Rework the protoeffect system
& Add ActingUnit/TargettedUnit newtypes
This commit is contained in:
@ -28,9 +28,10 @@ import Safe (atMay)
import Mechanics (universalModifiers, globalHooks)
import Mechanics (universalModifiers, globalHooks)
import Data.Monoid (Any(getAny), getSum)
import Data.Monoid (Any(getAny), getSum)
import Data.Coerce
-- | A version of `computeStat_` using `universalModifiers` as global modifiers
-- | A version of `computeStat_` using `universalModifiers` as global modifiers
computeStat :: BoardState -> CharacterIdentifier -> Stat a -> a
computeStat :: (Coercible cid c, c ~ CharacterIdentifier) => BoardState -> cid -> Stat a -> a
computeStat = computeStat_ universalModifiers
computeStat = computeStat_ universalModifiers
-- | A version of `runHooks_` using `globalHooks` as the global hooks
-- | A version of `runHooks_` using `globalHooks` as the global hooks
@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ data EngineState
playerChoice :: Player -> [Choice] -> EngineState
playerChoice :: Player -> [Choice] -> EngineState
playerChoice = PlayerChoice
playerChoice = PlayerChoice
unitChoice :: CharacterIdentifier -> [Choice] -> EngineState
unitChoice :: (Coercible cid c, c ~ CharacterIdentifier) => cid -> [Choice] -> EngineState
unitChoice = playerChoice . owner
unitChoice = playerChoice . owner
activePlayerChoice :: BoardState -> [Choice] -> EngineState
activePlayerChoice :: BoardState -> [Choice] -> EngineState
@ -64,8 +65,8 @@ chooseCharacter board = playerChoice player <$> fmap toList (nonEmpty $ board ^.
player :: Player
player :: Player
player = board ^. activePlayer
player = board ^. activePlayer
possibleActivations :: SimpleFold BoardState Choice
possibleActivations :: SimpleFold BoardState Choice
possibleActivations = untappedUnits . filtered ((== player) . owner) . to activateUnit
possibleActivations = untappedUnits . filtered ((== player) . owner) . to (activateUnit . ActingUnit)
activateUnit :: CharacterIdentifier -> Choice
activateUnit :: ActingUnit -> Choice
activateUnit cid = mkChoice ("Activate unit " ++ c) [ChooseActMove cid]
activateUnit cid = mkChoice ("Activate unit " ++ c) [ChooseActMove cid]
c = renderCharacterHandle board cid
c = renderCharacterHandle board cid
@ -109,8 +110,8 @@ computePossibleSteps board (MovementSpecs {..}) currentLocation = mapMaybe getRe
endOfMovementEffects :: MovementSpecs -> CharacterIdentifier -> [Effect]
endOfMovementEffects :: MovementSpecs -> CharacterIdentifier -> [Effect]
endOfMovementEffects (MovementSpecs {..}) cid =
endOfMovementEffects (MovementSpecs {..}) cid =
++ [DropToken SpeedSlow cid | movSpendTokens ]
++ [DropToken SpeedSlow (TargettedUnit cid) | movSpendTokens ]
++ [Event $ Broadcast EndMove cid | movEndMoveTrigger]
++ [Event $ Broadcast EndMove (ActingUnit cid) | movEndMoveTrigger]
generateMovementChoice :: BoardState -> MovementSpecs -> CharacterIdentifier -> Point -> (Point, Natural) -> Choice
generateMovementChoice :: BoardState -> MovementSpecs -> CharacterIdentifier -> Point -> (Point, Natural) -> Choice
generateMovementChoice board specs@(MovementSpecs {..}) cid originalLocation (dest, remainingMov) =
generateMovementChoice board specs@(MovementSpecs {..}) cid originalLocation (dest, remainingMov) =
@ -201,7 +202,7 @@ applyEffect (Move specs@(MovementSpecs{..}) cid) board = case unitPosition board
dontMoveChoice = mkChoice "Don't move" dontMoveEffects
dontMoveChoice = mkChoice "Don't move" dontMoveEffects
finishMoveEffects = endOfMovementEffects specs cid
finishMoveEffects = endOfMovementEffects specs cid
finishMoveChoice = mkChoice "Finish moving" finishMoveEffects
finishMoveChoice = mkChoice "Finish moving" finishMoveEffects
