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@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
module Quotient.Algebra where
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P using (proof-irrelevance; _≡_)
open import Data.Nat using (; zero; suc)
open import Data.Vec.N-ary
N-ary-equality : ∀ {a} {A : Set a} (n : ) → (f g : N-ary n A A) → Set (N-ary-level a a n)
N-ary-equality {A = A} n f g = Eq {A = A} n (_≡_ {A = A}) f g
module N-ary-equality-Ex where
open import Data.Nat
ex₀ : N-ary-equality {A = } 0 2 2
ex₀ = P.refl
ex₁ : N-ary-equality {A = } 1 suc (λ ξ → ξ + 1)
ex₁ zero = P.refl
ex₁ (suc n) = P.cong suc (ex₁ n)
open import Function using (flip)
ex₂ : N-ary-equality {A = } 2 _+_ (flip _+_)
ex₂ = +-comm
open import Algebra
import Data.Nat.Properties
open CommutativeSemiring Data.Nat.Properties.commutativeSemiring
N-ary-irrelevance : ∀ {a} {A : Set a} (n : ) → Set (N-ary-level a a n)
N-ary-irrelevance {A = A} n = ∀ {f g} (p q : N-ary-equality {A = A} n f g) → p ≡ q
extensional-irrelevance : ∀ {a} {A : Set a} (n : ) → N-ary-irrelevance {a} {A} n
module N-ary-irrelevance-Ex where
ex₀ : N-ary-irrelevance {A = } 0
ex₀ = proof-irrelevance
ex₁ : N-ary-irrelevance {A = } 1
ex₁ = extensional-irrelevance 1
open import Quotient
open import Algebra
open import Relation.Binary -- using (Setoid)
open import Algebra.Structures
open import Data.Product
open import Function
open import Algebra.FunctionProperties using (Op₁; Op₂)
import Algebra.FunctionProperties as FunProp
Sound₁ : ∀ {c } (S : Setoid c ) → let open Setoid S in Op₁ Carrier → Set _
Sound₁ S f = let open Setoid S in f Preserves _≈_ ⟶ _≈_
quot₁ : ∀ {c } {S : Setoid c } → let open Setoid S in
{f : Op₁ Carrier} → (∙-sound : Sound₁ S f) → Op₁ (Quotient S)
quot₁ {S = S} {f} prf = rec _ (λ x → [ f x ]) (λ x≈x → [ prf x≈x ]-cong)
open Setoid S
Sound₂ : ∀ {c } (S : Setoid c ) → let open Setoid S in Op₂ Carrier → Set _
Sound₂ S ∙ = let open Setoid S in ∙ Preserves₂ _≈_ ⟶ _≈_ ⟶ _≈_
quot₂ : ∀ {c } {S : Setoid c } → let open Setoid S in
{∙ : Op₂ Carrier} → (∙-sound : Sound₂ S ∙) → Op₂ (Quotient S)
quot₂ {S = S} {_∙_} prf = rec S (λ x → rec _ (λ y → [ x ∙ y ])
(λ y≈y → [ refl ⟨ prf ⟩ y≈y ]-cong))
-- (λ {x} {x} x≈x → P.cong (λ ξ → rec S ξ _)
-- (extensionality (λ _ → [ x≈x ⟨ prf ⟩ refl ]-cong)))
(λ x≈x → extensionality (elim _ _ (λ _ → [ (x≈x ⟨ prf ⟩ refl) ]-cong)
(λ _ → proof-irrelevance _ _)))
open Setoid S
postulate extensionality : P.Extensionality _ _
quot-assoc : ∀ {c } {S : Setoid c } →
open Setoid S
module F₀ = FunProp _≈_
module F = FunProp (_≡_ {A = Quotient S})
{∙ : Op₂ Carrier} → (∙-sound : Sound₂ S ∙) →
F₀.Associative ∙ → F.Associative (quot₂ ∙-sound)
quot-assoc {S = S} sound prf
= elim S _
(λ x → elim S _ (λ y → elim S _ (λ z → [ prf x y z ]-cong)
(λ _ → extensional-irrelevance 0 _ _))
(λ _ → extensional-irrelevance 1 _ _))
(λ _ → extensional-irrelevance 2 _ _)
quot-comm : ∀ {c } {S : Setoid c } →
open Setoid S
module F₀ = FunProp _≈_
module F = FunProp (_≡_ {A = Quotient S})
