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synced 2025-03-23 10:29:29 +00:00
Created the Note Style class and data registry
This commit is contained in:
@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ abstract class BaseRegistry<T:(IRegistryEntry<J> & Constructible<EntryConstructo
catch (e:Dynamic)
catch (e:Dynamic)
// Print the error.
trace(' Failed to load entry data: ${entryId}');
trace(' Failed to load entry data: ${entryId}');
@ -91,16 +92,29 @@ abstract class BaseRegistry<T:(IRegistryEntry<J> & Constructible<EntryConstructo
* Retrieve a list of all entry IDs in this registry.
* @return The list of entry IDs.
public function listEntryIds():Array<String>
public function listEntryIds():Array<String>
return entries.keys().array();
return entries.keys().array();
* Count the number of entries in this registry.
* @return The number of entries.
public function countEntries():Int
public function countEntries():Int
return entries.size();
return entries.size();
* Fetch an entry by its ID.
* @param id The ID of the entry to fetch.
* @return The entry, or `null` if it does not exist.
public function fetchEntry(id:String):Null<T>
public function fetchEntry(id:String):Null<T>
return entries.get(id);
return entries.get(id);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
package funkin.data.notestyle;
import haxe.DynamicAccess;
import funkin.data.animation.AnimationData;
* A type definition for the data in a note style JSON file.
* @see https://lib.haxe.org/p/json2object/
typedef NoteStyleData =
* The version number of the note style data schema.
* When making changes to the note style data format, this should be incremented,
* and a migration function should be added to NoteStyleDataParser to handle old versions.
var version:String;
* The readable title of the note style.
var name:String;
* The author of the note style.
var author:String;
* The note style to use as a fallback/parent.
* @default null
var fallback:Null<String>;
* Data for each of the assets in the note style.
var assets:NoteStyleAssetsData;
typedef NoteStyleAssetsData =
* The sprites for the notes.
* @default The sprites from the fallback note style.
var note:NoteStyleAssetData<NoteStyleData_Note>;
* The sprites for the hold notes.
* @default The sprites from the fallback note style.
var holdNote:NoteStyleAssetData<NoteStyleData_HoldNote>;
* The sprites for the strumline.
* @default The sprites from the fallback note style.
var noteStrumline:NoteStyleAssetData<NoteStyleData_NoteStrumline>;
* The sprites for the note splashes.
var noteSplash:NoteStyleAssetData<NoteStyleData_NoteSplash>;
* The sprites for the hold note covers.
var holdNoteCover:NoteStyleAssetData<NoteStyleData_HoldNoteCover>;
* Data shared by all note style assets.
typedef NoteStyleAssetData<T> =
* The image to use for the asset. May be a Sparrow sprite sheet.
var assetPath:String;
* The scale to render the prop at.
* @default 1.0
var scale:Float;
* Offset the sprite's position by this amount.
* @default [0, 0]
@:default([0, 0])
var offsets:Null<Array<Float>>;
* If true, the prop is a pixel sprite, and will be rendered without anti-aliasing.
var isPixel:Bool;
* The structure of this data depends on the asset.
var data:T;
typedef NoteStyleData_Note =
var left:UnnamedAnimationData;
var down:UnnamedAnimationData;
var up:UnnamedAnimationData;
var right:UnnamedAnimationData;
typedef NoteStyleData_HoldNote = {}
* Data on animations for each direction of the strumline.
typedef NoteStyleData_NoteStrumline =
var leftStatic:UnnamedAnimationData;
var leftPress:UnnamedAnimationData;
var leftConfirm:UnnamedAnimationData;
var leftConfirmHold:UnnamedAnimationData;
var downStatic:UnnamedAnimationData;
var downPress:UnnamedAnimationData;
var downConfirm:UnnamedAnimationData;
var downConfirmHold:UnnamedAnimationData;
var upStatic:UnnamedAnimationData;
var upPress:UnnamedAnimationData;
var upConfirm:UnnamedAnimationData;
var upConfirmHold:UnnamedAnimationData;
var rightStatic:UnnamedAnimationData;
var rightPress:UnnamedAnimationData;
var rightConfirm:UnnamedAnimationData;
var rightConfirmHold:UnnamedAnimationData;
typedef NoteStyleData_NoteSplash =
* If false, note splashes are entirely hidden on this note style.
* @default Note splashes are enabled.
var enabled:Bool;
typedef NoteStyleData_HoldNoteCover =
* If false, hold note covers are entirely hidden on this note style.