endMoveTrigger = Event $ Broadcast EndMove cid
endMoveTrigger = Event $ Broadcast EndMove (ActingUnit cid)
choiceBuilder = maybe (unitChoice cid) playerChoice $ movForced ^? _Just . _3
choiceBuilder = maybe (unitChoice cid) playerChoice $ movForced ^? _Just . _3
applyEffect (MoveTo dest) board = continue $ moveUnit dest board
applyEffect (MoveTo dest) board = continue $ moveUnit dest board
applyEffect (DropToken token unit) board = continue $
applyEffect (DropToken token unit) board = continue $
@ -213,22 +214,22 @@ applyEffect (Act cid) board = case board ^.. ixCharacter cid . baseStats . actio
applyEffect (Target fromPerspective range eligability ultimateEffect) board = unitChoice fromPerspective choices
applyEffect (Target fromPerspective range eligability ultimateEffect) board = unitChoice fromPerspective choices
locus = unitPosition board fromPerspective
locus = unitPosition board fromPerspective
potentialUnits = maybe [] (cidsInRange board range) locus
potentialUnits = TargettedUnit <$> (maybe [] (cidsInRange board range) locus)
eligableUnits = filter (eligability board) potentialUnits
eligableUnits = filter (eligability board) potentialUnits
buildChoice targetCid =
buildChoice targetCid =
("Target " ++ renderCharacterHandle board targetCid)
("Target " ++ renderCharacterHandle board targetCid)
[BodyBlock targetCid ultimateEffect]
[BodyBlock targetCid ultimateEffect]
choices = buildChoice <$> eligableUnits
choices = buildChoice <$> eligableUnits
applyEffect (BodyBlock targettedUnit ultimateEffect) board = if canBB then allChoices else cantBBResult
applyEffect (BodyBlock originalTarget ultimateEffect) board = if canBB then allChoices else cantBBResult
potentialBBers = fromMaybe [] $ adjacentAllies board targettedUnit
potentialBBers = fromMaybe [] $ adjacentAllies board originalTarget
canBB = isNecromancer targettedUnit && not (null potentialBBers)
canBB = isNecromancer originalTarget && not (null potentialBBers)
buildChoice bber = mkChoice ("Bodyblock with " ++ renderCharacterHandle board bber) (ultimateEffect bber)
buildChoice bber = mkChoice ("Bodyblock with " ++ renderCharacterHandle board bber) (ultimateEffect bber)
dontBodyblock = mkChoice "Take the hit to your necromancer" (ultimateEffect targettedUnit)
dontBodyblock = mkChoice "Take the hit to your necromancer" (ultimateEffect originalTarget)
bbChoices = buildChoice <$> potentialBBers
bbChoices = buildChoice . TargettedUnit <$> potentialBBers
allChoices = unitChoice targettedUnit $ dontBodyblock : bbChoices
allChoices = unitChoice originalTarget $ dontBodyblock : bbChoices
cantBBResult = continue $ board <++ ultimateEffect targettedUnit
cantBBResult = continue $ board <++ ultimateEffect originalTarget
applyEffect (ResolveAttack attacker attack defender) board = Roll actualDiceRolled keepHighest consequence
applyEffect (ResolveAttack attacker attack defender) board = Roll actualDiceRolled keepHighest consequence
attacker' = board ^? ixCharacter attacker
attacker' = board ^? ixCharacter attacker
@ -6,6 +6,10 @@ module GameModel
, Armor(..)
, Armor(..)
, DamageType(..)
, DamageType(..)
, Attack(Attack)
, Attack(Attack)
, ActingUnit(..)
, actingUnit
, TargettedUnit(..)
, targettedUnit
, headshotEffectsL
, headshotEffectsL
, meleeL
, meleeL
, otherEffectsL
, otherEffectsL
@ -69,6 +73,7 @@ module GameModel
, getDefense
, getDefense
, statusEffects
, statusEffects
, CharacterIdentifier
, CharacterIdentifier
, cidEq
, owner
, owner
, ownerL
, ownerL
, isNecromancer
, isNecromancer
@ -158,6 +163,7 @@ import Lens.Micro.TH (makeLenses, makeLensesWith, generateUpdateableOptics)
import Lens.Micro.Extras (preview)
import Lens.Micro.Extras (preview)
import Data.Data ((:~:)(..))
import Data.Data ((:~:)(..))