{∙ : Op₂ Carrier} → (∙-sound : Sound₂ S ∙) →
F₀.Commutative ∙ → F.Commutative (quot₂ ∙-sound)
quot-comm {S = S} sound prf
= elim S _ (λ x → elim S _ (λ y → [ prf x y ]-cong)
(λ _ → extensional-irrelevance 0 _ _))
(λ _ → extensional-irrelevance 1 _ _)
quot-leftDistrib : ∀ {c } {S : Setoid c } →
open Setoid S
module F₀ = FunProp _≈_
module F = FunProp (_≡_ {A = Quotient S})
{* : Op₂ Carrier} → (*-sound : Sound₂ S *) →
{+ : Op₂ Carrier} → (+-sound : Sound₂ S +) →
* F₀.DistributesOverˡ + →
(quot₂ *-sound) F.DistributesOverˡ (quot₂ +-sound)
quot-leftDistrib {S = S} {*} *-sound {+} +-sound prf
= elim S _ (λ x → elim S _ (λ y → elim S _ (λ z → [ prf x y z ]-cong)
(λ _ → extensional-irrelevance 0 _ _))
(λ _ → extensional-irrelevance 1 _ _))
(λ _ → extensional-irrelevance 2 _ _)
quot-rightDistrib : ∀ {c } {S : Setoid c } →
open Setoid S
module F₀ = FunProp _≈_
module F = FunProp (_≡_ {A = Quotient S})
{* : Op₂ Carrier} → (*-sound : Sound₂ S *) →
{+ : Op₂ Carrier} → (+-sound : Sound₂ S +) →
* F₀.DistributesOverʳ + →
(quot₂ *-sound) F.DistributesOverʳ (quot₂ +-sound)
quot-rightDistrib {S = S} {*} *-sound {+} +-sound prf
= elim S _ (λ x → elim S _ (λ y → elim S _ (λ z → [ prf x y z ]-cong)
(λ _ → extensional-irrelevance 0 _ _))
(λ _ → extensional-irrelevance 1 _ _))
(λ _ → extensional-irrelevance 2 _ _)
quot-distrib : ∀ {c } {S : Setoid c } →
open Setoid S
module F₀ = FunProp _≈_
module F = FunProp (_≡_ {A = Quotient S})
{* : Op₂ Carrier} → (*-sound : Sound₂ S *) →
{+ : Op₂ Carrier} → (+-sound : Sound₂ S +) →
* F₀.DistributesOver + →
(quot₂ *-sound) F.DistributesOver (quot₂ +-sound)
quot-distrib *-sound +-sound prf
= quot-leftDistrib *-sound +-sound (proj₁ prf) , quot-rightDistrib *-sound +-sound (proj₂ prf)
quot-leftIdentity : ∀ {c } {S : Setoid c } →
open Setoid S
module F₀ = FunProp _≈_
module F = FunProp (_≡_ {A = Quotient S})
{∙ : Op₂ Carrier} → (∙-sound : Sound₂ S ∙) →
{ε : Carrier} →
F₀.LeftIdentity ε ∙ → F.LeftIdentity [ ε ] (quot₂ ∙-sound)
quot-leftIdentity {S = S} {∙} sound {ε} prf
= elim S _ (λ x → [ prf x ]-cong)
(λ _ → extensional-irrelevance 0 _ _)
quot-rightIdentity : ∀ {c } {S : Setoid c } →
open Setoid S
module F₀ = FunProp _≈_
module F = FunProp (_≡_ {A = Quotient S})
{∙ : Op₂ Carrier} → (∙-sound : Sound₂ S ∙) →
{ε : Carrier} →
F₀.RightIdentity ε ∙ → F.RightIdentity [ ε ] (quot₂ ∙-sound)
quot-rightIdentity {S = S} {∙} sound {ε} prf
= elim S _
(λ x → [ prf x ]-cong)
(λ _ → extensional-irrelevance 0 _ _)
quot-identity : ∀ {c } {S : Setoid c } →
open Setoid S
module F₀ = FunProp _≈_
module F = FunProp (_≡_ {A = Quotient S})
{∙ : Op₂ Carrier} → (∙-sound : Sound₂ S ∙) →
{ε : Carrier} →
F₀.Identity ε ∙ → F.Identity [ ε ] (quot₂ ∙-sound)
quot-identity sound (prfˡ , prfʳ)
= quot-leftIdentity sound prfˡ , quot-rightIdentity sound prfʳ
quot-leftInverse : ∀ {c } {S : Setoid c } →
open Setoid S
module F₀ = FunProp _≈_
module F = FunProp (_≡_ {A = Quotient S})
{⁻¹ : Op₁ Carrier} → (⁻¹-sound : Sound₁ S ⁻¹) →
{∙ : Op₂ Carrier} → (∙-sound : Sound₂ S ∙) →
