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zk⁷ 2024-03-11 20:20:28 +02:00
commit 0d85fceb1f
47 changed files with 5666 additions and 0 deletions

.agda-lib Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
name: agda-symmetries

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@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe --exact-split #-}
module Cubical.Structures.Arity where
import Cubical.Data.Empty as ⊥
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Data.Fin public renaming (Fin to Arity)
open import Cubical.Data.Fin.Recursive public using (rec)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order
open import Cubical.Data.List
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
: Level
A B : Type
k :
ftwo : Arity (suc (suc (suc k)))
ftwo = fsuc fone
lookup : ∀ (xs : List A) -> Arity (length xs) -> A
lookup [] num = ⊥.rec (¬Fin0 num)
lookup (x ∷ xs) (zero , prf) = x
lookup (x ∷ xs) (suc num , prf) = lookup xs (num , pred-≤-pred prf)
tabulate : ∀ n -> (Arity n -> A) -> List A
tabulate zero ^a = []
tabulate (suc n) ^a = ^a fzero ∷ tabulate n (^a ∘ fsuc)
length-tabulate : ∀ n -> (^a : Arity n → A) -> length (tabulate n ^a) ≡ n
length-tabulate zero ^a = refl
length-tabulate (suc n) ^a = cong suc (length-tabulate n (^a ∘ fsuc))
tabulate-lookup : ∀ (xs : List A) -> tabulate (length xs) (lookup xs) ≡ xs
tabulate-lookup [] = refl
tabulate-lookup (x ∷ xs) =
_ ≡⟨ cong (λ z -> x ∷ tabulate (length xs) z) (funExt λ _ -> cong (lookup xs) (Σ≡Prop (λ _ -> isProp≤) refl)) ⟩
_ ≡⟨ cong (x ∷_) (tabulate-lookup xs) ⟩
_ ∎
arity-n≡m : ∀ {n m} -> (a : Arity n) -> (b : Arity m) -> (p : n ≡ m) -> a .fst ≡ b .fst -> PathP (λ i -> Arity (p i)) a b
arity-n≡m (v , a) (w , b) p q = ΣPathP (q , toPathP (isProp≤ _ _))
lookup-tabulate : ∀ n (^a : Arity n -> A) -> PathP (λ i -> (Arity (length-tabulate n ^a i) -> A)) (lookup (tabulate n ^a)) ^a
lookup-tabulate zero ^a = funExt (⊥.rec ∘ ¬Fin0)
lookup-tabulate (suc n) ^a = toPathP (funExt lemma) i (zero , p) = ^a (0 , toPathP {A = λ j -> 0 < suc (length-tabulate n (^a ∘ fsuc) (~ j))} {! !} i) toPathP (sym (transport-filler _ _) ∙ cong ^a (Σ≡Prop (λ _ -> isProp≤) refl)) i suc-≤-suc (zero-≤ {n = n}) toPathP {x = suc-≤-suc (zero-≤ {n = n})} {! !} i
lemma : _
lemma (zero , p) = sym (transport-filler _ _) ∙ cong ^a (Σ≡Prop (λ _ -> isProp≤) refl)
TODO: Cleanup this mess
lemma (suc w , p) =
_ ≡⟨ sym (transport-filler _ _) ⟩
_ ≡⟨ congP (λ i f -> f (arity-n≡m (w ,
(λ i → suc w < suc (length-tabulate n (λ x → ^a (fsuc x)) (~ i)))
i0 p)) (w , pred-≤-pred p) (length-tabulate n (^a ∘ fsuc)) refl i)) (lookup-tabulate n (^a ∘ fsuc)) ⟩
_ ≡⟨ cong ^a (Σ≡Prop (λ _ -> isProp≤) refl) ⟩
_ ∎
lookup2≡i : ∀ (i : Arity 2 -> A) -> lookup (i fzero ∷ i fone ∷ []) ≡ i
lookup2≡i i = funExt lemma
lemma : _
lemma (zero , p) = cong i (Σ≡Prop (λ _ -> isProp≤) refl)
lemma (suc zero , p) = cong i (Σ≡Prop (λ _ -> isProp≤) refl)
lemma (suc (suc n) , p) = ⊥.rec (¬m+n<m {m = 2} p)
◼ : Arity 0 -> A
◼ = ⊥.rec ∘ ¬Fin0
infixr 30 _▸_
_▸_ : ∀ {n} -> A -> (Arity n -> A) -> Arity (suc n) -> A
_▸_ {n = zero} x f i = x
_▸_ {n = suc n} x f i = lookup (x ∷ tabulate (suc n) f) (subst Arity (congS (suc ∘ suc) (sym (length-tabulate n (f ∘ fsuc)))) i)
⟪⟫ : Arity 0 -> A
⟪⟫ = lookup []
⟪_⟫ : (a : A) -> Arity 1 -> A
⟪ a ⟫ = lookup [ a ]
⟪_⨾_⟫ : (a b : A) -> Arity 2 -> A
⟪ a ⨾ b ⟫ = lookup (a ∷ b ∷ [])
⟪_⨾_⨾_⟫ : (a b c : A) -> Arity 3 -> A
⟪ a ⨾ b ⨾ c ⟫ = lookup (a ∷ b ∷ c ∷ [])

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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe --exact-split #-}
module Cubical.Structures.Coh where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Functions.Image
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as P
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Fin
open import Cubical.Data.List as L
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Reflection.RecordEquiv
open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients as Q
open import Agda.Primitive
open import Cubical.Structures.Sig
open import Cubical.Structures.Str
open import Cubical.Structures.Tree
open import Cubical.Structures.Eq
record CohSig (e n : Level) : Type (-max (-suc e) (-suc n)) where
name : Type e
free : name -> Type n
open CohSig public
data EqSeq {a} {A : Type a} : A -> A -> Type a where
nil : ∀ {a} -> EqSeq a a
cons : ∀ {a b c} -> a ≡ b -> EqSeq b c -> EqSeq a c
evalEqSeq : ∀ {a} {A : Type a} -> {a b : A} -> EqSeq a b -> a ≡ b
evalEqSeq nil = refl
evalEqSeq (cons p e) = p ∙ evalEqSeq e

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@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe --exact-split #-}
module Cubical.Structures.Eq where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Functions.Image
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as P
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Fin
open import Cubical.Data.List as L
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as ⊥
open import Cubical.Data.Sum as ⊎
open import Cubical.Reflection.RecordEquiv
open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients as Q
open import Agda.Primitive
open import Cubical.Structures.Sig
open import Cubical.Structures.Str
open import Cubical.Structures.Tree
record EqSig (e n : Level) : Type (-max (-suc e) (-suc n)) where
name : Type e
free : name -> Type n
open EqSig public
FinEqSig : (e : Level) -> Type (-max (-suc e) (-suc -zero))
FinEqSig = FinSig
finEqSig : {e : Level} -> FinEqSig e -> EqSig e -zero
name (finEqSig σ) = σ .fst
free (finEqSig σ) = Fin ∘ σ .snd
emptyEqSig : EqSig -zero -zero
name emptyEqSig = ⊥.⊥
free emptyEqSig = ⊥.rec
sumEqSig : {e n e' n' : Level} -> EqSig e n -> EqSig e' n' -> EqSig (-max e e') (-max n n')
name (sumEqSig σ τ) = (name σ) ⊎ (name τ)
free (sumEqSig {n' = n} σ τ) (inl x) = Lift {j = n} ((free σ) x)
free (sumEqSig {n = n} σ τ) (inr x) = Lift {j = n} ((free τ) x)
module _ {f a e n : Level} (σ : Sig f a) (τ : EqSig e n) where
TODO: refactor as (Tree σ Unit -> Tree σ X) × (Tree σ Unit -> Tree σ X) ?
seq : Type (-max (-max (-max f a) e) n)
seq = (e : τ .name) -> Tree σ (τ .free e) × Tree σ (τ .free e)
emptySEq : seq emptySig emptyEqSig
emptySEq n = ⊥.rec n
module _ {f a e n s : Level} {σ : Sig f a} {τ : EqSig e n} where
type of structure satisfying equations
TODO: refactor as a coequaliser
infix 30 _⊨_
_⊨_ : struct s σ -> (ε : seq σ τ) -> Type (-max s (-max e n))
𝔛 ⊨ ε = (eqn : τ .name) (ρ : τ .free eqn -> 𝔛 .car)
-> sharp σ 𝔛 ρ (ε eqn .fst) ≡ sharp σ 𝔛 ρ (ε eqn .snd)

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@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe --exact-split #-}
module Cubical.Structures.Free where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Functions.Image
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as P
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.List as L
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Reflection.RecordEquiv
open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients as Q
open import Agda.Primitive
open import Cubical.Structures.Sig
open import Cubical.Structures.Str
open import Cubical.Structures.Tree
open import Cubical.Structures.Eq
module Definition {f a e n s : Level} (σ : Sig f a) (τ : EqSig e (-max n s)) (ε : seq {n = -max n s} σ τ) where
ns : Level
ns = -max n s
record Free ( ' : Level) (h : HLevel) : Type (-suc (-max ' (-max (-max f (-max a (-max e ns)))))) where
F : (X : Type ) -> Type (-max ns)
η : {X : Type } -> X -> F X
α : {X : Type } -> sig σ (F X) -> F X
sat : {X : Type } -> < F X , α > ⊨ ε
isFree : {X : Type }
{𝔜 : struct (-max ' ns) σ}
(H : isOfHLevel h (𝔜 .car)) (ϕ : 𝔜 ⊨ ε)
-> isEquiv (\(f : structHom {x = -max ns} < F X , α > 𝔜) -> f .fst ∘ η)
ext : {X : Type } {𝔜 : struct (-max ' ns) σ}
(H : isOfHLevel h (𝔜 .car)) (ϕ : 𝔜 ⊨ ε)
-> (hom : X -> 𝔜 .car) -> structHom < F X , α > 𝔜
ext H ϕ = invIsEq (isFree H ϕ)
ext-β : {X : Type } {𝔜 : struct (-max ' ns) σ}
(H : isOfHLevel h (𝔜 .car)) (ϕ : 𝔜 ⊨ ε) (Hom : structHom < F X , α > 𝔜)
-> ext H ϕ (Hom .fst ∘ η) ≡ Hom
ext-β H ϕ = retIsEq (isFree H ϕ)
ext-η : {X : Type } {𝔜 : struct (-max ' ns) σ}
(H : isOfHLevel h (𝔜 .car)) (ϕ : 𝔜 ⊨ ε) (h : X -> 𝔜 .car)
-> (ext H ϕ h .fst) ∘ η ≡ h
ext-η H ϕ = secIsEq (isFree H ϕ)
hom≡ : {X : Type } {𝔜 : struct (-max ' ns) σ}
-> (H : isOfHLevel h (𝔜 .car)) (ϕ : 𝔜 ⊨ ε)
-> (H1 H2 : structHom < F X , α > 𝔜)
-> H1 .fst ∘ η ≡ H2 .fst ∘ η
-> H1 ≡ H2
hom≡ H ϕ H1 H2 α = sym (ext-β H ϕ H1) ∙ cong (ext H ϕ) α ∙ ext-β H ϕ H2
open Free
module _ {} {A : Type } (𝔛 : Free 2) (𝔜 : Free 2) (isSet𝔛 : isSet (𝔛 .F A)) (isSet𝔜 : isSet (𝔜 .F A)) where
str𝔛 : struct (-max (-max n s) ) σ
str𝔛 = < 𝔛 .F A , 𝔛 .α >
str𝔜 : struct (-max (-max n s) ) σ
str𝔜 = < 𝔜 .F A , 𝔜 .α >
ϕ1 : structHom str𝔛 str𝔜
ϕ1 = ext 𝔛 isSet𝔜 (𝔜 .sat) (𝔜 .η)
ϕ2 : structHom str𝔜 str𝔛
ϕ2 = ext 𝔜 isSet𝔛 (𝔛 .sat) (𝔛 .η)
ϕ1∘ϕ2 : structHom str𝔜 str𝔜
ϕ1∘ϕ2 = structHom∘ str𝔜 str𝔛 str𝔜 ϕ1 ϕ2
ϕ2∘ϕ1 : structHom str𝔛 str𝔛
ϕ2∘ϕ1 = structHom∘ str𝔛 str𝔜 str𝔛 ϕ2 ϕ1
ϕ1∘ϕ2≡ : ϕ1∘ϕ2 .fst ∘ 𝔜 .η ≡ idHom str𝔜 .fst ∘ 𝔜
ϕ1∘ϕ2≡ =
ϕ1 .fst ∘ ((ext 𝔜 isSet𝔛 (𝔛 .sat) (𝔛 .η) .fst) ∘ 𝔜 .η)
≡⟨ congS (ϕ1 .fst ∘_) (ext-η 𝔜 isSet𝔛 (𝔛 .sat) (𝔛 .η)) ⟩
ext 𝔛 isSet𝔜 (𝔜 .sat) (𝔜 .η) .fst ∘ 𝔛
≡⟨ ext-η 𝔛 isSet𝔜 (𝔜 .sat) (𝔜 .η) ⟩
𝔜 .η ∎
ϕ2∘ϕ1≡ : ϕ2∘ϕ1 .fst ∘ 𝔛 .η ≡ idHom str𝔛 .fst ∘ 𝔛
ϕ2∘ϕ1≡ =
ϕ2 .fst ∘ ((ext 𝔛 isSet𝔜 (𝔜 .sat) (𝔜 .η) .fst) ∘ 𝔛 .η)
≡⟨ congS (ϕ2 .fst ∘_) (ext-η 𝔛 isSet𝔜 (𝔜 .sat) (𝔜 .η)) ⟩
ext 𝔜 isSet𝔛 (𝔛 .sat) (𝔛 .η) .fst ∘ 𝔜
≡⟨ ext-η 𝔜 isSet𝔛 (𝔛 .sat) (𝔛 .η) ⟩
𝔛 .η ∎
freeIso : Iso (𝔛 .F A) (𝔜 .F A)
freeIso = iso (ϕ1 .fst) (ϕ2 .fst)
(λ x -> congS (λ f -> f .fst x) (hom≡ 𝔜 isSet𝔜 (𝔜 .sat) ϕ1∘ϕ2 (idHom str𝔜) ϕ1∘ϕ2≡))
(λ x -> congS (λ f -> f .fst x) (hom≡ 𝔛 isSet𝔛 (𝔛 .sat) ϕ2∘ϕ1 (idHom str𝔛) ϕ2∘ϕ1≡))
record FreeAux ( ' : Level) (h : HLevel) (F : (X : Type ) -> Type (-max ns)) : Type (-suc (-max ' (-max (-max f (-max a (-max e ns)))))) where
η : {X : Type } -> X -> F X
α : {X : Type } -> sig σ (F X) -> F X
sat : {X : Type } -> < F X , α > ⊨ ε
isFree : {X : Type }
{𝔜 : struct (-max ' ns) σ}
(H : isOfHLevel h (𝔜 .car)) (ϕ : 𝔜 ⊨ ε)
-> isEquiv (\(f : structHom {x = -max ns} < F X , α > 𝔜) -> f .fst ∘ η)
isoAux : { ' : Level} {h : HLevel} ->
Iso (Σ[ F ∈ ((X : Type ) -> Type (-max ns)) ] FreeAux ' h F) (Free ' h)
isoAux { = } {' = '} {h = h} = iso to from (λ _ -> refl) (λ _ -> refl)
to : Σ[ F ∈ ((X : Type ) -> Type (-max ns)) ] FreeAux ' h F -> Free ' h
Free.F (to (F , aux)) = F
Free.η (to (F , aux)) = FreeAux.η aux
Free.α (to (F , aux)) = FreeAux.α aux
Free.sat (to (F , aux)) = FreeAux.sat aux
Free.isFree (to (F , aux)) = FreeAux.isFree aux
from : Free ' h -> Σ[ F ∈ ((X : Type ) -> Type (-max ns)) ] FreeAux ' h F
fst (from free) = Free.F free
FreeAux.η (snd (from free)) = Free.η free
FreeAux.α (snd (from free)) = Free.α free
FreeAux.sat (snd (from free)) = Free.sat free
FreeAux.isFree (snd (from free)) = Free.isFree free
constructions of a free structure on a signature and equations
TODO: generalise the universe levels!!
using a HIT
module Construction {f a e n : Level} (σ : Sig f a) (τ : EqSig e n) (ε : seq σ τ) where
data Free (X : Type n) : Type (-suc (-max f (-max a (-max e n)))) where
η : X -> Free X
α : sig σ (Free X) -> Free X
sat : mkStruct (Free X) α ⊨ ε
freeStruct : (X : Type) -> struct σ
car (freeStruct X) = Free X
alg (freeStruct _) = α
module _ (X : Type) (𝔜 : struct σ) (ϕ : 𝔜 ⊨ ε) where
Y = 𝔜 .fst
β = 𝔜 .snd
ext : (h : X -> Y) -> Free X -> Y
ext h (η x) = h x
ext h (α (f , o)) = β (f , (ext h ∘ o))
ext h (sat e ρ i) = ϕ e (ext h ∘ ρ) {!i!}
module _ where
Fr : Type (-max (-max f a) n)
Fα : sig σ Fr -> Fr
Fs : sat σ τ ε (Fr , Fα)
module _ (Y : Type (-max (-max f a) n)) (α : sig σ Y -> Y) where
Frec : sat σ τ ε (Y , α) -> Fr -> Y
Fhom : (p : sat σ τ ε (Y , α)) -> walgIsH σ (Fr , Fα) (Y , α) (Frec p)
Feta : (p : sat σ τ ε (Y , α)) (h : Fr -> Y) -> walgIsH σ (Fr , Fα) (Y , α) h -> Frec p ≡ h
module Construction2 (σ : Sig -zero -zero) (τ : EqSig -zero -zero) (ε : seq σ τ) where
data _≈_ {X : Type} : Tree σ X -> Tree σ X -> Type (-suc -zero) where
≈-refl : ∀ t -> t ≈ t
≈-sym : ∀ t s -> t ≈ s -> s ≈ t
≈-trans : ∀ t s r -> t ≈ s -> s ≈ r -> t ≈ r
≈-cong : (f : σ .symbol) -> {t s : σ .arity f -> Tree σ X}
-> ((a : σ .arity f) -> t a ≈ s a)
-> node (f , t) ≈ node (f , s)
≈-eqs : (𝔜 : struct {-zero} {-zero} {-zero} σ) (ϕ : 𝔜 ⊨ ε)
-> (e : τ .name) (ρ : X -> 𝔜 .car)
-> ∀ t s -> sharp σ {𝔜 = 𝔜} ρ t ≡ sharp σ {𝔜 = 𝔜} ρ s
-> t ≈ s
Free : Type -> Type₁
Free X = Tree σ X / _≈_
freeAlg : (X : Type) -> sig σ (Free X) -> Free X
freeAlg X (f , i) = Q.[ node (f , {!!}) ] needs choice?
freeStruct : (X : Type) -> struct σ
freeStruct X = Free X , freeAlg X
module _ (X : Type) (𝔜 : struct σ) (ϕ : 𝔜 ⊨ ε) where
Y = 𝔜 .fst
β = 𝔜 .snd

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
TODO: Define free monoidal groupoids as a HIT
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe --exact-split #-}
module Cubical.Structures.Gpd.Mon.Free where

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
TODO: Show that List A has all the monoidal coherences
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe --exact-split #-}
module Cubical.Structures.Gpd.Mon.List where

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
TODO: Define free symmetric monoidal groupoids as a HIT
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe --exact-split #-}
module Cubical.Structures.Gpd.SMon.Free where

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@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe --exact-split #-}
module Cubical.Structures.Gpd.SMon.SList where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
infixr 20 _∷_
data SList {a} (A : Type a) : Type a where
[] : SList A
_∷_ : (a : A) -> (as : SList A) -> SList A
swap : (a b : A) (cs : SList A)
-> a ∷ b ∷ cs ≡ b ∷ a ∷ cs
swap⁻¹ : (a b : A) (cs : SList A)
-> swap a b cs ≡ sym (swap b a cs)
hexagon : (a b c : A) (cs : SList A)
-> a ∷ b ∷ c ∷ cs ≡ c ∷ b ∷ a ∷ cs
hexagon↑ : (a b c : A) (cs : SList A)
-> Square (\i -> b ∷ swap a c cs i) (hexagon a b c cs)
(swap b a (c ∷ cs)) (swap b c (a ∷ cs))
hexagon↓ : (a b c : A) (cs : SList A)
-> Square (hexagon a b c cs) (swap a c (b ∷ cs))
(\i -> a ∷ swap b c cs i) (\i -> c ∷ swap b a cs i)
isGpdSList : isGroupoid (SList A)
pattern [_] a = a ∷ []
: Level
A : Type
swap² : (a b : A) (cs : SList A)
-> swap a b cs ∙ swap b a cs ≡ refl
swap² a b cs = cong (_∙ swap b a cs) (swap⁻¹ a b cs) ∙ lCancel (swap b a cs)
hexagon : (a b c : A) (cs : SList A)
-> (swap a b (c ∷ cs) ∙ cong (b ∷_) (swap a c cs) ∙ swap b c (a ∷ cs))
≡ cong (a ∷_) (swap b c cs) ∙ swap a c (b ∷ cs) ∙ cong (c ∷_) (swap a b cs)
hexagon a b c cs =
let hex-up = PathP→compPathL (hexagon↑ a b c cs)
hex-dn = PathP→compPathR (hexagon↓ a b c cs)
swap a b (c ∷ cs) ∙ cong (b ∷_) (swap a c cs) ∙ swap b c (a ∷ cs)
≡⟨ cong (_∙ cong (b ∷_) (swap a c cs) ∙ swap b c (a ∷ cs)) (swap⁻¹ a b (c ∷ cs)) ⟩
sym (swap b a (c ∷ cs)) ∙ cong (b ∷_) (swap a c cs) ∙ swap b c (a ∷ cs)
≡⟨ hex-up ⟩
hexagon a b c cs
≡⟨ hex-dn ⟩
cong (a ∷_) (swap b c cs) ∙ swap a c (b ∷ cs) ∙ cong (c ∷_) (sym (swap b a cs))
≡⟨ assoc (cong (a ∷_) (swap b c cs)) (swap a c (b ∷ cs)) (cong (c ∷_) (sym (swap b a cs))) ⟩
(cong (a ∷_) (swap b c cs) ∙ swap a c (b ∷ cs)) ∙ cong (c ∷_) (sym (swap b a cs))
≡⟨ cong ((cong (a ∷_) (swap b c cs) ∙ swap a c (b ∷ cs)) ∙_) (cong (cong (c ∷_)) (sym (swap⁻¹ a b cs))) ⟩
(cong (a ∷_) (swap b c cs) ∙ swap a c (b ∷ cs)) ∙ cong (c ∷_) (swap a b cs)
≡⟨ sym (assoc (cong (a ∷_) (swap b c cs)) (swap a c (b ∷ cs)) (cong (c ∷_) (swap a b cs))) ⟩
cong (a ∷_) (swap b c cs) ∙ swap a c (b ∷ cs) ∙ cong (c ∷_) (swap a b cs)
_++_ : SList A -> SList A -> SList A
[] ++ bs = bs
(a ∷ as) ++ bs = a ∷ (as ++ bs)
swap a b as i ++ bs = swap a b (as ++ bs) i
swap⁻¹ a b as i j ++ bs = swap⁻¹ a b (as ++ bs) i j
hexagon a b c as i ++ bs = hexagon a b c (as ++ bs) i
hexagon↑ a b c as i j ++ bs = hexagon↑ a b c (as ++ bs) i j
hexagon↓ a b c as i j ++ bs = hexagon↓ a b c (as ++ bs) i j
isGpdSList as cs p q u v i j k ++ bs =
isGpdSList (as ++ bs) (cs ++ bs) (cong (_++ bs) p) (cong (_++ bs) q)
(cong (cong (_++ bs)) u) (cong (cong (_++ bs)) v) i j k
++-unitl : (as : SList A) -> [] ++ as ≡ as
++-unitl as = refl
++-unitr : (as : SList A) -> as ++ [] ≡ as
++-unitr [] = refl
++-unitr (a ∷ as) = cong (a ∷_) (++-unitr as)
++-unitr (swap a b as i) j = swap a b (++-unitr as j) i
++-unitr (swap⁻¹ a b as i j) k = swap⁻¹ a b (++-unitr as k) i j
++-unitr (hexagon a b c as i) j = hexagon a b c (++-unitr as j) i
++-unitr (hexagon↑ a b c as i j) k = hexagon↑ a b c (++-unitr as k) i j
++-unitr (hexagon↓ a b c as i j) k = hexagon↓ a b c (++-unitr as k) i j
++-unitr (isGpdSList as cs p q u v i j k) l =
isGpdSList (++-unitr as l) (++-unitr cs l) (cong (\z -> ++-unitr z l) p) (cong (\z -> ++-unitr z l) q)
(cong (cong (\z -> ++-unitr z l)) u) (cong (cong (\z -> ++-unitr z l)) v) i j k
++-assocr : (as bs cs : SList A) -> (as ++ bs) ++ cs ≡ as ++ (bs ++ cs)
++-assocr [] bs cs = refl
++-assocr (a ∷ as) bs cs = cong (a ∷_) (++-assocr as bs cs)
++-assocr (swap a b as i) bs cs j = swap a b (++-assocr as bs cs j) i
++-assocr (swap⁻¹ a b as i j) bs cs k = swap⁻¹ a b (++-assocr as bs cs k) i j
++-assocr (hexagon a b c as i) bs cs j = hexagon a b c (++-assocr as bs cs j) i
++-assocr (hexagon↑ a b c as i j) bs cs k = hexagon↑ a b c (++-assocr as bs cs k) i j
++-assocr (hexagon↓ a b c as i j) bs cs k = hexagon↓ a b c (++-assocr as bs cs k) i j
++-assocr (isGpdSList as ds p q u v i j k) bs cs l =
isGpdSList (++-assocr as bs cs l) (++-assocr ds bs cs l) (cong (\z -> ++-assocr z bs cs l) p) (cong (\z -> ++-assocr z bs cs l) q)
(cong (cong (\z -> ++-assocr z bs cs l)) u) (cong (cong (\z -> ++-assocr z bs cs l)) v) i j k
TODO: Define commutativity for SList directly or after truncation
To do this directly will probably need coherence for swap
++-∷ : (a : A) (as : SList A) -> a ∷ as ≡ as ++ [ a ]
++-∷ a [] = refl
++-∷ a (b ∷ as) = swap a b as ∙ cong (b ∷_) (++-∷ a as)
++-∷ a (swap b c as i) =
++-comm : (as bs : SList A) -> as ++ bs ≡ bs ++ as
++-comm [] bs = sym (++-unitr bs)
++-comm (a ∷ as) bs = cong (a ∷_) (++-comm as bs)
∙ cong (_++ as) (++-∷ a bs)
∙ ++-assocr bs [ a ] as
++-comm (swap a b as i) bs = {!!}
TODO: Prove SList is free symmetric monoidal on groupoids

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe --exact-split #-}
module Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.Bag where
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.Bag.Base public
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.Bag.Free public
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.Bag.ToCList public

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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe --exact-split #-}
module Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.Bag.Base where
open import Cubical.Core.Everything
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Data.List renaming (_∷_ to _∷ₗ_)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order
open import Cubical.Data.Fin
open import Cubical.Data.Sum as ⊎
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
import Cubical.Data.Empty as ⊥
import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.Desc as M
import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.Desc as M
import Cubical.Structures.Free as F
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.Array as A
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.List as L
open import Cubical.Structures.Sig
open import Cubical.Structures.Str public
open import Cubical.Structures.Tree
open import Cubical.Structures.Eq
open import Cubical.Structures.Arity hiding (_/_)
open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients as Q
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.QFreeMon
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open Iso
' '' : Level
A : Type
_≈_ : ∀ {A : Type } -> Array A -> Array A -> Type
_≈_ (n , v) (m , w) = Σ[ σ ∈ Iso (Fin n) (Fin m) ] v ≡ w ∘ σ .fun
Bag : Type -> Type
Bag A = Array A Q./ _≈_

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@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe --exact-split #-}
module Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.Bag.FinExcept where
open import Cubical.Core.Everything
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open Iso
open import Cubical.Data.List renaming (_∷_ to _∷ₗ_)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order
open import Cubical.Data.Fin
open import Cubical.Data.Sum as ⊎
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
import Cubical.Data.Empty as ⊥
import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.Desc as M
import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.Desc as M
import Cubical.Structures.Free as F
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.Array as A
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.List as L
open import Cubical.Structures.Sig
open import Cubical.Structures.Str public
open import Cubical.Structures.Tree
open import Cubical.Structures.Eq
open import Cubical.Structures.Arity hiding (_/_)
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.QFreeMon
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.Bag.Base
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.Bag.Free
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open import Cubical.Data.Fin.LehmerCode as E
: Level
A : Type
n :
<-not-dense : ∀ {a b c} -> a < b -> b < suc c -> a < c
<-not-dense {a} {b} {c} p q with a ≟ c
... | lt r = r
... | eq r = ⊥.rec (¬n<m<suc-n p (subst (b <_) (congS suc (sym r)) q))
... | gt r = ⊥.rec (<-asym (suc-≤-suc r) (≤-trans (≤-suc p) q))
a>b→a≠0 : ∀ {a b} -> a > b -> ¬ a ≡ 0
a>b→a≠0 {a} {b} (k , p) a≡0 = snotz (sym (+-suc k b) ∙ p ∙ a≡0)
preda<b : ∀ {e a b} -> a < suc b -> e < a -> pred a < b
preda<b {e} {a} {b} p q = subst (_≤ b) (suc-pred a (a>b→a≠0 q)) (pred-≤-pred p)
_<?_on_ : ∀ (a b : ) -> ¬ a ≡ b -> (a < b) ⊎ (b < a)
a <? b on p with a ≟ b
... | lt q = inl q
... | gt q = inr q
... | eq q = ⊥.rec (p q)
<?-beta-inl : ∀ (a b : ) -> (p : ¬ a ≡ b) -> (q : a < b) -> a <? b on p ≡ inl q
<?-beta-inl a b p q with a ≟ b
... | lt r = congS inl (isProp≤ _ _)
... | eq r = ⊥.rec (p r)
... | gt r = ⊥.rec (<-asym r (<-weaken q))
<?-beta-inr : ∀ (a b : ) -> (p : ¬ a ≡ b) -> (q : a > b) -> a <? b on p ≡ inr q
<?-beta-inr a b p q with a ≟ b
... | lt r = ⊥.rec (<-asym r (<-weaken q))
... | eq r = ⊥.rec (p r)
... | gt r = congS inr (isProp≤ _ _)
≤?-beta-inl : ∀ (a b : ) -> (p : a < b) -> a ≤? b ≡ inl p
≤?-beta-inl a b p with a ≤? b
... | inl q = congS inl (isProp≤ _ _)
... | inr q = ⊥.rec (<-asym p q)
≤?-beta-inr : ∀ (a b : ) -> (p : b ≤ a) -> a ≤? b ≡ inr p
≤?-beta-inr a b p with a ≤? b
... | inl q = ⊥.rec (<-asym q p)
... | inr q = congS inr (isProp≤ _ _)
FinExcept≡ : ∀ {n k} -> {a b : FinExcept {n = n} k} -> a .fst .fst ≡ b .fst .fst -> a ≡ b
FinExcept≡ p = Σ≡Prop (λ _ -> isProp¬ _) (Fin-fst-≡ p)
pOut : ∀ {n} -> (k : Fin (suc n)) -> FinExcept k -> Fin n
pOut {n} (k , p) ((j , q) , r) =
(λ j<k -> j , <-not-dense j<k p)
(λ k<j -> pred j , preda<b q k<j)
(j <? k on j≠k)
j≠k : ¬ j ≡ k
j≠k = r ∘ Fin-fst-≡ ∘ sym
pIn : (k : Fin (suc n)) -> Fin n -> FinExcept k
pIn (k , p) (j , q) =
(λ j<k -> (j , ≤-suc q) , <→≢ j<k ∘ sym ∘ congS fst)
(λ k≤j -> fsuc (j , q) , λ r -> ¬m<m (subst (_≤ j) (congS fst r) k≤j))
(j ≤? k)
_ : {k : Fin n} -> (Fin n -> A) -> FinExcept k -> A
f = f ∘ toFinExc
1+_ : {k : Fin n} -> FinExcept k -> FinExcept (fsuc k)
1+_ {k = k} (j , p) = (fsuc j) , fsuc≠
fsuc≠ : ¬ fsuc k ≡ fsuc j
fsuc≠ r = p (fsuc-inj r)
pIn∘Out : (k : Fin (suc n)) -> ∀ j -> pIn k (pOut k j) ≡ j
pIn∘Out (k , p) ((j , q) , r) =
(λ j<k ->
pIn (k , p) (pOut (k , p) ((j , q) , r))
pIn (k , p) (⊎.rec (λ j<k -> j , _) _ (j <? k on _))
≡⟨ congS (pIn (k , p) ∘ ⊎.rec _ _) (<?-beta-inl j k _ j<k) ⟩
pIn (k , p) (j , <-not-dense j<k p)
⊎.rec (λ j<k -> (j , _) , _) _ (j ≤? k)
≡⟨ congS (⊎.rec (λ j<k -> (j , _) , _) _) (≤?-beta-inl j k j<k) ⟩
(j , ≤-suc (<-not-dense j<k p)) , _
≡⟨ FinExcept≡ refl ⟩
((j , q) , r)
(λ k<j ->
pIn (k , p) (pOut (k , p) ((j , q) , r))
pIn (k , p) (⊎.rec _ (λ k<j -> pred j , preda<b q k<j) (j <? k on _))
≡⟨ congS (pIn (k , p) ∘ ⊎.rec _ _) (<?-beta-inr j k _ k<j) ⟩
pIn (k , p) (pred j , preda<b q k<j)
⊎.rec _ (λ k≤predj -> fsuc (pred j , _) , _) (pred j ≤? k)
≡⟨ congS (⊎.rec _ _) (≤?-beta-inr (pred j) k (pred-≤-pred k<j)) ⟩
(fsuc (pred j , preda<b q k<j) , _)
≡⟨ FinExcept≡ (sym (suc-pred j (a>b→a≠0 k<j))) ⟩
((j , q) , r)
(j <? k on (r ∘ Fin-fst-≡ ∘ sym))
pOut∘In : (k : Fin (suc n)) -> ∀ j -> pOut k (pIn k j) ≡ j
pOut∘In (k , p) (j , q) =
(λ j<k ->
pOut (k , p) (pIn (k , p) (j , q))
pOut (k , p) (⊎.rec (λ j<k -> (j , ≤-suc q) , _) _ (j ≤? k))
≡⟨ congS (pOut (k , p) ∘ ⊎.rec _ _) (≤?-beta-inl j k j<k) ⟩
pOut (k , p) ((j , ≤-suc q) , _)
⊎.rec (λ j<k -> j , <-not-dense j<k p) _ (j <? k on _)
≡⟨ congS (⊎.rec _ _) (<?-beta-inl j k _ j<k) ⟩
(j , <-not-dense j<k p)
≡⟨ Fin-fst-≡ refl ⟩
(j , q)
(λ k≤j ->
pOut (k , p) (pIn (k , p) (j , q))
pOut (k , p) (⊎.rec _ (λ k≤j -> fsuc (j , q) , _) (j ≤? k))
≡⟨ congS (pOut (k , p) ∘ ⊎.rec _ _) (≤?-beta-inr j k k≤j) ⟩
pOut (k , p) (fsuc (j , q) , _)
⊎.rec _ (λ k<sucj -> pred (suc j) , _) (suc j <? k on _)
≡⟨ congS (⊎.rec _ _) (<?-beta-inr (suc j) k _ (suc-≤-suc k≤j)) ⟩
(j , preda<b (snd (fsuc (j , q))) (suc-≤-suc k≤j))
≡⟨ Fin-fst-≡ refl ⟩
(j , q)
(j ≤? k)
module _ {k : Fin (suc n)} where
pIso : Iso (FinExcept k) (Fin n) pIso = pOut k
Iso.inv pIso = pIn k
Iso.rightInv pIso = pOut∘In k
Iso.leftInv pIso = pIn∘Out k
pInZ≡fsuc : (k : Fin n) -> fst (pIn fzero k) ≡ fsuc k
pInZ≡fsuc k = congS (fst ∘ ⊎.rec _ _) (≤?-beta-inr (fst k) 0 zero-≤)
pIn-fsuc-nat : {k : Fin (suc n)} -> 1+_ ∘ pIn k ≡ pIn (fsuc k) ∘ fsuc
pIn-fsuc-nat {n = zero} {k = k} = funExt \j -> ⊥.rec (¬Fin0 j)
pIn-fsuc-nat {n = suc n} {k = k} = funExt (pIn-fsuc-nat-htpy k)
pIn-fsuc-nat-htpy : (k : Fin (suc (suc n))) (j : Fin (suc n))
-> 1+ (pIn k j) ≡ pIn (fsuc k) (fsuc j)
pIn-fsuc-nat-htpy (k , p) (j , q) =
(λ j<k ->
r =
1+ pIn (k , p) (j , q)
1+ (⊎.rec (λ j<k -> (j , ≤-suc q) , _) _ (j ≤? k))
≡⟨ congS (1+_ ∘ ⊎.rec _ _) (≤?-beta-inl j k j<k) ⟩
1+ ((j , ≤-suc q) , _)
fsuc (j , ≤-suc q) , _ ∎
s =
pIn (fsuc (k , p)) (fsuc (j , q))
⊎.rec (λ sj<sk -> fsuc (j , _) , _) _ (suc j ≤? suc k)
≡⟨ congS (⊎.rec _ _) (≤?-beta-inl (suc j) (suc k) (suc-≤-suc j<k)) ⟩
fsuc (j , _) , _
≡⟨ FinExcept≡ refl ⟩
fsuc (j , ≤-suc q) , _ ∎
in r ∙ (sym s)
(λ k≤j ->
r =
1+ pIn (k , p) (j , q)
1+ (⊎.rec _ (λ k≤j -> fsuc (j , q) , _) (j ≤? k))
≡⟨ congS (1+_ ∘ ⊎.rec _ _) (≤?-beta-inr j k k≤j) ⟩
1+ (fsuc (j , q) , _)
fsuc (fsuc (j , q)) , _ ∎
s =
pIn (fsuc (k , p)) (fsuc (j , q))
⊎.rec _ (λ sk≤sj -> fsuc (fsuc (j , q)) , _) (suc j ≤? suc k)
≡⟨ congS (⊎.rec _ _) (≤?-beta-inr (suc j) (suc k) (suc-≤-suc k≤j)) ⟩
fsuc (fsuc (j , q)) , _
≡⟨ FinExcept≡ refl ⟩
fsuc (fsuc (j , q)) , _ ∎
in r ∙ (sym s)
(j ≤? k)
Aut : (A : Type ) -> Type
Aut A = Iso A A
projectIso : {i : Fin n} -> Iso (Unit ⊎ FinExcept i) (Fin n)
fun (projectIso {i = i}) (inl _) = i
fun (projectIso {i = i}) (inr m) = fst m
inv (projectIso {i = i}) m =
decRec (λ i≡m -> inl tt) (λ i≠m -> inr (m , i≠m)) (discreteFin i m)
rightInv (projectIso {i = i}) m with discreteFin i m
... | yes i≡m = i≡m
... | no ¬i≡m = refl
leftInv (projectIso {i = i}) (inl _) with discreteFin i i
... | yes i≡m = refl
... | no ¬i≡m = ⊥.rec (¬i≡m refl)
leftInv (projectIso {i = i}) (inr m) with discreteFin i (fst m)
... | yes i≡m = ⊥.rec (m .snd i≡m)
... | no ¬i≡m = congS inr (FinExcept≡ refl)
module _ {n : } where
equivIn : (σ : Aut (Fin (suc n))) -> Iso (FinExcept fzero) (FinExcept (σ .fun fzero)) (equivIn σ) (k , p) = σ .fun k , p ∘ isoFunInjective σ _ _
Iso.inv (equivIn σ) (k , p) = σ .inv k , p ∘ isoInvInjective σ _ _ ∘ σ .leftInv fzero ∙_
Iso.rightInv (equivIn σ) (k , p) = FinExcept≡ (congS fst (σ .rightInv k))
Iso.leftInv (equivIn σ) (k , p) = FinExcept≡ (congS fst (σ .leftInv k))
equivOut : ∀ {k} -> Iso (FinExcept fzero) (FinExcept k) -> Aut (Fin (suc n))
equivOut {k = k} σ =
Fin (suc n) Iso⟨ invIso projectIso ⟩
Unit ⊎ FinExcept fzero Iso⟨ ⊎Iso idIso σ
Unit ⊎ FinExcept k Iso⟨ projectIso ⟩
Fin (suc n) ∎Iso
equivOut-beta-α : ∀ {k} {σ} (x : FinExcept fzero) -> (equivOut {k = k} σ) .fun (fst x) ≡ fst (σ .fun x)
equivOut-beta-α {σ = σ} x with discreteFin fzero (fst x)
... | yes p = ⊥.rec (x .snd p)
... | no ¬p = congS (fst ∘ σ .fun) (FinExcept≡ refl)
equivOut-beta-β : ∀ {k} {σ} (x : FinExcept (equivOut {k = k} σ .fun fzero)) -> equivOut σ .inv (fst x) ≡ σ .inv x .fst
equivOut-beta-β {k = k} {σ = σ} x with discreteFin k (fst x)
... | yes p = ⊥.rec (x .snd p)
... | no ¬p = congS (fst ∘ σ .inv) (FinExcept≡ refl)
equivIn∘Out : ∀ {k} -> (τ : Iso (FinExcept fzero) (FinExcept k)) -> equivIn (equivOut τ) ≡ τ
equivIn∘Out τ =
Iso≡Set isSetFinExcept isSetFinExcept _ _
(FinExcept≡ ∘ congS fst ∘ equivOut-beta-α)
(FinExcept≡ ∘ congS fst ∘ equivOut-beta-β)
equivOut∘In : (σ : Aut (Fin (suc n))) -> equivOut (equivIn σ) ≡ σ
equivOut∘In σ = Iso≡Set isSetFin isSetFin _ _ lemma-α lemma-β
lemma-α : (x : Fin (suc n)) -> equivOut (equivIn σ) .fun x ≡ σ .fun x
lemma-α x with discreteFin fzero x
... | yes p = congS (σ .fun) p
... | no ¬p = refl
lemma-β : (x : Fin (suc n)) -> equivOut (equivIn σ) .inv x ≡ σ .inv x
lemma-β x with discreteFin (σ .fun fzero) x
... | yes p = sym (σ .leftInv fzero) ∙ congS (σ .inv) p
... | no ¬p = refl
G : Iso (Aut (Fin (suc n))) (Σ[ k ∈ Fin (suc n) ] (Iso (FinExcept (fzero {k = n})) (FinExcept k)))
fun G σ = σ .fun fzero , equivIn σ
inv G (k , τ) = equivOut τ
rightInv G (k , τ) = ΣPathP (refl , equivIn∘Out τ)
leftInv G = equivOut∘In
punch-σ : (σ : Aut (Fin (suc n))) -> Aut (Fin n)
punch-σ σ =
Fin n Iso⟨ invIso pIso ⟩
FinExcept (fzero {k = n}) Iso⟨ (G .fun σ) .snd ⟩
FinExcept (σ .fun fzero) Iso⟨ pIso ⟩
Fin n ∎Iso
fill-σ : ∀ k -> Aut (Fin (suc n))
fill-σ k = equivOut $
FinExcept fzero Iso⟨ pIso ⟩
Fin n Iso⟨ invIso pIso ⟩
FinExcept k ∎Iso