* @default Hold note covers are enabled.
var enabled:Bool;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
package funkin.data.notestyle;
import funkin.play.notes.notestyle.NoteStyle;
import funkin.play.notes.notestyle.ScriptedNoteStyle;
import funkin.data.notestyle.NoteStyleData;
class NoteStyleRegistry extends BaseRegistry<NoteStyle, NoteStyleData>
* The current version string for the note style data format.
* Handle breaking changes by incrementing this value
* and adding migration to the `migrateNoteStyleData()` function.
public static final NOTE_STYLE_DATA_VERSION:String = "1.0.0";
public static final DEFAULT_NOTE_STYLE_ID:String = "funkin";
public static final instance:NoteStyleRegistry = new NoteStyleRegistry();
public function new()
super('NOTESTYLE', 'notestyles');
public function fetchDefault():NoteStyle
return fetchEntry(DEFAULT_NOTE_STYLE_ID);
* Read, parse, and validate the JSON data and produce the corresponding data object.
public function parseEntryData(id:String):Null<NoteStyleData>
if (id == null) id = DEFAULT_NOTE_STYLE_ID;
// JsonParser does not take type parameters,
// otherwise this function would be in BaseRegistry.
var parser = new json2object.JsonParser<NoteStyleData>();
var jsonStr:String = loadEntryFile(id);
if (parser.errors.length > 0)
trace('Failed to parse entry data: ${id}');
for (error in parser.errors)
return null;
return parser.value;
function createScriptedEntry(clsName:String):NoteStyle
return ScriptedNoteStyle.init(clsName, "unknown");
function getScriptedClassNames():Array<String>
return ScriptedNoteStyle.listScriptClasses();
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
package funkin.play.notes.notestyle;
import flixel.graphics.frames.FlxAtlasFrames;
import flixel.graphics.frames.FlxFramesCollection;
import funkin.data.animation.AnimationData;
import funkin.data.IRegistryEntry;
import funkin.data.notestyle.NoteStyleData;
import funkin.data.notestyle.NoteStyleRegistry;
import funkin.data.notestyle.NoteStyleRegistry;
import funkin.util.assets.FlxAnimationUtil;
using funkin.data.animation.AnimationData.AnimationDataUtil;
* Holds the data for what assets to use for a note style,
* and provides convenience methods for building sprites based on them.
class NoteStyle implements IRegistryEntry<NoteStyleData>
* The ID of the note style.
public final id:String;
* Note style data as parsed from the JSON file.
public final _data:NoteStyleData;
* The note style to use if this one doesn't have a certain asset.
* This can be recursive, ehe.
final fallback:Null<NoteStyle>;
* @param id The ID of the JSON file to parse.
public function new(id:String)
this.id = id;
_data = _fetchData(id);
if (_data == null)
throw 'Could not parse note style data for id: $id';
this.fallback = NoteStyleRegistry.instance.fetchEntry(getFallbackID());
* Get the readable name of the note style.
* @return String
public function getName():String
return _data.name;
* Get the author of the note style.
* @return String
public function getAuthor():String
return _data.author;
* Get the note style ID of the parent note style.
* @return The string ID, or `null` if there is no parent.
function getFallbackID():Null<String>
return _data.fallback;
public function buildNoteSprite(target:NoteSprite):Void
// Apply the note sprite frames.
var atlas:FlxAtlasFrames = buildNoteFrames(false);
if (atlas == null)
throw 'Could not load spritesheet for note style: $id';
target.frames = atlas;
target.scale.x = _data.assets.note.scale;
target.scale.y = _data.assets.note.scale;
target.antialiasing = !_data.assets.note.isPixel;
// Apply the animations.
