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synced 2025-03-23 02:19:46 +00:00
Added blood to henches, added moving limo, added dynamic GF combo/drop animations
This commit is contained in:
@ -294,15 +294,22 @@ class NoteScriptEvent extends ScriptEvent
public var note(default, null):Note;
public function new(type:ScriptEventType, note:Note, cancelable:Bool = false):Void
* The combo count as it is with this event.
* Will be (combo) on miss events and (combo + 1) on hit events (the stored combo count won't update if the event is cancelled).
public var comboCount(default, null):Int;
public function new(type:ScriptEventType, note:Note, comboCount:Int = 0, cancelable:Bool = false):Void
super(type, cancelable);
this.note = note;
this.comboCount = comboCount;
public override function toString():String
return 'NoteScriptEvent(type=' + type + ', cancelable=' + cancelable + ', note=' + note + ')';
return 'NoteScriptEvent(type=' + type + ', cancelable=' + cancelable + ', note=' + note + ', comboCount=' + comboCount + ')';
@ -979,6 +979,7 @@ class PlayState extends MusicBeatState implements IHook
regenNoteData(); // loads the note data from start
health = 1;
songScore = 0;
combo = 0;
needsReset = false;
@ -1221,7 +1222,7 @@ class PlayState extends MusicBeatState implements IHook
if (currentSong.song != 'Tutorial')
camZooming = true;
var event:NoteScriptEvent = new NoteScriptEvent(ScriptEvent.NOTE_HIT, daNote, true);
var event:NoteScriptEvent = new NoteScriptEvent(ScriptEvent.NOTE_HIT, daNote, combo, true);
// Calling event.cancelEvent() in a module should force the CPU to miss the note.
@ -1305,19 +1306,6 @@ class PlayState extends MusicBeatState implements IHook
daNote.clipRect = swagRect;
function killCombo():Void
// Girlfriend gets sad if you combo break after hitting 5 notes.
if (currentStage != null && currentStage.getGirlfriend() != null)
if (combo > 5 && currentStage.getGirlfriend().hasAnimation('sad'))
if (combo != 0)
combo = comboPopUps.displayCombo(0);
#if debug
function changeSection(sec:Int):Void
@ -1685,7 +1673,7 @@ class PlayState extends MusicBeatState implements IHook
function noteMiss(note:Note):Void
var event:NoteScriptEvent = new NoteScriptEvent(ScriptEvent.NOTE_MISS, note, true);
var event:NoteScriptEvent = new NoteScriptEvent(ScriptEvent.NOTE_MISS, note, combo, true);
// Calling event.cancelEvent() skips all the other logic! Neat!
if (event.eventCanceled)
@ -1695,7 +1683,11 @@ class PlayState extends MusicBeatState implements IHook
if (!isPracticeMode)
songScore -= 10;
vocals.volume = 0;
if (combo != 0)
combo = comboPopUps.displayCombo(0);
note.active = false;
note.visible = false;
@ -1709,7 +1701,7 @@ class PlayState extends MusicBeatState implements IHook
if (!note.wasGoodHit)
var event:NoteScriptEvent = new NoteScriptEvent(ScriptEvent.NOTE_HIT, note, true);
var event:NoteScriptEvent = new NoteScriptEvent(ScriptEvent.NOTE_HIT, note, combo + 1, true);
// Calling event.cancelEvent() skips all the other logic! Neat!
@ -34,6 +34,16 @@ class BaseCharacter extends Bopper
public var isDead:Bool = false;
public var debugMode:Bool = false;
* This character plays a given animation when hitting these specific combo numbers.
public var comboNoteCounts(default, null):Array<Int>;
* This character plays a given animation when dropping combos larger than these numbers.
public var dropNoteCounts(default, null):Array<Int>;
final _data:CharacterData;
final singTimeCrochet:Float;
@ -147,6 +157,25 @@ class BaseCharacter extends Bopper
shouldBop = false;
function findCountAnimations(prefix:String):Array<Int> {
var animNames:Array<String> = this.animation.getNameList();
var result:Array<Int> = [];
for (anim in animNames) {
if (anim.startsWith(prefix)) {
var comboNum:Null<Int> = Std.parseInt(anim.substring(prefix.length));
if (comboNum != null) {
// Sort numerically.
result.sort((a, b) -> a - b);
return result;
* Set the sprite scale to the appropriate value.