View File

@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe --exact-split #-}
module Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.Bag.Free where
open import Cubical.Core.Everything
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Data.List renaming (_∷_ to _∷ₗ_)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order
open import Cubical.Data.Fin
open import Cubical.Data.Sum as ⊎
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
import Cubical.Data.Empty as ⊥
import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.Desc as M
import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.Desc as M
import Cubical.Structures.Free as F
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.Array as A
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.List as L
open import Cubical.Structures.Sig
open import Cubical.Structures.Str public
open import Cubical.Structures.Tree
open import Cubical.Structures.Eq
open import Cubical.Structures.Arity hiding (_/_)
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.QFreeMon
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.Bag.Base
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open Iso
' '' : Level
A : Type
Bag≈ = _≈_
refl≈ : {as : Array A} -> as ≈ as
refl≈ {as = as} = idIso , refl
sym≈ : {as bs : Array A} -> as ≈ bs -> bs ≈ as
sym≈ {as = (n , f)} {bs = (m , g)} (σ , p) =
invIso σ , congS (g ∘_) (sym (funExt (σ .rightInv)))
∙ congS (_∘ σ .inv) (sym p)
trans≈ : {as bs cs : Array A} -> as ≈ bs -> bs ≈ cs -> as ≈ cs
trans≈ {as = (n , f)} {bs = (m , g)} {cs = (o , h)} (σ , p) (τ , q) =
compIso σ τ , sym
((h ∘ τ .fun) ∘ σ .fun ≡⟨ congS (_∘ σ .fun) (sym q) ⟩
g ∘ σ .fun ≡⟨ sym p ⟩
f ∎)
Fin+-cong : {n m n' m' : } -> Iso (Fin n) (Fin n') -> Iso (Fin m) (Fin m') -> Iso (Fin (n + m)) (Fin (n' + m'))
Fin+-cong {n} {m} {n'} {m'} σ τ =
compIso (Fin≅Fin+Fin n m) (compIso (⊎Iso σ τ) (invIso (Fin≅Fin+Fin n' m')))
⊎Iso-eta : {A B A' B' : Type } {C : Type '} (f : A' -> C) (g : B' -> C)
-> (σ : Iso A A') (τ : Iso B B')
-> ⊎.rec (f ∘ σ .fun) (g ∘ τ .fun) ≡ ⊎.rec f g ∘ ⊎Iso σ τ .fun
⊎Iso-eta f g σ τ = ⊎-eta (⊎.rec f g ∘ ⊎Iso σ τ .fun) refl refl
⊎Swap-eta : {A B : Type } {C : Type '} (f : A -> C) (g : B -> C)
-> ⊎.rec f g ≡ ⊎.rec g f ∘ ⊎-swap-Iso .fun
⊎Swap-eta f g = ⊎-eta (⊎.rec g f ∘ ⊎-swap-Iso .fun) refl refl
cong≈ : {as bs cs ds : Array A} -> as ≈ bs -> cs ≈ ds -> (as ⊕ cs) ≈ (bs ⊕ ds)
cong≈ {as = n , f} {bs = n' , f'} {m , g} {m' , g'} (σ , p) (τ , q) =
Fin+-cong σ τ ,
combine n m f g
≡⟨ cong₂ (combine n m) p q ⟩
combine n m (f' ∘ σ .fun) (g' ∘ τ .fun)
⊎.rec (f' ∘ σ .fun) (g' ∘ τ .fun) ∘ finSplit n m
≡⟨ congS (_∘ finSplit n m) (⊎Iso-eta f' g' σ τ) ⟩
⊎.rec f' g' ∘ ⊎Iso σ τ .fun ∘ finSplit n m
⊎.rec f' g' ∘ idfun _ ∘ ⊎Iso σ τ .fun ∘ finSplit n m
≡⟨ congS (\h -> ⊎.rec f' g' ∘ h ∘ ⊎Iso σ τ .fun ∘ finSplit n m) (sym (funExt (Fin≅Fin+Fin n' m' .rightInv))) ⟩
⊎.rec f' g' ∘ (Fin≅Fin+Fin n' m' .fun ∘ Fin≅Fin+Fin n' m' .inv) ∘ ⊎Iso σ τ .fun ∘ finSplit n m
(⊎.rec f' g' ∘ Fin≅Fin+Fin n' m' .fun) ∘ (Fin≅Fin+Fin n' m' .inv ∘ ⊎Iso σ τ .fun ∘ finSplit n m)
combine n' m' f' g' ∘ Fin+-cong σ τ .fun
Fin+-comm : (n m : ) -> Iso (Fin (n + m)) (Fin (m + n))
Fin+-comm n m = compIso (Fin≅Fin+Fin n m) (compIso ⊎-swap-Iso (invIso (Fin≅Fin+Fin m n)))
comm≈ : {as bs : Array A} -> (as ⊕ bs) ≈ (bs ⊕ as)
comm≈ {as = n , f} {bs = m , g} =
Fin+-comm n m , sym
⊎.rec g f ∘ finSplit m n ∘ Fin≅Fin+Fin m n .inv ∘ ⊎-swap-Iso .fun ∘ Fin≅Fin+Fin n m .fun
⊎.rec g f ∘ (Fin≅Fin+Fin m n .fun ∘ Fin≅Fin+Fin m n .inv) ∘ ⊎-swap-Iso .fun ∘ Fin≅Fin+Fin n m .fun
≡⟨ congS (λ h -> ⊎.rec g f ∘ h ∘ ⊎-swap-Iso .fun ∘ Fin≅Fin+Fin n m .fun) (funExt (Fin≅Fin+Fin m n .rightInv)) ⟩
⊎.rec g f ∘ ⊎-swap-Iso .fun ∘ Fin≅Fin+Fin n m .fun
≡⟨ congS (_∘ Fin≅Fin+Fin n m .fun) (sym (⊎Swap-eta f g)) ⟩
⊎.rec f g ∘ Fin≅Fin+Fin n m .fun
fpred' : ∀ {n} -> (x : Fin (suc n)) -> ¬ x ≡ fzero -> Fin n
fpred' (zero , p) q = ⊥.rec (q (Fin-fst-≡ refl))
fpred' (suc w , p) q = w , pred-≤-pred p
fpred : ∀ {n} -> Fin (suc (suc n)) -> Fin (suc n)
fpred (zero , p) = fzero
fpred (suc w , p) = w , pred-≤-pred p
fsuc∘fpred : ∀ {n} -> (x : Fin (suc (suc n))) -> ¬ x ≡ fzero -> fsuc (fpred x) ≡ x
fsuc∘fpred (zero , p) q = ⊥.rec (q (Fin-fst-≡ refl))
fsuc∘fpred (suc k , p) q = Fin-fst-≡ refl
fpred∘fsuc : ∀ {n} -> (x : Fin (suc n)) -> fpred (fsuc x) ≡ x
fpred∘fsuc (k , p) = Fin-fst-≡ refl
isoFunInv : ∀ {A B : Type } {x y} -> (σ : Iso A B) -> σ .fun x ≡ y -> σ .inv y ≡ x
isoFunInv σ p = congS (σ .inv) (sym p) ∙ σ .leftInv _
isoFunInvContra : ∀ {A B : Type } {x y z} -> (σ : Iso A B) -> σ .fun x ≡ y -> ¬ (z ≡ y) -> ¬ (σ .inv z ≡ x)
isoFunInvContra σ p z≠y q = z≠y (sym (σ .rightInv _) ∙ congS (σ .fun) q ∙ p)
autInvIs0 : ∀ {n} -> (σ : Iso (Fin (suc (suc n))) (Fin (suc (suc n))))
-> σ .fun fzero ≡ fzero -> σ .inv fzero ≡ fzero
autInvIs0 = isoFunInv
autSucNot0 : ∀ {n} -> (σ : Iso (Fin (suc (suc n))) (Fin (suc (suc n))))
-> (x : Fin (suc n)) -> σ .fun fzero ≡ fzero -> ¬ σ .fun (fsuc x) ≡ fzero
autSucNot0 σ x p = isoFunInvContra (invIso σ) (isoFunInv σ p) (snotz ∘ congS fst)
punchOutZero : ∀ {n} (σ : Iso (Fin (suc (suc n))) (Fin (suc (suc n)))) -> σ .fun fzero ≡ fzero
-> Iso (Fin (suc n)) (Fin (suc n))
punchOutZero {n = n} σ p =
iso (punch σ) (punch (invIso σ)) (punch∘punch σ p) (punch∘punch (invIso σ) (autInvIs0 σ p))
punch : Iso (Fin (suc (suc n))) (Fin (suc (suc n))) -> Fin (suc n) -> Fin (suc n)
punch σ = fpred ∘ σ .fun ∘ fsuc
punch∘punch : (σ : Iso (Fin (suc (suc n))) (Fin (suc (suc n))))
-> σ .fun fzero ≡ fzero
-> (x : Fin (suc n))
-> punch σ (punch (invIso σ) x) ≡ x
punch∘punch σ p x =
punch σ (punch (invIso σ) x)
fpred (σ .fun ((fsuc ∘ fpred) (σ .inv (fsuc x))))
≡⟨ congS (fpred ∘ σ .fun) (fsuc∘fpred (σ .inv (fsuc x)) (autSucNot0 (invIso σ) x (autInvIs0 σ p))) ⟩
fpred (σ .fun (σ .inv (fsuc x)))
≡⟨ congS fpred (σ .rightInv (fsuc x)) ⟩
fpred (fsuc x)
≡⟨ fpred∘fsuc x ⟩
x ∎
punchOutZero≡fsuc : ∀ {n} (σ : Iso (Fin (suc (suc n))) (Fin (suc (suc n)))) -> (σ-0≡0 : σ .fun fzero ≡ fzero)
-> (w : Fin (suc n)) -> σ .fun (fsuc w) ≡ fsuc (punchOutZero σ σ-0≡0 .fun w)
punchOutZero≡fsuc σ σ-0≡0 w = sym (fsuc∘fpred _ (autSucNot0 σ w σ-0≡0))
finSubst : ∀ {n m} -> n ≡ m -> Fin n -> Fin m
finSubst {n = n} {m = m} p (k , q) = k , (subst (k <_) p q)
Fin≅ : ∀ {n m} -> n ≡ m -> Iso (Fin n) (Fin m)
Fin≅ {n = n} {m = m} p = iso
(finSubst p)
(finSubst (sym p))
(λ (k , q) -> Fin-fst-≡ refl)
(λ (k , q) -> Fin-fst-≡ refl)
Fin≅-inj : {n m : } -> Iso (Fin n) (Fin m) -> n ≡ m
Fin≅-inj {n = n} {m = m} σ = Fin-inj n m (isoToPath σ)
≈-length : {n m : } -> Iso (Fin n) (Fin m) -> n ≡ m
≈-length {n = n} {m = m} σ = Fin-inj n m (isoToPath σ)
module _ {n} (σ : Iso (Fin (suc n)) (Fin (suc n))) where
m :
m = suc n
cutoff :
cutoff = (σ .inv fzero) .fst
cutoff< : cutoff < m
cutoff< = (σ .inv fzero) .snd
cutoff+- : cutoff + (m ∸ cutoff) ≡ m
cutoff+- = ∸-lemma (<-weaken cutoff<)
0<m-cutoff : 0 < m ∸ cutoff
0<m-cutoff = n∸l>0 m cutoff cutoff<
swapAut : Iso (Fin (suc n)) (Fin (suc n))
swapAut = compIso (Fin≅ (sym cutoff+- ∙ +-comm cutoff _)) (compIso (Fin+-comm (m ∸ cutoff) cutoff) (compIso (Fin≅ cutoff+-) σ))
swapAut0≡0 : swapAut .fun fzero ≡ fzero
swapAut0≡0 =
σ .fun (finSubst cutoff+- (⊎.rec finCombine-inl finCombine-inr (fun ⊎-swap-Iso (finSplit (m ∸ cutoff) cutoff (0 , _)))))
≡⟨ congS (λ z -> σ .fun (finSubst cutoff+- (⊎.rec (finCombine-inl {m = cutoff}) (finCombine-inr {m = cutoff}) (fun ⊎-swap-Iso z)))) (finSplit-beta-inl 0 0<m-cutoff _) ⟩
σ .fun (σ .inv fzero .fst + 0 , _)
≡⟨ congS (σ .fun) (Fin-fst-≡ (+-zero (σ .inv (0 , suc-≤-suc zero-≤) .fst) ∙ congS (fst ∘ σ .inv) (Fin-fst-≡ refl))) ⟩
σ .fun (σ .inv fzero)
≡⟨ σ .rightInv fzero ⟩
fzero ∎
module _ {A B} {A : Type A} {𝔜 : struct B M.MonSig} (isSet𝔜 : isSet (𝔜 .car)) (𝔜-cmon : 𝔜 ⊨ M.CMonSEq) (f : A -> 𝔜 .car) where
module 𝔜 = M.CMonSEq 𝔜 𝔜-cmon
f♯-hom = ArrayDef.Free.ext arrayDef isSet𝔜 (M.cmonSatMon 𝔜-cmon) f
f♯ : Array A -> 𝔜 .car
f♯ = f♯-hom .fst
f♯-η : (a : A) -> f♯ (η a) ≡ f a
f♯-η a i = ArrayDef.Free.ext-η arrayDef isSet𝔜 (M.cmonSatMon 𝔜-cmon) f i a
f♯-hom-⊕ : (as bs : Array A) -> f♯ (as ⊕ bs) ≡ f♯ as 𝔜.⊕ f♯ bs
f♯-hom-⊕ as bs =
f♯ (as ⊕ bs) ≡⟨ sym ((f♯-hom .snd) M.`⊕ ⟪ as ⨾ bs ⟫) ⟩
𝔜 .alg (M.`⊕ , (λ w -> f♯ (⟪ as ⨾ bs ⟫ w))) ≡⟨ 𝔜.⊕-eta ⟪ as ⨾ bs ⟫ f♯ ⟩
f♯ as 𝔜.⊕ f♯ bs ∎
f♯-comm : (as bs : Array A) -> f♯ (as ⊕ bs) ≡ f♯ (bs ⊕ as)
f♯-comm as bs =
f♯ (as ⊕ bs) ≡⟨ f♯-hom-⊕ as bs ⟩
f♯ as 𝔜.⊕ f♯ bs ≡⟨ 𝔜.comm (f♯ as) (f♯ bs) ⟩
f♯ bs 𝔜.⊕ f♯ as ≡⟨ sym (f♯-hom-⊕ bs as) ⟩
f♯ (bs ⊕ as) ∎
swapAutToAut : ∀ {n} (zs : Fin (suc (suc n)) -> A) (σ : Iso (Fin (suc (suc n))) (Fin (suc (suc n))))
-> f♯ (suc (suc n) , zs ∘ swapAut σ .fun) ≡ f♯ (suc (suc n) , zs ∘ σ .fun)
swapAutToAut {n = n} zs σ =
f♯ (m , zs ∘ swapAut σ .fun)
≡⟨ congS f♯ lemma-α
f♯ (((m ∸ cutoff) , (zs ∘ σ .fun ∘ finSubst cutoff+- ∘ finCombine cutoff _ ∘ inr))
⊕ (cutoff , (zs ∘ σ .fun ∘ finSubst cutoff+- ∘ finCombine cutoff _ ∘ inl)))
≡⟨ f♯-comm ((m ∸ cutoff) , (zs ∘ σ .fun ∘ finSubst cutoff+- ∘ finCombine cutoff _ ∘ inr)) _ ⟩
f♯ ((cutoff , (zs ∘ σ .fun ∘ finSubst cutoff+- ∘ finCombine cutoff _ ∘ inl))
⊕ ((m ∸ cutoff) , (zs ∘ σ .fun ∘ finSubst cutoff+- ∘ finCombine cutoff _ ∘ inr)))
≡⟨ congS f♯ lemma-β ⟩
f♯ (m , zs ∘ σ .fun) ∎
m :
m = suc (suc n)
cutoff :
cutoff = (σ .inv fzero) .fst
cutoff< : cutoff < m
cutoff< = (σ .inv fzero) .snd
cutoff+- : cutoff + (m ∸ cutoff) ≡ m
cutoff+- = ∸-lemma (<-weaken cutoff<)
lemma-α : Path (Array A) (m , zs ∘ swapAut σ .fun) ((m ∸ cutoff) + cutoff , _)
lemma-α = Array≡ (sym cutoff+- ∙ +-comm cutoff _) λ k k<m∸cutoff+cutoff -> ⊎.rec
(λ k<m∸cutoff ->
zs (σ .fun (finSubst cutoff+- (⊎.rec finCombine-inl finCombine-inr (fun ⊎-swap-Iso (finSplit (m ∸ cutoff) cutoff (k , _))))))
≡⟨ congS (λ z -> zs (σ .fun (finSubst cutoff+- (⊎.rec (finCombine-inl {m = cutoff}) finCombine-inr (fun ⊎-swap-Iso z))))) (finSplit-beta-inl k k<m∸cutoff _) ⟩
zs (σ .fun (cutoff + k , _))
≡⟨ congS (zs ∘ σ .fun) (Fin-fst-≡ refl) ⟩
zs (σ .fun (finSubst cutoff+- (finCombine cutoff (m ∸ cutoff) (inr (k , k<m∸cutoff)))))
(zs ∘ σ .fun ∘ finSubst cutoff+- ∘ finCombine cutoff (m ∸ cutoff) ∘ inr)
(zs ∘ σ .fun ∘ finSubst cutoff+- ∘ finCombine cutoff (m ∸ cutoff) ∘ inl)
(inl (k , k<m∸cutoff))
≡⟨ congS (⊎.rec _ _) (sym (finSplit-beta-inl k k<m∸cutoff k<m∸cutoff+cutoff)) ⟩
(zs ∘ σ .fun ∘ finSubst cutoff+- ∘ finCombine cutoff (m ∸ cutoff) ∘ inr)
(zs ∘ σ .fun ∘ finSubst cutoff+- ∘ finCombine cutoff (m ∸ cutoff) ∘ inl)
(finSplit (m ∸ cutoff) cutoff (k , k<m∸cutoff+cutoff))
(λ m∸cutoff≤k ->
zs (σ .fun (finSubst cutoff+- (⊎.rec finCombine-inl finCombine-inr (fun ⊎-swap-Iso (finSplit (m ∸ cutoff) cutoff (k , _))))))
≡⟨ congS (λ z -> zs (σ .fun (finSubst cutoff+- (⊎.rec (finCombine-inl {m = cutoff}) finCombine-inr (fun ⊎-swap-Iso z))))) (finSplit-beta-inr k _ m∸cutoff≤k (∸-<-lemma (m ∸ cutoff) cutoff k k<m∸cutoff+cutoff m∸cutoff≤k)) ⟩
zs (σ .fun (finSubst cutoff+- (finCombine-inl (k ∸ (m ∸ cutoff) , ∸-<-lemma (m ∸ cutoff) cutoff k k<m∸cutoff+cutoff m∸cutoff≤k))))
≡⟨ congS (zs ∘ σ .fun ∘ finSubst cutoff+-) (Fin-fst-≡ refl) ⟩
zs (σ .fun (finSubst cutoff+- (finCombine cutoff (m ∸ cutoff) (inl (k ∸ (m ∸ cutoff) , ∸-<-lemma (m ∸ cutoff) cutoff k k<m∸cutoff+cutoff m∸cutoff≤k)))))
≡⟨ congS (⊎.rec _ _) (sym (finSplit-beta-inr k k<m∸cutoff+cutoff m∸cutoff≤k (∸-<-lemma (m ∸ cutoff) cutoff k k<m∸cutoff+cutoff m∸cutoff≤k))) ⟩
(zs ∘ σ .fun ∘ finSubst cutoff+- ∘ finCombine cutoff (m ∸ cutoff) ∘ inr)
(zs ∘ σ .fun ∘ finSubst cutoff+- ∘ finCombine cutoff (m ∸ cutoff) ∘ inl)
(finSplit (m ∸ cutoff) cutoff (k , k<m∸cutoff+cutoff))
(k ≤? (m ∸ cutoff))
lemma-β : Path (Array A) (cutoff + (m ∸ cutoff) , _) (m , zs ∘ σ .fun)
lemma-β = Array≡ cutoff+- λ k k<m -> ⊎.rec
(λ k<cutoff ->
(zs ∘ σ .fun ∘ finSubst cutoff+- ∘ finCombine cutoff (m ∸ cutoff) ∘ inl)
(zs ∘ σ .fun ∘ finSubst cutoff+- ∘ finCombine cutoff (m ∸ cutoff) ∘ inr)
(finSplit cutoff (m ∸ cutoff) (k , _))
≡⟨ congS (⊎.rec _ _) (finSplit-beta-inl k k<cutoff _) ⟩
(zs ∘ σ .fun ∘ finSubst cutoff+- ∘ finCombine cutoff (m ∸ cutoff) ∘ inl)
(zs ∘ σ .fun ∘ finSubst cutoff+- ∘ finCombine cutoff (m ∸ cutoff) ∘ inr)
(inl (k , _))
zs (σ .fun (finSubst cutoff+- (finCombine cutoff (m ∸ cutoff) (inl (k , _)))))
≡⟨ congS (zs ∘ σ .fun) (Fin-fst-≡ refl) ⟩
zs (σ .fun (k , k<m))
(λ cutoff≤k ->
(zs ∘ σ .fun ∘ finSubst cutoff+- ∘ finCombine cutoff (m ∸ cutoff) ∘ inl)
(zs ∘ σ .fun ∘ finSubst cutoff+- ∘ finCombine cutoff (m ∸ cutoff) ∘ inr)
(finSplit cutoff (m ∸ cutoff) (k , _))
≡⟨ congS (⊎.rec _ _) (finSplit-beta-inr k _ cutoff≤k (<-∸-< k m cutoff k<m cutoff<)) ⟩
(zs ∘ σ .fun ∘ finSubst cutoff+- ∘ finCombine cutoff (m ∸ cutoff) ∘ inl)
(zs ∘ σ .fun ∘ finSubst cutoff+- ∘ finCombine cutoff (m ∸ cutoff) ∘ inr)
(inr (k ∸ cutoff , _))
zs (σ .fun (finSubst cutoff+- (finCombine cutoff (m ∸ cutoff) (inr (k ∸ cutoff , _)))))
≡⟨ congS (zs ∘ σ .fun) (Fin-fst-≡ (+-comm cutoff (k ∸ cutoff) ∙ ≤-∸-+-cancel cutoff≤k)) ⟩
zs (σ .fun (k , k<m))
(k ≤? cutoff)
permuteInvariant : ∀ n (zs : Fin n -> A) (σ : Iso (Fin n) (Fin n)) -> f♯ (n , zs ∘ σ .fun) ≡ f♯ (n , zs)
permuteInvariant zero zs σ =
congS f♯ (Array≡ {f = zs ∘ σ .fun} {g = zs} refl \k k<0 -> ⊥.rec (¬-<-zero k<0))
permuteInvariant (suc zero) zs σ =
congS f♯ (Array≡ {f = zs ∘ σ .fun} {g = zs} refl \k k<1 -> congS zs (isContr→isProp isContrFin1 _ _))
permuteInvariant (suc (suc n)) zs σ =
let τ = swapAut σ ; τ-0≡0 = swapAut0≡0 σ
IH = permuteInvariant (suc n) (zs ∘ fsuc) (punchOutZero τ τ-0≡0)
f♯ (suc (suc n) , zs ∘ σ .fun)
≡⟨ sym (swapAutToAut zs σ) ⟩
f♯ (suc (suc n) , zs ∘ τ .fun)
≡⟨ permuteInvariantOnZero τ τ-0≡0 IH ⟩
f♯ (suc (suc n) , zs) ∎
permuteInvariantOnZero : (τ : Iso (Fin (suc (suc n))) (Fin (suc (suc n)))) (τ-0≡0 : τ .fun fzero ≡ fzero) -> (IH : _)
-> f♯ (suc (suc n) , zs ∘ τ .fun) ≡ f♯ (suc (suc n) , zs)
permuteInvariantOnZero τ τ-0≡0 IH =
f♯ (suc (suc n) , zs ∘ τ .fun)
f (zs (τ .fun fzero)) 𝔜.⊕ f♯ (suc n , zs ∘ τ .fun ∘ fsuc)
≡⟨ congS (\z -> f (zs z) 𝔜.⊕ f♯ (suc n , zs ∘ τ .fun ∘ fsuc)) (Fin-fst-≡ (congS fst τ-0≡0)) ⟩
f (zs fzero) 𝔜.⊕ f♯ (suc n , zs ∘ τ .fun ∘ fsuc)
≡⟨ congS (\z -> f (zs fzero) 𝔜.⊕ f♯ z)
(Array≡ {f = zs ∘ τ .fun ∘ fsuc} refl \k k≤n ->
congS (zs ∘ τ .fun ∘ fsuc) (Fin-fst-≡ refl) ∙ congS zs (punchOutZero≡fsuc τ τ-0≡0 (k , k≤n))) ⟩
f (zs fzero) 𝔜.⊕ f♯ (suc n , zs ∘ fsuc ∘ punchOutZero τ τ-0≡0 .fun)
≡⟨ cong₂ 𝔜._⊕_ (sym (f♯-η (zs fzero))) IH ⟩
f♯ (η (zs fzero)) 𝔜.⊕ f♯ (suc n , zs ∘ fsuc)
≡⟨ sym (f♯-hom-⊕ (η (zs fzero)) (suc n , zs ∘ fsuc)) ⟩
f♯ (η (zs fzero) ⊕ (suc n , zs ∘ fsuc))
≡⟨ congS f♯ (η+fsuc zs) ⟩
f♯ (suc (suc n) , zs)
≈-resp-♯ : {as bs : Array A} -> as ≈ bs -> f♯ as ≡ f♯ bs
≈-resp-♯ {as = n , g} {bs = m , h} (σ , p) =
f♯ (n , g)
≡⟨ congS (λ z -> f♯ (n , z)) p ⟩
f♯ (n , h ∘ σ .fun)
≡⟨ congS f♯ (Array≡ n≡m λ _ _ -> refl) ⟩
f♯ (m , h ∘ σ .fun ∘ (Fin≅ (sym n≡m)) .fun)
f♯ (m , h ∘ (compIso (Fin≅ (sym n≡m)) σ) .fun)
≡⟨ permuteInvariant m h (compIso (Fin≅ (sym n≡m)) σ) ⟩
f♯ (m , h) ∎
n≡m : n ≡ m
n≡m = Fin≅-inj σ
module _ {} (A : Type ) where
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary
module P = BinaryRelation {A = Array A} _≈_
module R = isPermRel
isPermRelPerm : isPermRel arrayDef (_≈_ {A = A})
P.isEquivRel.reflexive (R.isEquivRel isPermRelPerm) _ = refl≈
P.isEquivRel.symmetric (R.isEquivRel isPermRelPerm) _ _ = sym≈
P.isEquivRel.transitive (R.isEquivRel isPermRelPerm) _ _ cs = trans≈ {cs = cs}
R.isCongruence isPermRelPerm {as} {bs} {cs} {ds} p q = cong≈ p q
R.isCommutative isPermRelPerm = comm≈
R.resp-♯ isPermRelPerm {isSet𝔜 = isSet𝔜} 𝔜-cmon f p = ≈-resp-♯ isSet𝔜 𝔜-cmon f p
PermRel : PermRelation arrayDef A
PermRel = _≈_ , isPermRelPerm
module BagDef = F.Definition M.MonSig M.CMonEqSig M.CMonSEq
bagFreeDef : ∀ {} -> BagDef.Free 2
bagFreeDef = qFreeMonDef (PermRel _)