import System.Random (Random(..))
import System.Random (Random(..))
import Data.Coerce
data DieFace = One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six
data DieFace = One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Read)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Read)
@ -224,14 +230,23 @@ instance Num DieFace where
type CharacterIdentifier = (Player, Int)
type CharacterIdentifier = (Player, Int)
owner :: CharacterIdentifier -> Player
cidEq :: (Coercible a b, Eq b) => a -> b -> Bool
owner = fst
cidEq = (==) . coerce
owner :: (Coercible cid c, c ~ CharacterIdentifier) => cid -> Player
owner cid' = fst cid
cid :: CharacterIdentifier
cid = coerce cid'
ownerL :: Lens' CharacterIdentifier Player
ownerL :: Lens' CharacterIdentifier Player
ownerL = _1
ownerL = _1
isNecromancer :: CharacterIdentifier -> Bool
isNecromancer :: (Coercible cid c, c ~ CharacterIdentifier) => cid -> Bool
isNecromancer = snd >>> (== 0)
isNecromancer cid' = (==0) $ snd cid
cid :: CharacterIdentifier
cid = coerce cid'
showCID :: CharacterIdentifier -> Char
showCID :: CharacterIdentifier -> Char
showCID (cidOwner, idx) = (if cidOwner == Max then upperLetters else lowerLetters) !! idx
showCID (cidOwner, idx) = (if cidOwner == Max then upperLetters else lowerLetters) !! idx
@ -300,9 +315,9 @@ enumeratePoints w h = Point <$> [0..w * h - 1]
data Trigger a where
data Trigger a where
TurnStart :: Trigger ()
TurnStart :: Trigger ()
TookDamage :: Trigger CharacterIdentifier
TookDamage :: Trigger TargettedUnit
Died :: Trigger (CharacterIdentifier, Point)
Died :: Trigger (TargettedUnit, Point)
EndMove :: Trigger CharacterIdentifier
EndMove :: Trigger ActingUnit
deriving instance Eq (Trigger a)
deriving instance Eq (Trigger a)
deriving instance Show (Trigger a)
deriving instance Show (Trigger a)
@ -423,8 +438,8 @@ data ProtoMovementSpecs = ProtoMovementSpecs
, movCompelled :: Bool -- ^ If movement can be stopped prematurely
, movCompelled :: Bool -- ^ If movement can be stopped prematurely
basicMove :: CharacterIdentifier -> Effect
basicMove :: ActingUnit -> Effect
basicMove = InitMove $ ProtoMovementSpecs
basicMove = (InitMove $ ProtoMovementSpecs
{ movVerb = "Move"
{ movVerb = "Move"
, movFree' = Nothing
, movFree' = Nothing
, movMinimum = True
, movMinimum = True
@ -433,10 +448,10 @@ basicMove = InitMove $ ProtoMovementSpecs
, movSpendTokens = True
, movSpendTokens = True
, movEndMoveTrigger = True
, movEndMoveTrigger = True
, movCompelled = False
, movCompelled = False
}) . (^. actingUnit)
forcedMove :: ForcedMoveType -> Natural -> Player -> Either CharacterIdentifier Point -> CharacterIdentifier -> Effect
forcedMove :: ForcedMoveType -> Natural -> Player -> Either CharacterIdentifier Point -> TargettedUnit -> Effect
forcedMove fmType amt compeller locus = InitMove $ ProtoMovementSpecs
forcedMove fmType amt compeller locus = (InitMove $ ProtoMovementSpecs
{ movVerb = show fmType
{ movVerb = show fmType
, movFree' = Just True
, movFree' = Just True
, movMinimum = False
, movMinimum = False
@ -445,7 +460,25 @@ forcedMove fmType amt compeller locus = InitMove $ ProtoMovementSpecs
, movSpendTokens = False
, movSpendTokens = False
, movEndMoveTrigger = False
, movEndMoveTrigger = False
, movCompelled = True
, movCompelled = True
}) . (^. targettedUnit)
-- | Designates a character identifier of the unit acting in an effect/event
-- Acting includes moving, attacking, or using an ability
newtype ActingUnit = ActingUnit CharacterIdentifier
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | A lens reaching into `ActingUnit`
actingUnit :: Lens' ActingUnit CharacterIdentifier
actingUnit f (ActingUnit au) = ActingUnit <$> f au
-- | Designates a character identifier of the unit being targetted by an effect/attack
newtype TargettedUnit = TargettedUnit CharacterIdentifier
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | A lens reaching into `TargettedUnit`
targettedUnit :: Lens' TargettedUnit CharacterIdentifier
targettedUnit f (TargettedUnit au) = TargettedUnit <$> f au
