change the modulus to be multipled by 2^16 as larger seeds produce more random numbers

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Mia 2021-10-30 23:04:28 -04:00
parent 109f954026
commit a50a8e83c5
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@ -32,8 +32,21 @@ done
# echo "being LCG"
# LCG imp follows
# generate a modulus (m) from the length of $seed and then detemine if its a prime
m="$(( ${#seed} * 10))"; [ "$((m%2))" -eq 0 -o "$((m%3))" -eq 0 -a "$m" -gt 2 -a "$m" -gt 3 ] || : $((m+=1)) # if prime
# ^ if not a multiple of 2 or 3 expect the number to be prime and increase it by 1
m="$(( ${#seed} * 65536))"; [ "$((m%2))" -eq 0 -o "$((m%3))" -eq 0 -a "$m" -gt 2 -a "$m" -gt 3 ] || : $((m+=1)) # if prime
# 65536 is 2^16; causing the seed to be some multiple of 2^<> causes an increase in randomness from my basic testing
# a smarter way might be to have an index of powers of 2; then add 10 to $m and multiply its orginal value based upon the same power it pulls from the index
# ^ if not a multiple of 2 or 3 expect the number to be prime and increase it by 1
# typically we want $m to be a power of 2; the larger the better; however (2^63)-1 is the max size dash can hold before an overflow happens
# ie $(( 4611686018427387904*2 )) produces -9223372036854775808; this is correct, minus the leading -
# any operations on this number that should produce a larger number cause said number to act as if it was a negative
# note that $(( 4611686018427387904*2 -1)) does infact produce (2^63)-1; adding even 1 to this results in an overflow
# if we do infact want to make $m a power of to, the simplest process is an until loop
# $((x&(x-1))) where x is $m will produce 0 if x/$m is a power of 2
# the below works perfectly; however, requiring $m to be a power of 2 causes $seed to produce a pattern
#until [ "$((m&(m-1)))" -eq 0 ]; do
# : $((m+=1))
p=0 # $p is the next prime and can be determined using a while loop that adds 1 to it until it becomes a prime
#echo "determine modulus and its factors"
if [ $((m%2)) -eq 0 ]; then # now determine the prime factors of $m