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@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe --exact-split #-}
module Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.Bag.ToCList where
open import Cubical.Core.Everything
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Data.List renaming (_∷_ to _∷ₗ_)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order
open import Cubical.Data.Fin
open import Cubical.Data.Sum as ⊎
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
import Cubical.Data.Empty as ⊥
import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.Desc as M
import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.Desc as M
import Cubical.Structures.Free as F
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.Array as A
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.List as L
open import Cubical.Structures.Sig
open import Cubical.Structures.Str public
open import Cubical.Structures.Tree
open import Cubical.Structures.Eq
open import Cubical.Structures.Arity hiding (_/_)
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.QFreeMon
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.CList
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.Bag.Base
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.Bag.Free
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open import Cubical.Data.Fin.LehmerCode hiding (LehmerCode; _∷_; [])
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.Bag.FinExcept
open Iso
' '' : Level
A : Type
n :
module IsoToCList {} (A : Type ) where
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.CList as CL
open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients as Q
open BagDef.Free
module 𝔄 = M.MonSEq < Array A , array-α > array-sat
module 𝔅 = M.CMonSEq < Bag A , bagFreeDef .α > (bagFreeDef .sat)
module = M.CMonSEq < CList A , clist-α > clist-sat
abstract needed so Agda wouldn't get stuck
fromCListHom : structHom < CList A , clist-α > < Bag A , bagFreeDef .α >
fromCListHom = ext clistDef squash/ (bagFreeDef .sat) (BagDef.Free.η bagFreeDef)
fromCList : CList A -> Bag A
fromCList = fromCListHom .fst
fromCListIsHom : structIsHom < CList A , clist-α > < Bag A , bagFreeDef .α > fromCList
fromCListIsHom = fromCListHom .snd
fromCList-e : fromCList [] ≡ 𝔅.e
fromCList-e = refl
fromCList-++ : ∀ xs ys -> fromCList (xs .⊕ ys) ≡ fromCList xs 𝔅.⊕ fromCList ys
fromCList-++ xs ys =
fromCList (xs .⊕ ys) ≡⟨ sym (fromCListIsHom M.`⊕ ⟪ xs ⨾ ys ⟫) ⟩
_ ≡⟨ 𝔅.⊕-eta ⟪ xs ⨾ ys ⟫ fromCList ⟩
_ ∎
fromCList-η : ∀ x -> fromCList (CL.[ x ]) ≡ Q.[ A.η x ]
fromCList-η x = congS (λ f -> f x)
(ext-η clistDef squash/ (bagFreeDef .sat) (BagDef.Free.η bagFreeDef))
ListToCListHom : structHom < List A , list-α > < CList A , clist-α >
ListToCListHom = ListDef.Free.ext listDef isSetCList (M.cmonSatMon clist-sat) CL.[_]
ListToCList : List A -> CList A
ListToCList = ListToCListHom .fst
ArrayToCListHom : structHom < Array A , array-α > < CList A , clist-α >
ArrayToCListHom = structHom∘ < Array A , array-α > < List A , list-α > < CList A , clist-α >
ListToCListHom ((arrayIsoToList .fun) , arrayIsoToListHom)
ArrayToCList : Array A -> CList A
ArrayToCList = ArrayToCListHom .fst
tab : ∀ n -> (Fin n -> A) -> CList A
tab = curry ArrayToCList
isContr≅ : ∀ {} {A : Type } -> isContr A -> isContr (Iso A A)
isContr≅ ϕ = inhProp→isContr idIso \σ1 σ2 ->
SetsIso≡ (isContr→isOfHLevel 2 ϕ) (isContr→isOfHLevel 2 ϕ)
(funExt \x -> isContr→isProp ϕ (σ1 .fun x) (σ2 .fun x))
(funExt \x -> isContr→isProp ϕ (σ1 .inv x) (σ2 .inv x))
isContrFin1≅ : isContr (Iso (Fin 1) (Fin 1))
isContrFin1≅ = isContr≅ isContrFin1
fsuc∘punchOutZero≡ : ∀ {n}
-> (f g : Fin (suc (suc n)) -> A)
-> (σ : Iso (Fin (suc (suc n))) (Fin (suc (suc n)))) (p : f ≡ g ∘ σ .fun)
-> (q : σ .fun fzero ≡ fzero)
-> f ∘ fsuc ≡ g ∘ fsuc ∘ punchOutZero σ q .fun
fsuc∘punchOutZero≡ f g σ p q =
f ∘ fsuc ≡⟨ congS (_∘ fsuc) p ⟩
g ∘ σ .fun ∘ fsuc ≡⟨ congS (g ∘_) (funExt (punchOutZero≡fsuc σ q)) ⟩
g ∘ fsuc ∘ punchOutZero σ q .fun ∎
toCList-eq : ∀ n
-> (f : Fin n -> A) (g : Fin n -> A) (σ : Iso (Fin n) (Fin n)) (p : f ≡ g ∘ σ .fun)
-> tab n f ≡ tab n g
toCList-eq zero f g σ p =
toCList-eq (suc zero) f g σ p =
let q : σ ≡ idIso
q = isContr→isProp isContrFin1≅ σ idIso
in congS (tab 1) (p ∙ congS (g ∘_) (congS q))
toCList-eq (suc (suc n)) f g σ p =
(λ 0≡σ0 ->
let IH = toCList-eq (suc n) (f ∘ fsuc) (g ∘ fsuc) (punchOutZero σ (sym 0≡σ0)) (fsuc∘punchOutZero≡ f g σ p (sym 0≡σ0))
in case1 IH (sym 0≡σ0)
(λ (k , Sk≡σ0) ->
case2 k (sym Sk≡σ0)
(toCList-eq (suc n) (f ∘ fsuc) ((g ) ∘ pIn (fsuc k)) (punch-σ σ) (sym (IH1-lemma k Sk≡σ0)))
(toCList-eq (suc n) (g-σ k) (g ∘ fsuc) (fill-σ k) (sym (funExt (IH2-lemma k Sk≡σ0))))
(fsplit (σ .fun fzero))
g-σ : ∀ k -> Fin (suc n) -> A
g-σ k (zero , p) = g (σ .fun fzero)
g-σ k (suc j , p) = (g ) (1+ (pIn k (j , pred-≤-pred p)))
IH1-lemma : ∀ k -> fsuc k ≡ σ .fun fzero -> (g ) ∘ pIn (fsuc k) ∘ punch-σ σ .fun ≡ f ∘ fsuc
IH1-lemma k Sk≡σ0 =
(g ) ∘ pIn (fsuc k) ∘ punch-σ σ .fun
≡⟨ congS (λ z -> (g ) ∘ pIn z ∘ punch-σ σ .fun) Sk≡σ0 ⟩
(g ) ∘ pIn (σ .fun fzero) ∘ punch-σ σ .fun
(g ) ∘ pIn (σ .fun fzero) ∘ pOut (σ .fun fzero) ∘ ((G .fun σ) .snd) .fun ∘ pIn fzero
≡⟨ congS (λ h -> (g ) ∘ h ∘ ((G .fun σ) .snd) .fun ∘ (invIso pIso) .fun) (funExt (pIn∘Out (σ .fun fzero))) ⟩
(g ) ∘ equivIn σ .fun ∘ pIn fzero
g ∘ σ .fun ∘ fst ∘ pIn fzero
≡⟨ congS (_∘ fst ∘ pIn fzero) (sym p) ⟩
f ∘ fst ∘ pIn fzero
≡⟨ congS (f ∘_) (funExt pInZ≡fsuc) ⟩
f ∘ fsuc ∎
IH2-lemma : ∀ k -> fsuc k ≡ σ .fun fzero -> (j : Fin (suc n)) -> g (fsuc (fill-σ k .fun j)) ≡ (g-σ k) j
IH2-lemma k Sk≡σ0 (zero , r) = congS g Sk≡σ0
IH2-lemma k Sk≡σ0 (suc j , r) =
g (fsuc (equivOut {k = k} (compIso pIso (invIso pIso)) .fun (suc j , r)))
g (fsuc (equivOut {k = k} (compIso pIso (invIso pIso)) .fun (j' .fst)))
≡⟨ congS (g ∘ fsuc) (equivOut-beta-α {σ = compIso pIso (invIso pIso)} j') ⟩
g (fsuc (fst (pIn k (pOut fzero j'))))
g (fsuc (fst (pIn k (⊎.rec _ (λ k<j -> pred (suc j) , _) (suc j <? 0 on _)))))
≡⟨ congS (g ∘ fsuc ∘ fst ∘ pIn k ∘ ⊎.rec _ _) (<?-beta-inr (suc j) 0 _ (suc-≤-suc zero-≤)) ⟩
(g ∘ fsuc ∘ fst ∘ pIn k) (pred (suc j) , _)
≡⟨ congS {x = pred (suc j) , _} {y = j , pred-≤-pred r} (g ∘ fsuc ∘ fst ∘ pIn k) (Fin-fst-≡ refl) ⟩
(g ∘ fsuc ∘ fst ∘ pIn k) (j , pred-≤-pred r) ∎
j' : FinExcept fzero
j' = (suc j , r) , znots ∘ (congS fst)
case1 : (tab (suc n) (f ∘ fsuc) ≡ tab (suc n) (g ∘ fsuc))
-> σ .fun fzero ≡ fzero
-> tab (suc (suc n)) f ≡ tab (suc (suc n)) g
case1 IH σ0≡0 =
tab (suc (suc n)) f ≡⟨⟩
f fzero ∷ tab (suc n) (f ∘ fsuc) ≡⟨ congS (_∷ tab (suc n) (f ∘ fsuc)) (funExt⁻ p fzero) ⟩
g (σ .fun fzero) ∷ tab (suc n) (f ∘ fsuc) ≡⟨ congS (\k -> g k ∷ tab (suc n) (f ∘ fsuc)) σ0≡0 ⟩
g fzero ∷ tab (suc n) (f ∘ fsuc) ≡⟨ congS (g fzero ∷_) IH ⟩
g fzero ∷ tab (suc n) (g ∘ fsuc) ≡⟨⟩
tab (suc (suc n)) g ∎
case2 : (k : Fin (suc n))
-> σ .fun fzero ≡ fsuc k
-> tab (suc n) (f ∘ fsuc) ≡ tab (suc n) ((g ) ∘ pIn (fsuc k))
-> tab (suc n) (g-σ k) ≡ tab (suc n) (g ∘ fsuc)
-> tab (suc (suc n)) f ≡ tab (suc (suc n)) g
case2 k σ0≡Sk IH1 IH2 =
comm (f fzero) (g fzero) (tab n ((g ) ∘ pIn (fsuc k) ∘ fsuc))
(sym (eqn1 IH1)) (sym (eqn2 IH2))
eqn1 : tab (suc n) (f ∘ fsuc) ≡ tab (suc n) ((g ) ∘ pIn (fsuc k))
-> g fzero ∷ tab n ((g ) ∘ pIn (fsuc k) ∘ fsuc) ≡ tab (suc n) (f ∘ fsuc)
eqn1 IH =
g fzero ∷ tab n ((g ) ∘ pIn (fsuc k) ∘ fsuc)
≡⟨ congS (λ z -> g z ∷ tab n ((g ) ∘ pIn (fsuc k) ∘ fsuc)) (Fin-fst-≡ refl) ⟩
((g ) ∘ pIn (fsuc k)) fzero ∷ tab n ((g ) ∘ pIn (fsuc k) ∘ fsuc)
tab (suc n) ((g ) ∘ pIn (fsuc k))
≡⟨ sym IH ⟩
tab (suc n) (f ∘ fsuc) ∎
g-σ≡ : tab (suc n) (g-σ k) ≡ g (σ .fun fzero) ∷ tab n ((g ) ∘ 1+_ ∘ pIn k)
g-σ≡ = congS (λ z -> g (σ .fun fzero) ∷ tab n z)
(funExt λ z -> congS {x = (fst z , pred-≤-pred (snd (fsuc z)))} ((g ) ∘ 1+_ ∘ pIn k) (Fin-fst-≡ refl))
eqn2 : tab (suc n) (g-σ k) ≡ tab (suc n) (g ∘ fsuc)
-> f fzero ∷ tab n ((g ) ∘ pIn (fsuc k) ∘ fsuc) ≡ tab (suc n) (g ∘ fsuc)
eqn2 IH2 =
f fzero ∷ tab n ((g ) ∘ pIn (fsuc k) ∘ fsuc)
≡⟨ congS (λ h -> h fzero ∷ tab n ((g ) ∘ pIn (fsuc k) ∘ fsuc)) p ⟩
g (σ .fun fzero) ∷ tab n ((g ) ∘ pIn (fsuc k) ∘ fsuc)
≡⟨ congS (λ h -> g (σ .fun fzero) ∷ tab n ((g ) ∘ h)) (sym pIn-fsuc-nat) ⟩
g (σ .fun fzero) ∷ tab n ((g ) ∘ 1+_ ∘ pIn k)
≡⟨ sym g-σ≡ ⟩
tab (suc n) (g-σ k)
≡⟨ IH2 ⟩
tab (suc n) (g ∘ fsuc) ∎
toCList-eq' : ∀ n m f g -> (r : (n , f) ≈ (m , g)) -> tab n f ≡ tab m g
toCList-eq' n m f g (σ , p) =
tab n f ≡⟨ toCList-eq n f (g ∘ (finSubst n≡m)) (compIso σ (Fin≅ (sym n≡m))) (sym lemma-α) ⟩
(uncurry tab) (n , g ∘ finSubst n≡m) ≡⟨ congS (uncurry tab) (Array≡ n≡m λ _ _ -> congS g (Fin-fst-≡ refl)) ⟩
(uncurry tab) (m , g) ∎
n≡m : n ≡ m
n≡m = ≈-length σ
lemma-α : g ∘ finSubst n≡m ∘ (Fin≅ (sym n≡m)) .fun ∘ σ .fun ≡ f
lemma-α =
g ∘ finSubst n≡m ∘ finSubst (sym n≡m) ∘ σ .fun
≡⟨ congS {x = finSubst n≡m ∘ finSubst (sym n≡m)} {y = idfun _} (λ h -> g ∘ h ∘ σ .fun) (funExt (λ x -> Fin-fst-≡ refl)) ⟩
g ∘ σ .fun
≡⟨ sym p ⟩
f ∎
toCList : Bag A -> CList A
toCList Q.[ (n , f) ] = tab n f
toCList (eq/ (n , f) (m , g) r i) = toCList-eq' n m f g r i
toCList (squash/ xs ys p q i j) =
isSetCList (toCList xs) (toCList ys) (congS toCList p) (congS toCList q) i j
toCList-η : (xs : Array A) -> toCList Q.[ xs ] ≡ ArrayToCList xs
toCList-η xs = refl
toCList-e : toCList 𝔅.e ≡ CL.[]
toCList-e = refl
toCList-++ : ∀ xs ys -> toCList (xs 𝔅.⊕ ys) ≡ toCList xs .⊕ toCList ys
toCList-++ =
elimProp (λ _ -> isPropΠ (λ _ -> isSetCList _ _)) λ xs ->
elimProp (λ _ -> isSetCList _ _) λ ys ->
sym (ArrayToCListHom .snd M.`⊕ ⟪ xs ⨾ ys ⟫)
toCList∘fromCList-η : ∀ x -> toCList (fromCList CL.[ x ]) ≡ CL.[ x ]
toCList∘fromCList-η x = refl
fromCList∘toCList-η : ∀ x -> fromCList (toCList Q.[ A.η x ]) ≡ Q.[ A.η x ]
fromCList∘toCList-η x = fromCList-η x
toCList-fromCList : ∀ xs -> toCList (fromCList xs) ≡ xs
toCList-fromCList =
elimCListProp.f _
(congS toCList fromCList-e ∙ toCList-e)
(λ x {xs} p ->
toCList (fromCList (x ∷ xs)) ≡⟨ congS toCList (fromCList-++ CL.[ x ] xs) ⟩
toCList (fromCList CL.[ x ] 𝔅.⊕ fromCList xs) ≡⟨ toCList-++ (fromCList CL.[ x ]) (fromCList xs) ⟩
toCList (fromCList CL.[ x ]) .⊕ toCList (fromCList xs) ≡⟨ congS (toCList (fromCList CL.[ x ]) .⊕_) p ⟩
toCList (fromCList CL.[ x ]) .⊕ xs ≡⟨ congS {x = toCList (fromCList CL.[ x ])} {y = CL.[ x ]} (._⊕ xs) (toCList∘fromCList-η x) ⟩
CL.[ x ] .⊕ xs
(isSetCList _ _)
fromList-toCList : ∀ xs -> fromCList (toCList xs) ≡ xs
fromList-toCList = elimProp (λ _ -> squash/ _ _) (uncurry lemma)
lemma : (n : ) (f : Fin n -> A) -> fromCList (toCList Q.[ n , f ]) ≡ Q.[ n , f ]
lemma zero f =
fromCList (toCList Q.[ zero , f ]) ≡⟨ congS fromCList (toCList-η (zero , f)) ⟩
fromCList [] ≡⟨ fromCList-e ⟩
𝔅.e ≡⟨ congS Q.[_] (e-eta _ (zero , f) refl refl) ⟩
Q.[ zero , f ] ∎
lemma (suc n) f =
fromCList (toCList Q.[ suc n , f ])
≡⟨ congS fromCList (toCList-η (suc n , f)) ⟩
fromCList (ArrayToCList (suc n , f))
≡⟨ congS (fromCList ∘ ArrayToCList) (sym (η+fsuc f)) ⟩
fromCList (ArrayToCList (A.η (f fzero) ⊕ (n , f ∘ fsuc)))
≡⟨ congS fromCList $ sym (ArrayToCListHom .snd M.`⊕ ⟪ A.η (f fzero) ⨾ (n , f ∘ fsuc) ⟫) ⟩
fromCList (f fzero ∷ ArrayToCList (n , f ∘ fsuc))
≡⟨ fromCList-++ CL.[ f fzero ] (ArrayToCList (n , f ∘ fsuc)) ⟩
fromCList CL.[ f fzero ] 𝔅.⊕ fromCList (ArrayToCList (n , f ∘ fsuc))
≡⟨ congS (𝔅._⊕ fromCList (ArrayToCList (n , f ∘ fsuc))) (fromCList-η (f fzero)) ⟩
Q.[ A.η (f fzero) ] 𝔅.⊕ fromCList (ArrayToCList (n , f ∘ fsuc))
≡⟨ congS (λ zs -> Q.[ A.η (f fzero) ] 𝔅.⊕ fromCList zs) (sym (toCList-η (n , f ∘ fsuc))) ⟩
Q.[ A.η (f fzero) ] 𝔅.⊕ fromCList (toCList Q.[ n , f ∘ fsuc ])
≡⟨ congS (Q.[ A.η (f fzero) ] 𝔅.⊕_) (lemma n (f ∘ fsuc)) ⟩
Q.[ A.η (f fzero) ] 𝔅.⊕ Q.[ n , f ∘ fsuc ]
≡⟨ QFreeMon.[ A ]-isMonHom (PermRel A) .snd M.`⊕ ⟪ _ ⨾ _ ⟫ ⟩
Q.[ A.η (f fzero) 𝔄.⊕ (n , f ∘ fsuc) ]
≡⟨ congS Q.[_] (η+fsuc f) ⟩
Q.[ suc n , f ] ∎
BagToCList : Iso (Bag A) (CList A)
BagToCList = iso toCList fromCList toCList-fromCList fromList-toCList
bagDef' : ∀ { '} -> BagDef.Free ' 2
bagDef' { = } {' = '} = BagDef.isoAux .fun (Bag , bagFreeAux)
clistFreeAux : BagDef.FreeAux ' 2 CList
clistFreeAux = (inv BagDef.isoAux clistDef) .snd
bagFreeAux : BagDef.FreeAux ' 2 Bag
bagFreeAux = subst (BagDef.FreeAux ' 2)
(funExt λ X -> isoToPath $ invIso (IsoToCList.BagToCList X)) clistFreeAux

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@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe --exact-split #-}
module Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.CList where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as ⊥
import Cubical.Data.List as L
import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.Desc as M
import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.Desc as M
import Cubical.Structures.Free as F
open import Cubical.Structures.Sig
open import Cubical.Structures.Str public
open import Cubical.Structures.Tree
open import Cubical.Structures.Eq
open import Cubical.Structures.Arity
infixr 20 _∷_
data CList {a} (A : Type a) : Type a where
[] : CList A
_∷_ : (a : A) -> (as : CList A) -> CList A
comm : (a b : A)
-> {as bs : CList A} (cs : CList A)
-> (p : as ≡ b ∷ cs) (q : bs ≡ a ∷ cs)
-> a ∷ as ≡ b ∷ bs
isSetCList : isSet (CList A)
pattern [_] a = a ∷ []
module elimCListSet { p : Level} {A : Type } (P : CList A -> Type p)
([]* : P [])
(_∷*_ : (x : A) {xs : CList A} -> P xs -> P (x ∷ xs))
(comm* : (a b : A)
-> {as bs : CList A} {cs : CList A}
-> {as* : P as}
-> {bs* : P bs}
-> (cs* : P cs)
-> {p : as ≡ b ∷ cs} {q : bs ≡ a ∷ cs}
-> (bp : PathP (λ i -> P (p i)) as* (b ∷* cs*))
-> (bq : PathP (λ i -> P (q i)) bs* (a ∷* cs*))
-> PathP (λ i -> P (comm a b cs p q i)) (a ∷* as*) (b ∷* bs*)
(isSetCList* : {xs : CList A} -> isSet (P xs))
f : (xs : CList A) -> P xs
f [] = []*
f (a ∷ as) = a ∷* f as
f (comm a b {as} {bs} cs p q i) =
comm* a b (f cs) (cong f p) (cong f q) i
f (isSetCList xs ys p q i j) =
isOfHLevel→isOfHLevelDep 2 (λ xs -> isSetCList* {xs = xs}) (f xs) (f ys) (cong f p) (cong f q) (isSetCList xs ys p q) i j
module elimCListProp { p : Level} {A : Type } (P : CList A -> Type p)
([]* : P [])
(_∷*_ : (x : A) {xs : CList A} -> P xs -> P (x ∷ xs))
(isSetCList* : {xs : CList A} -> isProp (P xs))
f : (xs : CList A) -> P xs
f = elimCListSet.f P []* _∷*_
(λ a b {as} {bs} {cs} {as*} {bs*} cs* bp bq -> toPathP (isSetCList* _ (b ∷* bs*)))
(isProp→isSet isSetCList*)
: Level
A : Type
_++_ : CList A -> CList A -> CList A
[] ++ bs = bs
(a ∷ as) ++ bs = a ∷ (as ++ bs)
comm a b cs p q i ++ bs = comm a b (cs ++ bs) (cong (_++ bs) p) (cong (_++ bs) q) i
isSetCList a b p q i j ++ bs = isSetCList (a ++ bs) (b ++ bs) (cong (_++ bs) p) (cong (_++ bs) q) i j
++-unitl : (as : CList A) -> [] ++ as ≡ as
++-unitl as = refl
++-unitr : (as : CList A) -> as ++ [] ≡ as
++-unitr = elimCListProp.f _ refl (λ a p -> cong (a ∷_) p) (isSetCList _ _)
++-assocr : (as bs cs : CList A) -> (as ++ bs) ++ cs ≡ as ++ (bs ++ cs)
++-assocr = elimCListProp.f _
(λ _ _ -> refl)
(λ x p bs cs -> cong (x ∷_) (p bs cs))
(isPropΠ λ _ -> isPropΠ λ _ -> isSetCList _ _)
swap : (a b : A) (cs : CList A) -> a ∷ b ∷ cs ≡ b ∷ a ∷ cs
swap a b cs = comm a b cs refl refl
++-∷ : (a : A) (as : CList A) -> a ∷ as ≡ as ++ [ a ]
++-∷ a = elimCListProp.f (λ as -> a ∷ as ≡ as ++ [ a ])
(λ b {as} p -> swap a b as ∙ cong (b ∷_) p)
(isSetCList _ _)
++-comm : (as bs : CList A) -> as ++ bs ≡ bs ++ as
++-comm = elimCListProp.f _
(sym ∘ ++-unitr)
(λ a {as} p bs -> cong (a ∷_) (p bs) ∙ cong (_++ as) (++-∷ a bs) ∙ ++-assocr bs [ a ] as)
(isPropΠ λ _ -> isSetCList _ _)
clist-α : ∀ {n : Level} {X : Type n} -> sig M.MonSig (CList X) -> CList X
clist-α (M.`e , i) = []
clist-α (M.`⊕ , i) = i fzero ++ i fone
module Free {x y : Level} {A : Type x} {𝔜 : struct y M.MonSig} (isSet𝔜 : isSet (𝔜 .car)) (𝔜-cmon : 𝔜 ⊨ M.CMonSEq) where
module 𝔜 = M.CMonSEq 𝔜 𝔜-cmon
𝔛 : M.CMonStruct
𝔛 = < CList A , clist-α >
module _ (f : A -> 𝔜 .car) where
_♯ : CList A -> 𝔜 .car
_♯ = elimCListSet.f _
(λ a p -> f a 𝔜.⊕ p)
(λ a b {ab} {bs} {cs} {as*} {bs*} cs* bp bq ->
f a 𝔜.⊕ as* ≡⟨ cong (f a 𝔜.⊕_) bp ⟩
f a 𝔜.⊕ f b 𝔜.⊕ cs* ≡⟨ sym (𝔜.assocr _ _ _) ⟩
(f a 𝔜.⊕ f b) 𝔜.⊕ cs* ≡⟨ cong (𝔜._⊕ cs*) (𝔜.comm _ _) ⟩
(f b 𝔜.⊕ f a) 𝔜.⊕ cs* ≡⟨ 𝔜.assocr _ _ _ ⟩
f b 𝔜.⊕ (f a 𝔜.⊕ cs*) ≡⟨ cong (f b 𝔜.⊕_) (sym bq) ⟩
f b 𝔜.⊕ bs* ∎
♯-++ : ∀ xs ys -> (xs ++ ys) ♯ ≡ (xs ♯) 𝔜.⊕ (ys ♯)
♯-++ = elimCListProp.f _
(λ ys -> sym (𝔜.unitl (ys ♯)))
(λ a {xs} p ys ->
f a 𝔜.⊕ ((xs ++ ys) ♯) ≡⟨ cong (f a 𝔜.⊕_) (p ys) ⟩
f a 𝔜.⊕ ((xs ♯) 𝔜.⊕ (ys ♯)) ≡⟨ sym (𝔜.assocr (f a) (xs ♯) (ys ♯)) ⟩
_ ∎
(isPropΠ λ _ -> isSet𝔜 _ _)
♯-isMonHom : structHom 𝔛 𝔜
fst ♯-isMonHom = _♯
snd ♯-isMonHom M.`e i = 𝔜.e-eta
snd ♯-isMonHom M.`⊕ i = 𝔜.⊕-eta i _♯ ∙ sym (♯-++ (i fzero) (i fone))
clistEquivLemma : (g : structHom 𝔛 𝔜) -> (x : CList A) -> g .fst x ≡ ((g .fst ∘ [_]) ♯) x
clistEquivLemma (g , homMonWit) = elimCListProp.f _
(sym (homMonWit M.`e (lookup L.[])) ∙ 𝔜.e-eta)
(λ x {xs} p ->
g (x ∷ xs) ≡⟨ sym (homMonWit M.`⊕ (lookup ([ x ] L.∷ xs L.∷ L.[]))) ⟩
_ ≡⟨ 𝔜.⊕-eta (lookup ([ x ] L.∷ xs L.∷ L.[])) g ⟩
_ ≡⟨ cong (g [ x ] 𝔜.⊕_) p ⟩
_ ∎
(isSet𝔜 _ _)
clistEquivLemma-β : (g : structHom 𝔛 𝔜) -> g ≡ ♯-isMonHom (g .fst ∘ [_])
clistEquivLemma-β g = structHom≡ 𝔛 𝔜 g (♯-isMonHom (g .fst ∘ [_])) isSet𝔜 (funExt (clistEquivLemma g))
clistMonEquiv : structHom 𝔛 𝔜 ≃ (A -> 𝔜 .car)
clistMonEquiv =
isoToEquiv (iso (λ g -> g .fst ∘ [_]) ♯-isMonHom (λ g -> funExt (𝔜.unitr ∘ g)) (sym ∘ clistEquivLemma-β))
module CListDef = F.Definition M.MonSig M.CMonEqSig M.CMonSEq
clist-sat : ∀ {n} {X : Type n} -> < CList X , clist-α > ⊨ M.CMonSEq
clist-sat (M.`mon M.`unitl) ρ = ++-unitl (ρ fzero)
clist-sat (M.`mon M.`unitr) ρ = ++-unitr (ρ fzero)
clist-sat (M.`mon M.`assocr) ρ = ++-assocr (ρ fzero) (ρ fone) (ρ ftwo)
clist-sat M.`comm ρ = ++-comm (ρ fzero) (ρ fone)
clistDef : ∀ { '} -> CListDef.Free ' 2
F.Definition.Free.F clistDef = CList
F.Definition.Free.η clistDef = [_]
F.Definition.Free.α clistDef = clist-α
F.Definition.Free.sat clistDef = clist-sat
F.Definition.Free.isFree clistDef isSet𝔜 satMon = (Free.clistMonEquiv isSet𝔜 satMon) .snd

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@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe --exact-split #-}
module Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.Desc where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order
open import Cubical.Data.List
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as ⊥
open import Cubical.Functions.Logic as L
open import Cubical.Structures.Arity as F public
open import Cubical.Structures.Sig
open import Cubical.Structures.Str public
open import Cubical.Structures.Tree
open import Cubical.Structures.Eq
import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.Desc as M
open M.MonSym
CMonSym = M.MonSym
CMonAr = M.MonAr
CMonFinSig = M.MonFinSig
CMonSig = M.MonSig
CMonStruct : ∀ {n} -> Type (-suc n)
CMonStruct {n} = struct n CMonSig
CMon→Mon : ∀ {} -> CMonStruct {} -> M.MonStruct {}
car (CMon→Mon 𝔛) = 𝔛 .car
alg (CMon→Mon 𝔛) = 𝔛 .alg
module CMonStruct {} (𝔛 : CMonStruct {}) where
open M.MonStruct (CMon→Mon 𝔛) public
data CMonEq : Type where
`mon : M.MonEq -> CMonEq
`comm : CMonEq
CMonEqFree : CMonEq ->
CMonEqFree (`mon eqn) = M.MonEqFree eqn
CMonEqFree `comm = 2
CMonEqSig : EqSig -zero -zero
CMonEqSig = finEqSig (CMonEq , CMonEqFree)
cmonEqLhs : (eq : CMonEq) -> FinTree CMonFinSig (CMonEqFree eq)
cmonEqLhs (`mon eqn) = M.monEqLhs eqn
cmonEqLhs `comm = node (`⊕ , lookup (leaf fzero ∷ leaf fone ∷ []))
cmonEqRhs : (eq : CMonEq) -> FinTree CMonFinSig (CMonEqFree eq)
cmonEqRhs (`mon eqn) = M.monEqRhs eqn
cmonEqRhs `comm = node (`⊕ , lookup (leaf fone ∷ leaf fzero ∷ []))
CMonSEq : seq CMonSig CMonEqSig
CMonSEq n = cmonEqLhs n , cmonEqRhs n
cmonSatMon : ∀ {s} {str : struct s CMonSig} -> str ⊨ CMonSEq -> str ⊨ M.MonSEq
cmonSatMon {_} {str} cmonSat eqn ρ = cmonSat (`mon eqn) ρ
module CMonSEq {} (𝔛 : CMonStruct {}) (ϕ : 𝔛 ⊨ CMonSEq) where
open M.MonSEq (CMon→Mon 𝔛) (cmonSatMon ϕ) public
comm : ∀ m n -> m ⊕ n ≡ n ⊕ m
comm m n =
m ⊕ n
𝔛 .alg (`⊕ , lookup (m ∷ n ∷ []))
≡⟨ cong (λ z -> 𝔛 .alg (`⊕ , z)) (funExt lemma1) ⟩
𝔛 .alg (`⊕ , (λ x -> sharp CMonSig 𝔛 (lookup (m ∷ n ∷ [])) (lookup (leaf fzero ∷ leaf fone ∷ []) x)))
≡⟨ ϕ `comm (lookup (m ∷ n ∷ [])) ⟩
𝔛 .alg (`⊕ , (λ x -> sharp CMonSig 𝔛 (lookup (m ∷ n ∷ [])) (lookup (leaf fone ∷ leaf fzero ∷ []) x)))
≡⟨ cong (λ z -> 𝔛 .alg (`⊕ , z)) (sym (funExt lemma2)) ⟩
𝔛 .alg (`⊕ , lookup (n ∷ m ∷ []))
n ⊕ m ∎
lemma1 : (w : CMonSig .arity `⊕) -> lookup (m ∷ n ∷ []) w ≡ sharp CMonSig 𝔛 (lookup (m ∷ n ∷ [])) (lookup (leaf fzero ∷ leaf fone ∷ []) w)
lemma1 (zero , p) = refl
lemma1 (suc zero , p) = refl
lemma1 (suc (suc n) , p) = ⊥.rec (¬m+n<m {m = 2} p)
lemma2 : (w : CMonSig .arity `⊕) -> lookup (n ∷ m ∷ []) w ≡ sharp CMonSig 𝔛 (lookup (m ∷ n ∷ [])) (lookup (leaf fone ∷ leaf fzero ∷ []) w)
lemma2 (zero , p) = refl
lemma2 (suc zero , p) = refl
lemma2 (suc (suc n) , p) = ⊥.rec (¬m+n<m {m = 2} p)
-CMonStr : CMonStruct
-CMonStr = M.-MonStr
-CMonStr-MonSEq : -CMonStr ⊨ CMonSEq
-CMonStr-MonSEq (`mon eqn) ρ = M.-MonStr-MonSEq eqn ρ
-CMonStr-MonSEq `comm ρ = +-comm (ρ fzero) (ρ fone)
⊔-MonStr-CMonSEq : ( : Level) -> M.⊔-MonStr ⊨ CMonSEq
⊔-MonStr-CMonSEq (`mon eqn) ρ = M.⊔-MonStr-MonSEq eqn ρ
⊔-MonStr-CMonSEq `comm ρ = ⊔-comm (ρ fzero) (ρ fone)
⊓-MonStr-CMonSEq : ( : Level) -> M.⊓-MonStr ⊨ CMonSEq
⊓-MonStr-CMonSEq (`mon eqn) ρ = M.⊓-MonStr-MonSEq eqn ρ
⊓-MonStr-CMonSEq `comm ρ = ⊓-comm (ρ fzero) (ρ fone)

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@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe --exact-split #-}
module Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.Free where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.List
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order
import Cubical.Data.Empty as ⊥
import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.Desc as M
import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.Free as FM
import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.Desc as M
import Cubical.Structures.Free as F
open import Cubical.Structures.Sig
open import Cubical.Structures.Str public
open import Cubical.Structures.Tree
open import Cubical.Structures.Eq
open import Cubical.Structures.Arity
data FreeCMon { : Level} (A : Type ) : Type where
η : (a : A) -> FreeCMon A
e : FreeCMon A
_⊕_ : FreeCMon A -> FreeCMon A -> FreeCMon A
unitl : ∀ m -> e ⊕ m ≡ m
unitr : ∀ m -> m ⊕ e ≡ m
assocr : ∀ m n o -> (m ⊕ n) ⊕ o ≡ m ⊕ (n ⊕ o)
comm : ∀ m n -> m ⊕ n ≡ n ⊕ m
trunc : isSet (FreeCMon A)
module elimFreeCMonSet {p n : Level} {A : Type n} (P : FreeCMon A -> Type p)
(η* : (a : A) -> P (η a))
(e* : P e)
(_⊕*_ : {m n : FreeCMon A} -> P m -> P n -> P (m ⊕ n))
(unitl* : {m : FreeCMon A} (m* : P m) -> PathP (λ i → P (unitl m i)) (e* ⊕* m*) m*)
(unitr* : {m : FreeCMon A} (m* : P m) -> PathP (λ i → P (unitr m i)) (m* ⊕* e*) m*)
(assocr* : {m n o : FreeCMon A}
(m* : P m) ->
(n* : P n) ->
(o* : P o) ->
PathP (λ i → P (assocr m n o i)) ((m* ⊕* n*) ⊕* o*) (m* ⊕* (n* ⊕* o*)))
(comm* : {m n : FreeCMon A}
(m* : P m) ->
(n* : P n) ->
PathP (λ i → P (comm m n i)) (m* ⊕* n*) (n* ⊕* m*))
(trunc* : {xs : FreeCMon A} -> isSet (P xs))
f : (x : FreeCMon A) -> P x
f (η a) = η* a
f e = e*
f (x ⊕ y) = f x ⊕* f y
f (unitl x i) = unitl* (f x) i
f (unitr x i) = unitr* (f x) i
f (assocr x y z i) = assocr* (f x) (f y) (f z) i
f (comm x y i) = comm* (f x) (f y) i
f (trunc xs ys p q i j) =
isOfHLevel→isOfHLevelDep 2 (\xs -> trunc* {xs = xs}) (f xs) (f ys) (cong f p) (cong f q) (trunc xs ys p q) i j
module elimFreeCMonProp {p n : Level} {A : Type n} (P : FreeCMon A -> Type p)
(η* : (a : A) -> P (η a))
(e* : P e)
(_⊕*_ : {m n : FreeCMon A} -> P m -> P n -> P (m ⊕ n))
(trunc* : {xs : FreeCMon A} -> isProp (P xs))
f : (x : FreeCMon A) -> P x
f = elimFreeCMonSet.f P η* e* _⊕*_ unitl* unitr* assocr* comm* (isProp→isSet trunc*)
unitl* : {m : FreeCMon A} (m* : P m) -> PathP (λ i → P (unitl m i)) (e* ⊕* m*) m*
unitl* {m} m* = toPathP (trunc* (transp (λ i -> P (unitl m i)) i0 (e* ⊕* m*)) m*)
unitr* : {m : FreeCMon A} (m* : P m) -> PathP (λ i → P (unitr m i)) (m* ⊕* e*) m*
unitr* {m} m* = toPathP (trunc* (transp (λ i -> P (unitr m i)) i0 (m* ⊕* e*)) m*)
assocr* : {m n o : FreeCMon A}
(m* : P m) ->
(n* : P n) ->
(o* : P o) -> PathP (λ i → P (assocr m n o i)) ((m* ⊕* n*) ⊕* o*) (m* ⊕* (n* ⊕* o*))
assocr* {m} {n} {o} m* n* o* =
toPathP (trunc* (transp (λ i -> P (assocr m n o i)) i0 ((m* ⊕* n*) ⊕* o*)) (m* ⊕* (n* ⊕* o*)))
comm* : {m n : FreeCMon A} (m* : P m) (n* : P n) -> PathP (λ i → P (comm m n i)) (m* ⊕* n*) (n* ⊕* m*)
comm* {m} {n} m* n* = toPathP (trunc* (transp (λ i -> P (comm m n i)) i0 (m* ⊕* n*)) (n* ⊕* m*))
freeCMon-α : ∀ {} {X : Type } -> sig M.MonSig (FreeCMon X) -> FreeCMon X
freeCMon-α (M.`e , _) = e
freeCMon-α (M.`⊕ , i) = i fzero ⊕ i fone
module Free {x y : Level} {A : Type x} {𝔜 : struct y M.MonSig} (isSet𝔜 : isSet (𝔜 .car)) (𝔜-cmon : 𝔜 ⊨ M.CMonSEq) where
module 𝔜 = M.CMonSEq 𝔜 𝔜-cmon
𝔉 : struct x M.MonSig
𝔉 = < FreeCMon A , freeCMon-α >
module _ (f : A -> 𝔜 .car) where
_♯ : FreeCMon A -> 𝔜 .car
_♯ (η a) = f a
_♯ e = 𝔜.e
_♯ (m ⊕ n) = (m ♯) 𝔜.⊕ (n ♯)
_♯ (unitl m i) = 𝔜.unitl (m ♯) i
_♯ (unitr m i) = 𝔜.unitr (m ♯) i
_♯ (assocr m n o i) = 𝔜.assocr (m ♯) (n ♯) (o ♯) i
comm m n i ♯ = 𝔜.comm (m ♯) (n ♯) i
(trunc m n p q i j) ♯ = isSet𝔜 (m ♯) (n ♯) (cong _♯ p) (cong _♯ q) i j
♯-isMonHom : structHom 𝔉 𝔜
fst ♯-isMonHom = _♯
snd ♯-isMonHom M.`e i = 𝔜.e-eta
snd ♯-isMonHom M.`⊕ i = 𝔜.⊕-eta i _♯
freeCMonEquivLemma : (g : structHom 𝔉 𝔜) -> (x : FreeCMon A) -> g .fst x ≡ ((g .fst ∘ η) ♯) x
freeCMonEquivLemma (g , homMonWit) = elimFreeCMonProp.f (λ x -> g x ≡ ((g ∘ η) ♯) x)
(λ _ -> refl)
(sym (homMonWit M.`e (lookup [])) ∙ 𝔜.e-eta)
(λ {m} {n} p q ->
g (m ⊕ n) ≡⟨ sym (homMonWit M.`⊕ (lookup (m ∷ n ∷ []))) ⟩
𝔜 .alg (M.`⊕ , (λ w -> g (lookup (m ∷ n ∷ []) w))) ≡⟨ 𝔜.⊕-eta (lookup (m ∷ n ∷ [])) g ⟩
g m 𝔜.⊕ g n ≡⟨ cong₂ 𝔜._⊕_ p q ⟩
_ ∎
(isSet𝔜 _ _)
freeCMonEquivLemma-β : (g : structHom 𝔉 𝔜) -> g ≡ ♯-isMonHom (g .fst ∘ η)
freeCMonEquivLemma-β g = structHom≡ 𝔉 𝔜 g (♯-isMonHom (g .fst ∘ η)) isSet𝔜 (funExt (freeCMonEquivLemma g))
freeCMonEquiv : structHom 𝔉 𝔜 ≃ (A -> 𝔜 .car)
freeCMonEquiv =
isoToEquiv (iso (λ g -> g .fst ∘ η) ♯-isMonHom (λ _ -> refl) (sym ∘ freeCMonEquivLemma-β))
module FreeCMonDef = F.Definition M.MonSig M.CMonEqSig M.CMonSEq
freeCMon-sat : ∀ {n} {X : Type n} -> < FreeCMon X , freeCMon-α > ⊨ M.CMonSEq
freeCMon-sat (M.`mon M.`unitl) ρ = unitl (ρ fzero)
freeCMon-sat (M.`mon M.`unitr) ρ = unitr (ρ fzero)
freeCMon-sat (M.`mon M.`assocr) ρ = assocr (ρ fzero) (ρ fone) (ρ ftwo)
freeCMon-sat M.`comm ρ = comm (ρ fzero) (ρ fone)
freeMonDef : ∀ { '} -> FreeCMonDef.Free ' 2
F.Definition.Free.F freeMonDef = FreeCMon
F.Definition.Free.η freeMonDef = η
F.Definition.Free.α freeMonDef = freeCMon-α
F.Definition.Free.sat freeMonDef = freeCMon-sat
F.Definition.Free.isFree freeMonDef isSet𝔜 satMon = (Free.freeCMonEquiv isSet𝔜 satMon) .snd

