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* This is the seventh iteration of a chart format proposal workshopped by Eric and Emma.
* The chart format is split into several files.
* Playable: `gameplay/songs/<id>/<id>_metadata.json`
* Non-playable: `core/music/<SONGNAME>_metadata.json`
* This is the first file the game searches for when loading a song.
* It provides important information such as readable name and credits,
* information on how to read the song such as BPM and time signatures,
* and custom data used by mods.
* This file is mandatory for playable songs,
* and is optional (but useful) for non-playable songs such as menu music.
* The file version.
* Patch version increments (2.0.x) should only be used for bug fixes.
* Minor version increments (2.x.0) should be used for new features.
* Major version increments (x.0.0) should be used for breaking changes,
* and should include a migration function such that older charts can still be used.
* An additional suffix (2.0.0-custom) should be used if the chart uses additional data
* or changes that can only be utilized by a mod or engine.
* The base game will ignore this suffix, and the chart ought to function as expected in this case.
* Other engines may choose to either accomodate or ignore the additional suffix.
"version": "2.0.0",
* The canonical name of the song in question and its artist.
* This is only supposed to be used to show the proper name of the song, and not for anything to do with loading files!
* In the future, this will need to be changed to a localization key.
"songName": "Philly Nice",
"artist": "Kawai Sprite",
* timeFormat specifies what kind of timestamps will be used by timeChanges, events, and notes (see chart.json).
* The supported formats are `ticks, ms, and float`. `ticks` will be used in this document for demonstration.
* ticks:
* If the chosen format is `ticks`, an extra value called `divisions` needs to be specified as well.
* float:
* If the chosen format is `float`, timestamps are based around quarter notes.
* A timestamp of 4.0 is equal to one whole note.
* ms:
* If the chosen format is `ms`, timestamps are based on hard millisecond time.
* This means notes are entirely independent of BPM, and cannot be exactly converted from one to another if needed.
* Every format is converted to `ms` when the song is loaded in for playing.
* These options mostly exist to allow more flexibility while creating a chart.
* If the song is not playable, and there are no BPM or time signature changes,
* this value has no effect and can be excluded.
* @default "ms"
"timeFormat": "ticks",
"divisions": 96,
* timeChanges is an array of objects that specify changes in BPM and time signature. It should always be sorted by `t`.
* The first element in the list is used to initialize the BPM and time signature, and its `t` is ignored.
* To ensure that it's at the top of the list, the first element should ideally have a `t` of 0 or below.
* - t: Timestamp in specified `timeFormat`.
* - b: Time in beats (int). The game will calculate further beat values based on this one, so it can do it in a simple linear fashion.
* - bpm: Quarter notes per minute (float). Cannot be empty in the first element of the list, but otherwise it's optional,
* and defaults to the value of the previous element.
* - n: Time signature numerator (int). Optional, defaults to 4.
* - d: Time signature denominator (int). Optional, defaults to 4. Should only ever be a power of two.
* - bt: Beat tuplets (Array<int> or int). This defines how many steps each beat is divided into.
* It can either be an array of length `n` (see above) or a single integer number. Optional, defaults to 4.
"timeChanges": [
{"t": -1, "b": 0, "bpm": 175, "n": 4, "d": 4, "bt": [4, 4, 4, 4]}
* Whether the song should loop or not. Only relevant for non-playable songs.
* TODO: Add properties for loopStart and loopEnd, once Flixel supports this functionality
"loop": false,
* playData contains any information that is ONLY relevant to playable songs.
* It is therefore excluded when the metadata file is describing a non-playable song.
* The metadata file should include any information that is needed by the game before loading the chart,
* such as available difficulties and the characters/stages used.
"playData": {
* Informs the game that there is a secondary metadata/chart file pair for this song.
* For example, with the song variation `erect`, the game would search for
* `data/songs/<id>/erect_metadata.json` and load it, and later load `data/songs/<id>/erect_chart.json` if relevant.
