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synced 2025-03-22 01:49:21 +00:00
add fps option
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package;
import flixel.FlxGame;
import flixel.FlxState;
import funkin.Preferences;
import funkin.util.logging.CrashHandler;
import funkin.ui.debug.MemoryCounter;
import funkin.save.Save;
@ -22,12 +23,6 @@ class Main extends Sprite
var gameHeight:Int = 720; // Height of the game in pixels (might be less / more in actual pixels depending on your zoom).
var initialState:Class<FlxState> = funkin.InitState; // The FlxState the game starts with.
var zoom:Float = -1; // If -1, zoom is automatically calculated to fit the window dimensions.
#if web
var framerate:Int = 60; // How many frames per second the game should run at.
// TODO: This should probably be in the options menu?
var framerate:Int = 144; // How many frames per second the game should run at.
var skipSplash:Bool = true; // Whether to skip the flixel splash screen that appears in release mode.
var startFullscreen:Bool = false; // Whether to start the game in fullscreen on desktop targets
@ -103,7 +98,7 @@ class Main extends Sprite
// George recommends binding the save before FlxGame is created.
var game:FlxGame = new FlxGame(gameWidth, gameHeight, initialState, framerate, framerate, skipSplash, startFullscreen);
var game:FlxGame = new FlxGame(gameWidth, gameHeight, initialState, Preferences.framerate, Preferences.framerate, skipSplash, startFullscreen);
// FlxG.game._customSoundTray wants just the class, it calls new from
// create() in there, which gets called when it's added to stage
@ -7,6 +7,35 @@ import funkin.save.Save;
class Preferences
* @default `60`
public static var framerate(get, set):Int;
static function get_framerate():Int
#if web
return 60;
return Save?.instance?.options?.framerate ?? 60;
static function set_framerate(value:Int):Int
#if web
return 60;
var save:Save = Save.instance;
save.options.framerate = value;
FlxG.updateFramerate = value;
FlxG.drawFramerate = value;
return value;
* Whether some particularly fowl language is displayed.
* @default `true`
@ -53,7 +53,8 @@ class Save
public function new(?data:RawSaveData)
if (data == null) this.data = Save.getDefault();
else this.data = data;
this.data = data;
public static function getDefault():RawSaveData
@ -80,6 +81,7 @@ class Save
// Reasonable defaults.
framerate: 60,
naughtyness: true,
downscroll: false,
flashingLights: true,
@ -835,6 +837,12 @@ typedef SaveScoreTallyData =
typedef SaveDataOptions =
* @default `60`
var framerate:Int;
* Whether some particularly fowl language is displayed.
* @default `true`
@ -3,16 +3,16 @@ package funkin.ui.options;
import flixel.FlxCamera;
import flixel.FlxObject;
import flixel.FlxSprite;
import flixel.math.FlxMath;
import flixel.group.FlxSpriteGroup.FlxTypedSpriteGroup;
import funkin.ui.AtlasText.AtlasFont;
import funkin.ui.options.OptionsState.Page;
import funkin.graphics.FunkinCamera;
import funkin.ui.TextMenuList.TextMenuItem;
class PreferencesMenu extends Page
var items:TextMenuList;
var preferenceItems:FlxTypedSpriteGroup<FlxSprite>;
var curSelected:Int = 0;
var prefs:FlxTypedSpriteGroup<PreferenceItem>;
var menuCamera:FlxCamera;
var camFollow:FlxObject;
@ -26,22 +26,27 @@ class PreferencesMenu extends Page
menuCamera.bgColor = 0x0;
camera = menuCamera;
add(items = new TextMenuList());
add(preferenceItems = new FlxTypedSpriteGroup<FlxSprite>());
prefs = new FlxTypedSpriteGroup<PreferenceItem>();
camFollow = new FlxObject(FlxG.width / 2, 0, 140, 70);
if (items != null) camFollow.y = items.selectedItem.y;
menuCamera.follow(camFollow, null, 0.06);
var margin = 160;
menuCamera.deadzone.set(0, margin, menuCamera.width, 40);
menuCamera.minScrollY = 0;
items.onChange.add(function(selected) {
camFollow.y = selected.y;
function addPref(pref:PreferenceItem):Void
pref.x = 0;
pref.y = 120 * prefs.length;
pref.ID = prefs.length;
@ -49,50 +54,168 @@ class PreferencesMenu extends Page
function createPrefItems():Void
createPrefItemCheckbox('Naughtyness', 'Toggle displaying raunchy content', function(value:Bool):Void {
Preferences.naughtyness = value;
}, Preferences.naughtyness);
createPrefItemCheckbox('Downscroll', 'Enable to make notes move downwards', function(value:Bool):Void {
Preferences.downscroll = value;
}, Preferences.downscroll);
createPrefItemCheckbox('Flashing Lights', 'Disable to dampen flashing effects', function(value:Bool):Void {
Preferences.flashingLights = value;
}, Preferences.flashingLights);
createPrefItemCheckbox('Camera Zooming on Beat', 'Disable to stop the camera bouncing to the song', function(value:Bool):Void {