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@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe --exact-split #-}
Definition taken from
module Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.PList where
open import Cubical.Core.Everything
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Data.List as L
import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.Desc as M
import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.List as LM
import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.Desc as M
import Cubical.Structures.Free as F
open import Cubical.Structures.Sig
open import Cubical.Structures.Str public
open import Cubical.Structures.Tree
open import Cubical.Structures.Eq
open import Cubical.Structures.Arity hiding (_/_)
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.QFreeMon
data Perm { : Level} {A : Type } : List A -> List A -> Type where
perm-refl : ∀ {xs} -> Perm xs xs
perm-swap : ∀ {x y xs ys zs} -> Perm (xs ++ x ∷ y ∷ ys) zs -> Perm (xs ++ y ∷ x ∷ ys) zs
ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level
A B : Type
infixr 30 _∙ₚ_
_∙ₚ_ : ∀ {xs ys zs} -> Perm xs ys -> Perm ys zs -> Perm {A = A} xs zs
perm-refl ∙ₚ q = q
(perm-swap p) ∙ₚ q = perm-swap (p ∙ₚ q)
perm-sym : ∀ {xs ys} -> Perm xs ys -> Perm {A = A} ys xs
perm-sym perm-refl = perm-refl
perm-sym (perm-swap p) = perm-sym p ∙ₚ perm-swap perm-refl
perm-subst : ∀ {xs ys} -> xs ≡ ys -> Perm {A = A} xs ys
perm-subst {xs = xs} p = subst (Perm xs) p perm-refl
perm-∷ : ∀ {x xs ys} -> Perm xs ys -> Perm {A = A} (x ∷ xs) (x ∷ ys)
perm-∷ perm-refl = perm-refl
perm-∷ {x = x} (perm-swap {xs = xs} p) = perm-swap {xs = x ∷ xs} (perm-∷ p)
perm-prepend : (xs : List A) {ys zs : List A} -> Perm ys zs -> Perm (xs ++ ys) (xs ++ zs)
perm-prepend [] p = p
perm-prepend (x ∷ xs) p = perm-∷ (perm-prepend xs p)
perm-append : ∀ {xs ys} -> Perm xs ys -> (zs : List A) -> Perm (xs ++ zs) (ys ++ zs)
perm-append perm-refl _ = perm-refl
perm-append (perm-swap {xs = xs} p) _ =
perm-subst (++-assoc xs _ _) ∙ₚ perm-swap (perm-subst (sym (++-assoc xs _ _)) ∙ₚ perm-append p _)
perm-movehead : (x : A) (xs : List A) {ys : List A} -> Perm (x ∷ xs ++ ys) (xs ++ x ∷ ys)
perm-movehead x [] = perm-refl
perm-movehead x (y ∷ xs) = perm-swap {xs = []} (perm-∷ (perm-movehead x xs))
⊕-commₚ : (xs ys : List A) -> Perm (xs ++ ys) (ys ++ xs)
⊕-commₚ xs [] = perm-subst (++-unit-r xs)
⊕-commₚ xs (y ∷ ys) = perm-sym (perm-movehead y xs {ys = ys}) ∙ₚ perm-∷ (⊕-commₚ xs ys)
module _ {A B} {A : Type A} {𝔜 : struct B M.MonSig} {isSet𝔜 : isSet (𝔜 .car)} (𝔜-cmon : 𝔜 ⊨ M.CMonSEq) (f : A -> 𝔜 .car) where
module 𝔜 = M.CMonSEq 𝔜 𝔜-cmon
f♯-hom = LM.Free.♯-isMonHom isSet𝔜 (M.cmonSatMon 𝔜-cmon) f
f♯ : List A -> 𝔜 .car
f♯ = f♯-hom .fst
f♯-++ : ∀ xs ys -> f♯ (xs ++ ys) ≡ f♯ xs 𝔜.⊕ f♯ ys
f♯-++ xs ys =
f♯ (xs ++ ys) ≡⟨ sym ((f♯-hom .snd) M.`⊕ (lookup (xs ∷ ys ∷ []))) ⟩
𝔜 .alg (M.`⊕ , (λ w -> f♯ (lookup (xs ∷ ys ∷ []) w))) ≡⟨ 𝔜.⊕-eta (lookup (xs ∷ ys ∷ [])) f♯ ⟩
_ ∎
f♯-swap : ∀ {x y : A} (xs ys : List A) -> f♯ (xs ++ x ∷ y ∷ ys) ≡ f♯ (xs ++ y ∷ x ∷ ys)
f♯-swap {x} {y} [] ys =
f♯ ((L.[ x ] ++ L.[ y ]) ++ ys) ≡⟨ f♯-++ (L.[ x ] ++ L.[ y ]) ys ⟩
f♯ (L.[ x ] ++ L.[ y ]) 𝔜.⊕ f♯ ys ≡⟨ cong (𝔜._⊕ f♯ ys) (f♯-++ L.[ x ] L.[ y ]) ⟩
(f♯ L.[ x ] 𝔜.⊕ f♯ L.[ y ]) 𝔜.⊕ f♯ ys ≡⟨ cong (𝔜._⊕ f♯ ys) (𝔜.comm _ _) ⟩
(f♯ L.[ y ] 𝔜.⊕ f♯ L.[ x ]) 𝔜.⊕ f♯ ys ≡⟨ cong (𝔜._⊕ f♯ ys) (sym (f♯-++ L.[ y ] L.[ x ])) ⟩
f♯ (L.[ y ] ++ L.[ x ]) 𝔜.⊕ f♯ ys ≡⟨ sym (f♯-++ (L.[ y ] ++ L.[ x ]) ys) ⟩
f♯ ((L.[ y ] ++ L.[ x ]) ++ ys) ∎
f♯-swap {x} {y} (a ∷ as) ys =
f♯ (L.[ a ] ++ (as ++ x ∷ y ∷ ys)) ≡⟨ f♯-++ L.[ a ] (as ++ x ∷ y ∷ ys) ⟩
f♯ L.[ a ] 𝔜.⊕ f♯ (as ++ x ∷ y ∷ ys) ≡⟨ cong (f♯ L.[ a ] 𝔜.⊕_) (f♯-swap as ys) ⟩
f♯ L.[ a ] 𝔜.⊕ f♯ (as ++ y ∷ x ∷ ys) ≡⟨ sym (f♯-++ L.[ a ] (as ++ y ∷ x ∷ ys)) ⟩
f♯ (L.[ a ] ++ (as ++ y ∷ x ∷ ys)) ≡⟨⟩
f♯ ((a ∷ as) ++ y ∷ x ∷ ys) ∎
perm-resp-f♯ : {a b : List A} -> Perm a b -> f♯ a ≡ f♯ b
perm-resp-f♯ perm-refl = refl
perm-resp-f♯ (perm-swap {xs = xs} {ys = ys} p) = f♯-swap xs ys ∙ perm-resp-f♯ p
module _ {} (A : Type ) where
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary
module P = BinaryRelation {A = List A} Perm
open isPermRel
isPermRelPerm : isPermRel LM.listDef (Perm {A = A})
P.isEquivRel.reflexive (isEquivRel isPermRelPerm) _ = perm-refl
P.isEquivRel.symmetric (isEquivRel isPermRelPerm) _ _ = perm-sym
P.isEquivRel.transitive (isEquivRel isPermRelPerm) _ _ _ = _∙ₚ_
isCongruence isPermRelPerm {a} {b} {c} {d} p q = perm-prepend a q ∙ₚ perm-append p d
isCommutative isPermRelPerm {a} {b} = ⊕-commₚ a b
resp-♯ isPermRelPerm {isSet𝔜 = isSet𝔜} 𝔜-cmon f p = perm-resp-f♯ {isSet𝔜 = isSet𝔜} 𝔜-cmon f p
PermRel : PermRelation LM.listDef A
PermRel = Perm , isPermRelPerm
module PListDef = F.Definition M.MonSig M.CMonEqSig M.CMonSEq
plistFreeDef : ∀ {} -> PListDef.Free 2
plistFreeDef = qFreeMonDef (PermRel _)

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@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe --exact-split #-}
module Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.QFreeMon where
open import Cubical.Core.Everything
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as P
open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients as Q
open import Cubical.Data.List as L
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary
import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.Desc as M
import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.Desc as M
import Cubical.Structures.Free as F
open import Cubical.Structures.Sig
open import Cubical.Structures.Str public
open import Cubical.Structures.Tree
open import Cubical.Structures.Eq
open import Cubical.Structures.Arity hiding (_/_)
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary hiding (⟪_⟫)
open F.Definition M.MonSig M.MonEqSig M.MonSEq
open F.Definition.Free
module _ { ' : Level} (freeMon : Free ' 2) where
: Type -> Type
A = freeMon .F A
PRel : Type -> Type (-max (-suc '))
PRel A = Rel ( A) ( A) '
record isPermRel {A : Type } (R : PRel A) : Type (-max (-suc ')) where
constructor permRel
infix 3 _≈_
_≈_ : Rel ( A) ( A) ' ; _≈_ = R
TODO: Add ⊕ as a helper in Mon.Desc
infixr 10 _⊕_
_⊕_ : A -> A -> A
a ⊕ b = freeMon .α (M.`⊕ , ⟪ a ⨾ b ⟫)
module R = BinaryRelation R
isEquivRel : R.isEquivRel
isCongruence : {a b c d : A}
-> a ≈ b -> c ≈ d
-> a ⊕ c ≈ b ⊕ d
isCommutative : {a b : A}
-> a ⊕ b ≈ b ⊕ a
resp-♯ : {a b : A} {𝔜 : struct ' M.MonSig} {isSet𝔜 : isSet (𝔜 .car)} (𝔜-cmon : 𝔜 ⊨ M.CMonSEq)
-> (f : A -> 𝔜 .car)
-> a ≈ b
-> let f♯ = ext freeMon isSet𝔜 (M.cmonSatMon 𝔜-cmon) f .fst in f♯ a ≡ f♯ b
refl≈ = isEquivRel .R.isEquivRel.reflexive
trans≈ = isEquivRel .R.isEquivRel.transitive
cong≈ = isCongruence
comm≈ = isCommutative
subst≈-left : {a b c : A} -> a ≡ b -> a ≈ c -> b ≈ c
subst≈-left {c = c} = subst (_≈ c)
subst≈-right : {a b c : A} -> b ≡ c -> a ≈ b -> a ≈ c
subst≈-right {a = a} = subst (a ≈_)
subst≈ : {a b c d : A} -> a ≡ b -> c ≡ d -> a ≈ c -> b ≈ d
subst≈ {a} {b} {c} {d} p q r = trans≈ b c d (subst≈-left p r) (subst≈-right q (refl≈ c))
PermRelation : Type -> Type (-max (-suc '))
PermRelation A = Σ (PRel A) isPermRel
module QFreeMon {r B} {freeMon : Free r B 2} (A : Type r) ((R , isPermRelR) : PermRelation freeMon A) where
= freeMon .F A
open isPermRel isPermRelR
𝒬 : Type (-max r B)
𝒬 = / _≈_
𝔉 : M.MonStruct
𝔉 = < , freeMon .α >
module 𝔉 = M.MonSEq 𝔉 (freeMon .sat)
e :
e = 𝔉.e
e/ : 𝒬
e/ = Q.[ e ]
η/ : A -> 𝒬
η/ x = Q.[ freeMon .η x ]
_⊕/_ : 𝒬 -> 𝒬 -> 𝒬
_⊕/_ = Q.rec2 squash/
(\a b -> Q.[ a ⊕ b ])
(\a b c r -> eq/ (a ⊕ c) (b ⊕ c) (cong≈ r (refl≈ c)))
(\a b c r -> eq/ (a ⊕ b) (a ⊕ c) (cong≈ (refl≈ a) r))
⊕-unitl : (a : 𝒬) -> e/ ⊕/ a ≡ a
⊕-unitl = Q.elimProp
(\_ -> squash/ _ _)
(\a -> eq/ (e ⊕ a) a (subst≈-right (𝔉.unitl a) (refl≈ (e ⊕ a))))
⊕-unitr : (a : 𝒬) -> a ⊕/ e/ ≡ a
⊕-unitr = Q.elimProp
(\_ -> squash/ _ _)
(\a -> eq/ (a ⊕ e) a (subst≈-right (𝔉.unitr a) (refl≈ (a ⊕ e))))
⊕-assocr : (a b c : 𝒬) -> (a ⊕/ b) ⊕/ c ≡ a ⊕/ (b ⊕/ c)
⊕-assocr = Q.elimProp
(\_ -> isPropΠ (\_ -> isPropΠ (\_ -> squash/ _ _)))
(\a -> elimProp
(\_ -> isPropΠ (\_ -> squash/ _ _))
(\b -> elimProp
(\_ -> squash/ _ _)
(\c -> eq/ ((a ⊕ b) ⊕ c) (a ⊕ (b ⊕ c)) (subst≈-right (𝔉.assocr a b c) (refl≈ ((a ⊕ b) ⊕ c))))))
⊕-comm : (a b : 𝒬) -> a ⊕/ b ≡ b ⊕/ a
⊕-comm = elimProp
(\_ -> isPropΠ (\_ -> squash/ _ _))
(\a -> elimProp
(\_ -> squash/ _ _)
(\b -> eq/ (a ⊕ b) (b ⊕ a) comm≈))
qFreeMon-α : sig M.MonSig 𝒬 -> 𝒬
qFreeMon-α (M.`e , i) = Q.[ e ]
qFreeMon-α (M.`⊕ , i) = i fzero ⊕/ i fone
qFreeMon-sat : < 𝒬 , qFreeMon-α > ⊨ M.CMonSEq
qFreeMon-sat (M.`mon M.`unitl) ρ = ⊕-unitl (ρ fzero)
qFreeMon-sat (M.`mon M.`unitr) ρ = ⊕-unitr (ρ fzero)
qFreeMon-sat (M.`mon M.`assocr) ρ = ⊕-assocr (ρ fzero) (ρ fone) (ρ ftwo)
qFreeMon-sat M.`comm ρ = ⊕-comm (ρ fzero) (ρ fone)
𝔛 : M.CMonStruct
𝔛 = < 𝒬 , qFreeMon-α >
module 𝔛 = M.CMonSEq 𝔛 qFreeMon-sat
[_]-isMonHom : structHom 𝔉 𝔛
fst [_]-isMonHom = Q.[_]
snd [_]-isMonHom M.`e i = cong _/_.[_] 𝔉.e-eta
snd [_]-isMonHom M.`⊕ i =
𝔛 .alg (M.`⊕ , (λ x -> Q.[ i x ])) ≡⟨ 𝔛.⊕-eta i Q.[_] ⟩
Q.[ freeMon .α (M.`⊕ , _) ] ≡⟨ cong (λ z -> Q.[_] {R = _≈_} (freeMon .α (M.`⊕ , z))) (lookup2≡i i) ⟩
Q.[ freeMon .α (M.`⊕ , i) ] ∎
module IsFree {𝔜 : struct B M.MonSig} (isSet𝔜 : isSet (𝔜 .car)) (𝔜-cmon : 𝔜 ⊨ M.CMonSEq) where
module 𝔜 = M.CMonSEq 𝔜 𝔜-cmon
module _ (f : A -> 𝔜 .car) where
f♯ : structHom 𝔉 𝔜
f♯ = ext (freeMon) isSet𝔜 (M.cmonSatMon 𝔜-cmon) f
_♯ : 𝒬 -> 𝔜 .car
_♯ = Q.rec isSet𝔜 (f♯ .fst) (\_ _ -> resp-♯ 𝔜-cmon f)
♯-++ : ∀ xs ys -> (xs ⊕/ ys) ♯ ≡ (xs ♯) 𝔜.⊕ (ys ♯)
♯-++ =
elimProp (λ _ -> isPropΠ λ _ -> isSet𝔜 _ _) λ xs ->
elimProp (λ _ -> isSet𝔜 _ _) λ ys ->
f♯ .fst (xs ⊕ ys) ≡⟨ sym (f♯ .snd M.`⊕ (lookup (xs ∷ ys ∷ []))) ⟩
_ ≡⟨ 𝔜.⊕-eta (lookup (xs ∷ ys ∷ [])) (f♯ .fst) ⟩
_ ∎
♯-isMonHom : structHom 𝔛 𝔜
fst ♯-isMonHom = _♯
snd ♯-isMonHom M.`e i = 𝔜.e-eta ∙ f♯ .snd M.`e (lookup [])
snd ♯-isMonHom M.`⊕ i = 𝔜.⊕-eta i _♯ ∙ sym (♯-++ (i fzero) (i fone))
qFreeMonEquivLemma : (g : structHom 𝔛 𝔜) (x : 𝔛 .car) -> g .fst x ≡ ((g .fst ∘ η/) ♯) x
qFreeMonEquivLemma g = elimProp (λ _ -> isSet𝔜 _ _) λ x i -> lemma (~ i) x
lemma : (f♯ (((g .fst) ∘ Q.[_]) ∘ freeMon .η)) .fst ≡ (g .fst) ∘ Q.[_]
lemma = cong fst (ext-β (freeMon) isSet𝔜 (M.cmonSatMon 𝔜-cmon) (structHom∘ 𝔉 𝔛 𝔜 g [_]-isMonHom))
qFreeMonEquiv : structHom 𝔛 𝔜 ≃ (A -> 𝔜 .car)
qFreeMonEquiv =
( iso
(λ g -> g .fst ∘ η/)
(ext-η (freeMon) isSet𝔜 (M.cmonSatMon 𝔜-cmon))
(λ g -> sym (structHom≡ 𝔛 𝔜 g (♯-isMonHom (g .fst ∘ η/)) isSet𝔜 (funExt (qFreeMonEquivLemma g))))
module QFreeMonDef = F.Definition M.MonSig M.CMonEqSig M.CMonSEq
qFreeMonDef : ∀ { : Level} {freeMon : Free 2} (R : {A : Type } -> PermRelation freeMon A) -> QFreeMonDef.Free 2
F (qFreeMonDef R) A = QFreeMon.𝒬 A R
η (qFreeMonDef R) = QFreeMon.η/ _ R
α (qFreeMonDef R) = QFreeMon.qFreeMon-α _ R
sat (qFreeMonDef R) = QFreeMon.qFreeMon-sat _ R
isFree (qFreeMonDef R) isSet𝔜 𝔜-cmon = (QFreeMon.IsFree.qFreeMonEquiv _ R isSet𝔜 𝔜-cmon) .snd

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe --exact-split #-}
module Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList where
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Base public
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Length public
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Membership public

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@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe --exact-split #-}
module Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Base where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as ⊥
open import Cubical.Induction.WellFounded
import Cubical.Data.List as L
import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.Desc as M
import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.Desc as M
import Cubical.Structures.Free as F
open import Cubical.Structures.Sig
open import Cubical.Structures.Str public
open import Cubical.Structures.Tree
open import Cubical.Structures.Eq
open import Cubical.Structures.Arity
open import Cubical.HITs.FiniteMultiset public renaming (FMSet to SList; comm to swap)
pattern [_] a = a ∷ []
: Level
A : Type
slist-α : ∀ {n : Level} {X : Type n} -> sig M.MonSig (SList X) -> SList X
slist-α (M.`e , i) = []
slist-α (M.`⊕ , i) = i fzero ++ i fone
module Free {x y : Level} {A : Type x} {𝔜 : struct y M.MonSig} (isSet𝔜 : isSet (𝔜 .car)) (𝔜-cmon : 𝔜 ⊨ M.CMonSEq) where
module 𝔜 = M.CMonSEq 𝔜 𝔜-cmon
𝔛 : M.CMonStruct
𝔛 = < SList A , slist-α >
module _ (f : A -> 𝔜 .car) where
_♯ : SList A -> 𝔜 .car
_♯ = Elim.f 𝔜.e
(λ x xs -> (f x) 𝔜.⊕ xs)
(λ a b xs i ->
( sym (𝔜.assocr (f a) (f b) xs)
∙ cong (𝔜._⊕ xs) (𝔜.comm (f a) (f b))
𝔜.assocr (f b) (f a) xs
) i
(λ _ -> isSet𝔜)
♯-++ : ∀ xs ys -> (xs ++ ys) ♯ ≡ (xs ♯) 𝔜.⊕ (ys ♯)
♯-++ = ElimProp.f (isPropΠ λ _ -> isSet𝔜 _ _)
(λ ys -> sym (𝔜.unitl (ys ♯)))
(λ a {xs} p ys ->
f a 𝔜.⊕ ((xs ++ ys) ♯) ≡⟨ cong (f a 𝔜.⊕_) (p ys) ⟩
f a 𝔜.⊕ ((xs ♯) 𝔜.⊕ (ys ♯)) ≡⟨ sym (𝔜.assocr (f a) (xs ♯) (ys ♯)) ⟩
♯-isMonHom : structHom 𝔛 𝔜
fst ♯-isMonHom = _♯
snd ♯-isMonHom M.`e i = 𝔜.e-eta
snd ♯-isMonHom M.`⊕ i = 𝔜.⊕-eta i _♯ ∙ sym (♯-++ (i fzero) (i fone))
slistEquivLemma : (g : structHom 𝔛 𝔜) -> (x : SList A) -> g .fst x ≡ ((g .fst ∘ [_]) ♯) x
slistEquivLemma (g , homMonWit) = ElimProp.f (isSet𝔜 _ _)
(sym (homMonWit M.`e (lookup L.[])) ∙ 𝔜.e-eta)
(λ x {xs} p ->
g (x ∷ xs) ≡⟨ sym (homMonWit M.`⊕ (lookup ([ x ] L.∷ xs L.∷ L.[]))) ⟩
_ ≡⟨ 𝔜.⊕-eta (lookup ([ x ] L.∷ xs L.∷ L.[])) g ⟩
_ ≡⟨ cong (g [ x ] 𝔜.⊕_) p ⟩
_ ∎
slistEquivLemma-β : (g : structHom 𝔛 𝔜) -> g ≡ ♯-isMonHom (g .fst ∘ [_])
slistEquivLemma-β g = structHom≡ 𝔛 𝔜 g (♯-isMonHom (g .fst ∘ [_])) isSet𝔜 (funExt (slistEquivLemma g))
slistMonEquiv : structHom 𝔛 𝔜 ≃ (A -> 𝔜 .car)
slistMonEquiv =
isoToEquiv (iso (λ g -> g .fst ∘ [_]) ♯-isMonHom (λ g -> funExt (𝔜.unitr ∘ g)) (sym ∘ slistEquivLemma-β))
module SListDef = F.Definition M.MonSig M.CMonEqSig M.CMonSEq
slist-sat : ∀ {n} {X : Type n} -> < SList X , slist-α > ⊨ M.CMonSEq
slist-sat (M.`mon M.`unitl) ρ = unitl-++ (ρ fzero)
slist-sat (M.`mon M.`unitr) ρ = unitr-++ (ρ fzero)
slist-sat (M.`mon M.`assocr) ρ = sym (assoc-++ (ρ fzero) (ρ fone) (ρ ftwo))
slist-sat M.`comm ρ = comm-++ (ρ fzero) (ρ fone)
slistDef : ∀ { '} -> SListDef.Free ' 2
F.Definition.Free.F slistDef = SList
F.Definition.Free.η slistDef = [_]
F.Definition.Free.α slistDef = slist-α
F.Definition.Free.sat slistDef = slist-sat
F.Definition.Free.isFree slistDef isSet𝔜 satMon = (Free.slistMonEquiv isSet𝔜 satMon) .snd

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@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --exact-split --safe #-}
module Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Length where
open import Cubical.Core.Everything
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Data.Sum
open import Cubical.Data.Prod
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as E
open import Cubical.Data.Unit
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Functions.Embedding
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Base as SList
: Level
A B : Type
ϕ : isSet A
a x : A
xs ys : SList A
disj-nil-cons : x ∷ xs ≡ [] -> ⊥
disj-nil-cons p = transport (λ i → fst (code (p i))) tt
where code : SList A -> hProp -zero
code = Elim.f (⊥ , isProp⊥)
(λ _ _ -> Unit , isPropUnit)
(λ _ _ _ _ -> Unit , isPropUnit)
(λ _ -> isSetHProp)
disj-cons-nil : [] ≡ x ∷ xs -> ⊥
disj-cons-nil p = disj-nil-cons (sym p)
length : SList A →
length = Elim.f 0 (λ _ n -> suc n) (λ _ _ _ -> refl) (λ _ -> isSet)
length-++ : (x y : SList A) → length (x ++ y) ≡ length x + length y
length-++ x y = ElimProp.f {B = λ xs → length (xs ++ y) ≡ length xs + length y}
(isSet _ _) refl (λ a p -> cong suc p) x
lenZero-out : (xs : SList A) → length xs ≡ 0 → [] ≡ xs
lenZero-out = ElimProp.f (isPropΠ λ _ → trunc _ _)
(λ _ -> refl)
(λ x p q -> E.rec (snotz q))
lenZero-eqv : (xs : SList A) → (length xs ≡ 0) ≃ ([] ≡ xs)
lenZero-eqv xs = propBiimpl→Equiv (isSet _ _) (trunc _ _) (lenZero-out xs) (λ p i → length (p (~ i)))
is-sing-pred : SList A → A → Type _
is-sing-pred xs a = [ a ] ≡ xs
is-sing-pred-prop : (xs : SList A) (z : A) → isProp (is-sing-pred xs z)
is-sing-pred-prop xs a = trunc [ a ] xs
is-sing : SList A → Type _
is-sing xs = Σ _ (is-sing-pred xs)
Sing : Type → Type
Sing A = Σ (SList A) is-sing
[_]-is-sing : (a : A) → is-sing [ a ]
[ a ]-is-sing = a , refl
sing=isProp : ∀ {x y : A} → isProp ([ x ] ≡ [ y ])
sing=isProp {x = x} {y = y} = trunc [ x ] [ y ]
sing=-in : ∀ {x y : A} → x ≡ y → [ x ] ≡ [ y ]
sing=-in p i = [ p i ]
sing=isContr : ∀ {x y : A} → x ≡ y → isContr ([ x ] ≡ [ y ])
sing=isContr p = sing=-in p , sing=isProp (sing=-in p)
lenOne-down : (x : A) (xs : SList A) → length (x ∷ xs) ≡ 1 → [] ≡ xs
lenOne-down x xs p = lenZero-out xs (injSuc p)
lenOne-cons : (x : A) (xs : SList A) → length (x ∷ xs) ≡ 1 → is-sing (x ∷ xs)
lenOne-cons x xs p =
let q = lenOne-down x xs p
in transport (λ i → is-sing (x ∷ q i)) [ x ]-is-sing
lenTwo-⊥ : (x y : A) (xs : SList A) → (length (y ∷ x ∷ xs) ≡ 1) ≃ ⊥
lenTwo-⊥ x y xs = (λ p → E.rec (snotz (injSuc p))) , record { equiv-proof = E.elim }
isContrlenTwo-⊥→X : (X : Type ) (x y : A) (xs : SList A) → isContr (length (y ∷ x ∷ xs) ≡ 1 → X)
isContrlenTwo-⊥→X X x y xs = subst (λ Z → isContr (Z → X)) (sym (ua (lenTwo-⊥ x y xs))) (isContr⊥→A {A = X})
lenOne-swap : {A : Type } (x y : A) (xs : SList A)
→ PathP (λ i → length (SList.swap x y xs i) ≡ 1 → is-sing (SList.swap x y xs i))
(λ p → lenOne-cons x (y ∷ xs) p)
(λ p → lenOne-cons y (x ∷ xs) p)
lenOne-swap {A = A} x y xs =
transport (sym (PathP≡Path (λ i → length (SList.swap x y xs i) ≡ 1 → is-sing (SList.swap x y xs i)) _ _))
(isContr→isProp (isContrlenTwo-⊥→X _ x y xs) _ _)
lenOne : Type → Type _
lenOne A = Σ (SList A) (λ xs → length xs ≡ 1)
module _ {ϕ : isSet A} where
is-sing-set : (xs : SList A) → isSet (is-sing xs)
is-sing-set xs = isSetΣ ϕ λ x → isProp→isSet (is-sing-pred-prop xs x)
lenOne-out : (xs : SList A) → length xs ≡ 1 → is-sing xs
lenOne-out = Elim.f (λ p → E.rec (znots p))
(λ x {xs} f p → lenOne-cons x xs p)
(λ x y {xs} f → lenOne-swap x y xs)
λ xs → isSetΠ (λ p → is-sing-set xs)
head : lenOne A → A
head (xs , p) = lenOne-out xs p .fst
head-β : (a : A) → head ([ a ] , refl) ≡ a
head-β a i = transp (λ _ → A) i a
lenOnePath : (a b : A) → Type _
lenOnePath a b = Path (lenOne A) ([ a ] , refl) ([ b ] , refl)
lenOnePath-in : {a b : A} → [ a ] ≡ [ b ] → lenOnePath a b
lenOnePath-in = Σ≡Prop (λ xs → isSet _ _)
[-]-inj : {a b : A} → [ a ] ≡ [ b ] → a ≡ b
[-]-inj {a = a} {b = b} p = aux (lenOnePath-in p)
where aux : lenOnePath a b → a ≡ b
aux p = sym (head-β a) ∙ cong head p ∙ head-β b
is-sing-prop : (xs : SList A) → isProp (is-sing xs)
is-sing-prop xs (a , ψ) (b , ξ) = Σ≡Prop (is-sing-pred-prop xs) ([-]-inj (ψ ∙ sym ξ))
lenOne-eqv : (xs : SList A) → (length xs ≡ 1) ≃ (is-sing xs)
lenOne-eqv xs = propBiimpl→Equiv (isSet _ _) (is-sing-prop xs) (lenOne-out xs) (λ χ → cong length (sym (χ .snd)))
lenOne-set-eqv : lenOne A ≃ A
lenOne-set-eqv = isoToEquiv (iso head g head-β g-f)
where g : A → lenOne A
g a = [ a ] , refl
g-f : (as : lenOne A) → g (head as) ≡ as
g-f (as , ϕ) =
let (a , ψ) = lenOne-out as ϕ
in Σ≡Prop (λ xs → isSet _ _) {u = ([ a ] , refl)} {v = (as , ϕ)} ψ
sing-set-eqv : Sing A ≃ A
sing-set-eqv = isoToEquiv (iso f (λ a → [ a ] , [ a ]-is-sing) (λ _ → refl) ret)
where f : Sing A → A
f s = s .snd .fst
ret : (s : Sing A) → ([ f s ] , f s , refl) ≡ s
ret (s , ψ) = Σ≡Prop is-sing-prop (ψ .snd)

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@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --exact-split --safe #-}
module Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Membership where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as ⊥
open import Cubical.Induction.WellFounded
import Cubical.Data.List as L
open import Cubical.Functions.Logic as L
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as P
open import Cubical.Data.Sum as ⊎
import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.Desc as M
import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.Desc as M
import Cubical.Structures.Free as F
open import Cubical.Structures.Sig
open import Cubical.Structures.Str public
open import Cubical.Structures.Tree
open import Cubical.Structures.Eq
open import Cubical.Structures.Arity
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.List
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Base as SList
: Level
A : Type
list→slist-Hom : structHom < L.List A , list-α > < SList A , slist-α >
list→slist-Hom = ListDef.Free.ext listDef trunc (M.cmonSatMon slist-sat) [_]
list→slist : L.List A -> SList A
list→slist = list→slist-Hom .fst
module Membership* {} {A : Type } (isSetA : isSet A) where
open SList.Free {A = A} isSetHProp (M.⊔-MonStr-CMonSEq )
∈*Prop : A -> SList A -> hProp
∈*Prop x = (λ y -> (x ≡ y) , isSetA x y) ♯
_∈*_ : A -> SList A -> Type
x ∈* xs = ∈*Prop x xs .fst
isProp-∈* : (x : A) -> (xs : SList A) -> isProp (x ∈* xs)
isProp-∈* x xs = (∈*Prop x xs) .snd
x∈*xs : ∀ x xs -> x ∈* (x ∷ xs)
x∈*xs x xs = L.inl refl
x∈*[x] : ∀ x -> x ∈* [ x ]
x∈*[x] x = x∈*xs x []
∈*-∷ : ∀ x y xs -> x ∈* xs -> x ∈* (y ∷ xs)
∈*-∷ x y xs p = L.inr p
∈*-++ : ∀ x xs ys -> x ∈* ys -> x ∈* (xs ++ ys)
∈*-++ x xs ys p =
ElimProp.f {B = λ zs -> x ∈* (zs ++ ys)} (λ {zs} -> isProp-∈* x (zs ++ ys)) p
(λ a {zs} q -> ∈*-∷ x a (zs ++ ys) q)
¬∈*[] : ∀ x -> (x ∈* []) -> ⊥.⊥
¬∈*[] x = ⊥.rec*
x∈*[y]→x≡y : ∀ x y -> x ∈* [ y ] -> x ≡ y
x∈*[y]→x≡y x y = P.rec (isSetA x y) $ ⊎.rec (idfun _) ⊥.rec*
open Membership isSetA
∈→∈* : ∀ x xs -> x ∈ xs -> x ∈* (list→slist xs)
∈→∈* x (y L.∷ ys) = P.rec
(isProp-∈* x (list→slist (y L.∷ ys)))
(⊎.rec L.inl (L.inr ∘ ∈→∈* x ys))
∈*→∈ : ∀ x xs -> x ∈* (list→slist xs) -> x ∈ xs
∈*→∈ x (y L.∷ ys) = P.rec
(isProp-∈ x (y L.∷ ys))
(⊎.rec L.inl (L.inr ∘ ∈*→∈ x ys))

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@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --exact-split --safe #-}
module Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Seely where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as ⊥
open import Cubical.Induction.WellFounded
import Cubical.Data.List as L
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as P
open import Cubical.Data.Sum as ⊎
import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.Desc as M
import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.Desc as M
import Cubical.Structures.Free as F
open import Cubical.Structures.Sig
open import Cubical.Structures.Str public
open import Cubical.Structures.Tree
open import Cubical.Structures.Eq
open import Cubical.Structures.Arity
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.List
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Base as SList
module _ {} {A B : Type } where
open SListDef.Free
isSetSList× : isSet (SList A × SList B)
isSetSList× = isSet× trunc trunc
slist×-α : sig M.MonSig (SList A × SList B) -> (SList A × SList B)
slist×-α (M.`e , i) = [] , []
slist×-α (M.`⊕ , i) = (i fzero) .fst ++ (i fone) .fst , (i fzero) .snd ++ (i fone) .snd
slist×-sat : < (SList A × SList B) , slist×-α > ⊨ M.CMonSEq
slist×-sat (M.`mon M.`unitl) ρ = refl
slist×-sat (M.`mon M.`unitr) ρ = ≡-× (slist-sat (M.`mon M.`unitr) (fst ∘ ρ)) ((slist-sat (M.`mon M.`unitr) (snd ∘ ρ)))
slist×-sat (M.`mon M.`assocr) ρ = ≡-× (slist-sat (M.`mon M.`assocr) (fst ∘ ρ)) ((slist-sat (M.`mon M.`assocr) (snd ∘ ρ)))
slist×-sat M.`comm ρ = ≡-× (slist-sat M.`comm (fst ∘ ρ)) ((slist-sat M.`comm (snd ∘ ρ)))
f-η : A ⊎ B -> SList A × SList B
f-η (inl x) = [ x ] , []
f-η (inr x) = [] , [ x ]
f-hom : structHom < SList (A ⊎ B) , slist-α > < (SList A × SList B) , slist×-α >
f-hom = ext slistDef isSetSList× slist×-sat f-η
f : SList (A ⊎ B) -> SList A × SList B
f = f-hom .fst
mmap : ∀ {X Y : Type } -> (X -> Y) -> SList X -> SList Y
mmap f = ext slistDef trunc slist-sat ([_] ∘ f) .fst
mmap-++ : ∀ {X Y : Type } -> ∀ f xs ys -> mmap {X = X} {Y = Y} f (xs ++ ys) ≡ mmap f xs ++ mmap f ys
mmap-++ f xs ys = sym (ext slistDef trunc slist-sat ([_] ∘ f) .snd M.`⊕ ⟪ xs ⨾ ys ⟫)
mmap-∷ : ∀ {X Y : Type } -> ∀ f x xs -> mmap {X = X} {Y = Y} f (x ∷ xs) ≡ f x ∷ mmap f xs
mmap-∷ f x xs = mmap-++ f [ x ] xs
g : SList A × SList B -> SList (A ⊎ B)
g (as , bs) = mmap inl as ++ mmap inr bs
g-++ : ∀ xs ys -> g xs ++ g ys ≡ g (xs .fst ++ ys .fst , xs .snd ++ ys .snd)
g-++ (as , bs) (cs , ds) = sym $
g (as ++ cs , bs ++ ds)
≡⟨ cong (_++ mmap inr (bs ++ ds)) (mmap-++ inl as cs) ⟩
(mmap inl as ++ mmap inl cs) ++ (mmap inr (bs ++ ds))
≡⟨ cong ((mmap inl as ++ mmap inl cs) ++_) (mmap-++ inr bs ds) ⟩
(mmap inl as ++ mmap inl cs) ++ (mmap inr bs ++ mmap inr ds)
≡⟨ assoc-++ (mmap inl as ++ mmap inl cs) (mmap inr bs) (mmap inr ds) ⟩
((mmap inl as ++ mmap inl cs) ++ mmap inr bs) ++ mmap inr ds
≡⟨ cong (_++ mmap inr ds) (sym (assoc-++ (mmap inl as) (mmap inl cs) (mmap inr bs))) ⟩
(mmap inl as ++ (mmap inl cs ++ mmap inr bs)) ++ mmap inr ds
≡⟨ cong (λ z → (mmap inl as ++ z) ++ mmap inr ds) (comm-++ (mmap inl cs) (mmap inr bs)) ⟩
(mmap inl as ++ (mmap inr bs ++ mmap inl cs)) ++ mmap inr ds
≡⟨ cong (_++ mmap inr ds) (assoc-++ (mmap inl as) (mmap inr bs) (mmap inl cs)) ⟩
((mmap inl as ++ mmap inr bs) ++ mmap inl cs) ++ mmap inr ds
≡⟨ sym (assoc-++ (mmap inl as ++ mmap inr bs) (mmap inl cs) (mmap inr ds)) ⟩
(mmap inl as ++ mmap inr bs) ++ (mmap inl cs ++ mmap inr ds)
g (as , bs) ++ g (cs , ds)
g-hom : structHom < (SList A × SList B) , slist×-α > < SList (A ⊎ B) , slist-α >
g-hom = g , g-is-hom
g-is-hom : structIsHom < SList A × SList B , slist×-α > < SList (A ⊎ B) , slist-α > g
g-is-hom M.`e i = refl
g-is-hom M.`⊕ i = g-++ (i fzero) (i fone)
module _ {} {X : Type } (h : structHom < SList X , slist-α > < SList X , slist-α >) (h-η : ∀ x -> h .fst [ x ] ≡ [ x ]) where
univ-htpy : ∀ xs -> h .fst xs ≡ xs
univ-htpy xs = h~η♯ xs ∙ η♯~id xs
h~η♯ : ∀ xs -> h .fst xs ≡ ext slistDef trunc slist-sat [_] .fst xs
h~η♯ = ElimProp.f (trunc _ _) (sym (h .snd M.`e ⟪⟫)) λ x {xs} p ->
h .fst (x ∷ xs) ≡⟨ sym (h .snd M.`⊕ ⟪ [ x ] ⨾ xs ⟫) ⟩
h .fst [ x ] ++ h .fst xs ≡⟨ congS (_++ h .fst xs) (h-η x) ⟩
x ∷ h .fst xs ≡⟨ congS (x ∷_) p ⟩
x ∷ ext slistDef trunc slist-sat [_] .fst xs ∎
η♯~id : ∀ xs -> ext slistDef trunc slist-sat [_] .fst xs ≡ xs
η♯~id xs = congS (λ h -> h .fst xs) (ext-β slistDef trunc slist-sat (idHom < SList X , slist-α >))
g-f : ∀ xs -> g (f xs) ≡ xs
g-f = univ-htpy (structHom∘ _ _ < SList (A ⊎ B) , slist-α > g-hom f-hom) lemma
lemma : ∀ x -> g (f [ x ]) ≡ [ x ]
lemma (inl x) = refl
lemma (inr x) = refl
f-mmap-inl : ∀ as -> f (mmap inl as) ≡ (as , [])
f-mmap-inl = ElimProp.f (isSetSList× _ _) refl λ x {xs} p ->
f (mmap inl (x ∷ xs)) ≡⟨ cong f (mmap-∷ inl x xs) ⟩
f (inl x ∷ mmap inl xs) ≡⟨ sym (f-hom .snd M.`⊕ ⟪ [ inl x ] ⨾ mmap inl xs ⟫) ⟩
x ∷ f (mmap inl xs) .fst , f (mmap inl xs) .snd ≡⟨ congS (λ z -> x ∷ z .fst , z .snd) p ⟩
x ∷ xs , [] ∎
f-mmap-inr : ∀ as -> f (mmap inr as) ≡ ([] , as)
f-mmap-inr = ElimProp.f (isSetSList× _ _) refl λ x {xs} p ->
f (mmap inr (x ∷ xs)) ≡⟨ cong f (mmap-∷ inr x xs) ⟩
f (inr x ∷ mmap inr xs) ≡⟨ sym (f-hom .snd M.`⊕ ⟪ [ inr x ] ⨾ mmap inr xs ⟫) ⟩
f (mmap inr xs) .fst , x ∷ f (mmap inr xs) .snd ≡⟨ congS (λ z -> z .fst , x ∷ z .snd) p ⟩
[] , x ∷ xs ∎
f-g : ∀ xs -> f (g xs) ≡ xs
f-g (as , bs) =
f (g (as , bs))
≡⟨ sym (f-hom .snd M.`⊕ ⟪ mmap inl as ⨾ mmap inr bs ⟫) ⟩
(f (mmap inl as) .fst ++ f (mmap inr bs) .fst) , (f (mmap inl as) .snd ++ f (mmap inr bs) .snd)
≡⟨ congS (λ z -> (z .fst ++ f (mmap inr bs) .fst) , (z .snd ++ f (mmap inr bs) .snd)) (f-mmap-inl as) ⟩
as ++ f (mmap inr bs) .fst , [] ++ f (mmap inr bs) .snd
≡⟨ congS (λ z -> as ++ z .fst , [] ++ z .snd) (f-mmap-inr bs) ⟩
as ++ [] , bs
≡⟨ congS (λ zs -> zs , bs) (unitr-++ as) ⟩
as , bs ∎
seely : SList (A ⊎ B) ≃ SList A × SList B
seely = isoToEquiv (iso f g f-g g-f)