data Effect
data Effect
@ -458,10 +491,10 @@ data Effect
| Event Broadcast
| Event Broadcast
-- | Active player chooses whether they want to move or act first
-- | Active player chooses whether they want to move or act first
| ChooseActMove CharacterIdentifier
| ChooseActMove ActingUnit
-- | Active player may choose whether they want to act or move
-- | Active player may choose whether they want to act or move
| ActOrMove CharacterIdentifier
| ActOrMove ActingUnit
-- | Mark the start of movement
-- | Mark the start of movement
-- Can be finalized later with FinalizeMove
-- Can be finalized later with FinalizeMove
@ -483,51 +516,51 @@ data Effect
-- | Remove up to one token from the given category from a unit
-- | Remove up to one token from the given category from a unit
| forall n. Num n => DropToken
| forall n. Num n => DropToken
(Token n) -- ^ The token category to drop from
(Token n) -- ^ The token category to drop from
CharacterIdentifier -- ^ Which character drops a token
TargettedUnit -- ^ Which character drops a token
-- | Confirms a Move, placing the unit in the target space
-- | Confirms a Move, placing the unit in the target space
| ConfirmMove
| ConfirmMove
-- | Allow a character to Act
-- | Allow a character to Act
| Act CharacterIdentifier
| Act ActingUnit
-- | Target a unit in a given range, then run a different event
-- | Target a unit in a given range, then run a different event
| Target
| Target
CharacterIdentifier -- ^ ACTing unit
ActingUnit -- ^ ACTing unit
(Natural, Natural) -- ^ Range
(Natural, Natural) -- ^ Range
(BoardState -> CharacterIdentifier -> Bool) -- ^ Target filter
(BoardState -> TargettedUnit -> Bool) -- ^ Target filter
(CharacterIdentifier -> [Effect]) -- ^ Ultimate effect
(TargettedUnit -> [Effect]) -- ^ Ultimate effect
-- | Check if a character can body block
-- | Check if a character can body block
-- If they can, offer a choice of target to the targetted player. Pass result on to
-- If they can, offer a choice of target to the targetted player. Pass result on to
-- the effect.
-- the effect.
| BodyBlock CharacterIdentifier (CharacterIdentifier -> [Effect])
| BodyBlock TargettedUnit (TargettedUnit -> [Effect])
-- | Resolve an attack
-- | Resolve an attack
| ResolveAttack
| ResolveAttack
CharacterIdentifier -- ^ Attacker
ActingUnit -- ^ Attacker
Attack -- ^ Attack information
Attack -- ^ Attack information
CharacterIdentifier -- ^ Target
TargettedUnit -- ^ Target
| InflictDamage
| InflictDamage
Natural -- ^ Damage amount
Natural -- ^ Damage amount
CharacterIdentifier -- ^ Target
TargettedUnit -- ^ Target
-- | Add a status effect to a character
-- | Add a status effect to a character
| InflictStatusEffect
| InflictStatusEffect
StatusEffect -- ^ Effect to inflict
StatusEffect -- ^ Effect to inflict
CharacterIdentifier -- ^ Target
TargettedUnit -- ^ Target
| forall n. Num n => InflictTokens
| forall n. Num n => InflictTokens
(Token n) -- ^ Token kind
(Token n) -- ^ Token kind
n -- ^ Token amount
n -- ^ Token amount
CharacterIdentifier -- ^ Target
TargettedUnit -- ^ Target
| Kill CharacterIdentifier
| Kill TargettedUnit
-- | Tap the active unit, change the active player
-- | Tap the active unit, change the active player
| EndTurn CharacterIdentifier
| EndTurn ActingUnit
data Attack = Attack
data Attack = Attack
{ headshotEffects :: [Effect]
{ headshotEffects :: [Effect]
@ -577,7 +610,7 @@ data BaseStats = BaseStats
, df :: DieFace
, df :: DieFace
, arm :: Armor
, arm :: Armor
, traits :: [Trait]
, traits :: [Trait]
, actions :: [CharacterIdentifier -> Choice]
, actions :: [ActingUnit -> Choice]
-- | Some effect which is activated by some trigger event
-- | Some effect which is activated by some trigger event
@ -838,10 +871,11 @@ untap = movedThisRound .~ False
-- This includes so called global modifiers, but in order to keep game rules seperate from
-- This includes so called global modifiers, but in order to keep game rules seperate from
-- the model, global modifiers must be provided as the first argument.
