add node_modules to gitignore, fix the botgit status by switching to distube/ytdl-core mostly, with some help from ares30841167
move the whole thing to node
make checkEnemiesAt radius smaller, add Util::getQueueIndex, setDefenseLocation doesn't compare an area to itself anymore
Bot is slow to find remaining buildings after all bases have been destroyed
Attack squads should retreat when they're going to lose a fight
Attack squads should group up before attacking
Logic for pulling workers to defend is way too aggressive
Scouting needs to improve (vague, I know)
Logic to assign/unassign gas miners isn't working
Expansion logic isn't working correctly
Squad shouldn't sit at a destroyed base
Blinded overlords should return home and be unassigned from scouting
Static defense shouldn't block units from getting out
Try to have overlords avoid being attacked
Couldn't find neighbor area in CBase::setDefenseLocation() pops up at beginning of game
add likelihoodToAttack as params for a bunch of analysis functions, add a couple to dos, add a few more params for analyzeMuta and analyzeZergling to consider
fix out of range error in CUnit::unsetTargetUnit(), attempt to fix QueueEntries' inProgress not being set back to 0 when the drone dies
bot defends against zergling rushes now, added now, added unsetTargetUnit, droneDefenseNeeded, among others