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe --exact-split #-}
module Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Sort where
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Sort.Base public
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Sort.Order public
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Sort.Sort public
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Sort.Equiv public

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@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe --exact-split -WnoUnsupportedIndexedMatch #-}
module Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Sort.Base where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order renaming (_≤_ to _≤_; _<_ to _<_)
open import Cubical.Data.Sum as ⊎
open import Cubical.Data.Maybe as Maybe
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as ⊥
open import Cubical.Induction.WellFounded
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Order
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary.HLevels
open import Cubical.Data.List
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as P
import Cubical.Data.List as L
open import Cubical.Functions.Logic as L hiding (¬_; ⊥)
import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.Desc as M
import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.Desc as M
import Cubical.Structures.Free as F
open import Cubical.Structures.Sig
open import Cubical.Structures.Str public
open import Cubical.Structures.Tree
open import Cubical.Structures.Eq
open import Cubical.Structures.Arity
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.List
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Base renaming (_∷_ to _∷*_; [] to []*; [_] to [_]*; _++_ to _++*_)
import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Base as S
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Length as S
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Membership as S
open Iso
: Level
A : Type
head-maybe : List A -> Maybe A
head-maybe [] = nothing
head-maybe (x ∷ xs) = just x
module Sort {A : Type } (isSetA : isSet A) (sort : SList A -> List A) where
open Membership isSetA
is-sorted : List A -> Type _
is-sorted list = ∥ fiber sort list ∥₁
is-section : Type _
is-section = ∀ xs -> list→slist (sort xs) ≡ xs
isProp-is-section : isProp is-section
isProp-is-section = isPropΠ (λ _ -> trunc _ _)
is-head-least : Type _
is-head-least = ∀ x y xs -> is-sorted (x ∷ xs) -> y ∈ (x ∷ xs) -> is-sorted (x ∷ y ∷ [])
is-tail-sort : Type _
is-tail-sort = ∀ x xs -> is-sorted (x ∷ xs) -> is-sorted xs
is-sort : Type _
is-sort = is-head-least × is-tail-sort
isProp-is-head-least : isProp is-head-least
isProp-is-head-least = isPropΠ5 λ _ _ _ _ _ -> squash₁
isProp-is-tail-sort : isProp is-tail-sort
isProp-is-tail-sort = isPropΠ3 (λ _ _ _ -> squash₁)
isProp-is-sort : isProp is-sort
isProp-is-sort = isProp× isProp-is-head-least isProp-is-tail-sort
is-sort-section : Type _
is-sort-section = is-section × is-sort
isProp-is-sort-section : isProp is-sort-section
isProp-is-sort-section = isOfHLevelΣ 1 isProp-is-section (λ _ -> isProp-is-sort)
module Section (sort≡ : is-section) where
open Membership* isSetA
list→slist-η : ∀ xs -> (x : A) -> list→slist xs ≡ [ x ]* -> xs ≡ [ x ]
list→slist-η [] x p = ⊥.rec (znots (congS S.length p))
list→slist-η (x ∷ []) y p = congS [_] ([-]-inj {ϕ = isSetA} p)
list→slist-η (x ∷ y ∷ xs) z p = ⊥.rec (snotz (injSuc (congS S.length p)))
sort-length≡-α : ∀ (xs : List A) -> L.length xs ≡ S.length (list→slist xs)
sort-length≡-α [] = refl
sort-length≡-α (x ∷ xs) = congS suc (sort-length≡-α xs)
sort-length≡ : ∀ xs -> L.length (sort xs) ≡ S.length xs
sort-length≡ xs = sort-length≡-α (sort xs) ∙ congS S.length (sort≡ xs)
length-0 : ∀ (xs : List A) -> L.length xs ≡ 0 -> xs ≡ []
length-0 [] p = refl
length-0 (x ∷ xs) p = ⊥.rec (snotz p)
sort-[] : ∀ xs -> sort xs ≡ [] -> xs ≡ []*
sort-[] xs p = sym (sort≡ xs) ∙ congS list→slist p
sort-[]' : sort []* ≡ []
sort-[]' = length-0 (sort []*) (sort-length≡ []*)
sort-[-] : ∀ x -> sort [ x ]* ≡ [ x ]
sort-[-] x = list→slist-η (sort [ x ]*) x (sort≡ [ x ]*)
sort-∈ : ∀ x xs -> x ∈* xs -> x ∈ sort xs
sort-∈ x xs p = ∈*→∈ x (sort xs) (subst (x ∈*_) (sym (sort≡ xs)) p)
sort-∈* : ∀ x xs -> x ∈ sort xs -> x ∈* xs
sort-∈* x xs p = subst (x ∈*_) (sort≡ xs) (∈→∈* x (sort xs) p)
sort-unique : ∀ xs -> is-sorted xs -> sort (list→slist xs) ≡ xs
sort-unique xs = P.rec (isOfHLevelList 0 isSetA _ xs) λ (ys , p) ->
sym (congS sort (sym (sort≡ ys) ∙ congS list→slist p)) ∙ p
sort-choice-lemma : ∀ x -> sort (x ∷* x ∷* []*) ≡ x ∷ x ∷ []
sort-choice-lemma x with sort (x ∷* x ∷* []*) | inspect sort (x ∷* x ∷* []*)
... | [] | [ p ]ᵢ = ⊥.rec (snotz (sym (sort-length≡ (x ∷* x ∷* []*)) ∙ congS L.length p))
... | x₁ ∷ [] | [ p ]ᵢ = ⊥.rec (snotz (injSuc (sym (sort-length≡ (x ∷* x ∷* []*)) ∙ congS L.length p)))
... | x₁ ∷ x₂ ∷ x₃ ∷ xs | [ p ]ᵢ = ⊥.rec (znots (injSuc (injSuc (sym (sort-length≡ (x ∷* x ∷* []*)) ∙ congS L.length p))))
... | a ∷ b ∷ [] | [ p ]ᵢ =
P.rec (isOfHLevelList 0 isSetA _ _)
(⊎.rec lemma1 (lemma1 ∘ x∈[y]→x≡y a x))
(sort-∈* a (x ∷* x ∷* []*) (subst (a ∈_) (sym p) (x∈xs a [ b ])))
lemma2 : a ≡ x -> b ≡ x -> a ∷ b ∷ [] ≡ x ∷ x ∷ []
lemma2 q r = cong₂ (λ u v -> u ∷ v ∷ []) q r
lemma1 : a ≡ x -> a ∷ b ∷ [] ≡ x ∷ x ∷ []
lemma1 q =
P.rec (isOfHLevelList 0 isSetA _ _)
(⊎.rec (lemma2 q) (lemma2 q ∘ x∈[y]→x≡y b x))
(sort-∈* b (x ∷* x ∷* []*) (subst (b ∈_) (sym p) (L.inr (L.inl refl))))
sort-choice : ∀ x y -> (sort (x ∷* y ∷* []*) ≡ x ∷ y ∷ []) ⊔′ (sort (x ∷* y ∷* []*) ≡ y ∷ x ∷ [])
sort-choice x y with sort (x ∷* y ∷* []*) | inspect sort (x ∷* y ∷* []*)
... | [] | [ p ]ᵢ = ⊥.rec (snotz (sym (sort-length≡ (x ∷* y ∷* []*)) ∙ congS L.length p))
... | x₁ ∷ [] | [ p ]ᵢ = ⊥.rec (snotz (injSuc (sym (sort-length≡ (x ∷* y ∷* []*)) ∙ congS L.length p)))
... | x₁ ∷ x₂ ∷ x₃ ∷ xs | [ p ]ᵢ = ⊥.rec (znots (injSuc (injSuc (sym (sort-length≡ (x ∷* y ∷* []*)) ∙ congS L.length p))))
... | a ∷ b ∷ [] | [ p ]ᵢ =
P.rec squash₁
(λ x≡a -> P.rec squash₁
(λ y≡a -> L.inl (sym p ∙ subst (λ u -> sort (x ∷* [ u ]*) ≡ x ∷ u ∷ []) (x≡a ∙ sym y≡a) (sort-choice-lemma x)))
(λ y∈[b] -> L.inl (cong₂ (λ u v → u ∷ v ∷ []) (sym x≡a) (sym (x∈[y]→x≡y y b y∈[b]))))
(subst (y ∈_) p (sort-∈ y (x ∷* y ∷* []*) (L.inr (L.inl refl))))
(λ x∈[b] -> P.rec squash₁
(λ y≡a -> L.inr (cong₂ (λ u v → u ∷ v ∷ []) (sym y≡a) (sym (x∈[y]→x≡y x b x∈[b]))))
(λ y∈[b] ->
let x≡y = (x∈[y]→x≡y x b x∈[b]) ∙ sym (x∈[y]→x≡y y b y∈[b])
in L.inl (sym p ∙ subst (λ u -> sort (x ∷* [ u ]*) ≡ x ∷ u ∷ []) x≡y (sort-choice-lemma x))
(subst (y ∈_) p (sort-∈ y (x ∷* y ∷* []*) (L.inr (L.inl refl))))
(subst (x ∈_) p (sort-∈ x (x ∷* y ∷* []*) (L.inl refl)))

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@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --exact-split -WnoUnsupportedIndexedMatch --safe #-}
module Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Sort.Equiv where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order renaming (_≤_ to _≤_; _<_ to _<_)
open import Cubical.Data.Sum as ⊎
open import Cubical.Data.Maybe as Maybe
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as ⊥
open import Cubical.Induction.WellFounded
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Order
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary.HLevels
open import Cubical.Data.List
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as P
open import Cubical.Functions.Embedding
import Cubical.Data.List as L
open import Cubical.Functions.Logic as L hiding (¬_; ⊥)
import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.Desc as M
import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.Desc as M
import Cubical.Structures.Free as F
open import Cubical.Structures.Sig
open import Cubical.Structures.Str public
open import Cubical.Structures.Tree
open import Cubical.Structures.Eq
open import Cubical.Structures.Arity
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.List
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Base renaming (_∷_ to _∷*_; [] to []*; [_] to [_]*; _++_ to _++*_)
import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Base as S
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Length as S
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Membership as S
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Sort.Base
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Sort.Sort
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Sort.Order
open Iso
: Level
A : Type
module Sort↔Order { : Level} {A : Type } (isSetA : isSet A) where
open Sort isSetA
open Sort.Section isSetA
open Sort→Order isSetA
open Order→Sort
open IsToset
IsDecOrder : (A -> A -> Type ) -> Type _
IsDecOrder _≤_ = IsToset _≤_ × (∀ x y -> Dec (x ≤ y))
HasDecOrder : Type _
HasDecOrder = Σ _ IsDecOrder
IsHeadLeastSection : (SList A -> List A) -> Type _
IsHeadLeastSection q = is-section q × is-head-least q
IsSortSection : (SList A -> List A) -> Type _
IsSortSection q = is-section q × is-head-least q × is-tail-sort q
HasHeadLeastSectionAndIsDiscrete : Type _
HasHeadLeastSectionAndIsDiscrete = (Σ _ IsHeadLeastSection) × (Discrete A)
HasSortSectionAndIsDiscrete : Type _
HasSortSectionAndIsDiscrete = (Σ _ IsSortSection) × (Discrete A)
IsSortSection→IsHeadLeastSection : ∀ q -> IsSortSection q -> IsHeadLeastSection q
IsSortSection→IsHeadLeastSection q (section , head-least , _) = section , head-least
order→sort : HasDecOrder -> HasSortSectionAndIsDiscrete
order→sort (_≤_ , isToset , isDec) =
(sort _≤_ isToset isDec , subst (λ isSetA' -> isSetA' (sort _≤_ isToset isDec)) (isPropIsSet _ _) (Order→Sort.sort-is-sort-section _≤_ isToset isDec)) , isDiscreteA _≤_ isToset isDec
order→head-least : HasDecOrder -> HasHeadLeastSectionAndIsDiscrete
order→head-least p = let ((q , q-is-sort) , r) = order→sort p in (q , IsSortSection→IsHeadLeastSection q q-is-sort) , r
head-least→order : HasHeadLeastSectionAndIsDiscrete -> HasDecOrder
head-least→order ((s , s-is-section , s-is-sort) , discA) =
_≤_ s s-is-section , ≤-isToset s s-is-section s-is-sort , dec-≤ s s-is-section discA
sort→order : HasSortSectionAndIsDiscrete -> HasDecOrder
sort→order ((q , q-is-sort) , r) = head-least→order ((q , IsSortSection→IsHeadLeastSection q q-is-sort) , r)
order→head-least→order : ∀ x -> head-least→order (order→head-least x) ≡ x
order→head-least→order (_≤_ , isToset , isDec) =
Σ≡Prop (λ _≤'_ -> isOfHLevelΣ 1 (isPropIsToset _) (λ p -> isPropΠ2 λ x y -> isPropDec (is-prop-valued p x y))) (sym ≤-≡)
_≤*_ : A -> A -> Type _
_≤*_ = head-least→order (order→head-least (_≤_ , isToset , isDec)) .fst
≤*-isToset : IsToset _≤*_
≤*-isToset = head-least→order (order→head-least (_≤_ , isToset , isDec)) .snd .fst
iso-to : ∀ x y -> x ≤ y -> x ≤* y
iso-to x y x≤y with isDec x y
... | yes p = refl
... | no ¬p = ⊥.rec (¬p x≤y)
iso-from : ∀ x y -> x ≤* y -> x ≤ y
iso-from x y x≤y with isDec x y
... | yes p = p
... | no ¬p = ⊥.rec (¬p (subst (_≤ y) (just-inj y x x≤y) (is-refl isToset y)))
iso-≤ : ∀ x y -> Iso (x ≤ y) (x ≤* y)
iso-≤ x y = iso (iso-to x y) (iso-from x y) (λ p -> is-prop-valued ≤*-isToset x y _ p) (λ p -> is-prop-valued isToset x y _ p)
≤-≡ : _≤_ ≡ _≤*_
≤-≡ = funExt λ x -> funExt λ y -> isoToPath (iso-≤ x y)
sort→order→sort : ∀ x -> order→sort (sort→order x) ≡ x
sort→order→sort ((s , s-is-section , s-is-sort) , discA) =
Σ≡Prop (λ _ -> isPropDiscrete)
$ Σ≡Prop isProp-is-sort-section
$ sym
$ funExt λ xs -> unique-sort' _≤*_ ≤*-isToset ≤*-dec s xs (s-is-section , _₁ ∘ s-is-sort')
s' : SList A -> List A
s' = order→sort (sort→order ((s , s-is-section , s-is-sort) , discA)) .fst .fst
s'-is-sort-section : is-sort-section s'
s'-is-sort-section = order→sort (sort→order ((s , s-is-section , s-is-sort) , discA)) .fst .snd
_≤*_ : A -> A -> Type _
_≤*_ = _≤_ s s-is-section
≤*-isToset : IsToset _≤*_
≤*-isToset = ≤-isToset s s-is-section (s-is-sort .fst)
≤*-dec : ∀ x y -> Dec (x ≤* y)
≤*-dec = dec-≤ s s-is-section discA
Sorted* : List A -> Type _
Sorted* = Sorted _≤*_ ≤*-isToset ≤*-dec
s-is-sort'' : ∀ xs n -> n ≡ L.length (s xs) -> Sorted* (s xs)
s-is-sort'' xs n p with n | s xs | inspect s xs
... | zero | [] | _ = sorted-nil
... | zero | y ∷ ys | _ = ⊥.rec (znots p)
... | suc _ | [] | _ = ⊥.rec (snotz p)
... | suc _ | y ∷ [] | _ = sorted-one y
... | suc m | y ∷ z ∷ zs | [ q ]ᵢ = induction (s-is-sort'' (list→slist (z ∷ zs)) m (injSuc p ∙ wit))
wit : suc (L.length zs) ≡ L.length (s (list→slist (z ∷ zs)))
wit = sym $
L.length (s (list→slist (z ∷ zs))) ≡⟨ sort-length≡ s s-is-section (list→slist (z ∷ zs)) ⟩
S.length (list→slist (z ∷ zs)) ≡⟨ sym (sort-length≡-α s s-is-section (z ∷ zs)) ⟩
L.length (z ∷ zs) ∎
z∷zs-sorted : s (list→slist (z ∷ zs)) ≡ z ∷ zs
z∷zs-sorted = sort-unique s s-is-section (z ∷ zs) (s-is-sort .snd y (z ∷ zs) _ , q ∣₁)
induction : Sorted* (s (list→slist (z ∷ zs))) -> Sorted* (y ∷ z ∷ zs)
induction IH =
sorted-cons y z zs
(is-sorted→≤ s s-is-section y z (s-is-sort .fst y z _ _ , q ∣₁ (L.inr (L.inl refl))))
(subst Sorted* z∷zs-sorted IH)
s-is-sort' : ∀ xs -> Sorted* (s xs)
s-is-sort' xs = s-is-sort'' xs (L.length (s xs)) refl helps with termination checking
without tail sort, we cannot construct a full equivalence
order⊂head-least : isEmbedding order→head-least
order⊂head-least = injEmbedding (isSet× (isSetΣ (isSetΠ (λ _ -> isOfHLevelList 0 isSetA)) λ q -> isProp→isSet (isProp× (isProp-is-section q) (isProp-is-head-least q))) (isProp→isSet isPropDiscrete))
(λ p -> sym (order→head-least→order _) ∙ congS head-least→order p ∙ order→head-least→order _)
with tail sort, we can construct a full equivalence
sort↔order : Iso HasDecOrder HasSortSectionAndIsDiscrete
sort↔order = iso order→sort sort→order sort→order→sort order→head-least→order

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@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe --exact-split -WnoUnsupportedIndexedMatch #-}
module Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Sort.Order where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order renaming (_≤_ to _≤_; _<_ to _<_)
open import Cubical.Data.Sum as ⊎
open import Cubical.Data.Maybe as Maybe
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as ⊥
open import Cubical.Induction.WellFounded
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Order
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary.HLevels
open import Cubical.Data.List
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as P
import Cubical.Data.List as L
open import Cubical.Functions.Logic as L hiding (¬_; ⊥)
import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.Desc as M
import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.Desc as M
import Cubical.Structures.Free as F
open import Cubical.Structures.Sig
open import Cubical.Structures.Str public
open import Cubical.Structures.Tree
open import Cubical.Structures.Eq
open import Cubical.Structures.Arity
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.List
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Base renaming (_∷_ to _∷*_; [] to []*; [_] to [_]*; _++_ to _++*_)
import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Base as S
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Length as S
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Membership as S
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Sort.Base
open Iso
: Level
A : Type
module Order→Sort {A : Type } (_≤_ : A -> A -> Type ) (≤-isToset : IsToset _≤_) (_≤?_ : ∀ x y -> Dec (x ≤ y)) where
open IsToset ≤-isToset
open Membership is-set
open Membership* is-set
isDiscreteA : Discrete A
isDiscreteA x y with x ≤? y | y ≤? x
... | yes p | yes q = yes (is-antisym x y p q)
... | yes p | no ¬q = no λ r -> ¬q (subst (_≤ x) r (is-refl x))
... | no ¬p | yes q = no λ r -> ¬p (subst (x ≤_) r (is-refl x))
... | no ¬p | no ¬q = ⊥.rec $ P.rec isProp⊥ (⊎.rec ¬p ¬q) (is-strongly-connected x y)
A-is-loset : Loset _ _
A-is-loset = Toset→Loset (A , tosetstr _≤_ ≤-isToset) isDiscreteA
_<_ : A -> A -> Type
_<_ = LosetStr._<_ (A-is-loset .snd)
<-isLoset : IsLoset _<_
<-isLoset = LosetStr.isLoset (A-is-loset .snd)
insert : A -> List A -> List A
insert x [] = [ x ]
insert x (y ∷ ys) with x ≤? y
... | yes p = x ∷ y ∷ ys
... | no ¬p = y ∷ insert x ys
insert-β-1 : ∀ x y ys -> x ≤ y -> insert x (y ∷ ys) ≡ x ∷ y ∷ ys
insert-β-1 x y ys p with x ≤? y
... | yes _ = refl
... | no ¬p = ⊥.rec (¬p p)
insert-β-2 : ∀ x y ys -> ¬ (x ≤ y) -> insert x (y ∷ ys) ≡ y ∷ insert x ys
insert-β-2 x y ys ¬p with x ≤? y
... | yes p = ⊥.rec (¬p p)
... | no ¬_ = refl
insert-≤ : ∀ x y xs ys -> insert x (insert y xs) ≡ x ∷ y ∷ ys -> x ≤ y
insert-≤ x y [] ys p with x ≤? y
... | yes x≤y = x≤y
... | no ¬x≤y = subst (_≤ y) (cons-inj₁ p) (is-refl y)
insert-≤ x y (z ∷ zs) ys p with y ≤? z
... | yes y≤z = lemma
lemma : x ≤ y
lemma with x ≤? y
... | yes x≤y = x≤y
... | no ¬x≤y = subst (_≤ y) (cons-inj₁ p) (is-refl y)
... | no ¬y≤z = lemma
lemma : x ≤ y
lemma with x ≤? z
... | yes x≤z = subst (x ≤_) (cons-inj₁ (cons-inj₂ p)) x≤z
... | no ¬x≤z = ⊥.rec (¬x≤z (subst (_≤ z) (cons-inj₁ p) (is-refl z)))
insert-cons : ∀ x xs ys -> x ∷ xs ≡ insert x ys -> xs ≡ ys
insert-cons x xs [] p = cons-inj₂ p
insert-cons x xs (y ∷ ys) p with x ≤? y
... | yes x≤y = cons-inj₂ p
... | no ¬x≤y = ⊥.rec (¬x≤y (subst (x ≤_) (cons-inj₁ p) (is-refl x)))
not-total-impossible : ∀ {x y} -> ¬(x ≤ y) -> ¬(y ≤ x) -> ⊥
not-total-impossible {x} {y} p q =
P.rec isProp⊥ (⊎.rec p q) (is-strongly-connected x y)
insert-insert : ∀ x y xs -> insert x (insert y xs) ≡ insert y (insert x xs)
insert-insert x y [] with x ≤? y | y ≤? x
... | yes x≤y | no ¬y≤x = refl
... | no ¬x≤y | yes y≤x = refl
... | no ¬x≤y | no ¬y≤x = ⊥.rec (not-total-impossible ¬x≤y ¬y≤x)
... | yes x≤y | yes y≤x = let x≡y = is-antisym x y x≤y y≤x in cong₂ (λ u v -> u ∷ v ∷ []) x≡y (sym x≡y)
insert-insert x y (z ∷ zs) with y ≤? z | x ≤? z
... | yes y≤z | yes x≤z = case1 y≤z x≤z
case1 : y ≤ z -> x ≤ z -> insert x (y ∷ z ∷ zs) ≡ insert y (x ∷ z ∷ zs)
case1 y≤z x≤z with x ≤? y | y ≤? x
... | yes x≤y | yes y≤x = let x≡y = is-antisym x y x≤y y≤x in cong₂ (λ u v -> (u ∷ v ∷ z ∷ zs)) x≡y (sym x≡y)
... | yes x≤y | no ¬y≤x = sym (congS (x ∷_) (insert-β-1 y z zs y≤z))
... | no ¬x≤y | yes y≤x = congS (y ∷_) (insert-β-1 x z zs x≤z)
... | no ¬x≤y | no ¬y≤x = ⊥.rec (not-total-impossible ¬x≤y ¬y≤x)
... | yes y≤z | no ¬x≤z = case2 y≤z ¬x≤z
case2 : y ≤ z -> ¬(x ≤ z) -> insert x (y ∷ z ∷ zs) ≡ insert y (z ∷ insert x zs)
case2 y≤z ¬x≤z with x ≤? y
... | yes x≤y = ⊥.rec (¬x≤z (is-trans x y z x≤y y≤z))
... | no ¬x≤y = congS (y ∷_) (insert-β-2 x z zs ¬x≤z) ∙ sym (insert-β-1 y z _ y≤z)
... | no ¬y≤z | yes x≤z = case3 ¬y≤z x≤z
case3 : ¬(y ≤ z) -> x ≤ z -> insert x (z ∷ insert y zs) ≡ insert y (x ∷ z ∷ zs)
case3 ¬y≤z x≤z with y ≤? x
... | yes y≤x = ⊥.rec (¬y≤z (is-trans y x z y≤x x≤z))
... | no ¬y≤x = insert-β-1 x z _ x≤z ∙ congS (x ∷_) (sym (insert-β-2 y z zs ¬y≤z))
... | no ¬y≤z | no ¬x≤z =
insert x (z ∷ insert y zs) ≡⟨ insert-β-2 x z _ ¬x≤z ⟩
z ∷ insert x (insert y zs) ≡⟨ congS (z ∷_) (insert-insert x y zs) ⟩
z ∷ insert y (insert x zs) ≡⟨ sym (insert-β-2 y z _ ¬y≤z) ⟩
insert y (z ∷ insert x zs) ∎
sort : SList A -> List A
sort = Elim.f []
(λ x xs -> insert x xs)
(λ x y xs -> insert-insert x y xs)
(λ _ -> isOfHLevelList 0 is-set)
insert-is-permute : ∀ x xs -> list→slist (x ∷ xs) ≡ list→slist (insert x xs)
insert-is-permute x [] = refl
insert-is-permute x (y ∷ ys) with x ≤? y
... | yes p = refl
... | no ¬p =
x ∷* y ∷* list→slist ys ≡⟨ swap x y _ ⟩
y ∷* x ∷* list→slist ys ≡⟨ congS (y ∷*_) (insert-is-permute x ys) ⟩
y ∷* list→slist (insert x ys) ∎
open Sort is-set
sort-is-permute : is-section sort
sort-is-permute = ElimProp.f (trunc _ _) refl lemma
lemma : ∀ x {xs} p -> list→slist (sort (x ∷* xs)) ≡ x ∷* xs
lemma x {xs} p = sym $
x ∷* xs ≡⟨ congS (x ∷*_) (sym p) ⟩
list→slist (x ∷ sort xs) ≡⟨ insert-is-permute x (sort xs) ⟩
list→slist (insert x (sort xs)) ≡⟨⟩
list→slist (sort (x ∷* xs)) ∎
tail-is-sorted : ∀ x xs -> is-sorted sort (x ∷ xs) -> is-sorted sort xs
tail-is-sorted x xs = P.rec squash₁ (uncurry lemma)
lemma : ∀ ys p -> is-sorted sort xs
lemma ys p = (list→slist xs) , sym (insert-cons x _ _ sort-proof) ∣₁
ys-proof : ys ≡ x ∷* list→slist xs
ys-proof = sym (sort-is-permute ys) ∙ (congS list→slist p)
sort-proof : x ∷ xs ≡ insert x (sort (list→slist xs))
sort-proof = sym p ∙ congS sort ys-proof
data Sorted : List A -> Type where
sorted-nil : Sorted []
sorted-one : ∀ x -> Sorted [ x ]
sorted-cons : ∀ x y zs -> x ≤ y -> Sorted (y ∷ zs) -> Sorted (x ∷ y ∷ zs)
open Sort.Section is-set
is-sort' : (SList A -> List A) -> Type _
is-sort' f = (∀ xs -> list→slist (f xs) ≡ xs) × (∀ xs -> ∥ Sorted (f xs) ∥₁)
tail-sorted' : ∀ {x xs} -> Sorted (x ∷ xs) -> Sorted xs
tail-sorted' (sorted-one ._) = sorted-nil
tail-sorted' (sorted-cons ._ _ _ _ p) = p
≤-tail : ∀ {x y ys} -> y ∈ (x ∷ ys) -> Sorted (x ∷ ys) -> x ≤ y
≤-tail {y = y} p (sorted-one x) = subst (_≤ y) (x∈[y]→x≡y y x p) (is-refl y)
≤-tail {x} {y = z} p (sorted-cons x y zs q r) =
P.rec (is-prop-valued x z)
(λ z≡x -> subst (x ≤_) (sym z≡x) (is-refl x))
(λ z∈ys -> is-trans x y z q (≤-tail z∈ys r))
) p
smallest-sorted : ∀ x xs -> (∀ y -> y ∈ xs -> x ≤ y) -> Sorted xs -> Sorted (x ∷ xs)
smallest-sorted x .[] p sorted-nil =
sorted-one x
smallest-sorted x .([ y ]) p (sorted-one y) =
sorted-cons x y [] (p y (x∈[x] y)) (sorted-one y)
smallest-sorted x .(_ ∷ _ ∷ _) p (sorted-cons y z zs y≤z r) =
sorted-cons x y (z ∷ zs) (p y (x∈xs y (z ∷ zs))) (smallest-sorted y (z ∷ zs) lemma r)
lemma : ∀ a -> a ∈ (z ∷ zs) -> y ≤ a
lemma a = P.rec (is-prop-valued y a) $ ⊎.rec
(λ a≡z -> subst (y ≤_) (sym a≡z) y≤z)
(λ a∈zs -> is-trans y z a y≤z (≤-tail (L.inr a∈zs) r))
insert-∈ : ∀ {x} {y} ys -> x ∈ insert y ys -> x ∈ (y ∷ ys)
insert-∈ {x} {y} ys p = ∈*→∈ x (y ∷ ys)
(subst (x ∈*_) (sym (insert-is-permute y ys)) (∈→∈* x (insert y ys) p))
insert-is-sorted : ∀ x xs -> Sorted xs -> Sorted (insert x xs)
insert-is-sorted x [] p = sorted-one x
insert-is-sorted x (y ∷ ys) p with x ≤? y
... | yes q = sorted-cons x y ys q p
... | no ¬q = smallest-sorted y (insert x ys) (lemma ys p) IH
IH : Sorted (insert x ys)
IH = insert-is-sorted x ys (tail-sorted' p)
y≤x : y ≤ x
y≤x = P.rec (is-prop-valued y x) (⊎.rec (idfun _) (⊥.rec ∘ ¬q)) (is-strongly-connected y x)
lemma : ∀ zs -> Sorted (y ∷ zs) -> ∀ z -> z ∈ insert x zs → y ≤ z
lemma zs p z r = P.rec (is-prop-valued y z)
(⊎.rec (λ z≡x -> subst (y ≤_) (sym z≡x) y≤x) (λ z∈zs -> ≤-tail (L.inr z∈zs) p)) (insert-∈ zs r)
sort-is-sorted' : ∀ xs -> ∥ Sorted (sort xs) ∥₁
sort-is-sorted' = ElimProp.f squash₁ sorted-nil ∣₁
λ x -> P.rec squash₁ λ p -> (insert-is-sorted x _ p) ∣₁
sort-is-sorted'' : ∀ xs -> is-sorted sort xs -> ∥ Sorted xs ∥₁
sort-is-sorted'' xs = P.rec squash₁ λ (ys , p) -> (subst Sorted p) (sort-is-sorted' ys)
Step 1. show both sort xs and sort->order->sort xs give sorted list
Step 2. apply this lemma
Step 3. get sort->order->sort = sort
unique-sorted-xs : ∀ xs ys -> list→slist xs ≡ list→slist ys -> Sorted xs -> Sorted ys -> xs ≡ ys
unique-sorted-xs [] [] p xs-sorted ys-sorted = refl
unique-sorted-xs [] (y ∷ ys) p xs-sorted ys-sorted = ⊥.rec (znots (congS S.length p))
unique-sorted-xs (x ∷ xs) [] p xs-sorted ys-sorted = ⊥.rec (snotz (congS S.length p))
unique-sorted-xs (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys) p xs-sorted ys-sorted =
cong₂ _∷_ x≡y (unique-sorted-xs xs ys xs≡ys (tail-sorted' xs-sorted) (tail-sorted' ys-sorted))
x≤y : x ≤ y
x≤y = ≤-tail (∈*→∈ y (x ∷ xs) (subst (y ∈*_) (sym p) (L.inl refl))) xs-sorted
y≤x : y ≤ x
y≤x = ≤-tail (∈*→∈ x (y ∷ ys) (subst (x ∈*_) p (L.inl refl))) ys-sorted
x≡y : x ≡ y
x≡y = is-antisym x y x≤y y≤x
xs≡ys : list→slist xs ≡ list→slist ys
xs≡ys =
list→slist xs ≡⟨ remove1-≡-lemma isDiscreteA (list→slist xs) refl ⟩
remove1 isDiscreteA x (list→slist (x ∷ xs)) ≡⟨ congS (remove1 isDiscreteA x) p ⟩
remove1 isDiscreteA x (list→slist (y ∷ ys)) ≡⟨ sym (remove1-≡-lemma isDiscreteA (list→slist ys) x≡y) ⟩
list→slist ys ∎
unique-sort : ∀ f -> is-sort' f -> f ≡ sort
unique-sort f (f-is-permute , f-is-sorted) = funExt λ xs ->
P.rec2 (isOfHLevelList 0 is-set _ _)
(unique-sorted-xs (f xs) (sort xs) (f-is-permute xs ∙ sym (sort-is-permute xs)))
(f-is-sorted xs)
(sort-is-sorted' xs)
unique-sort' : ∀ f xs -> is-sort' f -> f xs ≡ sort xs
unique-sort' f xs p = congS (λ g -> g xs) (unique-sort f p)
sort→order-lemma : ∀ x y xs -> is-sorted sort (x ∷ y ∷ xs) -> x ≤ y
sort→order-lemma x y xs = P.rec (is-prop-valued x y) (uncurry lemma)
lemma : ∀ ys p -> x ≤ y
lemma ys p = insert-≤ x y (sort tail) xs (congS sort tail-proof ∙ p)
tail : SList A
tail = list→slist xs
tail-proof : x ∷* y ∷* tail ≡ ys
tail-proof = sym (congS list→slist p) ∙ sort-is-permute ys
sort→order : ∀ x y xs -> is-sorted sort (x ∷ xs) -> y ∈ (x ∷ xs) -> x ≤ y
sort→order x y [] p y∈xs = subst (_≤ y) (x∈[y]→x≡y y x y∈xs) (is-refl y)
sort→order x y (z ∷ zs) p y∈x∷z∷zs with isDiscreteA x y
... | yes x≡y = subst (x ≤_) x≡y (is-refl x)
... | no ¬x≡y =
P.rec (is-prop-valued x y) (⊎.rec (⊥.rec ∘ ¬x≡y ∘ sym) lemma) y∈x∷z∷zs
lemma : y ∈ (z ∷ zs) -> x ≤ y
lemma y∈z∷zs = is-trans x z y
(sort→order-lemma x z zs p)
(sort→order z y zs (tail-is-sorted x (z ∷ zs) p) y∈z∷zs)
sort-is-head-least : is-head-least sort
sort-is-head-least x y xs p y∈xs = (x ∷* y ∷* []* , insert-β-1 x y [] (sort→order x y xs p y∈xs)) ∣₁
sort-is-sort-section : is-sort-section sort
sort-is-sort-section = sort-is-permute , sort-is-head-least , tail-is-sorted
swap1-2 : List A -> List A
swap1-2 [] = []
swap1-2 (x ∷ []) = x ∷ []
swap1-2 (x ∷ y ∷ xs) = y ∷ x ∷ xs
swap1-2-id : ∀ xs -> swap1-2 (swap1-2 xs) ≡ xs
swap1-2-id [] = refl
swap1-2-id (x ∷ []) = refl
swap1-2-id (x ∷ y ∷ xs) = refl
swap2-3 : List A -> List A
swap2-3 [] = []
swap2-3 (x ∷ xs) = x ∷ swap1-2 xs
swap2-3-id : ∀ xs -> swap2-3 (swap2-3 xs) ≡ xs
swap2-3-id [] = refl
swap2-3-id (x ∷ xs) = congS (x ∷_) (swap1-2-id xs)
swap2-3-is-permute : ∀ f -> is-section f -> is-section (swap2-3 ∘ f)
swap2-3-is-permute f f-is-permute xs with f xs | inspect f xs
... | [] | [ p ]ᵢ = sym (congS list→slist p) ∙ f-is-permute xs
... | x ∷ [] | [ p ]ᵢ = sym (congS list→slist p) ∙ f-is-permute xs
... | x ∷ y ∷ [] | [ p ]ᵢ = sym (congS list→slist p) ∙ f-is-permute xs
... | x ∷ y ∷ z ∷ ys | [ p ]ᵢ =
x ∷* z ∷* y ∷* list→slist ys ≡⟨ congS (x ∷*_) (swap z y (list→slist ys)) ⟩
x ∷* y ∷* z ∷* list→slist ys ≡⟨ sym (congS list→slist p) ⟩
list→slist (f xs) ≡⟨ f-is-permute xs ⟩
xs ∎
head-least-only : SList A -> List A
head-least-only = swap2-3 ∘ sort
head-least-only-is-permute : is-section head-least-only
head-least-only-is-permute = swap2-3-is-permute sort sort-is-permute
head-least-is-same-for-2 : ∀ u v -> is-sorted sort (u ∷ v ∷ []) -> is-sorted head-least-only (u ∷ v ∷ [])
head-least-is-same-for-2 u v = λ (ys , q) -> ys , congS swap2-3 q
head-least→sorted : ∀ x xs -> is-sorted head-least-only (x ∷ xs) -> is-sorted sort (x ∷ swap1-2 xs)
head-least→sorted x [] = λ (ys , q) -> ys , sym (swap2-3-id (sort ys)) ∙ congS swap2-3 q
head-least→sorted x (y ∷ []) = λ (ys , q) -> ys , sym (swap2-3-id (sort ys)) ∙ congS swap2-3 q
head-least→sorted x (y ∷ z ∷ xs) = λ (ys , q) -> ys , sym (swap2-3-id (sort ys)) ∙ congS swap2-3 q
swap1-2-∈ : ∀ x xs -> x ∈ xs -> x ∈ swap1-2 xs
swap1-2-∈ x [] x∈ = x∈
swap1-2-∈ x (y ∷ []) x∈ = x∈
swap1-2-∈ x (y ∷ z ∷ xs) = P.rec squash₁
(⊎.rec (L.inr ∘ L.inl) (P.rec squash₁ (⊎.rec L.inl (L.inr ∘ L.inr))))
swap2-3-∈ : ∀ x xs -> x ∈ xs -> x ∈ swap2-3 xs
swap2-3-∈ x (y ∷ xs) = P.rec squash₁ (⊎.rec L.inl (L.inr ∘ swap1-2-∈ x xs))
is-sorted→≤ : ∀ {x y} -> is-sorted sort (x ∷ y ∷ []) -> x ≤ y
is-sorted→≤ {x} {y} p = P.rec (is-prop-valued x y)
(≤-tail {ys = y ∷ []} (L.inr (L.inl refl)))
(sort-is-sorted'' (x ∷ y ∷ []) p)
head-least-tail-sort→x≡y : ∀ x y -> is-tail-sort head-least-only -> x ≤ y -> x ≡ y
head-least-tail-sort→x≡y x y h-tail-sort x≤y =
is-antisym x y x≤y (is-sorted→≤ (lemma1 x ∷* x ∷* y ∷* []* , lemma2 ∣₁))
[1, 2, 3] sorted by sort -> [1, 3, 2] sorted by head-least -> [3, 2] sorted by head-least -> [3, 2] sorted by sort
lemma1 : is-sorted sort (x ∷ x ∷ y ∷ []) -> is-sorted sort (y ∷ x ∷ [])
lemma1 = P.rec squash₁ λ (ys , q) -> head-least→sorted y [ x ] (h-tail-sort x _ ys , congS swap2-3 q ∣₁)
lemma2 : sort (x ∷* x ∷* [ y ]*) ≡ x ∷ x ∷ y ∷ []
lemma2 =
insert x (insert x [ y ]) ≡⟨ congS (insert x) (insert-β-1 x y [] x≤y) ⟩
insert x (x ∷ y ∷ []) ≡⟨ insert-β-1 x x [ y ] (is-refl x) ⟩
x ∷ x ∷ [ y ] ∎
head-least-only-is-head-least : is-head-least head-least-only
head-least-only-is-head-least x y xs p y∈xs = head-least-is-same-for-2 x y
(sort-is-head-least x y (swap1-2 xs) (head-least→sorted x xs p) (swap2-3-∈ y (x ∷ xs) y∈xs))
head-least-tail-sort→isProp-A : is-tail-sort head-least-only -> isProp A
head-least-tail-sort→isProp-A h-tail-sort x y = P.rec (is-set _ _)
(⊎.rec (head-least-tail-sort→x≡y x y h-tail-sort) (sym ∘ (head-least-tail-sort→x≡y y x h-tail-sort)))
(is-strongly-connected x y)
module Order→Sort-Example where
≤ℕ-isToset : IsToset _≤_
≤ℕ-isToset = istoset isSet
(λ _ _ -> isProp≤)
(λ _ -> ≤-refl)
(λ _ _ _ -> ≤-trans)
(λ _ _ -> ≤-antisym)
<→≤ : ∀ {n m} -> n < m -> n ≤ℕ m
<→≤ (k , p) = suc k , sym (+-suc k _) ∙ p
lemma : BinaryRelation.isStronglyConnected _≤_
lemma x y = ⊎.rec ⊎.inl (_⊎_.inr ∘ <→≤) (split-≤ x y) ∣₁
open Order→Sort _≤_ ≤ℕ-isToset ≤Dec
_ : sort (4 ∷* 6 ∷* 1 ∷* 2 ∷* []*) ≡ (1 ∷ 2 ∷ 4 ∷ 6 ∷ [])
_ = refl