var noteFrames:FlxAtlasFrames = null;
function buildNoteFrames(force:Bool = false):FlxAtlasFrames
if (noteFrames != null && !force) return noteFrames;
noteFrames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas(getNoteAssetPath(), getNoteAssetLibrary());
noteFrames.parent.persist = true;
return noteFrames;
function getNoteAssetPath(?raw:Bool = false):String
if (raw)
var rawPath:Null<String> = _data?.assets?.note?.assetPath;
if (rawPath == null) return fallback.getNoteAssetPath(true);
return rawPath;
// library:path
var parts = getNoteAssetPath(true).split(Constants.LIBRARY_SEPARATOR);
if (parts.length == 1) return getNoteAssetPath(true);
return parts[1];
function getNoteAssetLibrary():Null<String>
// library:path
var parts = getNoteAssetPath(true).split(Constants.LIBRARY_SEPARATOR);
if (parts.length == 1) return null;
return parts[0];
function buildNoteAnimations(target:NoteSprite):Void
var leftData:AnimationData = fetchNoteAnimationData(LEFT);
target.animation.addByPrefix('purpleScroll', leftData.prefix);
var downData:AnimationData = fetchNoteAnimationData(DOWN);
target.animation.addByPrefix('blueScroll', downData.prefix);
var upData:AnimationData = fetchNoteAnimationData(UP);
target.animation.addByPrefix('greenScroll', upData.prefix);
var rightData:AnimationData = fetchNoteAnimationData(RIGHT);
target.animation.addByPrefix('redScroll', rightData.prefix);
function fetchNoteAnimationData(dir:NoteDirection):AnimationData
var result:Null<AnimationData> = switch (dir)
case LEFT: _data.assets.note.data.left.toNamed();
case DOWN: _data.assets.note.data.down.toNamed();
case UP: _data.assets.note.data.up.toNamed();
case RIGHT: _data.assets.note.data.right.toNamed();
return (result == null) ? fallback.fetchNoteAnimationData(dir) : result;
public function getHoldNoteAssetPath(?raw:Bool = false):String
if (raw)
var rawPath:Null<String> = _data?.assets?.holdNote?.assetPath;
return (rawPath == null) ? fallback.getHoldNoteAssetPath(true) : rawPath;
// library:path
var parts = getHoldNoteAssetPath(true).split(Constants.LIBRARY_SEPARATOR);
if (parts.length == 1) return Paths.image(parts[0]);
return Paths.image(parts[1], parts[0]);
public function isHoldNotePixel():Bool
var data = _data?.assets?.holdNote;
if (data == null) return fallback.isHoldNotePixel();
return data.isPixel;
public function fetchHoldNoteScale():Float
var data = _data?.assets?.holdNote;
if (data == null) return fallback.fetchHoldNoteScale();
return data.scale;
public function applyStrumlineFrames(target:StrumlineNote):Void
// TODO: Add support for multi-Sparrow.
// Will be less annoying after this is merged: https://github.com/HaxeFlixel/flixel/pull/2772
var atlas:FlxAtlasFrames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas(getStrumlineAssetPath(), getStrumlineAssetLibrary());
if (atlas == null)
throw 'Could not load spritesheet for note style: $id';
target.frames = atlas;
target.scale.x = _data.assets.noteStrumline.scale;
target.scale.y = _data.assets.noteStrumline.scale;
target.antialiasing = !_data.assets.noteStrumline.isPixel;
function getStrumlineAssetPath(?raw:Bool = false):String
if (raw)
var rawPath:Null<String> = _data?.assets?.noteStrumline?.assetPath;
if (rawPath == null) return fallback.getStrumlineAssetPath(true);
return rawPath;
// library:path
var parts = getStrumlineAssetPath(true).split(Constants.LIBRARY_SEPARATOR);
if (parts.length == 1) return getStrumlineAssetPath(true);
return parts[1];
function getStrumlineAssetLibrary():Null<String>
// library:path
var parts = getStrumlineAssetPath(true).split(Constants.LIBRARY_SEPARATOR);
if (parts.length == 1) return null;
return parts[0];
public function applyStrumlineAnimations(target:StrumlineNote, dir:NoteDirection):Void
FlxAnimationUtil.addAtlasAnimations(target, getStrumlineAnimationData(dir));
function getStrumlineAnimationData(dir:NoteDirection):Array<AnimationData>
var result:Array<AnimationData> = switch (dir)
case NoteDirection.LEFT: [
case NoteDirection.DOWN: [
case NoteDirection.UP: [
case NoteDirection.RIGHT: [
return result;
public function applyStrumlineOffsets(target:StrumlineNote)
target.x += _data.assets.noteStrumline.offsets[0];
target.y += _data.assets.noteStrumline.offsets[1];
public function getStrumlineScale():Float
return _data.assets.noteStrumline.scale;
public function isNoteSplashEnabled():Bool
var data = _data?.assets?.noteSplash?.data;
if (data == null) return fallback.isNoteSplashEnabled();
return data.enabled;
public function isHoldNoteCoverEnabled():Bool
var data = _data?.assets?.holdNoteCover?.data;
if (data == null) return fallback.isHoldNoteCoverEnabled();
return data.enabled;
public function destroy():Void {}
public function toString():String
return 'NoteStyle($id)';
public function _fetchData(id:String):Null<NoteStyleData>
return NoteStyleRegistry.instance.parseEntryData(id);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
package funkin.play.notes.notestyle;
* A script that can be tied to a NoteStyle.
* Create a scripted class that extends NoteStyle to use this.
* This allows you to customize how a specific note style appears.
class ScriptedNoteStyle extends funkin.play.notes.notestyle.NoteStyle implements polymod.hscript.HScriptedClass {}
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