function(t:TweenV){
#if !prod
//if( t.parent != null )
//trace(t.parent.name+" cbk stopped");
//trace(" unbound stop called");
static var _refresh = function(t:TweenV) {
//avoid unwanted crash
if ( released ){
//#if !prod
//trace("sorry released");
static function refreshAll() {
for(s in PLAYING)
function onComplete(){
//#if debug
//trace("onComplete " + haxe.Timer.stamp());
if (curPlay != null) {
public function isComplete(){
if ( curPlay == null ) {
//trace("comp: no cur play");
return true;
return curPlay.isComplete();
public static var DEBUG_TRACK = false;
public static function loadSound( path:String, streaming : Bool, blocking : Bool ) : Sound {
if ( released ) {
//trace("FMOD not active "+path);
return null;
var mode = FMOD_DEFAULT;
if ( streaming ) mode |= FMOD_CREATESTREAM;
if ( !blocking ) mode |= FMOD_NONBLOCKING;
mode |= FmodMode.FMOD_2D;
if( DEBUG_TRACK) trace("Snd:loading " + path);
var snd : cpp.RawPointer<faxe.Faxe.FmodSound> = cast null;
var sndR : cpp.RawPointer<cpp.RawPointer<faxe.Faxe.FmodSound>> = cpp.RawPointer.addressOf(snd);
#if switch
if ( !path.startsWith("rom:"))
path = "rom://" + path;
var res : FmodResult = fmodSystem.createSound(
if ( res != FMOD_OK){
trace("unable to load " + path + " code:" + res+" msg:"+FaxeRef.fmodResultToString(res));
return null;
var n:String = null;
#if debug
n = new bm.Path(path).getFilename();
return new SoundLowLevel(cpp.Pointer.fromRaw(snd),n);
public static function loadEvent( path:String ) : Sound {
if ( released ) {
//#if (!prod)
//trace("FMOD not active "+path);
return null;
if( DEBUG_TRACK) trace("Snd:loadingEvent " + path);
if ( !path.startsWith("event:/"))
path = "event:/" + path;
var fss : FmodStudioSystemRef = faxe.FaxeRef.getStudioSystem();
var ev = fss.getEvent( path);
if ( ev == null ) return null;
if ( !ev.isLoaded() ){
var t0 = haxe.Timer.stamp();
var t1 = haxe.Timer.stamp();
#if debug
//trace("time to preload:" + (t1 - t0));
return new SoundEvent( ev, path);
public static function fromFaxe( path:String ) : Snd {
if ( released ) {
//#if (!prod)
//trace("FMOD not active "+path);
return null;
var s : cpp.Pointer<FmodSound> = faxe.Faxe.fmod_get_sound(path );
if ( s == null){
#if (!prod)
trace("unable to find " + path);
return null;
var n:String = null;
#if debug
n = new bm.Path(path).getFilename();
return new Snd( new SoundLowLevel(s,n), path);
public static function loadSfx( path:String ) : Snd {
var s : Sound = loadSound(path, false, false);
if ( s == null) return null;
return new Snd( s, s.name);
public static function loadSong( path:String ) : Snd {
var s : Sound = loadSound(path, true, true);
if ( s == null) return null;
return new Snd( s, s.name);
public static function load( path:String, streaming=false,blocking=true ) : Snd {
var s : Sound = loadSound(path, streaming, blocking);
if ( s == null) {
#if !prod
trace("no such file " + path);
return null;
return new Snd( s, s.name);
public static function terminateTweens() {
public static function update() {
for ( p in PLAYING.backWardIterator())
if ( p.isComplete()){
#if !prod
//trace("[Snd] isComplete " + p);
TW.update();//let tweens complete
if(!released ) Faxe.fmod_update();
public static function loadSingleBank( filename : String ) : Null<faxe.Faxe.FmodStudioBankRef>{
if ( released ) {
#if debug
trace("FMOD not active "+filename);
return null;
if ( filename.endsWith(".fsb")) {
#if debug
trace("fsb files not supported");
return null;//old fmod format is not supported
var t0 = haxe.Timer.stamp();
var fsys = FaxeRef.getStudioSystem();
var fbank : cpp.RawPointer < FmodStudioBank > = null;
//trace("trying to load " + filename);
var result = fsys.loadBankFile(
cpp.ConstCharStar.fromString( filename ),
if (result != FMOD_OK) {
#if debug
trace("FMOD failed to LOAD sound bank with errcode:" + result + " errmsg:" + FaxeRef.fmodResultToString(result) + "\n");
return null;
// trace("loading...");
var t1 = haxe.Timer.stamp();
#if debug
//trace("time to load bank:" + (t1 - t0)+"s");
return cast fbank;
} |