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@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe --exact-split -WnoUnsupportedIndexedMatch #-}
module Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Sort.Sort where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order renaming (_≤_ to _≤_; _<_ to _<_)
open import Cubical.Data.Sum as ⊎
open import Cubical.Data.Maybe as Maybe
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as ⊥
open import Cubical.Induction.WellFounded
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Order
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary.HLevels
open import Cubical.Data.List
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as P
import Cubical.Data.List as L
open import Cubical.Functions.Logic as L hiding (¬_; ⊥)
import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.Desc as M
import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.Desc as M
import Cubical.Structures.Free as F
open import Cubical.Structures.Sig
open import Cubical.Structures.Str public
open import Cubical.Structures.Tree
open import Cubical.Structures.Eq
open import Cubical.Structures.Arity
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.List
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Base renaming (_∷_ to _∷*_; [] to []*; [_] to [_]*; _++_ to _++*_)
import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Base as S
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Length as S
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Membership as S
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Sort.Base
open Iso
: Level
A : Type
module Sort→Order (isSetA : isSet A) (sort : SList A -> List A) (sort≡ : ∀ xs -> list→slist (sort xs) ≡ xs) where
isSetMaybeA : isSet (Maybe A)
isSetMaybeA = isOfHLevelMaybe 0 isSetA
isSetListA : isSet (List A)
isSetListA = isOfHLevelList 0 isSetA
module 𝔖 = M.CMonSEq < SList A , slist-α > slist-sat
open Membership isSetA
open Membership* isSetA
open Sort isSetA sort
open Sort.Section isSetA sort sort≡
least : SList A -> Maybe A
least xs = head-maybe (sort xs)
least-nothing : ∀ xs -> least xs ≡ nothing -> xs ≡ []*
least-nothing xs p with sort xs | inspect sort xs
... | [] | [ q ]ᵢ = sort-[] xs q
... | y ∷ ys | [ q ]ᵢ = ⊥.rec (¬just≡nothing p)
least-Σ : ∀ x xs -> least xs ≡ just x -> Σ[ ys ∈ List A ] (sort xs ≡ x ∷ ys)
least-Σ x xs p with sort xs
... | [] = ⊥.rec (¬nothing≡just p)
... | y ∷ ys = ys , congS (_∷ ys) (just-inj y x p)
least-in : ∀ x xs -> least xs ≡ just x -> x ∈* xs
least-in x xs p =
let (ys , q) = least-Σ x xs p
x∷ys≡xs = congS list→slist (sym q) ∙ sort≡ xs
in subst (x ∈*_) x∷ys≡xs (x∈*xs x (list→slist ys))
least-choice : ∀ x y -> (least (x ∷* [ y ]*) ≡ just x) ⊔′ (least (x ∷* [ y ]*) ≡ just y)
least-choice x y = P.rec squash₁
(L.inl ∘ congS head-maybe)
(L.inr ∘ congS head-maybe)
(sort-choice x y)
_≤_ : A -> A -> Type _
x ≤ y = least (x ∷* y ∷* []*) ≡ just x
isProp-≤ : ∀ {a} {b} -> isProp (a ≤ b)
isProp-≤ = isSetMaybeA _ _
≤-Prop : ∀ x y -> hProp _
≤-Prop x y = (x ≤ y) , isProp-≤
refl-≤ : ∀ x -> x ≤ x
refl-≤ x = P.rec isProp-≤ (⊎.rec (idfun _) (idfun _)) (least-choice x x)
antisym-≤ : ∀ x y -> x ≤ y -> y ≤ x -> x ≡ y
antisym-≤ x y p q = P.rec (isSetA x y)
(λ xy -> just-inj x y $
just x ≡⟨ sym xy ⟩
least (x ∷* y ∷* []*) ≡⟨ congS least (swap x y []*) ⟩
least (y ∷* x ∷* []*) ≡⟨ q ⟩
just y
(λ yx -> just-inj x y $
just x ≡⟨ sym p ⟩
least (x ∷* [ y ]*) ≡⟨ yx ⟩
just y
(least-choice x y)
total-≤ : ∀ x y -> (x ≤ y) ⊔′ (y ≤ x)
total-≤ x y = P.rec squash₁
(λ p -> L.inr $
least (y ∷* [ x ]*) ≡⟨ congS least (swap y x []*) ⟩
least (x ∷* [ y ]*) ≡⟨ p ⟩
just y
(least-choice x y)
dec-≤ : (discA : Discrete A) -> ∀ x y -> Dec (x ≤ y)
dec-≤ discA x y = discreteMaybe discA _ _
is-sorted→≤ : ∀ x y -> is-sorted (x ∷ y ∷ []) -> x ≤ y
is-sorted→≤ x y = P.rec (isSetMaybeA _ _) λ (xs , p) ->
congS head-maybe (congS sort (sym (sym (sort≡ xs) ∙ congS list→slist p)) ∙ p)
module _ (sort-is-sort : is-head-least) where
trans-≤ : ∀ x y z -> x ≤ y -> y ≤ z -> x ≤ z
trans-≤ x y z x≤y y≤z with least (x ∷* y ∷* z ∷* []*) | inspect least (x ∷* y ∷* z ∷* []*)
... | nothing | [ p ]ᵢ = ⊥.rec (snotz (congS S.length (least-nothing _ p)))
... | just u | [ p ]ᵢ =
P.rec (isSetMaybeA _ _)
(⊎.rec case1
(P.rec (isSetMaybeA _ _)
(⊎.rec case2 (case3 ∘ x∈[y]→x≡y _ _))
(least-in u (x ∷* y ∷* z ∷* []*) p)
tail' : Σ[ xs ∈ List A ] u ∷ xs ≡ sort (x ∷* y ∷* z ∷* []*)
tail' with sort (x ∷* y ∷* z ∷* []*)
... | [] = ⊥.rec (¬nothing≡just p)
... | v ∷ xs = xs , congS (_∷ xs) (just-inj _ _ (sym p))
tail : List A
tail = tail' .fst
tail-proof : u ∷ tail ≡ sort (x ∷* y ∷* z ∷* []*)
tail-proof = tail' .snd
u∷tail-is-sorted : is-sorted (u ∷ tail)
u∷tail-is-sorted = ((x ∷* y ∷* z ∷* []*) , sym tail-proof) ∣₁
u-is-smallest : ∀ v -> v ∈* (x ∷* y ∷* z ∷* []*) -> u ≤ v
u-is-smallest v q =
is-sorted→≤ u v (sort-is-sort u v tail u∷tail-is-sorted (subst (v ∈_) (sym tail-proof) (sort-∈ v _ q)))
case1 : u ≡ x -> x ≤ z
case1 u≡x = subst (_≤ z) u≡x (u-is-smallest z (L.inr (L.inr (L.inl refl))))
case2 : u ≡ y -> x ≤ z
case2 u≡y = subst (_≤ z) (antisym-≤ y x y≤x x≤y) y≤z
y≤x : y ≤ x
y≤x = subst (_≤ x) u≡y (u-is-smallest x (L.inl refl))
case3 : u ≡ z -> x ≤ z
case3 u≡z = subst (x ≤_) (antisym-≤ y z y≤z z≤y) x≤y
z≤y : z ≤ y
z≤y = subst (_≤ y) u≡z (u-is-smallest y (L.inr (L.inl refl)))
≤-isToset : IsToset _≤_ ≤-isToset = isSetA ≤-isToset x y = isOfHLevelMaybe 0 isSetA _ _ ≤-isToset = refl-≤ ≤-isToset = trans-≤ ≤-isToset = antisym-≤ ≤-isToset = total-≤

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@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe --exact-split #-}
module Cubical.Structures.Set.Empty where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as ⊥
import Cubical.Data.List as L
import Cubical.Structures.Free as F
open import Cubical.Structures.Sig
open import Cubical.Structures.Str public
open import Cubical.Structures.Tree
open import Cubical.Structures.Eq
open import Cubical.Structures.Arity
' : Level
A : Type
empty-α : ∀ (A : Type ) -> sig emptySig A -> A
empty-α _ (x , _) = ⊥.rec x
emptyHomDegen : (𝔜 : struct ' emptySig) -> structHom < A , empty-α A > 𝔜 ≃ (A -> 𝔜 .car)
emptyHomDegen _ = Σ-contractSnd λ _ -> isContrΠ⊥
module EmptyDef = F.Definition emptySig emptyEqSig emptySEq
empty-sat : ∀ (A : Type ) -> < A , empty-α A > ⊨ emptySEq
empty-sat _ eqn ρ = ⊥.rec eqn
treeEmpty≃ : Tree emptySig A ≃ A
treeEmpty≃ = isoToEquiv (iso from leaf (λ _ -> refl) leaf∘from)
from : Tree emptySig A -> A
from (leaf x) = x
leaf∘from : retract from leaf
leaf∘from (leaf x) = refl
treeDef : ∀ { '} -> EmptyDef.Free ' 2
F.Definition.Free.F treeDef = Tree emptySig
F.Definition.Free.η treeDef = leaf
F.Definition.Free.α treeDef = empty-α (Tree emptySig _)
F.Definition.Free.sat treeDef = empty-sat (Tree emptySig _)
F.Definition.Free.isFree (treeDef { = }) {X = A} {𝔜 = 𝔜} H ϕ = lemma .snd
𝔗 : struct emptySig
𝔗 = < Tree emptySig A , empty-α (Tree emptySig A) >
lemma : structHom 𝔗 𝔜 ≃ (A -> 𝔜 .car)
lemma =
structHom 𝔗 𝔜 ≃⟨ emptyHomDegen 𝔜
(𝔗 .car -> 𝔜 .car) ≃⟨ equiv→ treeEmpty≃ (idEquiv (𝔜 .car)) ⟩
(A -> 𝔜 .car) ■
anyDef : ∀ { '} -> EmptyDef.Free ' 2
F.Definition.Free.F anyDef A = A
F.Definition.Free.η anyDef a = a
F.Definition.Free.α anyDef = empty-α _
F.Definition.Free.sat anyDef = empty-sat _
F.Definition.Free.isFree anyDef {𝔜 = 𝔜} _ _ = emptyHomDegen 𝔜 .snd

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{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe --exact-split #-}
module Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.Array where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.List renaming (_∷_ to _∷ₗ_)
open import Cubical.Data.Fin
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order
open import Cubical.Data.Sum as ⊎
import Cubical.Data.Empty as ⊥
import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.Desc as M
import Cubical.Structures.Free as F
open import Cubical.Structures.Sig
open import Cubical.Structures.Str public
open import Cubical.Structures.Tree
open import Cubical.Structures.Eq
open import Cubical.Structures.Arity
open Iso
ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level
A B C : Type
n m :
Array : Type -> Type
Array A = Σ[ n ∈ ] (Fin n -> A)
isSetArray : isSet A -> isSet (Array A)
isSetArray isSetA = isOfHLevelΣ 2 isSet λ _ -> isOfHLevelΠ 2 λ _ -> isSetA
tptLemma : ∀ { ' ''} (A : Type ) (B : Type ') (P : A -> Type '') {a b : A} (p : a ≡ b) (f : P a -> B) (k : P b)
-> transport (\i -> P (p i) -> B) f k ≡ f (transport (\i -> P (p (~ i))) k)
tptLemma A B P {a} p f k = sym (transport-filler (λ _ -> B) (f (transport (\i -> P (p (~ i))) k)))
Array≡ : ∀ {} {A : Type } {n m} {f : Fin n -> A} {g : Fin m -> A}
-> (n=m : n ≡ m)
-> (∀ (k : ) (k<m : k < m) -> f (k , subst (k <_) (sym n=m) k<m) ≡ g (k , k<m))
-> Path (Array A) (n , f) (m , g)
Array≡ {A = A} {n = n} {m} {f} {g} p h = ΣPathP (p , toPathP (funExt lemma))
lemma : (k : Fin m) -> transport (\i -> Fin (p i) -> A) f k ≡ g k
lemma k = tptLemma A Fin p f k ∙ h (k .fst) (k .snd)
≡→Fin̄≅ : ∀ {n m} -> n ≡ m -> Fin n ≃ Fin m
≡→Fin̄≅ {n = n} {m = m} p = univalence .fst (cong Fin p)
⊎-inl-beta : (B : Type ) (f : A -> C) (g : B -> C) -> (a : A) -> ⊎.rec f g (inl a) ≡ f a
⊎-inl-beta B f g a = refl
⊎-inr-beta : (A : Type ) (f : A -> C) (g : B -> C) -> (b : B) -> ⊎.rec f g (inr b) ≡ g b
⊎-inr-beta A f g b = refl
⊎-eta : {f : A -> C} {g : B -> C} -> (h : A ⊎ B -> C) (h1 : f ≡ h ∘ inl) (h2 : g ≡ h ∘ inr) -> ⊎.rec f g ≡ h
⊎-eta h h1 h2 i (inl a) = h1 i a
⊎-eta h h1 h2 i (inr b) = h2 i b
∸-<-lemma⁻ : (m n o : ) -> m ≤ o -> o ∸ m < n -> o < m + n
∸-<-lemma⁻ zero n o m≤o o∸m<n = o∸m<n
∸-<-lemma⁻ (suc m) n zero m≤o o∸m<n = suc-≤-suc zero-≤
∸-<-lemma⁻ (suc m) n (suc o) m≤o o∸m<n = suc-≤-suc (∸-<-lemma⁻ m n o (pred-≤-pred m≤o) o∸m<n)
finSplitAux : ∀ m n k -> k < m + n -> (k < m) ⊎ (m ≤ k) -> Fin m ⊎ Fin n
finSplitAux m n k k<m+n (inl k<m) = inl (k , k<m)
finSplitAux m n k k<m+n (inr k≥m) = inr (k ∸ m , ∸-<-lemma m n k k<m+n k≥m)
finSplit : ∀ m n -> Fin (m + n) -> Fin m ⊎ Fin n
finSplit m n (k , k<m+n) = finSplitAux m n k k<m+n (k ≤? m)
finSplit-beta-inl-aux : ∀ {m n} (k : ) (k<m : k < m) -> finSplit m n (k , o<m→o<m+n m n k k<m) ≡ inl (k , k<m)
finSplit-beta-inl-aux {m} {n} k k<m! with k ≤? m
... | inl k<m = congS (\p -> inl (k , p)) (isProp≤ k<m k<m!)
... | inr m≤k = ⊥.rec (¬-<-and-≥ k<m! m≤k)
finSplit-beta-inl : ∀ {m n} (k : ) (k<m : k < m) (k<m+n : k < m + n) -> finSplit m n (k , k<m+n) ≡ inl (k , k<m)
finSplit-beta-inl {m} {n} k k<m k<m+n =
finSplit m n (k , k<m+n) ≡⟨ congS (\ϕ -> finSplit m n (k , ϕ)) (isProp≤ k<m+n (o<m→o<m+n m n k k<m)) ⟩
finSplit m n (k , o<m→o<m+n m n k k<m) ≡⟨ finSplit-beta-inl-aux k k<m ⟩
inl (k , k<m) ∎
finSplit-beta-inr-aux : ∀ {m n} (k : ) (m≤k : m ≤ k) (k∸m<n : k ∸ m < n) -> finSplit m n (k , ∸-<-lemma⁻ m n k m≤k k∸m<n) ≡ inr (k ∸ m , k∸m<n)
finSplit-beta-inr-aux {m} {n} k m≤k! k∸m<n with k ≤? m
... | inl k<m = ⊥.rec (¬-<-and-≥ k<m m≤k!)
... | inr m≤k = congS (\p -> inr (k ∸ m , p)) (isProp≤ (∸-<-lemma m n k (∸-<-lemma⁻ m n k m≤k! k∸m<n) m≤k) k∸m<n)
n+m∸n=m : ∀ n m -> n + m ∸ n ≡ m
n+m∸n=m n m = congS (_∸ n) (+-comm n m) ∙ m+n∸n=m n m
finSplit-beta-inr : ∀ {m n} (k : ) (k<m+n : k < m + n) (m≤k : m ≤ k) (k∸m<n : k ∸ m < n) -> finSplit m n (k , k<m+n) ≡ inr (k ∸ m , k∸m<n)
finSplit-beta-inr {m} {n} k k<m+n m≤k k∸m<n =
finSplit m n (k , k<m+n)
≡⟨ congS (\ϕ -> finSplit m n (k , ϕ)) (isProp≤ k<m+n (∸-<-lemma⁻ m n k m≤k k∸m<n)) ⟩
finSplit m n (k , ∸-<-lemma⁻ m n k m≤k k∸m<n)
≡⟨ finSplit-beta-inr-aux k m≤k k∸m<n ⟩
inr (k ∸ m , k∸m<n)
finSplit-beta-inr-+ : ∀ {m n} (k : ) (k<n : k < n) -> finSplit m n (m + k , <-k+ {k = m} k<n) ≡ inr (k , k<n)
finSplit-beta-inr-+ {m} {n} k k<n =
finSplit m n (m + k , <-k+ {k = m} k<n)
≡⟨ finSplit-beta-inr (m + k) (<-k+ k<n) ≤SumLeft (subst (_< n) (sym (n+m∸n=m m k)) k<n) ⟩
inr (m + k ∸ m , subst (_< n) (sym (n+m∸n=m m k)) k<n)
≡⟨ congS inr (Σ≡Prop (\_ -> isProp≤) (n+m∸n=m m k)) ⟩
inr (k , k<n)
finCombine-inl : Fin m -> Fin (m + n)
finCombine-inl {m = m} {n = n} (k , k<m) = k , o<m→o<m+n m n k k<m
finCombine-inr : Fin n -> Fin (m + n)
finCombine-inr {n = n} {m = m} (k , k<n) = m + k , <-k+ k<n
finCombine : ∀ m n -> Fin m ⊎ Fin n -> Fin (m + n)
finCombine m n = ⊎.rec finCombine-inl finCombine-inr
finSplit∘finCombine : ∀ m n x -> (finSplit m n ∘ finCombine m n) x ≡ x
finSplit∘finCombine m n =
⊎.elim (\(k , k<m) ->
finSplit m n (finCombine m n (inl (k , k<m)))
≡⟨ congS (finSplit m n) (⊎-inl-beta (Fin n) finCombine-inl finCombine-inr (k , k<m)) ⟩
finSplit m n (k , o<m→o<m+n m n k k<m)
≡⟨ finSplit-beta-inl k k<m (o<m→o<m+n m n k k<m) ⟩
inl (k , k<m)
(\(k , k<n) ->
finSplit m n (finCombine m n (inr (k , k<n)))
≡⟨ congS (finSplit m n) (⊎-inr-beta (Fin m) finCombine-inl finCombine-inr (k , k<n)) ⟩
finSplit m n (m + k , <-k+ k<n)
≡⟨ finSplit-beta-inr-+ k k<n ⟩
inr (k , k<n)
finCombine∘finSplit : ∀ m n x -> (finCombine m n ∘ finSplit m n) x ≡ x
finCombine∘finSplit m n (k , k<m+n) =
⊎.rec (\k<m ->
finCombine m n (finSplit m n (k , k<m+n))
≡⟨ congS (finCombine m n) (finSplit-beta-inl k k<m k<m+n) ⟩
finCombine m n (inl (k , k<m))
≡⟨ ⊎-inl-beta (Fin n) finCombine-inl finCombine-inr (k , k<m) ⟩
(k , o<m→o<m+n m n k k<m)
≡⟨ Σ≡Prop (\_ -> isProp≤) refl ⟩
(k , k<m+n)
(\m≤k ->
finCombine m n (finSplit m n (k , k<m+n))
≡⟨ congS (finCombine m n) (finSplit-beta-inr k k<m+n m≤k (∸-<-lemma m n k k<m+n m≤k)) ⟩
finCombine m n (inr (k ∸ m , ∸-<-lemma m n k k<m+n m≤k))
≡⟨ ⊎-inr-beta (Fin m) finCombine-inl finCombine-inr (k ∸ m , ∸-<-lemma m n k k<m+n m≤k) ⟩
finCombine-inr (k ∸ m , ∸-<-lemma m n k k<m+n m≤k)
≡⟨ Σ≡Prop (\_ -> isProp≤) (≤-∸-k m≤k ∙ n+m∸n=m m k) ⟩
(k , k<m+n)
(k ≤? m)
Fin≅Fin+Fin : ∀ m n -> Iso (Fin (m + n)) (Fin m ⊎ Fin n)
Fin≅Fin+Fin m n = iso (finSplit m n) (finCombine m n) (finSplit∘finCombine m n) (finCombine∘finSplit m n)
combine : ∀ n m -> (Fin n -> A) -> (Fin m -> A) -> (Fin (n + m) -> A)
combine n m as bs w = ⊎.rec as bs (finSplit n m w)
_⊕_ : Array A -> Array A -> Array A
(n , as) ⊕ (m , bs) = n + m , combine n m as bs
e-fun : Fin 0 -> A
e-fun = ⊥.rec ∘ ¬Fin0
e : Array A
e = 0 , e-fun
e-eta : ∀ (xs ys : Array A) -> xs .fst ≡ 0 -> ys .fst ≡ 0 -> xs ≡ ys
e-eta (n , xs) (m , ys) p q = ΣPathP (p ∙ sym q , toPathP (funExt lemma))
lemma : _
lemma x = ⊥.rec (¬Fin0 (subst Fin q x))
η : A -> Array A
η x = 1 , λ _ -> x
zero-+ : ∀ m → 0 + m ≡ m
zero-+ m = refl
⊕-unitl : ∀ {} {A : Type } -> (xs : Array A) -> e ⊕ xs ≡ xs
⊕-unitl (n , f) = Array≡ (zero-+ n) \k k<n ->
⊎.rec e-fun f (finSplit 0 n (k , subst (k <_) (sym (zero-+ n)) k<n))
≡⟨ congS (⊎.rec e-fun f) (finSplit-beta-inr k (subst (k <_) (sym (zero-+ n)) k<n) zero-≤ k<n) ⟩
⊎.rec e-fun f (inr (k , k<n))
≡⟨ ⊎-inr-beta (Fin 0) e-fun f (k , k<n) ⟩
f (k , k<n)
⊕-unitr : ∀ {} {A : Type } -> (xs : Array A) -> xs ⊕ e ≡ xs
⊕-unitr (n , f) = Array≡ (+-zero n) \k k<n ->
⊎.rec f e-fun (finSplit n 0 (k , subst (k <_) (sym (+-zero n)) k<n))
≡⟨ congS (⊎.rec f e-fun) (finSplit-beta-inl k k<n (subst (k <_) (sym (+-zero n)) k<n)) ⟩
⊎.rec f e-fun (inl (k , k<n))
≡⟨ ⊎-inl-beta (Fin 0) f e-fun (k , k<n) ⟩
f (k , k<n)
∸-+-assoc : ∀ m n o → m ∸ n ∸ o ≡ m ∸ (n + o)
∸-+-assoc m n zero = cong (m ∸_) (sym (+-zero n))
∸-+-assoc zero zero (suc o) = refl
∸-+-assoc zero (suc n) (suc o) = refl
∸-+-assoc (suc m) zero (suc o) = refl
∸-+-assoc (suc m) (suc n) (suc o) = ∸-+-assoc m n (suc o)
assocr-then-∸ : ∀ (k n m o : ) -> k < n + (m + o) -> n + m ≤ k -> k ∸ (n + m) < o
assocr-then-∸ k n m o p q = ∸-<-lemma (n + m) o k (subst (k <_) (+-assoc n m o) p) q
⊕-assocr-left-beta : ∀ {} {A : Type } {m n o : } (as : Fin m -> A) (bs : Fin n -> A) (cs : Fin o -> A)
-> (k : ) (k<m+n : k < m + n) (k<m+n+o : k < m + (n + o))
-> ⊎.rec as (⊎.rec bs cs ∘ finSplit n o) (finSplit m (n + o) (k , k<m+n+o)) ≡ ⊎.rec as bs (finSplit m n (k , k<m+n))
⊕-assocr-left-beta {m = m} {n = n} {o = o} as bs cs k k<m+n k<m+n+o =
⊎.rec (\k<m ->
⊎.rec as (⊎.rec bs cs ∘ finSplit n o) (finSplit m (n + o) (k , k<m+n+o))
≡⟨ congS (⊎.rec as (⊎.rec bs cs ∘ finSplit n o)) (finSplit-beta-inl k k<m k<m+n+o) ⟩
⊎.rec as (⊎.rec bs cs ∘ finSplit n o) (inl (k , k<m))
≡⟨ ⊎-inl-beta (Fin (n + o)) as (⊎.rec bs cs ∘ finSplit n o) (k , k<m) ⟩
as (k , k<m)
≡⟨ ⊎-inl-beta (Fin n) as bs (k , k<m) ⟩
⊎.rec as bs (inl (k , k<m))
≡⟨ sym (congS (⊎.rec as bs) (finSplit-beta-inl k k<m k<m+n)) ⟩
⊎.rec as bs (finSplit m n (k , k<m+n))
(\m≤k ->
⊎.rec as (⊎.rec bs cs ∘ finSplit n o) (finSplit m (n + o) (k , k<m+n+o))
≡⟨ congS (⊎.rec as (⊎.rec bs cs ∘ finSplit n o)) (finSplit-beta-inr k k<m+n+o m≤k (∸-<-lemma m (n + o) k k<m+n+o m≤k)) ⟩
⊎.rec as (⊎.rec bs cs ∘ finSplit n o) (inr (k ∸ m , ∸-<-lemma m (n + o) k k<m+n+o m≤k))
≡⟨ ⊎-inr-beta (Fin m) as (⊎.rec bs cs ∘ finSplit n o) (k ∸ m , ∸-<-lemma m (n + o) k k<m+n+o m≤k) ⟩
⊎.rec bs cs (finSplit n o (k ∸ m , ∸-<-lemma m (n + o) k k<m+n+o m≤k))
≡⟨ congS (⊎.rec bs cs) (finSplit-beta-inl (k ∸ m) (∸-<-lemma m n k k<m+n m≤k) (∸-<-lemma m (n + o) k k<m+n+o m≤k)) ⟩
⊎.rec bs cs (inl (k ∸ m , ∸-<-lemma m n k k<m+n m≤k))
≡⟨ ⊎-inl-beta (Fin o) bs cs (k ∸ m , ∸-<-lemma m n k k<m+n m≤k) ⟩
bs (k ∸ m , ∸-<-lemma m n k k<m+n m≤k)
≡⟨ ⊎-inr-beta (Fin m) as bs (k ∸ m , ∸-<-lemma m n k k<m+n m≤k) ⟩
⊎.rec as bs (inr (k ∸ m , ∸-<-lemma m n k k<m+n m≤k))
≡⟨ sym (congS (⊎.rec as bs) (finSplit-beta-inr k k<m+n m≤k (∸-<-lemma m n k k<m+n m≤k))) ⟩
⊎.rec as bs (finSplit m n (k , k<m+n))
(k ≤? m)
m+n≤k→m≤k : ∀ n m k -> m + n ≤ k -> m ≤ k
m+n≤k→m≤k n m k (o , p) = (o + n) , sym (+-assoc o n m) ∙ congS (o +_) (+-comm n m) ∙ p
n+m≤k→m≤k∸n : ∀ n m k -> n + m ≤ k -> m ≤ k ∸ n
n+m≤k→m≤k∸n n m k p = subst (_≤ k ∸ n) (∸+ m n) (≤-∸-≤ (n + m) k n p)
⊕-assocr : ∀ {} {A : Type } (m n o : Array A) -> (m ⊕ n) ⊕ o ≡ m ⊕ (n ⊕ o)
⊕-assocr (n , as) (m , bs) (o , cs) = Array≡ (sym (+-assoc n m o)) \k k<n+m+o ->
⊎.rec (\k<n+m ->
⊎.rec (⊎.rec as bs ∘ finSplit n m) cs (finSplit (n + m) o (k , subst (k <_) (+-assoc n m o) k<n+m+o))
≡⟨ congS (⊎.rec (⊎.rec as bs ∘ finSplit n m) cs) (finSplit-beta-inl k k<n+m (subst (k <_) (+-assoc n m o) k<n+m+o)) ⟩
⊎.rec (⊎.rec as bs ∘ finSplit n m) cs (inl (k , k<n+m))
≡⟨ ⊎-inl-beta (Fin o) (⊎.rec as bs ∘ finSplit n m) cs (k , k<n+m) ⟩
⊎.rec as bs (finSplit n m (k , k<n+m))
≡⟨ sym (⊕-assocr-left-beta as bs cs k k<n+m k<n+m+o) ⟩
⊎.rec as (⊎.rec bs cs ∘ finSplit m o) (finSplit n (m + o) (k , k<n+m+o))
(\n+m≤k ->
⊎.rec (⊎.rec as bs ∘ finSplit n m) cs (finSplit (n + m) o (k , subst (k <_) (+-assoc n m o) k<n+m+o))
≡⟨ congS (⊎.rec (⊎.rec as bs ∘ finSplit n m) cs) (finSplit-beta-inr k (subst (k <_) (+-assoc n m o) k<n+m+o) n+m≤k (assocr-then-∸ k n m o k<n+m+o n+m≤k)) ⟩
⊎.rec (⊎.rec as bs ∘ finSplit n m) cs (inr (k ∸ (n + m) , assocr-then-∸ k n m o k<n+m+o n+m≤k))
≡⟨ ⊎-inr-beta (Fin (n + m)) ((⊎.rec as bs ∘ finSplit n m)) cs (k ∸ (n + m) , assocr-then-∸ k n m o k<n+m+o n+m≤k) ⟩
cs (k ∸ (n + m) , assocr-then-∸ k n m o k<n+m+o n+m≤k)
≡⟨ congS cs (Σ≡Prop (λ _ -> isProp≤) (sym (∸-+-assoc k n m))) ⟩
cs (k ∸ n ∸ m , subst (_< o) (sym (∸-+-assoc k n m)) (assocr-then-∸ k n m o k<n+m+o n+m≤k))
≡⟨ ⊎-inr-beta (Fin m) bs cs (k ∸ n ∸ m , subst (_< o) (sym (∸-+-assoc k n m)) (assocr-then-∸ k n m o k<n+m+o n+m≤k)) ⟩
⊎.rec bs cs (inr (k ∸ n ∸ m , subst (_< o) (sym (∸-+-assoc k n m)) (assocr-then-∸ k n m o k<n+m+o n+m≤k)))
≡⟨ sym (congS (⊎.rec bs cs) (finSplit-beta-inr (k ∸ n) (∸-<-lemma n (m + o) k k<n+m+o (m+n≤k→m≤k m n k n+m≤k)) (n+m≤k→m≤k∸n n m k n+m≤k) _)) ⟩
⊎.rec bs cs (finSplit m o (k ∸ n , ∸-<-lemma n (m + o) k k<n+m+o (m+n≤k→m≤k m n k n+m≤k)))
≡⟨ ⊎-inr-beta (Fin n) as (⊎.rec bs cs ∘ finSplit m o) (k ∸ n , ∸-<-lemma n (m + o) k k<n+m+o (m+n≤k→m≤k m n k n+m≤k)) ⟩
⊎.rec as (⊎.rec bs cs ∘ finSplit m o) (inr (k ∸ n , ∸-<-lemma n (m + o) k k<n+m+o (m+n≤k→m≤k m n k n+m≤k)))
≡⟨ sym (congS (⊎.rec as (⊎.rec bs cs ∘ finSplit m o)) (finSplit-beta-inr k k<n+m+o (m+n≤k→m≤k m n k n+m≤k) (∸-<-lemma n (m + o) k k<n+m+o (m+n≤k→m≤k m n k n+m≤k)))) ⟩
⊎.rec as (⊎.rec bs cs ∘ finSplit m o) (finSplit n (m + o) (k , k<n+m+o))
(k ≤? (n + m))
η+fsuc : ∀ {n} (xs : Fin (suc n) -> A) -> η (xs fzero) ⊕ (n , xs ∘ fsuc) ≡ (suc n , xs)
η+fsuc {n = n} xs = Array≡ refl λ k k<sucn -> ⊎.rec
(λ k<1 ->
⊎.rec (λ _ -> xs fzero) _ (finSplit 1 n (k , _))
≡⟨ congS (⊎.rec _ _) (finSplit-beta-inl k k<1 _) ⟩
xs fzero
≡⟨ congS xs (Σ≡Prop (λ _ -> isProp≤) (sym (≤0→≡0 (pred-≤-pred k<1)))) ⟩
xs (k , k<sucn) ∎
(λ 1≤k ->
⊎.rec _ (xs ∘ fsuc) (finSplit 1 n (k , _))
≡⟨ congS (⊎.rec _ _) (finSplit-beta-inr k _ 1≤k (<-∸-< k (suc n) 1 k<sucn (≤<-trans 1≤k k<sucn))) ⟩
xs (suc (k ∸ 1) , _)
≡⟨ congS xs (Fin-fst-≡ (≤-∸-suc 1≤k)) ⟩
xs (k , k<sucn) ∎
(k ≤? 1)
¬n<m<suc-n : ∀ {n m} -> n < m -> m < suc n -> ⊥.⊥
¬n<m<suc-n {n} {m} (x , p) (y , q) = znots lemma-β
lemma-α : suc n ≡ (y + suc x) + suc n
lemma-α =
suc n ≡⟨ sym q ⟩
y + suc m ≡⟨ cong (λ z -> y + suc z) (sym p) ⟩
y + (suc x + suc n) ≡⟨ +-assoc y (suc x) (suc n) ⟩
(y + suc x) + suc n ∎
lemma-β : 0 ≡ suc (y + x)
lemma-β = (sym (n∸n (suc n))) ∙ cong (_∸ suc n) lemma-α ∙ +∸ (y + suc x) (suc n) ∙ +-suc y x
⊕-split : ∀ n m (xs : Fin (suc n) -> A) (ys : Fin m -> A) ->
(n + m , (λ w -> combine (suc n) m xs ys (fsuc w)))
≡ ((n , (λ w -> xs (fsuc w))) ⊕ (m , ys))
⊕-split n m xs ys = Array≡ refl λ k k<n+m -> ⊎.rec
(λ sk<sn -> sym $
⊎.rec (xs ∘ fsuc) ys (finSplit n m (k , k<n+m)) ≡⟨ congS (⊎.rec _ _) (finSplit-beta-inl k (pred-≤-pred sk<sn) k<n+m) ⟩
xs (fsuc (k , pred-≤-pred sk<sn)) ≡⟨ congS xs (Fin-fst-≡ refl) ⟩
xs (suc k , sk<sn) ≡⟨ sym (congS (⊎.rec _ _) (finSplit-beta-inl (suc k) sk<sn _)) ⟩
⊎.rec xs ys (finSplit (suc n) m (suc k , _))
(λ sn≤sk ->
k∸n<m = subst (k ∸ n <_) ((congS (_∸ n) (+-comm n m)) ∙ +∸ m n) (<-∸-< k (n + m) n k<n+m (≤<-trans (pred-≤-pred sn≤sk) k<n+m))
⊎.rec xs ys (finSplit (suc n) m (suc k , _)) ≡⟨ congS (⊎.rec _ _) (finSplit-beta-inr (suc k) _ sn≤sk k∸n<m) ⟩
ys (k ∸ n , k∸n<m) ≡⟨ sym (congS (⊎.rec _ _) (finSplit-beta-inr k k<n+m (pred-≤-pred sn≤sk) k∸n<m)) ⟩
⊎.rec (xs ∘ fsuc) ys (finSplit n m (k , k<n+m))
(suc k ≤? suc n)
array-α : sig M.MonSig (Array A) -> Array A
array-α (M.`e , i) = e
array-α (M.`⊕ , i) = i fzero ⊕ i fone
module Free {x y : Level} {A : Type x} {𝔜 : struct y M.MonSig} (isSet𝔜 : isSet (𝔜 .car)) (𝔜-monoid : 𝔜 ⊨ M.MonSEq) where
module 𝔜 = M.MonSEq 𝔜 𝔜-monoid
𝔄 : M.MonStruct
𝔄 = < Array A , array-α >
module _ (f : A -> 𝔜 .car) where
♯^ : (n : ) -> (Fin n -> A) -> 𝔜 .car
♯^ zero _ = 𝔜.e
♯^ (suc n) xs = f (xs fzero) 𝔜.⊕ ♯^ n (xs ∘ fsuc)
_♯ : Array A -> 𝔜 .car
_♯ = uncurry ♯^
♯-η∘ : ∀ n (xs : Fin (suc n) -> A)
-> (η (xs fzero) ♯) 𝔜.⊕ ((n , xs ∘ fsuc) ♯)
≡ ((η (xs fzero) ⊕ (n , xs ∘ fsuc)) ♯)
♯-η∘ n xs =
(η (xs fzero) ♯) 𝔜.⊕ ((n , xs ∘ fsuc) ♯) ≡⟨ cong (𝔜._⊕ ((n , xs ∘ fsuc) ♯)) (𝔜.unitr _) ⟩
f (xs fzero) 𝔜.⊕ ((n , xs ∘ fsuc) ♯) ≡⟨⟩
(suc n , xs) ♯ ≡⟨ cong _♯ (sym (η+fsuc xs)) ⟩
((η (xs fzero) ⊕ (n , xs ∘ fsuc)) ♯) ∎
♯-++^ : ∀ n xs m ys -> ((n , xs) ⊕ (m , ys)) ♯ ≡ ((n , xs) ♯) 𝔜.⊕ ((m , ys) ♯)
♯-++^ zero xs m ys =
((zero , xs) ⊕ (m , ys)) ♯ ≡⟨ cong (λ z -> (z ⊕ (m , ys)) ♯) (e-eta (zero , xs) e refl refl) ⟩
(e ⊕ (m , ys)) ♯ ≡⟨ cong _♯ (⊕-unitl (m , ys)) ⟩
(m , ys) ♯ ≡⟨ sym (𝔜.unitl _) ⟩
𝔜.e 𝔜.⊕ ((m , ys) ♯) ∎
♯-++^ (suc n) xs m ys =
f (xs fzero) 𝔜.⊕ ((n + m , _) ♯)
≡⟨ cong (λ z -> f (xs fzero) 𝔜.⊕ (z ♯)) (⊕-split n m xs ys) ⟩
f (xs fzero) 𝔜.⊕ (((n , xs ∘ fsuc) ⊕ (m , ys)) ♯)
≡⟨ cong (f (xs fzero) 𝔜.⊕_) (♯-++^ n _ m _) ⟩
f (xs fzero) 𝔜.⊕ ((n , xs ∘ fsuc) ♯) 𝔜.⊕ ((m , ys) ♯)
≡⟨ sym (𝔜.assocr _ _ _) ⟩
(f (xs fzero) 𝔜.⊕ ((n , xs ∘ fsuc) ♯)) 𝔜.⊕ ((m , ys) ♯)
≡⟨ cong (λ z -> (z 𝔜.⊕ ((n , xs ∘ fsuc) ♯)) 𝔜.⊕ ((m , ys) ♯) ) (sym (𝔜.unitr _)) ⟩
((η (xs fzero) ♯) 𝔜.⊕ ((n , xs ∘ fsuc) ♯)) 𝔜.⊕ ((m , ys) ♯)
≡⟨ cong (𝔜._⊕ ((m , ys) ♯)) (♯-η∘ n xs) ⟩
((η (xs fzero) ⊕ (n , xs ∘ fsuc)) ♯) 𝔜.⊕ ((m , ys) ♯)
≡⟨ cong (λ z -> (z ♯) 𝔜.⊕ ((m , ys) ♯)) (η+fsuc xs) ⟩
((suc n , xs) ♯) 𝔜.⊕ ((m , ys) ♯) ∎
♯-++ : ∀ xs ys -> (xs ⊕ ys) ♯ ≡ (xs ♯) 𝔜.⊕ (ys ♯)
♯-++ (n , xs) (m , ys) = ♯-++^ n xs m ys
♯-isMonHom : structHom 𝔄 𝔜
fst ♯-isMonHom = _♯
snd ♯-isMonHom M.`e i = 𝔜.e-eta
snd ♯-isMonHom M.`⊕ i = 𝔜.⊕-eta i _♯ ∙ sym (♯-++ (i fzero) (i fone))
arrayEquivLemma : (g : structHom 𝔄 𝔜) (n : ) (xs : Fin n -> A) -> g .fst (n , xs) ≡ ((g .fst ∘ η) ♯) (n , xs)
arrayEquivLemma (g , homMonWit) zero xs =
g (0 , xs) ≡⟨ cong g (e-eta _ _ refl refl) ⟩
g e ≡⟨ sym (homMonWit M.`e (lookup [])) ∙ 𝔜.e-eta ⟩
𝔜.e ≡⟨⟩
((g ∘ η) ♯) (zero , xs) ∎
arrayEquivLemma (g , homMonWit) (suc n) xs =
g (suc n , xs) ≡⟨ cong g (sym (η+fsuc xs)) ⟩
g (η (xs fzero) ⊕ (n , xs ∘ fsuc)) ≡⟨ sym (homMonWit M.`⊕ (lookup (η (xs fzero) ∷ₗ (n , xs ∘ fsuc) ∷ₗ []))) ⟩
_ ≡⟨ 𝔜.⊕-eta (lookup ((η (xs fzero)) ∷ₗ (n , xs ∘ fsuc) ∷ₗ [])) g ⟩
g (η (xs fzero)) 𝔜.⊕ g (n , xs ∘ fsuc) ≡⟨ cong (g (η (xs fzero)) 𝔜.⊕_) (arrayEquivLemma (g , homMonWit) n (xs ∘ fsuc)) ⟩
g (η (xs fzero)) 𝔜.⊕ ((g ∘ η) ♯) (n , xs ∘ fsuc) ∎
arrayEquivLemma-β : (g : structHom 𝔄 𝔜) -> g ≡ ♯-isMonHom (g .fst ∘ η)
arrayEquivLemma-β g = structHom≡ 𝔄 𝔜 g (♯-isMonHom (g .fst ∘ η)) isSet𝔜 (funExt λ (n , p) -> arrayEquivLemma g n p)
arrayEquiv : structHom 𝔄 𝔜 ≃ (A -> 𝔜 .car)
arrayEquiv =
isoToEquiv (iso (λ g -> g .fst ∘ η) ♯-isMonHom (λ g -> funExt (𝔜.unitr ∘ g)) (sym ∘ arrayEquivLemma-β))
module ArrayDef = F.Definition M.MonSig M.MonEqSig M.MonSEq
array-str : ∀ {n} (A : Type n) -> struct n M.MonSig
array-str A = < Array A , array-α >
array-sat : ∀ {n} {X : Type n} -> array-str X ⊨ M.MonSEq
array-sat M.`unitl ρ = ⊕-unitl (ρ fzero)
array-sat M.`unitr ρ = ⊕-unitr (ρ fzero)
array-sat M.`assocr ρ = ⊕-assocr (ρ fzero) (ρ fone) (ρ ftwo)
arrayDef : ∀ { '} -> ArrayDef.Free ' 2
F.Definition.Free.F arrayDef = Array
F.Definition.Free.η arrayDef = η
F.Definition.Free.α arrayDef = array-α
F.Definition.Free.sat arrayDef = array-sat
F.Definition.Free.isFree arrayDef isSet𝔜 satMon = (Free.arrayEquiv isSet𝔜 satMon) .snd
direct proof of isomorphism between Array and List
without using the universal property of Array as a free monoid
arrayIsoToList : ∀ {} {A : Type } -> Iso (Array A) (List A)
arrayIsoToList {A = A} = iso (uncurry tabulate) from tabulate-lookup from∘to
from : List A -> Array A
from xs = length xs , lookup xs
from∘to : ∀ xs -> from (uncurry tabulate xs) ≡ xs
from∘to (n , xs) = ΣPathP (length-tabulate n xs , lookup-tabulate n xs)
array≡List : ∀ {} -> Array { = } ≡ List
array≡List = funExt λ _ -> isoToPath arrayIsoToList
import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.List as LM
arrayDef' : ∀ { '} -> ArrayDef.Free ' 2
arrayDef' { = } {' = '} = fun ArrayDef.isoAux (Array , arrayFreeAux)
listFreeAux : ArrayDef.FreeAux ' 2 List
listFreeAux = (inv ArrayDef.isoAux (LM.listDef { = } {' = '})) .snd
arrayFreeAux : ArrayDef.FreeAux ' 2 Array
arrayFreeAux = subst (ArrayDef.FreeAux ' 2) (sym array≡List) listFreeAux
arrayIsoToList+η : ∀ {} {A : Type } -> (x : A) (ys : Array A)
-> arrayIsoToList .fun (η x ⊕ ys) ≡ arrayIsoToList .fun (η x) ++ arrayIsoToList .fun ys
arrayIsoToList+η x ys =
congS (λ z -> x ∷ₗ (uncurry tabulate) z) $ Array≡ refl $ λ k k<m ->
congS (⊎.rec _ _) (finSplit-beta-inr (suc k) (suc-≤-suc _) (suc-≤-suc zero-≤) k<m)
arrayIsoToList++ : ∀ {} {A : Type } n -> (f : Fin n -> A) (ys : Array A)
-> arrayIsoToList .fun (n , f) ++ arrayIsoToList .fun ys ≡ arrayIsoToList .fun ((n , f) ⊕ ys)
arrayIsoToList++ zero f ys = congS (arrayIsoToList .fun) $ sym $
(zero , f) ⊕ ys ≡⟨ congS (_⊕ ys) (e-eta (zero , f) e refl refl) ⟩
e ⊕ ys ≡⟨ ⊕-unitl ys ⟩
ys ∎
arrayIsoToList++ (suc n) f ys =
arrayIsoToList .fun (suc n , f) ++ arrayIsoToList .fun ys
≡⟨ congS (λ z -> arrayIsoToList .fun z ++ arrayIsoToList .fun ys) $ sym (η+fsuc f) ⟩
arrayIsoToList .fun (η (f fzero) ⊕ (n , f ∘ fsuc)) ++ arrayIsoToList .fun ys
≡⟨ congS (_++ arrayIsoToList .fun ys) (arrayIsoToList+η (f fzero) (n , f ∘ fsuc)) ⟩
(arrayIsoToList .fun (η (f fzero)) ++ arrayIsoToList .fun (n , f ∘ fsuc)) ++ arrayIsoToList .fun ys
≡⟨ ++-assoc (arrayIsoToList .fun (η (f fzero))) (arrayIsoToList .fun (n , f ∘ fsuc)) _ ⟩
arrayIsoToList .fun (η (f fzero)) ++ (arrayIsoToList .fun (n , f ∘ fsuc) ++ arrayIsoToList .fun ys)
≡⟨ congS (arrayIsoToList .fun (η (f fzero)) ++_) (arrayIsoToList++ n (f ∘ fsuc) ys) ⟩
arrayIsoToList .fun (η (f fzero)) ++ arrayIsoToList .fun ((n , f ∘ fsuc) ⊕ ys)
≡⟨ sym (arrayIsoToList+η (f fzero) ((n , f ∘ fsuc) ⊕ ys)) ⟩
arrayIsoToList .fun (η (f fzero) ⊕ ((n , f ∘ fsuc) ⊕ ys))
≡⟨ congS (arrayIsoToList .fun) (sym (⊕-assocr (η (f fzero)) (n , f ∘ fsuc) ys)) ⟩
arrayIsoToList .fun ((η (f fzero) ⊕ (n , f ∘ fsuc)) ⊕ ys)
≡⟨ congS (λ zs -> arrayIsoToList .fun (zs ⊕ ys)) (η+fsuc f) ⟩
arrayIsoToList .fun ((suc n , f) ⊕ ys) ∎
module _ {} {A : Type } where
open ArrayDef.Free
module 𝔄 = M.MonSEq < Array A , array-α > array-sat
arrayIsoToListHom : structIsHom < Array A , array-α > < List A , LM.list-α > (arrayIsoToList .fun)
arrayIsoToListHom M.`e i = refl
arrayIsoToListHom M.`⊕ i =
arrayIsoToList .fun (i fzero) ++ arrayIsoToList .fun (i fone)
≡⟨ arrayIsoToList++ (fst (i fzero)) (snd (i fzero)) (i fone) ⟩
arrayIsoToList .fun (i fzero ⊕ i fone)
≡⟨ congS (arrayIsoToList .fun) (sym (𝔄.⊕-eta i (idfun _))) ⟩
arrayIsoToList .fun (i fzero ⊕ i fone) ∎