Preferences.zoomCamera = value;
}, Preferences.zoomCamera);
createPrefItemCheckbox('Debug Display', 'Enable to show FPS and other debug stats', function(value:Bool):Void {
Preferences.debugDisplay = value;
}, Preferences.debugDisplay);
createPrefItemCheckbox('Auto Pause', 'Automatically pause the game when it loses focus', function(value:Bool):Void {
Preferences.autoPause = value;
}, Preferences.autoPause);
#if !web
var pref:NumberedPreferenceItem = new NumberedPreferenceItem("FPS", "The framerate that the game is running on", Preferences.framerate,
function(value:Float):Void {
Preferences.framerate = Std.int(value);
pref.minValue = 60;
pref.maxValue = 360;
pref.changeRate = 1;
pref.changeSpeed = 0.05;
// TODO: add these back
// createPrefItemCheckbox('Naughtyness', 'Toggle displaying raunchy content', function(value:Bool):Void {
// Preferences.naughtyness = value;
// }, Preferences.naughtyness);
// createPrefItemCheckbox('Downscroll', 'Enable to make notes move downwards', function(value:Bool):Void {
// Preferences.downscroll = value;
// }, Preferences.downscroll);
// createPrefItemCheckbox('Flashing Lights', 'Disable to dampen flashing effects', function(value:Bool):Void {
// Preferences.flashingLights = value;
// }, Preferences.flashingLights);
// createPrefItemCheckbox('Camera Zooming on Beat', 'Disable to stop the camera bouncing to the song', function(value:Bool):Void {
// Preferences.zoomCamera = value;
// }, Preferences.zoomCamera);
// createPrefItemCheckbox('Debug Display', 'Enable to show FPS and other debug stats', function(value:Bool):Void {
// Preferences.debugDisplay = value;
// }, Preferences.debugDisplay);
// createPrefItemCheckbox('Auto Pause', 'Automatically pause the game when it loses focus', function(value:Bool):Void {
// Preferences.autoPause = value;
// }, Preferences.autoPause);
function createPrefItemCheckbox(prefName:String, prefDesc:String, onChange:Bool->Void, defaultValue:Bool):Void
function changeSelection(change:Int):Void
var checkbox:CheckboxPreferenceItem = new CheckboxPreferenceItem(0, 120 * (items.length - 1 + 1), defaultValue);
curSelected += change;
if (curSelected < 0)
curSelected = prefs.length - 1;
else if (curSelected >= prefs.length)
curSelected = 0;
items.createItem(120, (120 * items.length) + 30, prefName, AtlasFont.BOLD, function() {
var value = !checkbox.currentValue;
checkbox.currentValue = value;
for (pref in prefs)
pref.x = 0;
if (pref.ID == curSelected)
pref.x = 20;
camFollow.y = pref.y;
override function update(elapsed:Float)
override function update(elapsed:Float):Void
// Indent the selected item.
// TODO: Only do this on menu change?
items.forEach(function(daItem:TextMenuItem) {
if (items.selectedItem == daItem) daItem.x = 150;
daItem.x = 120;
if (controls.UI_DOWN_P)
else if (controls.UI_UP_P)
var selectedPref:PreferenceItem = prefs.members[curSelected];
class PreferenceItem extends FlxTypedSpriteGroup<FlxSprite>
public var name:String = "";
public var description:String = "";
public function handleInput(deltaTime:Float):Void {}
class NumberedPreferenceItem extends PreferenceItem
public var onChange:Float->Void;
public var changeRate:Float = 1.0;
public var changeSpeed:Float = 0.1;
public var minValue(default, set):Null<Float>;
function set_minValue(value:Float):Float
minValue = value;
currentValue = currentValue;
return value;
public var maxValue(default, set):Null<Float>;
function set_maxValue(value:Float):Float
maxValue = value;
currentValue = currentValue;
return value;
public var currentValue(default, set):Float;
function set_currentValue(value:Float):Float
currentValue = FlxMath.bound(value, minValue, maxValue);
return currentValue;
var valueText:AtlasText;
var preferenceText:AtlasText;
public function new(name:String, description:String, defaultValue:Float, onChange:Float->Void)
this.valueText = new AtlasText(0, 0, '$defaultValue', AtlasFont.DEFAULT);
this.preferenceText = new AtlasText(this.valueText.width + 30, 0, '$name', AtlasFont.BOLD);
this.name = name;
this.description = description;
this.onChange = onChange;
this.currentValue = defaultValue;
var timeToWait:Float = 0;
public override function handleInput(deltaTime:Float):Void
timeToWait -= deltaTime;
if (timeToWait > 0)
if (PlayerSettings.player1.controls.UI_RIGHT)
currentValue += changeRate;
timeToWait = changeSpeed;
else if (PlayerSettings.player1.controls.UI_LEFT)
currentValue -= changeRate;
timeToWait = changeSpeed;
function updateText():Void
valueText.text = '$currentValue';
preferenceText.x = valueText.width + 30;
Reference in a new issue