* @param scale
@ -181,6 +210,15 @@ class BaseCharacter extends Bopper
var charCenterX = this.x + this.width / 2;
var charCenterY = this.y + this.height / 2;
this.cameraFocusPoint = new FlxPoint(charCenterX + _data.cameraOffsets[0], charCenterY + _data.cameraOffsets[1]);
// Child class should have created animations by now,
// so we can query which ones are available.
this.comboNoteCounts = findCountAnimations('combo'); // example: combo50
this.dropNoteCounts = findCountAnimations('drop'); // example: drop50
trace('Combo note counts: ' + this.comboNoteCounts);
trace('Drop note counts: ' + this.dropNoteCounts);
@ -369,6 +407,11 @@ class BaseCharacter extends Bopper
// If the note is from the same strumline, play the sing animation.
this.playSingAnimation(event.note.data.dir, false, event.note.data.altNote);
} else if (characterType == GF) {
if (this.comboNoteCounts.contains(event.comboCount)) {
trace('Playing GF combo animation: combo${event.comboCount}');
this.playAnimation('combo${event.comboCount}', true, true);
@ -389,6 +432,22 @@ class BaseCharacter extends Bopper
// If the note is from the same strumline, play the sing animation.
this.playSingAnimation(event.note.data.dir, true, event.note.data.altNote);
} else if (event.note.mustPress && characterType == GF) {
var dropAnim = '';
// Choose the combo drop anim to play.
// If there are several (for example, drop10 and drop50) the highest one will be used.
// If the combo count is too low, no animation will be played.
for (count in dropNoteCounts) {
if (event.comboCount >= count) {
dropAnim = 'drop${count}';
if (dropAnim != '') {
trace('Playing GF combo drop animation: ${dropAnim}');
this.playAnimation(dropAnim, true, true);
@ -435,8 +494,37 @@ class BaseCharacter extends Bopper
enum CharacterType
* The BF character has the following behaviors.
* - At idle, dances with `danceLeft` and `danceRight` if available, or `idle` if not.
* - When the player hits a note, plays the appropriate `singDIR` animation until BF is done singing.
* - If there is a `singDIR-end` animation, the `singDIR` animation will play once before looping the `singDIR-end` animation until BF is done singing.
* - If the player misses or hits a ghost note, plays the appropriate `singDIR-miss` animation until BF is done singing.
* The DAD character has the following behaviors.
* - At idle, dances with `danceLeft` and `danceRight` if available, or `idle` if not.
* - When the CPU hits a note, plays the appropriate `singDIR` animation until DAD is done singing.
* - If there is a `singDIR-end` animation, the `singDIR` animation will play once before looping the `singDIR-end` animation until DAD is done singing.
* - When the CPU misses a note (NOTE: This only happens via script, not by default), plays the appropriate `singDIR-miss` animation until DAD is done singing.
* The GF character has the following behaviors.
* - At idle, dances with `danceLeft` and `danceRight` if available, or `idle` if not.
* - If available, `combo###` animations will play when certain combo counts are reached.
* - For example, `combo50` will play when the player hits 50 notes in a row.
* - Multiple combo animations can be provided for different thresholds.
* - If available, `drop###` animations will play when combos are dropped above certain thresholds.
* - For example, `drop10` will play when the player drops a combo larger than 10.
* - Multiple drop animations can be provided for different thresholds (i.e. dropping larger combos).
* - No drop animation will play if one isn't applicable (i.e. if the combo count is too low).
* The OTHER character will only perform the `danceLeft`/`danceRight` or `idle` animation by default, depending on what's available.
* Additional behaviors can be performed via scripts.
Reference in a new issue