-- the model, global modifiers must be provided as the first argument.
computeStat_ :: [Modifier] -> BoardState -> CharacterIdentifier -> Stat a -> a
computeStat_ :: (Coercible cid c, c ~ CharacterIdentifier) => [Modifier] -> BoardState -> cid -> Stat a -> a
computeStat_ globalModifiers board cid stat = case allStatsAreMonoids stat of
computeStat_ globalModifiers board cid' stat = case allStatsAreMonoids stat of
HasMonoidInstance Refl ->
HasMonoidInstance Refl ->
cid = coerce cid'
queryStatsL = each . to (queryModifier board cid stat)
queryStatsL = each . to (queryModifier board cid stat)
globalBonus = globalModifiers ^. queryStatsL
globalBonus = globalModifiers ^. queryStatsL
traitBonus = board ^. ixCharacter cid . baseStats . traitsL . each . traitModifiersL . queryStatsL
traitBonus = board ^. ixCharacter cid . baseStats . traitsL . each . traitModifiersL . queryStatsL
@ -1016,11 +1050,13 @@ offsetB b = usingBoardDimensions b offset
eachCID :: Monoid m => Getting m BoardState CharacterIdentifier
eachCID :: Monoid m => Getting m BoardState CharacterIdentifier
eachCID = tiles . each . _1 . _Just
eachCID = tiles . each . _1 . _Just
ixCharacter :: CharacterIdentifier -> Traversal' BoardState Character
ixCharacter :: (Coercible cid c, c ~ CharacterIdentifier) => cid -> Traversal' BoardState Character
ixCharacter (player, indx) = characters . forPlayer player . ix indx
ixCharacter cid = case coerce cid of (player, indx) -> characters . forPlayer player . ix indx
renderCharacterHandle :: BoardState -> CharacterIdentifier -> String
renderCharacterHandle :: (Coercible a b, b ~ CharacterIdentifier) => BoardState -> a -> String
renderCharacterHandle board cid = maybe "[💀]" (characterHandle cid) $ board ^? ixCharacter cid
renderCharacterHandle board cid' = maybe "[💀]" (characterHandle cid) $ board ^? ixCharacter cid
cid = coerce cid'
eachCharacter :: Traversal' BoardState Character
eachCharacter :: Traversal' BoardState Character
eachCharacter = characters . everybody . traverse
eachCharacter = characters . everybody . traverse
@ -1070,14 +1106,14 @@ isAlive board cid = has (eachCID . filtered (== cid)) board
pushEffects :: [Effect] -> BoardState -> BoardState
pushEffects :: [Effect] -> BoardState -> BoardState
pushEffects newEffects = effectStack %~ (newEffects ++)
pushEffects newEffects = effectStack %~ (newEffects ++)
unitPosition :: BoardState -> CharacterIdentifier -> Maybe Point
unitPosition :: (Coercible cid c, c ~ CharacterIdentifier) => BoardState -> cid -> Maybe Point
unitPosition (BoardState {_movingUnit=Just (movingCid, movingPoint)}) cid
unitPosition (BoardState {_movingUnit=Just (movingCid, movingPoint)}) cid
| movingCid == cid = Just movingPoint
| movingCid == coerce cid = Just movingPoint
unitPosition (BoardState {_tiles}) cid = headMay . catMaybes $ zipWith aux [0..] _tiles
unitPosition (BoardState {_tiles}) cid = headMay . catMaybes $ zipWith aux [0..] _tiles
aux :: Natural -> (Maybe CharacterIdentifier, [EnvTile]) -> Maybe Point
aux :: Natural -> (Maybe CharacterIdentifier, [EnvTile]) -> Maybe Point
aux p (potentialCid, _)
aux p (potentialCid, _)
| potentialCid == Just cid = Just $ Point p
| potentialCid == Just (coerce cid) = Just $ Point p
| otherwise = Nothing
| otherwise = Nothing
atPoint :: Point -> Traversal' BoardState (Maybe CharacterIdentifier, [EnvTile])
atPoint :: Point -> Traversal' BoardState (Maybe CharacterIdentifier, [EnvTile])
@ -1092,7 +1128,7 @@ characterAt p f board = inner f board
inner :: Traversal' BoardState (Maybe CharacterIdentifier)