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@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe --exact-split #-}
module Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.Desc where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Functions.Logic as L
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order
open import Cubical.Data.List
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Sum
open import Cubical.Data.Unit
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as ⊥
open import Cubical.Structures.Sig
open import Cubical.Structures.Str public
open import Cubical.Structures.Tree as T
open import Cubical.Structures.Eq
open import Cubical.Structures.Arity as F
data MonSym : Type where
`e : MonSym
`⊕ : MonSym
MonAr : MonSym ->
MonAr `e = 0
MonAr `⊕ = 2
MonFinSig : FinSig -zero
MonFinSig = MonSym , MonAr
MonSig : Sig -zero -zero
MonSig = finSig MonFinSig
MonStruct : ∀ {n} -> Type (-suc n)
MonStruct {n} = struct n MonSig
module MonStruct {} (𝔛 : MonStruct {}) where
e : 𝔛 .car
e = 𝔛 .alg (`e , lookup [])
e-eta : {i j : Arity 0 -> 𝔛 .car} -> 𝔛 .alg (`e , i) ≡ 𝔛 .alg (`e , j)
e-eta {i} = cong (\j -> 𝔛 .alg (`e , j)) (funExt λ z -> lookup [] z)
infixr 40 _⊕_
_⊕_ : 𝔛 .car -> 𝔛 .car -> 𝔛 .car
_⊕_ x y = 𝔛 .alg (`⊕ , lookup (x ∷ y ∷ []))
⊕-eta : ∀ {} {A : Type } (i : Arity 2 -> A) (_♯ : A -> 𝔛 .car) -> 𝔛 .alg (`⊕ , (λ w -> i w ♯)) ≡ (i fzero ♯) ⊕ (i fone ♯)
⊕-eta i _♯ = cong (λ z -> 𝔛 .alg (`⊕ , z)) (funExt lemma)
lemma : (x : Arity 2) -> (i x ♯) ≡ lookup ((i fzero ♯) ∷ (i fone ♯) ∷ []) x
lemma (zero , p) = cong (_♯ ∘ i) (Σ≡Prop (λ _ -> isProp≤) refl)
lemma (suc zero , p) = cong (_♯ ∘ i) (Σ≡Prop (λ _ -> isProp≤) refl)
lemma (suc (suc n) , p) = ⊥.rec (¬m+n<m {m = 2} p)
data MonEq : Type where
`unitl `unitr `assocr : MonEq
MonEqFree : MonEq ->
MonEqFree `unitl = 1
MonEqFree `unitr = 1
MonEqFree `assocr = 3
MonEqSig : EqSig -zero -zero
MonEqSig = finEqSig (MonEq , MonEqFree)
monEqLhs : (eq : MonEq) -> FinTree MonFinSig (MonEqFree eq)
monEqLhs `unitl = node (`⊕ , lookup (node (`e , lookup []) ∷ leaf fzero ∷ []))
monEqLhs `unitr = node (`⊕ , lookup (leaf fzero ∷ node (`e , lookup []) ∷ []))
monEqLhs `assocr = node (`⊕ , lookup (node (`⊕ , lookup (leaf fzero ∷ leaf fone ∷ [])) ∷ leaf ftwo ∷ []))
monEqRhs : (eq : MonEq) -> FinTree MonFinSig (MonEqFree eq)
monEqRhs `unitl = leaf fzero
monEqRhs `unitr = leaf fzero
monEqRhs `assocr = node (`⊕ , lookup (leaf fzero ∷ node (`⊕ , lookup (leaf fone ∷ leaf ftwo ∷ [])) ∷ []))
MonSEq : seq MonSig MonEqSig
MonSEq n = monEqLhs n , monEqRhs n
module MonSEq {} (𝔛 : MonStruct {}) (ϕ : 𝔛 ⊨ MonSEq) where
open MonStruct 𝔛 public
unitl : ∀ m -> e ⊕ m ≡ m
unitl m =
e ⊕ m
𝔛 .alg (`⊕ , lookup (𝔛 .alg (`e , _) ∷ m ∷ []))
≡⟨ cong (\w -> 𝔛 .alg (`⊕ , w)) (funExt lemma) ⟩
𝔛 .alg (`⊕ , (λ x -> sharp (finSig (MonSym , MonAr)) 𝔛 (lookup (m ∷ [])) (lookup (node (`e , _) ∷ leaf fzero ∷ []) x)))
≡⟨ ϕ `unitl (lookup [ m ]) ⟩
m ∎
lemma : (w : MonSig .arity `⊕) -> lookup (𝔛 .alg (`e , (λ num → ⊥.rec (¬Fin0 num))) ∷ m ∷ []) w ≡ sharp (finSig (MonSym , MonAr)) 𝔛 (lookup (m ∷ [])) (lookup (node (`e , (λ num → ⊥.rec (¬Fin0 num))) ∷ leaf fzero ∷ []) w)
lemma (zero , p) = sym e-eta
lemma (suc zero , p) = refl
lemma (suc (suc n) , p) = ⊥.rec (¬m+n<m {m = 2} p)
unitr : ∀ m -> m ⊕ e ≡ m
unitr m =
m ⊕ e
𝔛 .alg (`⊕ , lookup (m ∷ 𝔛 .alg (`e , _) ∷ []))
≡⟨ cong (\w -> 𝔛 .alg (`⊕ , w)) (funExt lemma) ⟩
𝔛 .alg (`⊕ , (λ x -> sharp MonSig 𝔛 (lookup [ m ]) (lookup (leaf fzero ∷ node (`e , (λ num → ⊥.rec (¬Fin0 num))) ∷ []) x)))
≡⟨ ϕ `unitr (lookup [ m ]) ⟩
m ∎
lemma : (x : MonSig .arity `⊕) -> lookup (m ∷ 𝔛 .alg (`e , (λ num → ⊥.rec (¬Fin0 num))) ∷ []) x ≡ sharp MonSig 𝔛 (lookup [ m ]) (lookup (leaf fzero ∷ node (`e , (λ num → ⊥.rec (¬Fin0 num))) ∷ []) x)
lemma (zero , p) = refl
lemma (suc zero , p) = sym e-eta
lemma (suc (suc n) , p) = ⊥.rec (¬m+n<m {m = 2} p)
assocr : ∀ m n o -> (m ⊕ n) ⊕ o ≡ m ⊕ (n ⊕ o)
assocr m n o =
(m ⊕ n) ⊕ o
𝔛 .alg (`⊕ , lookup (𝔛 .alg (`⊕ , lookup (m ∷ n ∷ [])) ∷ o ∷ []))
≡⟨ cong (\w -> 𝔛 .alg (`⊕ , w)) (funExt lemma1) ⟩
𝔛 .alg (`⊕ , (\w -> sharp MonSig 𝔛 (lookup (m ∷ n ∷ o ∷ [])) (lookup (node (`⊕ , lookup (leaf fzero ∷ leaf fone ∷ [])) ∷ leaf ftwo ∷ []) w)))
≡⟨ ϕ `assocr (lookup (m ∷ n ∷ o ∷ [])) ⟩
𝔛 .alg (`⊕ , (λ w -> sharp MonSig 𝔛 (lookup (m ∷ n ∷ o ∷ [])) (lookup (leaf fzero ∷ node (`⊕ , lookup (leaf fone ∷ leaf ftwo ∷ [])) ∷ []) w)))
≡⟨ cong (\w -> 𝔛 .alg (`⊕ , w)) (sym (funExt lemma3)) ⟩
𝔛 .alg (`⊕ , lookup (m ∷ 𝔛 .alg (`⊕ , lookup (n ∷ o ∷ [])) ∷ []))
m ⊕ (n ⊕ o) ∎
lemma1 : (w : MonSig .arity `⊕) -> lookup (𝔛 .alg (`⊕ , lookup (m ∷ n ∷ [])) ∷ o ∷ []) w ≡ sharp MonSig 𝔛 (lookup (m ∷ n ∷ o ∷ [])) (lookup (node (`⊕ , lookup (leaf fzero ∷ leaf fone ∷ [])) ∷ leaf ftwo ∷ []) w)
lemma2 : (w : MonSig .arity `⊕) -> lookup (m ∷ n ∷ []) w ≡ sharp MonSig 𝔛 (lookup (m ∷ n ∷ o ∷ [])) (lookup (leaf fzero ∷ leaf fone ∷ []) w)
lemma1 (zero , p) = cong (λ o → 𝔛 .alg (`⊕ , o)) (funExt lemma2)
lemma1 (suc zero , p) = refl
lemma1 (suc (suc n) , p) = ⊥.rec (¬m+n<m {m = 2} p)
lemma2 (zero , p) = refl
lemma2 (suc zero , p) = refl
lemma2 (suc (suc n) , p) = ⊥.rec (¬m+n<m {m = 2} p)
lemma3 : (w : MonSig .arity `⊕) -> lookup (m ∷ 𝔛 .alg (`⊕ , lookup (n ∷ o ∷ [])) ∷ []) w ≡ sharp MonSig 𝔛 (lookup (m ∷ n ∷ o ∷ [])) (lookup (leaf fzero ∷ node (`⊕ , lookup (leaf fone ∷ leaf ftwo ∷ [])) ∷ []) w)
lemma4 : (w : MonSig .arity `⊕) -> lookup (n ∷ o ∷ []) w ≡ sharp MonSig 𝔛 (lookup (m ∷ n ∷ o ∷ [])) (lookup (leaf fone ∷ leaf ftwo ∷ []) w)
lemma3 (zero , p) = refl
lemma3 (suc zero , p) = cong (λ w → 𝔛 .alg (`⊕ , w)) (funExt lemma4)
lemma3 (suc (suc n) , p) = ⊥.rec (¬m+n<m {m = 2} p)
lemma4 (zero , p) = refl
lemma4 (suc zero , p) = refl
lemma4 (suc (suc n) , p) = ⊥.rec (¬m+n<m {m = 2} p)
TODO: Write generic lemma about compatibility between lookup and sharp
lemma : (f : MonSym) (x : 𝔛 .car) (xs : List (𝔛 .car)) (a : Arity (length xs))
-> lookup (x ∷ xs) (fsuc a) ≡ sharp MonSig 𝔛 {!!} (lookup {!!} a)
lemma f = {!!}
-MonStr : MonStruct
car -MonStr =
alg -MonStr (`e , _) = 0
alg -MonStr (`⊕ , i) = i fzero + i fone
-MonStr-MonSEq : -MonStr ⊨ MonSEq
-MonStr-MonSEq `unitl ρ = refl
-MonStr-MonSEq `unitr ρ = +-zero (ρ fzero)
-MonStr-MonSEq `assocr ρ = sym (+-assoc (ρ fzero) (ρ fone) (ρ ftwo))
⊔-MonStr : ( : Level) -> MonStruct {n = -suc }
car (⊔-MonStr ) = hProp
alg (⊔-MonStr ) (`e , i) = ⊥* , isProp⊥*
alg (⊔-MonStr ) (`⊕ , i) = i fzero ⊔ i fone
⊔-MonStr-MonSEq : ( : Level) -> ⊔-MonStr ⊨ MonSEq
⊔-MonStr-MonSEq `unitl ρ =
⇒∶ ⊔-elim (⊥* , isProp⊥*) (ρ fzero) (λ _ -> ρ fzero) ⊥.rec* (idfun _)
⇐∶ L.inr
⊔-MonStr-MonSEq `unitr ρ =
⇔toPath (⊔-elim (ρ fzero) (⊥* , isProp⊥*) (λ _ -> ρ fzero) (idfun _) ⊥.rec*) L.inl
⊔-MonStr-MonSEq `assocr ρ =
sym (⊔-assoc (ρ fzero) (ρ fone) (ρ ftwo))
⊓-MonStr : ( : Level) -> MonStruct {n = -suc }
car (⊓-MonStr ) = hProp
alg (⊓-MonStr ) (`e , i) = L.
alg (⊓-MonStr ) (`⊕ , i) = i fzero ⊓ i fone
⊓-MonStr-MonSEq : ( : Level) -> ⊓-MonStr ⊨ MonSEq
⊓-MonStr-MonSEq `unitl ρ = ⊓-identityˡ (ρ fzero)
⊓-MonStr-MonSEq `unitr ρ = ⊓-identityʳ (ρ fzero)
⊓-MonStr-MonSEq `assocr ρ = sym (⊓-assoc (ρ fzero) (ρ fone) (ρ ftwo))

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@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe --exact-split #-}
module Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.Free where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.List
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order
import Cubical.Data.Empty as ⊥
import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.Desc as M
import Cubical.Structures.Free as F
open import Cubical.Structures.Sig
open import Cubical.Structures.Str public
open import Cubical.Structures.Tree
open import Cubical.Structures.Eq
open import Cubical.Structures.Arity
data FreeMon { : Level} (A : Type ) : Type where
η : (a : A) -> FreeMon A
e : FreeMon A
_⊕_ : FreeMon A -> FreeMon A -> FreeMon A
unitl : ∀ m -> e ⊕ m ≡ m
unitr : ∀ m -> m ⊕ e ≡ m
assocr : ∀ m n o -> (m ⊕ n) ⊕ o ≡ m ⊕ (n ⊕ o)
trunc : isSet (FreeMon A)
module elimFreeMonSet {p n : Level} {A : Type n} (P : FreeMon A -> Type p)
(η* : (a : A) -> P (η a))
(e* : P e)
(_⊕*_ : {m n : FreeMon A} -> P m -> P n -> P (m ⊕ n))
(unitl* : {m : FreeMon A} (m* : P m) -> PathP (λ i → P (unitl m i)) (e* ⊕* m*) m*)
(unitr* : {m : FreeMon A} (m* : P m) -> PathP (λ i → P (unitr m i)) (m* ⊕* e*) m*)
(assocr* : {m n o : FreeMon A}
(m* : P m) ->
(n* : P n) ->
(o* : P o) -> PathP (λ i → P (assocr m n o i)) ((m* ⊕* n*) ⊕* o*) (m* ⊕* (n* ⊕* o*)))
(trunc* : {xs : FreeMon A} -> isSet (P xs))
f : (x : FreeMon A) -> P x
f (η a) = η* a
f e = e*
f (x ⊕ y) = f x ⊕* f y
f (unitl x i) = unitl* (f x) i
f (unitr x i) = unitr* (f x) i
f (assocr x y z i) = assocr* (f x) (f y) (f z) i
f (trunc xs ys p q i j) =
isOfHLevel→isOfHLevelDep 2 (\xs -> trunc* {xs = xs}) (f xs) (f ys) (cong f p) (cong f q) (trunc xs ys p q) i j
module recFreeMonSet {p n : Level} {A : Type n} (P : Type p)
(η* : (a : A) -> P)
(e* : P)
(_⊕*_ : P -> P -> P)
(unitl* : (m* : P) -> PathP (λ i → P) (e* ⊕* m*) m*)
(unitr* : (m* : P) -> PathP (λ i → P) (m* ⊕* e*) m*)
(assocr* : (m* : P) ->
(n* : P) ->
(o* : P) -> PathP (λ i → P) ((m* ⊕* n*) ⊕* o*) (m* ⊕* (n* ⊕* o*)))
(trunc* : isSet P)
f : (x : FreeMon A) -> P
f = elimFreeMonSet.f (\_ -> P) η* e* _⊕*_ unitl* unitr* assocr* trunc*
module elimFreeMonProp {p n : Level} {A : Type n} (P : FreeMon A -> Type p)
(η* : (a : A) -> P (η a))
(e* : P e)
(_⊕*_ : {m n : FreeMon A} -> P m -> P n -> P (m ⊕ n))
(trunc* : {xs : FreeMon A} -> isProp (P xs))
f : (x : FreeMon A) -> P x
f = elimFreeMonSet.f P η* e* _⊕*_ unitl* unitr* assocr* (isProp→isSet trunc*)
unitl* : {m : FreeMon A} (m* : P m) -> PathP (λ i → P (unitl m i)) (e* ⊕* m*) m*
unitl* {m} m* = toPathP (trunc* (transp (λ i -> P (unitl m i)) i0 (e* ⊕* m*)) m*)
unitr* : {m : FreeMon A} (m* : P m) -> PathP (λ i → P (unitr m i)) (m* ⊕* e*) m*
unitr* {m} m* = toPathP (trunc* (transp (λ i -> P (unitr m i)) i0 (m* ⊕* e*)) m*)
assocr* : {m n o : FreeMon A}
(m* : P m) ->
(n* : P n) ->
(o* : P o) -> PathP (λ i → P (assocr m n o i)) ((m* ⊕* n*) ⊕* o*) (m* ⊕* (n* ⊕* o*))
assocr* {m} {n} {o} m* n* o* =
toPathP (trunc* (transp (λ i -> P (assocr m n o i)) i0 ((m* ⊕* n*) ⊕* o*)) (m* ⊕* (n* ⊕* o*)))
freeMon-α : ∀ {n : Level} {X : Type n} -> sig M.MonSig (FreeMon X) -> FreeMon X
freeMon-α (M.`e , i) = e
freeMon-α (M.`⊕ , i) = i fzero ⊕ i fone
module Free {x y : Level} {A : Type x} {𝔜 : struct y M.MonSig} (isSet𝔜 : isSet (𝔜 .car)) (𝔜-monoid : 𝔜 ⊨ M.MonSEq) where
module 𝔜 = M.MonSEq 𝔜 𝔜-monoid
𝔉 : struct x M.MonSig
𝔉 = < FreeMon A , freeMon-α >
module _ (f : A -> 𝔜 .car) where
_♯ : FreeMon A -> 𝔜 .car
(η a) ♯ = f a
e ♯ = 𝔜.e
(m ⊕ n) ♯ = (m ♯) 𝔜.⊕ (n ♯)
(unitl m i) ♯ = 𝔜.unitl (m ♯) i
(unitr m i) ♯ = 𝔜.unitr (m ♯) i
(assocr m n o i) ♯ = 𝔜.assocr (m ♯) (n ♯) (o ♯) i
(trunc m n p q i j) ♯ = isSet𝔜 (m ♯) (n ♯) (cong _♯ p) (cong _♯ q) i j
♯-isMonHom : structHom 𝔉 𝔜
fst ♯-isMonHom = _♯
snd ♯-isMonHom M.`e i = 𝔜.e-eta
snd ♯-isMonHom M.`⊕ i = 𝔜.⊕-eta i _♯
freeMonEquivLemma : (g : structHom 𝔉 𝔜) -> (x : FreeMon A) -> g .fst x ≡ ((g .fst ∘ η) ♯) x
freeMonEquivLemma (g , homMonWit) = elimFreeMonProp.f (λ x -> g x ≡ ((g ∘ η) ♯) x)
(λ _ -> refl)
(sym (homMonWit M.`e (lookup [])) ∙ 𝔜.e-eta)
(λ {m} {n} p q ->
g (m ⊕ n) ≡⟨ sym (homMonWit M.`⊕ (lookup (m ∷ n ∷ []))) ⟩
𝔜 .alg (M.`⊕ , (λ w -> g (lookup (m ∷ n ∷ []) w))) ≡⟨ 𝔜.⊕-eta (lookup (m ∷ n ∷ [])) g ⟩
g m 𝔜.⊕ g n ≡⟨ cong₂ 𝔜._⊕_ p q ⟩
_ ∎
(isSet𝔜 _ _)
freeMonEquivLemma-β : (g : structHom 𝔉 𝔜) -> g ≡ ♯-isMonHom (g .fst ∘ η)
freeMonEquivLemma-β g = structHom≡ 𝔉 𝔜 g (♯-isMonHom (g .fst ∘ η)) isSet𝔜 (funExt (freeMonEquivLemma g))
freeMonEquiv : structHom 𝔉 𝔜 ≃ (A -> 𝔜 .car)
freeMonEquiv =
isoToEquiv (iso (λ g -> g .fst ∘ η) ♯-isMonHom (λ _ -> refl) (sym ∘ freeMonEquivLemma-β))
module FreeMonDef = F.Definition M.MonSig M.MonEqSig M.MonSEq
freeMon-sat : ∀ {n} {X : Type n} -> < FreeMon X , freeMon-α > ⊨ M.MonSEq
freeMon-sat M.`unitl ρ = unitl (ρ fzero)
freeMon-sat M.`unitr ρ = unitr (ρ fzero)
freeMon-sat M.`assocr ρ = assocr (ρ fzero) (ρ fone) (ρ ftwo)
freeMonDef : ∀ { '} -> FreeMonDef.Free ' 2
F.Definition.Free.F freeMonDef = FreeMon
F.Definition.Free.η freeMonDef = η
F.Definition.Free.α freeMonDef = freeMon-α
F.Definition.Free.sat freeMonDef = freeMon-sat
F.Definition.Free.isFree freeMonDef isSet𝔜 satMon = (Free.freeMonEquiv isSet𝔜 satMon) .snd

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@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe --exact-split #-}
module Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.List where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.List
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order
open import Cubical.Data.Unit
import Cubical.Data.Empty as ⊥
open import Cubical.Functions.Logic as L
import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.Desc as M
import Cubical.Structures.Free as F
open import Cubical.Structures.Sig
open import Cubical.Structures.Str public
open import Cubical.Structures.Tree
open import Cubical.Structures.Eq
open import Cubical.Structures.Arity
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as P
open import Cubical.Data.Sum as ⊎
: Level
A B : Type
list-α : sig M.MonSig (List A) -> List A
list-α (M.`e , i) = []
list-α (M.`⊕ , i) = i fzero ++ i fone
module Free {x y : Level} {A : Type x} {𝔜 : struct y M.MonSig} (isSet𝔜 : isSet (𝔜 .car)) (𝔜-monoid : 𝔜 ⊨ M.MonSEq) where
module 𝔜 = M.MonSEq 𝔜 𝔜-monoid
𝔏 : M.MonStruct
𝔏 = < List A , list-α >
module _ (f : A -> 𝔜 .car) where
_♯ : List A -> 𝔜 .car
[] ♯ = 𝔜.e
(x ∷ xs) ♯ = f x 𝔜.⊕ (xs ♯)
♯-++ : ∀ xs ys -> (xs ++ ys) ♯ ≡ (xs ♯) 𝔜.⊕ (ys ♯)
♯-++ [] ys = sym (𝔜.unitl (ys ♯))
♯-++ (x ∷ xs) ys = cong (f x 𝔜.⊕_) (♯-++ xs ys) ∙ sym (𝔜.assocr (f x) (xs ♯) (ys ♯))
♯-isMonHom : structHom 𝔏 𝔜
fst ♯-isMonHom = _♯
snd ♯-isMonHom M.`e i = 𝔜.e-eta
snd ♯-isMonHom M.`⊕ i = 𝔜.⊕-eta i _♯ ∙ sym (♯-++ (i fzero) (i fone))
listEquivLemma : (g : structHom 𝔏 𝔜) -> (x : List A) -> g .fst x ≡ ((g .fst ∘ [_]) ♯) x
listEquivLemma (g , homMonWit) [] = sym (homMonWit M.`e (lookup [])) ∙ 𝔜.e-eta
listEquivLemma (g , homMonWit) (x ∷ xs) =
g (x ∷ xs) ≡⟨ sym (homMonWit M.`⊕ (lookup ([ x ] ∷ xs ∷ []))) ⟩
𝔜 .alg (M.`⊕ , (λ w -> g (lookup ((x ∷ []) ∷ xs ∷ []) w))) ≡⟨ 𝔜.⊕-eta (lookup ([ x ] ∷ xs ∷ [])) g ⟩
g [ x ] 𝔜.⊕ g xs ≡⟨ cong (g [ x ] 𝔜.⊕_) (listEquivLemma (g , homMonWit) xs) ⟩
_ ∎
listEquivLemma-β : (g : structHom 𝔏 𝔜) -> g ≡ ♯-isMonHom (g .fst ∘ [_])
listEquivLemma-β g = structHom≡ 𝔏 𝔜 g (♯-isMonHom (g .fst ∘ [_])) isSet𝔜 (funExt (listEquivLemma g))
listEquiv : structHom 𝔏 𝔜 ≃ (A -> 𝔜 .car)
listEquiv =
isoToEquiv (iso (λ g -> g .fst ∘ [_]) ♯-isMonHom (λ g -> funExt (𝔜.unitr ∘ g)) (sym ∘ listEquivLemma-β))
module ListDef = F.Definition M.MonSig M.MonEqSig M.MonSEq
list-sat : ∀ {n} {X : Type n} -> < List X , list-α > ⊨ M.MonSEq
list-sat M.`unitl ρ = refl
list-sat M.`unitr ρ = ++-unit-r (ρ fzero)
list-sat M.`assocr ρ = ++-assoc (ρ fzero) (ρ fone) (ρ ftwo)
listDef : ∀ { '} -> ListDef.Free ' 2
F.Definition.Free.F listDef = List
F.Definition.Free.η listDef = [_]
F.Definition.Free.α listDef = list-α
F.Definition.Free.sat listDef = list-sat
F.Definition.Free.isFree listDef isSet𝔜 satMon = (Free.listEquiv isSet𝔜 satMon) .snd
list-⊥ : (List ⊥.⊥) ≃ Unit
list-⊥ = isoToEquiv (iso (λ _ -> tt) (λ _ -> []) (λ _ -> isPropUnit _ _) lemma)
lemma : ∀ xs -> [] ≡ xs
lemma [] = refl
lemma (x ∷ xs) = ⊥.rec x
module Membership {} {A : Type } (isSetA : isSet A) where
open Free {A = A} isSetHProp (M.⊔-MonStr-MonSEq )
∈Prop : A -> List A -> hProp
∈Prop x = (λ y -> (x ≡ y) , isSetA x y) ♯
_∈_ : A -> List A -> Type
x ∈ xs = ∈Prop x xs .fst
isProp-∈ : (x : A) -> (xs : List A) -> isProp (x ∈ xs)
isProp-∈ x xs = (∈Prop x xs) .snd
x∈xs : ∀ x xs -> x ∈ (x ∷ xs)
x∈xs x xs = L.inl refl
x∈[x] : ∀ x -> x ∈ [ x ]
x∈[x] x = x∈xs x []
∈-∷ : ∀ x y xs -> x ∈ xs -> x ∈ (y ∷ xs)
∈-∷ x y xs p = L.inr p
∈-++ : ∀ x xs ys -> x ∈ ys -> x ∈ (xs ++ ys)
∈-++ x [] ys p = p
∈-++ x (a ∷ as) ys p = ∈-∷ x a (as ++ ys) (∈-++ x as ys p)
¬∈[] : ∀ x -> (x ∈ []) -> ⊥.⊥
¬∈[] x = ⊥.rec*
x∈[y]→x≡y : ∀ x y -> x ∈ [ y ] -> x ≡ y
x∈[y]→x≡y x y = P.rec (isSetA x y) $ ⊎.rec (idfun _) ⊥.rec*

