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mirror of https://github.com/ninjamuffin99/Funkin.git synced 2025-03-24 19:09:21 +00:00

sticker funzies

This commit is contained in:
Cameron Taylor 2023-04-05 17:35:19 -04:00
parent 1a5b68acd8
commit de7fab4371

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@ -3,30 +3,77 @@ package funkin.ui;
import flixel.FlxSprite;
import haxe.Json;
import lime.utils.Assets;
// import flxtyped group
import flixel.group.FlxGroup.FlxTypedGroup;
import flixel.util.FlxTimer;
import flixel.FlxG;
import flixel.util.FlxSort;
class StickerSubState extends MusicBeatSubstate
var grpStickers:FlxTypedGroup<StickerSprite>;
public function new():Void
grpStickers = new FlxTypedGroup<StickerSprite>();
var stickerInfo:StickerInfo = new StickerInfo('stickers-set-1');
for (stickerSets in stickerInfo.getPack("all"))
for (stickerShit in stickerInfo.getStickers(stickerSets))
var sticky:StickerSprite = new StickerSprite(FlxG.random.int(0, FlxG.width), FlxG.random.int(0, FlxG.height), stickerInfo.name, stickerShit);
// for loop jus to repeat it easy easy easy
for (i in 0...FlxG.random.int(1, 4))
var sticky:StickerSprite = new StickerSprite(0, 0, stickerInfo.name, stickerShit);
sticky.x -= sticky.width / 2;
sticky.y -= sticky.height / 2;
sticky.visible = false;
sticky.angle = FlxG.random.int(-60, 70);
// sticky.flipX = FlxG.random.bool();
sticky.timing = FlxG.random.float(0, 1.5);
new FlxTimer().start(sticky.timing, function(_) {
sticky.visible = true;
new FlxTimer().start((1 / 24) * 2, _ -> {
sticky.scale.x = sticky.scale.y = FlxG.random.float(0.97, 1.02);
// sticky.angle *= FlxG.random.float(0, 0.05);
for (ind => sticker in grpStickers.members)
sticker.x += (ind % 7) * sticker.width;
sticker.y += Math.floor(ind / 6) * sticker.height;
grpStickers.sort((ord, a, b) -> {
return FlxSort.byValues(ord, a.timing, b.timing);
class StickerSprite extends FlxSprite
public var timing:Float = 0;
public function new(x:Float, y:Float, stickerSet:String, stickerName:String):Void
super(x, y, Paths.image('transitionSwag/' + stickerSet + '/' + stickerName));
height = 100;
width = 190;
antialiasing = true;