inner :: Traversal' BoardState (Maybe CharacterIdentifier)
inner = atPoint p . _1 . filtered (/= board ^? movingUnit . _Just . _1)
inner = atPoint p . _1 . filtered (/= board ^? movingUnit . _Just . _1)
adjacentUnits :: BoardState -> CharacterIdentifier -> Maybe [CharacterIdentifier]
adjacentUnits :: (Coercible cid c, c ~ CharacterIdentifier) => BoardState -> cid -> Maybe [CharacterIdentifier]
adjacentUnits board cid = do
adjacentUnits board cid = do
originalLocation <- unitPosition board cid
originalLocation <- unitPosition board cid
let adjacentTiles = usingBoardDimensions board adjacentPoints originalLocation
let adjacentTiles = usingBoardDimensions board adjacentPoints originalLocation
@ -1100,14 +1136,14 @@ adjacentUnits board cid = do
let unitsAdjacent = mapMaybe (flip preview board . characterAt') adjacentTiles
let unitsAdjacent = mapMaybe (flip preview board . characterAt') adjacentTiles
return unitsAdjacent
return unitsAdjacent
adjacentAllies :: BoardState -> CharacterIdentifier -> Maybe [CharacterIdentifier]
adjacentAllies :: (Coercible cid c, c ~ CharacterIdentifier) => BoardState -> cid -> Maybe [CharacterIdentifier]
adjacentAllies board cid = filter (owner >>> (owner cid ==)) <$> adjacentUnits board cid
adjacentAllies board cid = filter (owner >>> (owner cid ==)) <$> adjacentUnits board cid
isElevated :: BoardState -> CharacterIdentifier -> Bool
isElevated :: (Coercible cid c, c ~ CharacterIdentifier) => BoardState -> cid -> Bool
isElevated board cid = any (\p -> elem Elevation $ board ^. terrainAt p) $ unitPosition board cid
isElevated board cid = any (\p -> elem Elevation $ board ^. terrainAt p) $ unitPosition board cid
removeUnit :: CharacterIdentifier -> BoardState -> BoardState
removeUnit :: (Coercible cid c, c ~ CharacterIdentifier) => cid -> BoardState -> BoardState
removeUnit cid = tiles . each . _1 %~ mfilter (/= cid)
removeUnit cid = tiles . each . _1 %~ mfilter (/= coerce cid)
setUnit :: CharacterIdentifier -> Point -> BoardState -> BoardState
setUnit :: CharacterIdentifier -> Point -> BoardState -> BoardState
setUnit character point = atPoint point . _1 ?~ character
setUnit character point = atPoint point . _1 ?~ character
@ -5,8 +5,10 @@ module Units.Carcass
import GameModel
import GameModel
( adjacentAllies
( adjacentAllies
, ActingUnit
, Armor(..)
, Armor(..)
, BaseStats(..)
, BaseStats(..)
, BoardState
, CharacterIdentifier
, CharacterIdentifier
, Choice
, Choice
, DamageType(..)
, DamageType(..)
@ -20,6 +22,7 @@ import Units.Components
, anyTarget
, anyTarget
, buildAttack, inflictTokens, push
, buildAttack, inflictTokens, push
import Data.Monoid (Sum)
gunwight :: BaseStats
gunwight :: BaseStats
gunwight = BaseStats
gunwight = BaseStats
@ -32,7 +35,7 @@ gunwight = BaseStats
, traits = [formation]
, traits = [formation]
gunwightActions :: [CharacterIdentifier -> Choice]
gunwightActions :: [ActingUnit -> Choice]
gunwightActions =
gunwightActions =
[ buildAttack $ AttackT
[ buildAttack $ AttackT
{ tName = "OL45"
{ tName = "OL45"
@ -63,6 +66,7 @@ formation = Trait
, traitModifiers = [formationModifier]
, traitModifiers = [formationModifier]
formationF :: BoardState -> CharacterIdentifier -> Sum Int
formationF board cid = if adjacentAllies board cid /= Just [] then 1 else 0
formationF board cid = if adjacentAllies board cid /= Just [] then 1 else 0
formationModifier = Modifier
formationModifier = Modifier
{ modifierStat = AttackDice
{ modifierStat = AttackDice
@ -19,10 +19,13 @@ import GameModel
, Choice
, Choice
, DamageType
, DamageType
, Effect(..)
