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mirror of https://github.com/ninjamuffin99/Funkin.git synced 2024-09-29 13:48:50 +00:00

Work in progress on new Waveform renderer

This commit is contained in:
EliteMasterEric 2024-01-20 14:07:48 -05:00
parent 608d9b6968
commit c3d2582252
5 changed files with 483 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -125,6 +125,11 @@
"target": "windows",
"args": ["-debug", "-DLATENCY"]
"label": "Windows / Debug (Waveform Test)",
"target": "windows",
"args": ["-debug", "-DWAVEFORM"]
"label": "HTML5 / Debug",
"target": "html5",


@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 7e19c4cfa7db57178f03ed4a58a9fd4d2b93dea7
Subproject commit 3d92b497682727d34eaa55e564e0bd9faea1c9d7

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@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
package funkin.audio.waveform;
import funkin.util.MathUtil;
class WaveformData
* The version of the waveform data format.
* @default `2` (-1 if not specified/invalid)
public var version(default, null):Int = -1;
* The number of channels in the waveform.
public var channels(default, null):Int = 1;
public var sampleRate(default, null):Int = 44100;
* Number of input audio samples per output waveform data point.
* At base zoom level this is number of samples per pixel.
* Lower values can more accurately represent the waveform when zoomed in, but take more data.
public var samplesPerPixel(default, null):Int = 256;
* Number of bits to use for each sample value. Valid values are `8` and `16`.
public var bits(default, null):Int = 16;
* Number of output waveform data points.
public var length(default, null):Int = 0; // Array size is (4 * length)
* Array of Int16 values representing the waveform.
* TODO: Use an `openfl.Vector` for performance.
public var data(default, null):Array<Int> = [];
var channelData:Null<Array<WaveformDataChannel>> = null;
public function new() {}
function buildChannelData():Array<WaveformDataChannel>
channelData = [];
for (i in 0...channels)
channelData.push(new WaveformDataChannel(this, i));
return channelData;
public function channel(index:Int)
return (channelData == null) ? buildChannelData()[index] : channelData[index];
public function get(index:Int):Int
return data[index] ?? 0;
public function set(index:Int, value:Int)
data[index] = value;
* Maximum possible value for a waveform data point.
* The minimum possible value is (-1 * maxSampleValue)
public function maxSampleValue():Int
if (_maxSampleValue != -1) return _maxSampleValue;
return _maxSampleValue = Std.int(Math.pow(2, bits));
* Cache the value because `Math.pow` is expensive and the value gets used a lot.
var _maxSampleValue:Int = -1;
* @return The length of the waveform in samples.
public function lenSamples():Int
return length * samplesPerPixel;
* @return The length of the waveform in seconds.
public function lenSeconds():Float
return lenSamples() / sampleRate;
* Given the time in seconds, return the waveform data point index.
public function secondsToIndex(seconds:Float):Int
return Std.int(seconds * sampleRate / samplesPerPixel);
* Given a waveform data point index, return the time in seconds.
public function indexToSeconds(index:Int):Float
return index * samplesPerPixel / sampleRate;
* Given the percentage progress through the waveform, return the waveform data point index.
public function percentToIndex(percent:Float):Int
return Std.int(percent * length);
* Given a waveform data point index, return the percentage progress through the waveform.
public function indexToPercent(index:Int):Float
return index / length;
class WaveformDataChannel
var parent:WaveformData;
var channelId:Int;
public function new(parent:WaveformData, channelId:Int)
this.parent = parent;
this.channelId = channelId;
public function minSample(i:Int)
var offset = (i * parent.channels + this.channelId) * 2;
return parent.get(offset);
* Mapped to a value between 0 and 1.
public function minSampleMapped(i:Int)
return minSample(i) / parent.maxSampleValue();
* Minimum value within the range of samples.
* @param i
public function minSampleRange(start:Int, end:Int)
var min = parent.maxSampleValue();
for (i in start...end)
var sample = minSample(i);
if (sample < min) min = sample;
return min;
* Maximum value within the range of samples, mapped to a value between 0 and 1.