{ε : Carrier} →
F₀.LeftInverse ε ⁻¹ ∙ → F.LeftInverse [ ε ] (quot₁ ⁻¹-sound) (quot₂ ∙-sound)
quot-leftInverse {S = S} {_⁻¹} ⁻¹-sound {_∙_} ∙-sound {ε} prf
= elim S _
(λ x → [ prf x ]-cong)
(λ _ → extensional-irrelevance 0 _ _)
quot-rightInverse : ∀ {c } {S : Setoid c } →
open Setoid S
module F₀ = FunProp _≈_
module F = FunProp (_≡_ {A = Quotient S})
{⁻¹ : Op₁ Carrier} → (⁻¹-sound : Sound₁ S ⁻¹) →
{∙ : Op₂ Carrier} → (∙-sound : Sound₂ S ∙) →
{ε : Carrier} →
F₀.RightInverse ε ⁻¹ ∙ → F.RightInverse [ ε ] (quot₁ ⁻¹-sound) (quot₂ ∙-sound)
quot-rightInverse {S = S} {_⁻¹} ⁻¹-sound {_∙_} ∙-sound {ε} prf
= elim S _
(λ x → [ prf x ]-cong)
(λ _ → extensional-irrelevance 0 _ _)
quot-inverse : ∀ {c } {S : Setoid c } →
open Setoid S
module F₀ = FunProp _≈_
module F = FunProp (_≡_ {A = Quotient S})
{⁻¹ : Op₁ Carrier} → (⁻¹-sound : Sound₁ S ⁻¹) →
{∙ : Op₂ Carrier} → (∙-sound : Sound₂ S ∙) →
{ε : Carrier} →
F₀.Inverse ε ⁻¹ ∙ → F.Inverse [ ε ] (quot₁ ⁻¹-sound) (quot₂ ∙-sound)
quot-inverse ⁻¹-sound ∙-sound (prfˡ , prfʳ)
= quot-leftInverse ⁻¹-sound ∙-sound prfˡ , quot-rightInverse ⁻¹-sound ∙-sound prfʳ
quot-isSemigroup : ∀ {c } → (Σ : Semigroup c ) → let open Semigroup Σ in
IsSemigroup (_≡_ {A = Quotient setoid}) (quot₂ ∙-cong)
quot-isSemigroup Σ = record
{ isEquivalence = Relation.Binary.Setoid.isEquivalence (P.setoid _)
; assoc = quot-assoc ∙-cong assoc
; ∙-cong = P.cong₂ _
open Semigroup Σ
quot-isMonoid : ∀ {c } → (Σ : Monoid c ) → let open Monoid Σ in
IsMonoid (_≡_ {A = Quotient setoid}) (quot₂ ∙-cong) [ ε ]
quot-isMonoid Σ = record
{ isSemigroup = quot-isSemigroup semigroup
; identity = quot-identity ∙-cong identity
open Monoid Σ
quot-isGroup : ∀ {c } → (Σ : Group c ) → let open Group Σ in
IsGroup (_≡_ {A = Quotient setoid}) (quot₂ ∙-cong) [ ε ] (quot₁ ⁻¹-cong)
quot-isGroup Σ = record
{ isMonoid = quot-isMonoid monoid
; inverse = quot-inverse ⁻¹-cong ∙-cong inverse
; ⁻¹-cong = P.cong _
open Group Σ
quot-isAbelianGroup : ∀ {c } → (Σ : AbelianGroup c ) → let open AbelianGroup Σ in
IsAbelianGroup (_≡_ {A = Quotient setoid}) (quot₂ ∙-cong) [ ε ] (quot₁ ⁻¹-cong)
quot-isAbelianGroup Σ = record
{ isGroup = quot-isGroup group
; comm = quot-comm ∙-cong comm
open AbelianGroup Σ
quot-isRing : ∀ {c } → (Σ : Ring c ) → let open Ring Σ in
IsRing (_≡_ {A = Quotient setoid}) (quot₂ +-cong) (quot₂ *-cong) (quot₁ -‿cong) [ 0# ] [ 1# ]
quot-isRing Σ = record
{ +-isAbelianGroup = quot-isAbelianGroup +-abelianGroup
; *-isMonoid = quot-isMonoid (record
{ Carrier = Carrier
; _≈_ = _≈_
; _∙_ = _*_
; ε = 1#
; isMonoid = record
{ isSemigroup = record
{ isEquivalence = isEquivalence
; assoc = *-assoc
; ∙-cong = *-cong
; identity = *-identity }
; distrib = quot-distrib *-cong +-cong distrib
open Ring Σ
-- quot-semigroup : ∀ {c } → (Σ : Semigroup c ) →
-- Semigroup ( ⊔ c) ( ⊔ c)
-- quot-semigroup Σ = record
-- { Carrier = Quotient setoid
-- ; _≈_ = _≡_
-- ; _∙_ = quot₂ ∙₀ ∙-cong
-- ; isSemigroup = quot-isSemigroup Σ
-- }
-- where
-- open Semigroup Σ renaming (_∙_ to ∙₀)