, Effect(..)
, mkChoice, Token, forcedMove, ForcedMoveType (..), owner, StatusEffect
, ActingUnit(..), TargettedUnit(..)
, actingUnit
, mkChoice, Token, forcedMove, ForcedMoveType (..), owner, StatusEffect, DieFace
import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
import Lens.Micro
-- Attacks & Abilities --
-- Attacks & Abilities --
@ -31,7 +34,7 @@ import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
data AttackT = AttackT
data AttackT = AttackT
{ tName :: String
{ tName :: String
, tRange :: (Natural, Natural)
, tRange :: (Natural, Natural)
, tValidTargets :: BoardState -> CharacterIdentifier -> Bool
, tValidTargets :: BoardState -> TargettedUnit -> Bool
, tMelee :: Bool
, tMelee :: Bool
, tDamageType :: DamageType
, tDamageType :: DamageType
, tDamageAmount :: Natural
, tDamageAmount :: Natural
@ -39,16 +42,16 @@ data AttackT = AttackT
, tStandardEffects :: [ProtoEffect]
, tStandardEffects :: [ProtoEffect]
anyTarget :: BoardState -> CharacterIdentifier -> Bool
anyTarget :: BoardState -> TargettedUnit -> Bool
anyTarget = const $ const True
anyTarget = const $ const True
buildAttack :: AttackT -> CharacterIdentifier -> Choice
buildAttack :: AttackT -> ActingUnit -> Choice
buildAttack (AttackT {..}) attacker = mkChoice tName [targetEffect]
buildAttack (AttackT {..}) attacker = mkChoice tName [targetEffect]
attackDetails target = Attack
attackDetails target = Attack
((sequence $ sequence tHeadshotEffects attacker) target)
(mkEffect attacker target tHeadshotEffects)
((sequence $ sequence tStandardEffects attacker) target)
(mkEffect attacker target tStandardEffects)
attackEffect target = [ResolveAttack attacker (attackDetails target) target]
attackEffect target = [ResolveAttack attacker (attackDetails target) target]
@ -59,23 +62,64 @@ data SelfAbilityT = SelfAbilityT
, tEffects :: [ProtoEffect]
, tEffects :: [ProtoEffect]
mkSelfAbility :: SelfAbilityT -> CharacterIdentifier -> Choice
mkSelfAbility :: SelfAbilityT -> ActingUnit -> Choice
mkSelfAbility (SelfAbilityT {..}) cid = mkChoice tName (sequence (sequence tEffects cid) cid)
mkSelfAbility (SelfAbilityT {..}) cid = mkChoice tName (mkEffect cid (TargettedUnit $ cid ^. actingUnit) tEffects)
--------- Effects -----------
--------- Effects -----------
type ProtoEffect = CharacterIdentifier -> CharacterIdentifier -> Effect
-- | Indicates a possible argument to a protoeffect
-- A valid argument to a protoeffect is any argument with which provide by placing the
-- protoeffect in an `Effect`. For example, a `DieFace` is a valid question because there
-- exists an `Effect` which accepts a type @`DieFace` -> [`Effect`]@.