* Any difficulties defined in the other metadata files will use
* the secondary file's values for `playableChars`, `stage`, etc.
* Additionally, the audio files that the game loads for the instrumental and vocals
* will also change, from `songs/<id>/Inst.ogg` to `songs/<id>/<variation>/Inst.ogg`.
"songVariations": ["erect"],
* The available difficulties for this song.
* The game should not allow attempting to load difficulties that are not specified in this array.
* Any custom difficulties should automatically work.
"difficulties": ["easy", "normal", "hard"],
* The list of allowed playable characters, for this song and set of difficulties.
* The keys define the set of playable characters,
* with the values definining what other characters are to be loaded alongside them.
* If no character or `null` is given, there will be no character loaded for that specific role.
* - g: The supporting character (ex. gf).
* - o: The opponent character.
* - i: The instrumental track to use. Default is used if not specified.
"playableChars": {
"bf": {"g": "gf", "o": "pico"},
"pico": { "g": "nene", "o": "bf", "i": "Pico"},
"tankman": { "o": "pico", "f": false}
* The stage this song is played on. See `data/stages/`.
* This information is relevant to the loading state, so stage assets can reliably be loaded ahead of time.
* @default "stage"
"stage": "phillyTrain",
* The note skin used by the song.
* Noteskin would have its own format, which also specifies the number of notes on the strumline.
* @default "default"
"noteSkin": "default"
* Additional information for use in menus can be added here as needed.
* TODO: How do we allow mods to access this info?
// Not used by anything, but just a note to keep this value free so you can keep track of tool versions to help with troubleshooting.
"generatedBy": "FNF SongConverter v69"
* `data/songs/<id>/chart.json`
* This is the file which contains the actual chart data, as loaded and used for gameplay.
* The file version. See above for more information.
"version": "2.0.0",
* The scroll speed used for each difficulty.
* scrollSpeed can be one of the following:
* - A single number; the chosen scroll speed will be used for all difficulties in this chart file.
* - An object; the keys of the object are the difficulties, and the values are the scroll speeds.
* The "default" key is also supported, and will be used if no scroll speed is specified for a specific difficulty.
"scrollSpeed": {
"easy": 1,
"normal": 1.3,
"hard": 2,
"default": 1.3
* The list of song events in this chart.
* Song events represent behavior which occurs at a specific time in the song.
* - t: A number providing timestamp at which the event triggers, in the `timeFormat` specified in the metadata file.
* - e: A string specifying the event type. See below for more info.
* - v: The (optional) value for this event. Its type depends on the associated event (it could be a number, bool, string, array, object...)
* This list is assumed to be in timestamp order, and unexpected behavior may occur if it is not.
* This list will be iterated through before the song is loaded, allowing for modules to mutate them before the song starts.
* It also serves to allow for pre-loading certain assets that may be added to the game mid-song through events.
* Many event types will be supported, all with the goal of keeping the game's logic dynamic and synchronized with the song.
* Common actions (such as triggering a specific animation at a certain time in the song) should be supported through this mechanism,
* without having to create any additional scripts.
* Several possible ideas for event types include:
* - "FocusCamera": Sets which character the camera is currently focused on.
* This would fully replace "mustHitSection", which is great because it drives me insane.
* - "PlayAnimation": Forces a character to play a specific animation.
* - "SetIdleSuffix": Sets the suffix to be added to a character's idle animation.
* For example, if the value is "-alt", the character will play the "idle-alt" or "danceLeft-alt" animations, as appropriate.
* - "SetScrollSpeed": Multiply the current difficulty's scroll speed by the given value.
* For example, if this difficulty has a scroll speed of 1.3, and the event specifies a value of 1.5, the scroll speed will be set to 1.95.
* - "ScriptEvent": Fires a script event, which is received by all scripts, including character, stage, song, and module scripts.
