
128 lines
3.9 KiB

module Units.Components
( AttackT(..)
, ProtoEffect
, anyTarget
, buildAttack
, SelfAbilityT(..)
, mkSelfAbility
, inflictTokens
, push
, pull
, inflictStatusEffect
import GameModel
( Attack(..)
, BoardState
, CharacterIdentifier
, Choice
, DamageType
, Effect(..)
, ActingUnit(..), TargettedUnit(..)
, actingUnit
, mkChoice, Token, forcedMove, ForcedMoveType (..), owner, StatusEffect, DieFace
import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
import Lens.Micro
-- Attacks & Abilities --
data AttackT = AttackT
{ tName :: String
, tRange :: (Natural, Natural)
, tValidTargets :: BoardState -> TargettedUnit -> Bool
, tMelee :: Bool
, tDamageType :: DamageType
, tDamageAmount :: Natural
, tHeadshotEffects :: [ProtoEffect]
, tStandardEffects :: [ProtoEffect]
anyTarget :: BoardState -> TargettedUnit -> Bool
anyTarget = const $ const True
buildAttack :: AttackT -> ActingUnit -> Choice
buildAttack (AttackT {..}) attacker = mkChoice tName [targetEffect]
attackDetails target = Attack
(mkEffect attacker target tHeadshotEffects)
(mkEffect attacker target tStandardEffects)
attackEffect target = [ResolveAttack attacker (attackDetails target) target]
targetEffect = Target attacker tRange tValidTargets attackEffect
data SelfAbilityT = SelfAbilityT
{ tName :: String
, tEffects :: [ProtoEffect]
mkSelfAbility :: SelfAbilityT -> ActingUnit -> Choice
mkSelfAbility (SelfAbilityT {..}) cid = mkChoice tName (mkEffect cid (TargettedUnit $ cid ^. actingUnit) tEffects)
--------- Effects -----------
-- | Indicates a possible argument to a protoeffect
-- A valid argument to a protoeffect is any argument with which provide by placing the
-- protoeffect in an `Effect`. For example, a `DieFace` is a valid question because there
-- exists an `Effect` which accepts a type @`DieFace` -> [`Effect`]@.
-- In additon, the actor and target (respectively) are available in the context, to enable
-- asking questions about those things
class Question t where
askQuestion :: ActingUnit -> TargettedUnit -> (t -> [Effect]) -> [Effect]
instance Question ActingUnit where
askQuestion actor _ f = f actor
instance Question TargettedUnit where
askQuestion _ target f = f target
-- | A function which can be converted into a sequence of effects
-- Used in `buildProtoEffect` to create a `ProtoEffect`
class ProtoEffectF t where
mkEffect :: ActingUnit -> TargettedUnit -> t -> [Effect]
instance ProtoEffectF f => ProtoEffectF [f] where
mkEffect a t = (mkEffect a t =<<)
instance ProtoEffectF Effect where
mkEffect _ _ = pure
instance ProtoEffectF ProtoEffect where
mkEffect attacker target pe = mkEffect' attacker target pe
instance (ProtoEffectF a, Question q) => ProtoEffectF (q -> a) where
mkEffect attacker target f = askQuestion attacker target (mkEffect attacker target <$> f)
data ProtoEffect = forall f. ProtoEffectF f => MkProtoEffect f
mkEffect' :: ActingUnit -> TargettedUnit -> ProtoEffect -> [Effect]
mkEffect' attacker target (MkProtoEffect pe) = mkEffect attacker target pe
mkEffects' :: ActingUnit -> TargettedUnit -> [ProtoEffect] -> [Effect]
mkEffects' a t = (mkEffect a t =<<)
inflictStatusEffect :: StatusEffect -> ProtoEffect
inflictStatusEffect se = MkProtoEffect $ InflictStatusEffect se
inflictTokens :: Num n => Token n -> n -> ProtoEffect
inflictTokens tokenType tokenCount = MkProtoEffect $ InflictTokens tokenType tokenCount
genericShift :: ForcedMoveType -> Natural -> ProtoEffect
genericShift fmType amount = MkProtoEffect $ (\(ActingUnit puller) -> forcedMove fmType amount (owner puller) (Left puller))
push :: Natural -> ProtoEffect
push = genericShift Push
pull :: Natural -> ProtoEffect
pull = genericShift Pull