* @param i
public function minSampleRangeMapped(start:Int, end:Int)
return minSampleRange(start, end) / parent.maxSampleValue();
public function maxSample(i:Int)
var offset = (i * parent.channels + this.channelId) * 2 + 1;
return parent.get(offset);
* Mapped to a value between 0 and 1.
public function maxSampleMapped(i:Int)
return maxSample(i) / parent.maxSampleValue();
* Maximum value within the range of samples.
* @param i
public function maxSampleRange(start:Int, end:Int)
var max = -parent.maxSampleValue();
for (i in start...end)
var sample = maxSample(i);
if (sample > max) max = sample;
return max;
* Maximum value within the range of samples, mapped to a value between 0 and 1.
* @param i
public function maxSampleRangeMapped(start:Int, end:Int)
return maxSampleRange(start, end) / parent.maxSampleValue();
* Maximum value within the range of samples, mapped to a value between 0 and 1.
* @param i
public function setMinSample(i:Int, value:Int)
var offset = (i * parent.channels + this.channelId) * 2;
parent.set(offset, value);
public function setMaxSample(i:Int, value:Int)
var offset = (i * parent.channels + this.channelId) * 2 + 1;
parent.set(offset, value);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
package funkin.audio.waveform;
class WaveformDataParser
public static function parseWaveformData(path:String):Null<WaveformData>
var rawJson:String = openfl.Assets.getText(path).trim();
return parseWaveformDataString(rawJson, path);
public static function parseWaveformDataString(contents:String, ?fileName:String):Null<WaveformData>
var parser = new json2object.JsonParser<WaveformData>();
parser.ignoreUnknownVariables = false;
parser.fromJson(contents, fileName);
if (parser.errors.length > 0)
printErrors(parser.errors, fileName);
return null;
return parser.value;
static function printErrors(errors:Array<json2object.Error>, id:String = ''):Void
trace('[WAVEFORM] Failed to parse waveform data: ${id}');
for (error in errors)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
package funkin.ui.debug;
import flixel.FlxSprite;
import flixel.util.FlxColor;
import funkin.audio.FunkinSound;
import funkin.audio.waveform.WaveformData;
import funkin.audio.waveform.WaveformDataParser;
import funkin.graphics.rendering.MeshRender;
class WaveformTestState extends MusicBeatState
public function new()
var waveformData:WaveformData;
var waveformAudio:FunkinSound;
var meshRender:MeshRender;
var timeMarker:FlxSprite;
public override function create():Void
waveformData = WaveformDataParser.parseWaveformData(Paths.json("waveform/dadbattle-erect/dadbattle-erect.waveform"));
waveformAudio = FunkinSound.load(Paths.music('dadbattle-erect/dadbattle-erect'));
var lightBlue:FlxColor = FlxColor.fromString("#ADD8E6");
meshRender = new MeshRender(0, 0, lightBlue);
timeMarker = new FlxSprite(0, FlxG.height * 1 / 6);
timeMarker.makeGraphic(1, Std.int(FlxG.height * 2 / 3), FlxColor.RED);
drawWaveform(time, duration);
* @param offsetX Horizontal offset to draw the waveform at, in samples.
function drawWaveform(timeSeconds:Float, duration:Float):Void
var offsetX:Int = waveformData.secondsToIndex(timeSeconds);
var waveformHeight:Int = Std.int(FlxG.height * (2 / 3));
var waveformWidth:Int = FlxG.width;
var waveformCenterPos:Int = Std.int(FlxG.height / 2);
var oneSecondInIndices:Int = waveformData.secondsToIndex(1);
var startTime:Float = -1.0;
var endTime:Float = startTime + duration;
var startIndex:Int = Std.int(offsetX + (oneSecondInIndices * startTime));
var endIndex:Int = Std.int(offsetX + (oneSecondInIndices * (startTime + duration)));
var pixelsPerIndex:Float = waveformWidth / (endIndex - startIndex);
var indexesPerPixel:Float = (endIndex - startIndex) / waveformWidth;
if (pixelsPerIndex >= 1.0)
// Each index is at least one pixel wide, so we render each index.