* This should be more than sufficient for mods to implement custom events.
"events": [
* The actual playable charts for each difficulty.
* The keys are the difficulty names, and the values are arrays of NoteData objects.
* Notes are key/value objects, rather than arrays, to allow for easier manipulation.
* Each difficulty's chart is assumed to be in timestamp order, and unexpected behavior may occur if it is not.
* Note that optional keys should be scrubbed to save space.
* - t: Timestamp in the timeFormat specified in the metadata file.
* - d: Index on the strumline (i.e. direction).
* The `strumlineSize` value is determined by the song's `noteSkin`.
* Performing `floor(d / strumlineSize)` specifies which strumline the note appears on.
* (with 0 being the player, 1 being the opponent, etc.).
* Performing `d % strumlineSize` specifies the actual note direction (index) on the strumline.
* - l: Hold length in specified timeFormat. If none is given, no sustain trail is created.
* - k: Kind of this note. If unspecified, defaults to `"normal"`.
* This can allow the note to either include custom behavior defined in a module script,
* or have a custom appearance defined by the noteSkin (or both).
* - el: Editor layer (index) which this note is placed on.
* Optional, defaults to 0.
* The user can use the UI to toggle visibility of notes placed on different layers.
* - ep: Editor pattern child note.
* Optional.
* If specified, this note is in the chart because it is part of a placed pattern.
* The value is the ID of the pattern the note was copied from.
* The final chart should be able to be fully recreated by deleting all notes with non-empty `ep`,
* then applying the pattern placement data from the `editor` object.
"notes": {
"easy": [
"normal": [
"hard": [
* Data used only by the chart editor.
* This object is optional, and the chart file ought to be fully playable when it is excluded.
"editor": {
* An map of patterns which exist for this chart.
* You can browse through these using the interface on the right side,
* place them in the chart in multiple places, create them from an existing selection,
* and double click to enter the pattern for editing.
* Editing a pattern will affect the grouped notes in all locations that the pattern was placed.
* If a user destroys a pattern from the UI, they will be prompted to either
* ungroup the notes (leaving them in the chart) or remove the grouped notes from the chart.
* The key for the map is a randomized unique ID for the pattern, used to quickly reference it elsewhere in the chart.
"patternDefinitions": {
"a7be4f8": {
* A label to identify the pattern.
* Should be customizable by the user, and does not need to be unique (the key for the map keeps patterns separate)
"label": "Secondary Motif",
* A color to highlight the grouped notes with in the UI.
* Should be customizable by the user (HaxeUI has a color picker, yay!).
"color": "#FF3333",
* The notes placed in the pattern.
* These are of the same format as the main `notes` object, with the exception that
* editor attributes (such as layer and pattern child) are not allowed.
* `t` acts as an offset with 0 representing the timestamp the pattern was placed.
"notes": [
{"t":300, "d":4},
{"t":600, "d":2},
{"t":900, "d":1},-
{"t":1300, "d":3},
* Defines where in the chart that patterns are currently placed.
* Add one key for each difficulty in the chart.
* When placing a pattern in a chart, an element should be added to the appropriate array below,
* then the pattern should be fetched, and the pattern notes (with `t = pattern time + offset)
* copied to the chart, with `ep` set so the chart editor knows the notes are part of a pattern.
"patternPlacements": {
"easy": [],
"normal": [
"t": 3000,
"p": "a7be4f8",
"f": false,
"el": 2
"hard": [
"t": 3000,
"p": "a7be4f8",
"f": false,
"el": 2
* Metadata about the layers in the chart.
* The first layer (0) is always named "Default" and it cannot be rearranged or deleted.
* If there are no other layers in the chart, this array will be empty.
"layers": [
* The name this note layer has in the interface.
"label": "Test"
// Not used by anything, but just a note to keep this value free so you can keep track of tool versions to help with troubleshooting.
"generatedBy": "FNF SongConverter v69"