-- In additon, the actor and target (respectively) are available in the context, to enable
-- asking questions about those things
class Question t where
askQuestion :: ActingUnit -> TargettedUnit -> (t -> [Effect]) -> [Effect]
instance Question ActingUnit where
askQuestion actor _ f = f actor
instance Question TargettedUnit where
askQuestion _ target f = f target
-- | A function which can be converted into a sequence of effects
-- Used in `buildProtoEffect` to create a `ProtoEffect`
class ProtoEffectF t where
mkEffect :: ActingUnit -> TargettedUnit -> t -> [Effect]
instance ProtoEffectF f => ProtoEffectF [f] where
mkEffect a t = (mkEffect a t =<<)
instance ProtoEffectF Effect where
mkEffect _ _ = pure
instance ProtoEffectF ProtoEffect where
mkEffect attacker target pe = mkEffect' attacker target pe
instance (ProtoEffectF a, Question q) => ProtoEffectF (q -> a) where
mkEffect attacker target f = askQuestion attacker target (mkEffect attacker target <$> f)
data ProtoEffect = forall f. ProtoEffectF f => MkProtoEffect f
mkEffect' :: ActingUnit -> TargettedUnit -> ProtoEffect -> [Effect]
mkEffect' attacker target (MkProtoEffect pe) = mkEffect attacker target pe
mkEffects' :: ActingUnit -> TargettedUnit -> [ProtoEffect] -> [Effect]
mkEffects' a t = (mkEffect a t =<<)
inflictStatusEffect :: StatusEffect -> ProtoEffect
inflictStatusEffect :: StatusEffect -> ProtoEffect
inflictStatusEffect se _ = InflictStatusEffect se
inflictStatusEffect se = MkProtoEffect $ InflictStatusEffect se
inflictTokens :: Num n => Token n -> n -> ProtoEffect
inflictTokens :: Num n => Token n -> n -> ProtoEffect
inflictTokens tokenType tokenCount _ = InflictTokens tokenType tokenCount
inflictTokens tokenType tokenCount = MkProtoEffect $ InflictTokens tokenType tokenCount
genericShift :: ForcedMoveType -> Natural -> ProtoEffect
genericShift :: ForcedMoveType -> Natural -> ProtoEffect
genericShift fmType amount puller = forcedMove fmType amount (owner puller) (Left puller)
genericShift fmType amount = MkProtoEffect $ (\(ActingUnit puller) -> forcedMove fmType amount (owner puller) (Left puller))
push :: Natural -> ProtoEffect
push :: Natural -> ProtoEffect
push = genericShift Push
push = genericShift Push
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ module Units.Debug
import GameModel
import GameModel
( Armor(..)
( Armor(..), ActingUnit
, BaseStats(..)
, BaseStats(..)
, CharacterIdentifier
, CharacterIdentifier
, Choice
, Choice
@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ import GameModel
, Token(..), StatusEffect (..)
, Token(..), StatusEffect (..)
, Hook(..), Effect(..)
, Hook(..), Effect(..)
, Trigger(..), BoardState
, Trigger(..), BoardState
, TargettedUnit(..)
, targettedUnit
import Units.Components
import Units.Components
@ -23,6 +25,8 @@ import Units.Components
, inflictStatusEffect
, inflictStatusEffect
import Lens.Micro
basic :: BaseStats
basic :: BaseStats
basic = BaseStats
basic = BaseStats
{ name = "Basic Debug Unit"
{ name = "Basic Debug Unit"
@ -34,7 +38,7 @@ basic = BaseStats
, traits = []
, traits = []
basicActions :: [CharacterIdentifier -> Choice]
basicActions :: [ActingUnit -> Choice]
basicActions =
basicActions =
[ buildAttack $ AttackT
[ buildAttack $ AttackT
{ tName = "Peashooter"
{ tName = "Peashooter"
@ -130,10 +134,11 @@ bloodShield = StatusEffect
, seShowState = \n -> '(' : replicate n '*' ++ ")"
, seShowState = \n -> '(' : replicate n '*' ++ ")"
damageHookEffect :: CharacterIdentifier -> BoardState -> Int -> CharacterIdentifier -> [Effect]
damageHookEffect :: TargettedUnit -> BoardState -> Int -> CharacterIdentifier -> [Effect]
damageHookEffect damagedUnit _ _ us = if damagedUnit == us then [InflictTokens VitalVulnr 1 us] else []
damageHookEffect (TargettedUnit injuredUnit) _ _ us =
damageHookDecrement :: CharacterIdentifier -> BoardState -> Int -> CharacterIdentifier -> Maybe Int
[InflictTokens VitalVulnr 1 (TargettedUnit us) | injuredUnit == us ]
damageHookDecrement :: TargettedUnit -> BoardState -> Int -> CharacterIdentifier -> Maybe Int
damageHookDecrement damagedUnit _ n us
damageHookDecrement damagedUnit _ n us
| damagedUnit == us && n > 1 = Just $ pred n
| damagedUnit ^. targettedUnit == us && n > 1 = Just $ pred n
| damagedUnit == us = Nothing
| damagedUnit ^. targettedUnit == us = Nothing
| otherwise = Just n
| otherwise = Just n
Reference in a new issue