var prevVertexTopIndex:Int = -1;
var prevVertexBottomIndex:Int = -1;
for (i in startIndex...endIndex)
var pixelPos:Int = Std.int((i - startIndex) * pixelsPerIndex);
var vertexTopY:Int = Std.int(waveformCenterPos - (waveformData.channel(0).maxSampleMapped(i) * waveformHeight / 2));
var vertexBottomY:Int = Std.int(waveformCenterPos + (-waveformData.channel(0).minSampleMapped(i) * waveformHeight / 2));
var vertexTopIndex:Int = meshRender.build_vertex(pixelPos, vertexTopY);
var vertexBottomIndex:Int = meshRender.build_vertex(pixelPos, vertexBottomY);
if (prevVertexTopIndex != -1 && prevVertexBottomIndex != -1)
meshRender.add_quad(prevVertexTopIndex, vertexTopIndex, vertexBottomIndex, prevVertexBottomIndex);
trace('Skipping quad at index ${i}');
prevVertexTopIndex = vertexTopIndex;
prevVertexBottomIndex = vertexBottomIndex;
// Indexes are less than one pixel wide, so for each pixel we render the maximum of the samples that fall within it.
var prevVertexTopIndex:Int = -1;
var prevVertexBottomIndex:Int = -1;
for (i in 0...waveformWidth)
// Wrap Std.int around the whole range calculation, not just indexesPerPixel, otherwise you get weird issues with zooming.
var rangeStart:Int = Std.int(i * indexesPerPixel + startIndex);
var rangeEnd:Int = Std.int((i + 1) * indexesPerPixel + startIndex);
var vertexTopY:Int = Std.int(waveformCenterPos - (waveformData.channel(0).maxSampleRangeMapped(rangeStart, rangeEnd) * waveformHeight / 2));
var vertexBottomY:Int = Std.int(waveformCenterPos + (-waveformData.channel(0).minSampleRangeMapped(rangeStart, rangeEnd) * waveformHeight / 2));
// trace('Drawing index ${rangeStart} at pixel ${i} with MAX ${vertexTopY} and MIN ${vertexBottomY}');
var vertexTopIndex:Int = meshRender.build_vertex(i, vertexTopY);
var vertexBottomIndex:Int = meshRender.build_vertex(i, vertexBottomY);
if (prevVertexTopIndex != -1 && prevVertexBottomIndex != -1)
meshRender.add_quad(prevVertexTopIndex, vertexTopIndex, vertexBottomIndex, prevVertexBottomIndex);
trace('Skipping quad at index ${i}');
prevVertexTopIndex = vertexTopIndex;
prevVertexBottomIndex = vertexBottomIndex;
trace('Drawing ${duration} seconds of waveform with ${meshRender.vertex_count} vertices');
var oneSecondInPixels:Float = waveformWidth / duration;
timeMarker.x = Std.int(oneSecondInPixels);
// For each sample in the waveform...
// Add a MAX vertex and a MIN vertex.
// If previous MAX/MIN is empty, store.
// If previous MAX/MIN is not empty, draw a quad using current and previous MAX/MIN. Then store current MAX/MIN.
// Continue until end of waveform.
public override function update(elapsed:Float):Void
if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.SPACE)
if (waveformAudio.isPlaying)
if (waveformAudio.isPlaying)
var songTimeSeconds:Float = waveformAudio.time / 1000;
drawWaveform(songTimeSeconds, duration);
if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.UP)
trace('Zooming out');
duration += 1.0;
if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.DOWN)
trace('Zooming in');
duration -= 1.0;
if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.LEFT)
trace('Seeking back');
time -= 1.0;
if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.RIGHT)
trace('Seeking forward');
time += 1.0;
var time:Float = 0.0;
var duration:Float = 5.0;
function drawTheWaveform():Void
drawWaveform(time, duration);
public override function destroy():Void