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@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe --exact-split #-}
module Cubical.Structures.Sig where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Functions.Image
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as P
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Fin
open import Cubical.Data.List as L
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as ⊥
open import Cubical.Data.Sum as ⊎
open import Cubical.Reflection.RecordEquiv
open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients as Q
open import Agda.Primitive
record Sig (f a : Level) : Type ((-suc f) ⊔ (-suc a)) where
symbol : Type f
arity : symbol -> Type a
open Sig public
FinSig : (f : Level) -> Type (-suc f)
FinSig f = Σ (Type f) \sym -> sym ->
finSig : {f : Level} -> FinSig f -> Sig f -zero
symbol (finSig σ) = σ .fst
arity (finSig σ) = Fin ∘ σ .snd
emptySig : Sig -zero -zero
symbol emptySig = ⊥.⊥
arity emptySig = ⊥.rec
sumSig : {f a g b : Level} -> Sig f a -> Sig g b -> Sig (-max f g) (-max a b)
symbol (sumSig σ τ) = symbol σ ⊎ symbol τ
arity (sumSig {b = b} σ τ) (inl x) = Lift {j = b} ((arity σ) x)
arity (sumSig {a = a} σ τ) (inr x) = Lift {j = a} ((arity τ) x)
signature functor
module _ {f a n : Level} (σ : Sig f a) where
sig : Type n -> Type (-max f (-max a n))
sig X = Σ (σ .symbol) \f -> σ .arity f -> X
sig≡ : {X : Type n} (f : σ .symbol) {i j : σ .arity f -> X}
-> ((a : σ .arity f) -> i a ≡ j a)
-> Path (sig X) (f , i) (f , j)
sig≡ f H = ΣPathP (refl , funExt H)
sigF : {X Y : Type n} -> (X -> Y) -> sig X -> sig Y
sigF h (f , i) = f , h ∘ i
module _ {f n : Level} (σ : FinSig f) where
sigFin : (X : Type n) -> Type (-max f n)
sigFin X = sig (finSig σ) X
sigFin≡ : {X : Type n} (f : σ .fst) {i j : finSig σ .arity f -> X}
-> ((a : finSig σ .arity f) -> i a ≡ j a)
-> Path (sigFin X) (f , i) (f , j)
sigFin≡ = sig≡ (finSig σ)

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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe --exact-split #-}
module Cubical.Structures.Str where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Functions.Image
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as P
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.List as L
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Reflection.RecordEquiv
open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients as Q
open import Agda.Primitive
open import Cubical.Structures.Sig
record struct {f a : Level} (n : Level) (σ : Sig f a) : Type (-max f (-max a (-suc n))) where
constructor <_,_>
car : Type n
alg : sig σ car -> car
open struct public
module _ {f a x y : Level} {σ : Sig f a} (𝔛 : struct x σ) (𝔜 : struct y σ) where
structIsHom : (h : 𝔛 .car -> 𝔜 .car) -> Type (-max f (-max a (-max x y)))
structIsHom h =
((f : σ .symbol) -> (i : σ .arity f -> 𝔛 .car) -> 𝔜 .alg (f , h ∘ i) ≡ h (𝔛 .alg (f , i)))
structHom : Type (-max f (-max a (-max x y)))
structHom = Σ[ h ∈ (𝔛 .car -> 𝔜 .car) ] structIsHom h
structHom≡ : (g h : structHom) -> isSet (𝔜 .car) -> g .fst ≡ h .fst -> g ≡ h
structHom≡ (g-f , g-hom) (h-f , h-hom) isSetY =
Σ≡Prop (\fun -> isPropΠ \f -> isPropΠ \o -> isSetY (𝔜 .alg (f , fun ∘ o)) (fun (𝔛 .alg (f , o))))
module _ {f a x : Level} {σ : Sig f a} (𝔛 : struct x σ) where
idHom : structHom 𝔛 𝔛
idHom = idfun _ , \f i -> refl
module _ {f a x y z : Level} {σ : Sig f a} (𝔛 : struct x σ) (𝔜 : struct y σ) ( : struct z σ) where
structHom∘ : (g : structHom 𝔜 ) -> (h : structHom 𝔛 𝔜) -> structHom 𝔛
structHom∘ (g-f , g-hom) (h-f , h-hom) = g-f ∘ h-f , lemma-α
lemma-α : structIsHom 𝔛 (g-f ∘ h-f)
lemma-α eqn i =
.alg (eqn , g-f ∘ h-f ∘ i) ≡⟨ g-hom eqn (h-f ∘ i) ⟩
g-f (𝔜 .alg (eqn , h-f ∘ i)) ≡⟨ cong g-f (h-hom eqn i) ⟩
_ ∎

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@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe --exact-split #-}
module Cubical.Structures.Tree where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Functions.Image
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as P
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Fin
open import Cubical.Structures.Sig
open import Cubical.Structures.Str
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as ⊥
open import Cubical.Data.Sum as S
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism renaming (Iso to _≅_)
module _ {f a n : Level} (σ : Sig f a) where
data Tree (V : Type n) : Type (-max (-max f a) n) where
leaf : V -> Tree V
node : sig σ (Tree V) -> Tree V
open Tree
module _ {f a n y : Level} (σ : Sig f a) {V : Type n} where
open import Cubical.Data.W.Indexed
S : Type n -> Type (-max f n)
S _ = V ⊎ (σ .symbol)
P : (V : Type n) -> S V -> Type a
P V (inl v) = ⊥*
P V (inr f) = σ .arity f
inX : ∀ V (s : S V) -> P V s -> Type n
inX V s p = V
RepTree : Type (-max f (-max a (-suc n)))
RepTree = IW S P inX V
Tree→RepTree : Tree σ V -> RepTree
Tree→RepTree (leaf v) = node (inl v) ⊥.rec*
Tree→RepTree (node (f , i)) = node (inr f) (Tree→RepTree ∘ i)
RepTree→Tree : RepTree -> Tree σ V
RepTree→Tree (node (inl v) subtree) = leaf v
RepTree→Tree (node (inr f) subtree) = node (f , RepTree→Tree ∘ subtree)
Tree→RepTree→Tree : ∀ t -> RepTree→Tree (Tree→RepTree t) ≡ t
Tree→RepTree→Tree (leaf v) = refl
Tree→RepTree→Tree (node (f , i)) j = node (f , \a -> Tree→RepTree→Tree (i a) j)
RepTree→Tree→RepTree : ∀ r -> Tree→RepTree (RepTree→Tree r) ≡ r
RepTree→Tree→RepTree (node (inl v) subtree) = congS (node (inl v)) (funExt (⊥.rec ∘ lower))
RepTree→Tree→RepTree (node (inr f) subtree) = congS (node (inr f)) (funExt (RepTree→Tree→RepTree ∘ subtree))
isoRepTree : Tree σ V ≅ RepTree isoRepTree = Tree→RepTree
Iso.inv isoRepTree = RepTree→Tree
Iso.rightInv isoRepTree = RepTree→Tree→RepTree
Iso.leftInv isoRepTree = Tree→RepTree→Tree
isOfHLevelMax : ∀ {} {n m : HLevel} {A : Type }
-> isOfHLevel n A
-> isOfHLevel (max n m) A
isOfHLevelMax {n = n} {m = m} {A = A} p =
(k , o) = left-≤-max {m = n} {n = m}
subst (λ l -> isOfHLevel l A) o (isOfHLevelPlus k p)
isOfHLevelS : (h h' : HLevel)
(p : isOfHLevel (2 + h) V) (q : isOfHLevel (2 + h') (σ .symbol))
-> isOfHLevel (max (2 + h) (2 + h')) (S V)
isOfHLevelS h h' p q =
isOfHLevel⊎ _
(isOfHLevelMax {n = 2 + h} {m = 2 + h'} p)
(subst (λ h'' -> isOfHLevel h'' (σ .symbol)) (maxComm (2 + h') (2 + h)) (isOfHLevelMax {n = 2 + h'} {m = 2 + h} q))
isOfHLevelRepTree : ∀ {h h' : HLevel}
-> isOfHLevel (2 + h) V
-> isOfHLevel (2 + h') (σ .symbol)
-> isOfHLevel (max (2 + h) (2 + h')) RepTree
isOfHLevelRepTree {h} {h'} p q =
isOfHLevelSuc-IW (max (suc h) (suc h')) (λ _ -> isOfHLevelPath' _ (isOfHLevelS _ _ p q)) V
isOfHLevelTree : ∀ {h h' : HLevel}
-> isOfHLevel (2 + h) V
-> isOfHLevel (2 + h') (σ .symbol)
-> isOfHLevel (max (2 + h) (2 + h')) (Tree σ V)
isOfHLevelTree {h} {h'} p q =
isOfHLevelRetract (max (2 + h) (2 + h'))
(isOfHLevelRepTree p q)
module _ {f : Level} (σ : FinSig f) where
FinTree : (k : ) -> Type f
FinTree k = Tree (finSig σ) (Fin k)
module _ {f a : Level} (σ : Sig f a) where
algTr : ∀ {x} (X : Type x) -> struct (-max f (-max a x)) σ
car (algTr X) = Tree σ X
alg (algTr X) = node
module _ {f a : Level} (σ : Sig f a) {x y} {X : Type x} (𝔜 : struct y σ) where
𝔛 : struct (-max f (-max a x)) σ
𝔛 = algTr σ X
sharp : (X -> 𝔜 .car) -> Tree σ X -> 𝔜 .car
sharp ρ (leaf v) = ρ v
sharp ρ (node (f , o)) = 𝔜 .alg (f , sharp ρ ∘ o)
eval : (X -> 𝔜 .car) -> structHom 𝔛 𝔜
eval h = sharp h , λ _ _ -> refl
sharp-eta : (g : structHom 𝔛 𝔜) -> (tr : Tree σ X) -> g .fst tr ≡ sharp (g .fst ∘ leaf) tr
sharp-eta g (leaf x) = refl
sharp-eta (g-f , g-hom) (node x) =
g-f (node x) ≡⟨ sym (g-hom (x .fst) (x .snd)) ⟩
𝔜 .alg (x .fst , (λ y → g-f (x .snd y))) ≡⟨ cong (λ z → 𝔜 .alg (x .fst , z)) (funExt λ y -> sharp-eta ((g-f , g-hom)) (x .snd y)) ⟩
𝔜 .alg (x .fst , (λ y → sharp (g-f ∘ leaf) (x .snd y)))
sharp-hom-eta : isSet (𝔜 .car) -> (g : structHom 𝔛 𝔜) -> g ≡ eval (g .fst ∘ leaf)
sharp-hom-eta p g = structHom≡ 𝔛 𝔜 g (eval (g .fst ∘ leaf)) p (funExt (sharp-eta g))
trEquiv : isSet (𝔜 .car) -> structHom 𝔛 𝔜 ≃ (X -> 𝔜 .car)
trEquiv isSetY = isoToEquiv (iso (\g -> g .fst ∘ leaf) eval (\_ -> refl) (sym ∘ sharp-hom-eta isSetY))
trIsEquiv : isSet (𝔜 .car) -> isEquiv (\g -> g .fst ∘ leaf)
trIsEquiv = snd ∘ trEquiv

Everything.agda Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe --exact-split #-}
module Everything where

Experiments/Fin.agda Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
module Experiments.Fin where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Fin
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order
open import Cubical.Data.Sum as ⊎
import Cubical.Data.Empty as ⊥
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.Array
import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.Desc as M
import Cubical.Structures.Free as F
open import Cubical.Structures.Sig
open import Cubical.Structures.Str public
open import Cubical.Structures.Tree
open import Cubical.Structures.Eq
open import Cubical.Structures.Arity
import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.List as LM
open Iso
open import Agda.Builtin.Reflection hiding (Type)
open import Agda.Builtin.String
open import Cubical.Reflection.Base
open import Cubical.Tactics.FunctorSolver.Solver
open import Cubical.Tactics.Reflection
: Level
A : Type
infixr 5 _∷_
data FMSet (A : Type ) : Type where
[] : FMSet A
_∷_ : (x : A) → (xs : FMSet A) → FMSet A
comm : ∀ x y xs → x ∷ y ∷ xs ≡ y ∷ x ∷ xs
trunc : isSet (FMSet A)
_++_ : ∀ (xs ys : FMSet A) → FMSet A
[] ++ ys = ys
(x ∷ xs) ++ ys = x ∷ xs ++ ys
comm x y xs i ++ ys = comm x y (xs ++ ys) i
trunc xs zs p q i j ++ ys = {! trunc (xs ++ ys) (zs ++ ys) (cong (_++ ys) p) (cong (_++ ys) q) !}
trunc (xs ++ ys) (zs ++ ys) (cong (_++ ys) p) (cong (_++ ys) q) i j

Experiments/FreeStr.agda Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module Experiments.FreeStr where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Functions.Image
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as P
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.FinData as F
open import Cubical.Data.List as L
open import Cubical.Data.List.FinData as F
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Reflection.RecordEquiv
open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients as Q
open import Agda.Primitive
module _ {f a e n : Level} (σ : Sig f a) (τ : EqSig e n) (ε : seq σ τ) where
srel : (X : Type n) -> Tree σ X -> Tree σ X -> Type {!!}
srel X l r = sat σ τ ε {!!}
Fr : (X : Type n) -> walg σ
Fr X = (Tree σ X / {!!}) , {!!}
module _ {f a e n : Level} (σ : Sig f a) (τ : EqSig e n) where
evalEq : {X : Type n} -> (n : τ .name) -> (ρ : X -> τ .free n) -> Tree σ X -> Tree σ (τ .free n)
evalEq {X = X} n ρ = _♯ σ {X = X} {Y = TreeStr σ (τ .free n)} (leaf ∘ ρ)
eqs : {X : Type n} -> Tree σ X -> Tree σ X -> Type (-max (-max f a) (-max e n))
eqs {X = X} lhs rhs = (n : τ .name) (ρ : X -> τ .free n) -> evalEq n ρ lhs ≡ evalEq n ρ rhs
Free : Type n -> Type (-max (-max f a) (-max e n))
Free X = Tree σ X / eqs
module _ {f a e n : Level} (σ : Sig f a) (τ : EqSig e n) where
t2f : {X : Type n} -> Tree σ X -> Free σ τ X
t2f = Q.[_]
f2t : {X : Type n} -> Free σ τ X -> ∥ Tree σ X ∥₁
f2t F = let p = ([]surjective F) in fst p
FreeStr : (X : Type n) -> Str (-max (-max (-max f a) e) n) σ
car (FreeStr X) = Free σ τ X
ops (FreeStr X) f o = {!!}
isSetStr (FreeStr X) = {!!}
-MonStrEq : Eqs -zero MonSig -MonStr -MonStrEq = MonEq -MonStrEq = MonEqFree
Eqs.lhs -MonStrEq = MonEqLhs
Eqs.rhs -MonStrEq = MonEqRhs
Eqs.equ -MonStrEq unitl = refl
Eqs.equ -MonStrEq unitr = funExt \v -> +-zero (v zero)
Eqs.equ -MonStrEq assocr = funExt \v -> sym (+-assoc (v zero) (v one) (v two))
Free-MonStr : (X : Type) -> Str -zero MonSig (Free-MonStr X) = Free MonSig X
Str.ops (Free-MonStr X) e f = op e f
Str.ops (Free-MonStr X) ⊕ f = op ⊕ f
Str.isSetStr (Free-MonStr X) = isSetStr
Sig : (f a : Level) -> Type (-max (-suc f) (-suc a))
Sig f a = Σ[ F ∈ Type f ] (F -> Type a)
Op : {a x : Level} -> Type a -> Type x -> Type (-max a x)
Op A X = (A -> X) -> X
Str : {f a : Level} (x : Level) -> Sig f a -> Type (-max (-max f a) (-suc x))
Str {f} {a} x (F , ar) = Σ[ X ∈ Type x ] ((f : F) -> Op (ar f) X)
MonSig : Sig -zero -zero
MonSig = MonDesc , MonAr
MonStr = Str -zero MonSig
-MonStr : MonStr
-MonStr = , \{ e f -> 0
; ⊕ f -> f zero + f (suc zero) }
module FreeStr {f a : Level} (σ @ (F , ar) : Sig f a) where
data Free {x} (X : Type x) : Type {!!} where
η : X -> Free X
op : (f : F) -> Op (ar f) (Free X) -> Free X
isSetStr : isSet (Free X)
Op : (a : Level) -> -> Type a -> Type a
Op a n A = (Fin n -> A) -> A
Str : {f : Level} (a : Level) -> Sig f -> Type {!!}
Str {f} a (F , ar) = Σ[ A ∈ Type a ] ((f : F) -> Op a (ar f) A)
MonSig : Sig -zero
MonSig = Fin 2 , lookup (0 ∷ 2 ∷ [])
-MonStr : Str -zero MonSig
-MonStr = , F.elim {!!} (\_ -> 0) {!!}
F.elim (\{k} f -> Op -zero {!!} ) {!!} {!!}
(f : Fin 2) → (Fin (lookup (0 ∷ 2 ∷ []) f) → ) →
(f : fst MonSig) → Op -zero (snd MonSig f)
F.elim (\f -> Op -zero (rec 0 2 f) ) (\_ -> 0) (\_ -> {!!})
record FreeS ( : Level) (S : Type → Type ') : Type (-max (-suc ) ') where
F : Type -> Type
F-S : (A : Type ) -> S (F A)
η : (A : Type ) -> A -> F A
freeS : (S : Type -> Type ') -> FreeS S
monad T, T-alg
monads on hSet
record Monad { : Level} : Type (-suc ) where
T : Type -> Type
map : ∀ {A B} -> (A -> B) -> T A -> T B
η : ∀ {A} -> A -> T A
μ : ∀ {A} -> T (T A) -> T A
record T-Alg {} (T : Monad {}) : Type (-suc ) where
module T = Monad T
el : Type
alg : T.T el -> el
unit : alg ∘ T.η ≡ idfun _
action : alg ∘ alg ≡ alg ∘ T.μ
record T-AlgHom {} {T : Monad {}} (α β : T-Alg T) : Type (-suc ) where
module T = Monad T
module α = T-Alg α
module β = T-Alg β
f : α.el -> β.el
f-coh : β.alg ∘ f ≡ f ∘ α.alg

Experiments/FreeStrFin.agda Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --type-in-type #-}
module _ where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Functions.Image
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as P
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.FinData as F
open import Cubical.Data.List as L
open import Cubical.Data.List.FinData as F
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Reflection.RecordEquiv
open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients as Q
open import Agda.Primitive
record Sig : Type₁ where
symbol : Type
arity : symbol ->
open Sig public
module _ (σ : Sig) where
sig : Type -> Type
sig X = Σ (σ .symbol) \f -> Fin (σ .arity f) -> X
sigF : {X Y : Type} -> (X -> Y) -> sig X -> sig Y
sigF h (f , i) = f , h ∘ i
module _ (σ : Sig) where
struct : Type₁
struct = Σ Type (\X -> sig σ X -> X)
structIsHom : (𝔛 𝔜 : struct) (h : 𝔛 .fst -> 𝔜 .fst) -> Type
structIsHom (X , α) (Y , β) h =
((f , i) : sig σ X) -> β (f , h ∘ i) ≡ h (α (f , i))
structHom : struct -> struct -> Type
structHom 𝔛 𝔜 = Σ[ h ∈ (𝔛 .fst -> 𝔜 .fst) ] structIsHom 𝔛 𝔜 h
record EqSig : Type₁ where
name : Type
free : name -> Type
open EqSig public
data Tree (σ : Sig) (V : Type) : Type where
leaf : V -> Tree σ V
node : sig σ (Tree σ V) -> Tree σ V
module _ {σ : Sig} (𝔛 : struct σ) where
ext : {V : Type} -> (V -> 𝔛 .fst) -> Tree σ V -> 𝔛 .fst
ext h (leaf v) = h v
ext h (node (f , i)) = 𝔛 .snd (f , (ext h ∘ i))
extHom : {V : Type} -> (V -> 𝔛 .fst) -> structHom σ (Tree σ V , node) 𝔛
extHom h = ext h , \_ → refl
module _ (σ : Sig) (τ : EqSig) where
eqs : Type
eqs = (e : τ .name) -> Tree σ (τ .free e) × Tree σ (τ .free e)
module _ {σ : Sig} {τ : EqSig} where
infix 30 _⊨_
_⊨_ : struct σ -> eqs σ τ -> Type
𝔛 ⊨ ε = (e : τ .name) (ρ : τ .free e -> 𝔛 .fst)
-> ext 𝔛 ρ (ε e .fst) ≡ ext 𝔛 ρ (ε e .snd)
module Free1 (σ : Sig) (τ : EqSig) (ε : eqs σ τ) where
congruence relation generated by equations
data _≈_ {X : Type} : Tree σ X -> Tree σ X -> Type₁ where
≈-refl : ∀ t -> t ≈ t
≈-sym : ∀ t s -> t ≈ s -> s ≈ t
≈-trans : ∀ t s r -> t ≈ s -> s ≈ r -> t ≈ r
≈-cong : (f : σ .symbol) -> {t s : Fin (σ .arity f) -> Tree σ X}
-> ((a : Fin (σ .arity f)) -> t a ≈ s a)
-> node (f , t) ≈ node (f , s)
≈-eqs : (𝔜 : struct σ) (ϕ : 𝔜 ⊨ ε)
-> (e : τ .name) (ρ : X -> 𝔜 .fst)
-> ∀ t s -> ext 𝔜 ρ t ≡ ext 𝔜 ρ t
-> t ≈ s
Free : Type -> Type₁
Free X = Tree σ X / _≈_
test1 : {X : Type} (n : ) -> (Fin n -> Free X) -> (Fin n -> Tree σ X)
test1 zero i ()
test1 (suc n) i zero = {!!} ??
test1 (suc n) i (suc k) = test1 n (i ∘ weakenFin) k
freeAlg : (X : Type) -> sig σ (Free X) -> Free X
freeAlg X (f , i) = Q.[ node (f , {!!}) ] needs choice?
freeStruct : (X : Type) -> struct σ
freeStruct X = Free X , freeAlg X
module Free2 (σ : Sig) (τ : EqSig) (ε : eqs σ τ) where
data Free (X : Type) : Type where
η : X -> Free X
α : sig σ (Free X) -> Free X
sat : (Free X , α) ⊨ ε
ext 𝔜 (sharp ϕ h ∘ ρ) (ε₁ e .snd) !=
sharp ϕ h (ext (Free X , α) ρ (ε₁ e .snd))
sharp : {X : Type} {𝔜 : struct σ} (ϕ : 𝔜 ⊨ ε) (h : X -> 𝔜 .fst) -> Free X -> 𝔜 .fst
sharp ϕ h (η x) = h x
sharp {𝔜 = 𝔜} ϕ h (α (f , o)) = 𝔜 .snd (f , (sharp ϕ h ∘ o))
sharp ϕ h (sat e ρ i) = ϕ e (sharp ϕ h ∘ ρ) {!i!}

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{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module Experiments.ListArray where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.List renaming (_∷_ to _∷ₗ_)
open import Cubical.Data.Fin
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order
open import Cubical.Data.Sum as ⊎
open import Cubical.Induction.WellFounded
import Cubical.Data.Empty as ⊥
import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.Desc as M
import Cubical.Structures.Free as F
open import Cubical.Structures.Sig
open import Cubical.Structures.Str public
open import Cubical.Structures.Tree
open import Cubical.Structures.Eq
open import Cubical.Structures.Arity
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.Array
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.List
open Iso
: Level
A : Type
an-array : Array
an-array = 3 , lemma
lemma : Fin 3 ->
lemma (0 , p) = 5
lemma (1 , p) = 9
lemma (2 , p) = 2
lemma (suc (suc (suc n)) , p) = ⊥.rec (¬-<-zero (<-k+-cancel p))
module MonDef = F.Definition M.MonSig M.MonEqSig M.MonSEq
want : List
want = 5 ∷ₗ 9 ∷ₗ 2 ∷ₗ []
to-list : structHom < Array , array-α > < List , list-α >
to-list = MonDef.Free.ext arrayDef (isOfHLevelList 0 isSet) list-sat [_]
_ : to-list .fst an-array ≡ want
_ = refl
to-list' : structHom < Array , MonDef.Free.α (arrayDef' {' = -zero}) > < List , list-α >
to-list' = MonDef.Free.ext arrayDef' (isOfHLevelList 0 isSet) list-sat [_]
_ : to-list' .fst an-array ≡ want
_ = refl
to-list'' : Array -> List
to-list'' = MonDef.freeIso arrayDef listDef (isSetArray isSet) (isOfHLevelList 0 isSet) .fun
_ : to-list'' an-array ≡ want
_ = refl

Experiments/ListMon.agda Normal file
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{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module Experiments.ListMon where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
import Mon as M
data List (A : Type) : Type where
[] : List A
_∷_ : (a : A) -> List A -> List A
trunc : isSet (List A)
module elimListSet {p : Level} {A : Type} (P : List A -> Type p)
([]* : P [])
(_∷*_ : (x : A) {xs : List A} -> P xs -> P (x ∷ xs))
(trunc* : {xs : List A} -> isSet (P xs))
f : (xs : List A) -> P xs
f [] = []*
f (x ∷ xs) = x ∷* f xs
f (trunc xs ys p q i j) =
isOfHLevel→isOfHLevelDep 2 (\xs -> trunc* {xs = xs}) (f xs) (f ys) (cong f p) (cong f q) (trunc xs ys p q) i j
module elimListProp {p : Level} {A : Type} (P : List A -> Type p)
([]* : P [])
(_∷*_ : (x : A) {xs : List A} -> P xs -> P (x ∷ xs))
(trunc* : {xs : List A} -> isProp (P xs))
f : (xs : List A) -> P xs
f = elimListSet.f P []* _∷*_ (isProp→isSet trunc*)
[_] : {A : Type} -> A -> List A
[ a ] = a ∷ []
_⊕_ : {A : Type} -> List A -> List A -> List A
[] ⊕ ys = ys
(x ∷ xs) ⊕ ys = x ∷ (xs ⊕ ys)
trunc xs ys p q i j ⊕ zs = trunc (xs ⊕ zs) (ys ⊕ zs) (cong (_⊕ zs) p) (cong (_⊕ zs) q) i j
unitl : {A : Type} -> ∀ (m : List A) -> [] ⊕ m ≡ m
unitl _ = refl
unitr : {A : Type} -> ∀ (m : List A) -> m ⊕ [] ≡ m
unitr =
elimListProp.f _
(\x p -> cong (x ∷_) p)
(trunc _ _)
assocr : {A : Type} -> ∀ (m n o : List A) -> (m ⊕ n) ⊕ o ≡ m ⊕ (n ⊕ o)
assocr =
elimListProp.f _
(λ _ _ -> refl)
(λ x p n o -> cong (x ∷_) (p n o))
(isPropΠ λ _ -> isPropΠ λ _ -> trunc _ _)
listMon : (A : Type) -> M.MonStruct (List A)
M.MonStruct.e (listMon _) = []
M.MonStruct._⊕_ (listMon _) = _⊕_
M.MonStruct.unitl (listMon _) = unitl
M.MonStruct.unitr (listMon _) = unitr
M.MonStruct.assocr (listMon _) = assocr
M.MonStruct.trunc (listMon _) = trunc
module _ {A B : Type} (M : M.MonStruct B) where
module B = M.MonStruct M
module _ (f : A -> B) where
_♯ : List A -> B
(_♯) [] = B.e
(_♯) (x ∷ xs) = f x B.⊕ (_♯) xs
(_♯) (trunc m n p q i j) = B.trunc ((_♯) m) ((_♯) n) (cong (_♯) p) (cong (_♯) q) i j
_♯-isMonHom : M.isMonHom (listMon A) M _♯
M.isMonHom.f-e _♯-isMonHom = refl
M.isMonHom.f-⊕ _♯-isMonHom =
elimListProp.f _
(λ b -> sym (B.unitl (b ♯)))
(λ x {xs} p b ->
f x B.⊕ ((xs ⊕ b) ♯) ≡⟨ cong (f x B.⊕_) (p b) ⟩
f x B.⊕ ((xs ♯) B.⊕ (b ♯)) ≡⟨ sym (B.assocr (f x) _ _) ⟩
(f x B.⊕ (xs ♯)) B.⊕ (b ♯)
(isPropΠ λ _ -> B.trunc _ _)
listMonEquivLemma : (f : List A -> B) -> M.isMonHom (listMon A) M f -> (x : List A) -> f x ≡ ((f ∘ [_]) ♯) x
listMonEquivLemma f homMonWit = elimListProp.f _
(M.isMonHom.f-e homMonWit)
(λ x {xs} p ->
f ([ x ] ⊕ xs) ≡⟨ M.isMonHom.f-⊕ homMonWit [ x ] xs ⟩
f [ x ] B.⊕ f xs ≡⟨ cong (f [ x ] B.⊕_) p ⟩
(f ∘ [_]) x B.⊕ ((f ∘ [_]) ♯) xs
(B.trunc _ _)
listMonEquivLemma-β : (f : List A -> B) -> M.isMonHom (listMon A) M f -> ((f ∘ [_]) ♯) ≡ f
listMonEquivLemma-β f homMonWit i x = listMonEquivLemma f homMonWit x (~ i)
listMonEquiv : M.MonHom (listMon A) M ≃ (A -> B)
listMonEquiv = isoToEquiv
( iso
(λ (f , ϕ) -> f ∘ [_])
(λ f -> (f ♯) , (f ♯-isMonHom))
(λ f i x -> B.unitr (f x) i)
(λ (f , homMonWit) -> Σ≡Prop M.isMonHom-isProp (listMonEquivLemma-β f homMonWit))
listMonIsEquiv : isEquiv {A = M.MonHom (listMon A) M} (\(f , ϕ) -> f ∘ [_])
listMonIsEquiv = listMonEquiv .snd

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{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module Experiments.Mon where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Functions.FunExtEquiv
open import Agda.Primitive
record MonStruct (A : Type) : Type where
e : A
_⊕_ : A -> A -> A
unitl : ∀ m -> e ⊕ m ≡ m
unitr : ∀ m -> m ⊕ e ≡ m
assocr : ∀ m n o -> (m ⊕ n) ⊕ o ≡ m ⊕ (n ⊕ o)
trunc : isSet A
record isMonHom {A B : Type} (M : MonStruct A) (N : MonStruct B) (f : A -> B) : Type where
constructor monHom
module M = MonStruct M
module N = MonStruct N
f-e : f (M.`e) ≡ N.e
f-⊕ : ∀ a b -> f (a M.`⊕ b) ≡ f a N.⊕ f b
f-unitl : ∀ a -> cong f (M.unitl a) ≡ f-⊕ M.`e a ∙ cong (N._⊕ f a) f-e ∙ N.unitl (f a)
f-unitl a = N.trunc _ _ _ _
module _ {A B : Type} {M : MonStruct A} {N : MonStruct B} (f : A -> B) where
module M = MonStruct M
module N = MonStruct N
isMonHom-isProp : isProp (isMonHom M N f)
isMonHom-isProp (monHom x-e x-⊕) (monHom y-e y-⊕) =
cong₂ monHom (N.trunc _ _ x-e y-e) ((isPropΠ λ _ → isPropΠ (λ _ → N.trunc _ _)) x-⊕ y-⊕)
MonHom : {A B : Type} (M : MonStruct A) (N : MonStruct B) -> Type
MonHom {A} {B} M N = Σ[ f ∈ (A -> B) ] isMonHom M N f

Experiments/Norm.agda Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe --exact-split #-}
open import Agda.Primitive
TODO: Fix levels in Free so this isn't necessary
module Experiments.Norm { : Level} {A : Set } where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Functions.Embedding
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Fin
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order
open import Cubical.Data.Sum as ⊎
open import Cubical.Induction.WellFounded
import Cubical.Data.Empty as ⊥
open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients as Q
import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.Desc as M
import Cubical.Structures.Free as F
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.Free as F
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.QFreeMon
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.Bag
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList as S
module CMonDef = F.Definition M.CMonSig M.CMonEqSig M.CMonSEq
module FCM = CMonDef.Free
ηᵇ : A -> Bag A
ηᵇ = FCM.η bagFreeDef
ηˢ : A -> SList A
ηˢ = FCM.η {' = } slistDef
ηˢ♯ : structHom < Bag A , FCM.α bagFreeDef > < SList A , FCM.α {' = } slistDef >
ηˢ♯ = FCM.ext bagFreeDef S.trunc (FCM.sat {' = } S.slistDef) ηˢ
ηᵇ♯ : structHom < SList A , FCM.α {' = } slistDef > < Bag A , FCM.α bagFreeDef >
ηᵇ♯ = FCM.ext slistDef Q.squash/ (FCM.sat bagFreeDef) (FCM.η bagFreeDef)
ηᵇ♯∘ηˢ♯ : structHom < Bag A , FCM.α bagFreeDef > < Bag A , FCM.α bagFreeDef >
ηᵇ♯∘ηˢ♯ = structHom∘ < Bag _ , FCM.α bagFreeDef > < SList _ , FCM.α {' = } slistDef > < Bag _ , FCM.α bagFreeDef > ηᵇ♯ ηˢ♯
ηᵇ♯∘ηˢ♯-β : ηᵇ♯∘ηˢ♯ .fst ∘ ηᵇ ≡ ηᵇ
ηᵇ♯∘ηˢ♯-β =
ηᵇ♯ .fst ∘ ηˢ♯ .fst ∘ ηᵇ
≡⟨ cong (ηᵇ♯ .fst ∘_) (FCM.ext-η bagFreeDef S.trunc (FCM.sat {' = } slistDef) ηˢ) ⟩
ηᵇ♯ .fst ∘ ηˢ
≡⟨ FCM.ext-η slistDef Q.squash/ (FCM.sat bagFreeDef) ηᵇ ⟩
ηᵇ♯∘ηˢ♯-η : ηᵇ♯∘ηˢ♯ ≡ idHom < Bag A , FCM.α bagFreeDef >
ηᵇ♯∘ηˢ♯-η = FCM.hom≡ bagFreeDef Q.squash/ (FCM.sat bagFreeDef) ηᵇ♯∘ηˢ♯ (idHom _) ηᵇ♯∘ηˢ♯-β
𝔫𝔣 : Bag A -> SList A
𝔫𝔣 = ηˢ♯ .fst
𝔫𝔣-inj : {as bs : Bag A} -> 𝔫𝔣 as ≡ 𝔫𝔣 bs -> as ≡ bs
𝔫𝔣-inj {as} {bs} p = sym (funExt⁻ (cong fst ηᵇ♯∘ηˢ♯-η) as) ∙ cong (ηᵇ♯ .fst) p ∙ funExt⁻ (cong fst ηᵇ♯∘ηˢ♯-η) bs
norm : isEmbedding 𝔫𝔣
norm = injEmbedding trunc 𝔫𝔣-inj
also equivalence

Experiments/TList.agda Normal file
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{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module Experiments.TList where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Data.List
open import Cubical.HITs.SetTruncation as S
MList : ∀ {} -> Type -> Type
MList A = ∥ List A ∥₂
: Level
A B C : Type
inc : (A -> List B) -> (A -> MList B)
inc = _₂ ∘_
eta : A -> MList A
eta = inc [_]
map₂ : (A -> B -> C) -> ∥ A ∥₂ -> ∥ B ∥₂ -> ∥ C ∥₂
map₂ f a ∣₂ = (f a)
map₂ f (squash₂ a a' p q i j) = {!!}
fmap : (A -> B) -> ∥ A ∥₂ -> ∥ B ∥₂
fmap f a ∣₂ = f a ∣₂
fmap f (squash₂ a b p q i j) =
squash₂ (fmap f a) (fmap f b) (cong (fmap f) p) (cong (fmap f) q) i j
module _ (P : List A -> Type )
(h : (xs : List A) -> P xs)
(trunc : {xs : List A} -> isSet (P xs))
f : (xs : MList A) -> P {!!}
f = {!!}
e : MList A
e = [] ∣₂
_⊕_ : MList A -> MList A -> MList A
_⊕_ = map₂ _++_
map-inc : ∀ {f : A -> B} {a} -> f ( a ∣₂) ≡ f a ∣₂
map-inc = refl
map₂-inc : ∀ {f : A -> B -> C} {a b} -> map₂ f a b ∣₂ ≡ (\a -> f a b) a
map₂-inc {a = a} = {!!}
congmap : ((a b : A) -> f a ≡ g b)
-> (a' b' : ∥ A ∥₂) -> map f a' ≡ map g b'
unitr : (xs : MList A) -> xs ⊕ e ≡ xs
unitr xs =
map₂ _++_ xs e ≡⟨ {!!} ⟩ (\xs -> xs ⊕ e) e ≡⟨ {!!} ⟩
idfun _ xs

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{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe --exact-split #-}
module index where
an organised list of modules:
universal algebra
algebraic theories and 2-theories
import Cubical.Structures.Sig
import Cubical.Structures.Str
import Cubical.Structures.Eq
import Cubical.Structures.Coh
free algebras
import Cubical.Structures.Free
free monoids on sets
import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.Free
import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.List
import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.Array
free commutative monoids on sets
import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.Free
import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList
import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.CList
import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.PList
import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.QFreeMon
import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.Bag
free monoidal groupoids on groupoids
import Cubical.Structures.Gpd.Mon.Free
import Cubical.Structures.Gpd.Mon.List
free symmetric monoidal groupoids on groupoids
import Cubical.Structures.Gpd.SMon.Free
import Cubical.Structures.Gpd.SMon.SList
sorting and order equivalence
import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Sort
combinatorics properties
import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Seely
useful experiments
import Experiments.Norm
an exhaustive list of all modules:
import Everything