import { Queue } from "../../utils/mod.ts"; import { AudioSource, LoadSource } from "../audio-source/mod.ts"; import { ConnectionData } from "../connection-data.ts"; import { PlayerEventSource, AllEventTypes, PlayerListener } from "./events.ts"; import { RawPlayer } from "./raw-player.ts"; import { Player } from "./types.ts"; import { nowPlayingCallback } from "../../../commands/np.ts"; export class QueuePlayer extends Queue implements Player { playing = true; looping = false; playingSince?: number; nowPlaying?: AudioSource; #rawPlayer: RawPlayer; #loadSource: LoadSource; #events = new PlayerEventSource(); constructor(conn: ConnectionData, loadSource: LoadSource) { super(); this.#loadSource = loadSource; this.#rawPlayer = new RawPlayer(conn); this.playNext(); this.#rawPlayer.on("done", async () => { const current = this.current(); if (current) { this.#events.trigger("done", current); } await this.playNext(); if (!this.playing) { this.pause(); } }); } async playNext() { let song; const current = this.current(); if (this.looping && current !== undefined) { song = current; this.#events.trigger("loop", song); } else { song = await; this.#events.trigger("next", song); } this.playingSince =; this.nowPlaying = song; this.#rawPlayer.setAudio(await; await nowPlayingCallback(this.#rawPlayer.conn); } clear() { return super.clear(); } play() { this.playing = true;; return Promise.resolve(); } pause() { this.playing = false; this.#rawPlayer.pause(); } stop() { this.skip(); this.pause(); } skip() { this.looping = false; this.#rawPlayer.clear(); } loop(value: boolean) { this.looping = value; } stopInterrupt() { this.#rawPlayer.interrupt(undefined); } /** * Listen to events: * * `next`: New sound started playing * * `done`: Last sound is done playing * * `loop`: New loop iteration was started * @param event Event to listen to * @param listener Triggered on event * @returns Function that disconnects the listener */ on( event: J, listener: PlayerListener ) { return this.#events.on(event, listener); } /** * Interrupts the current song, resumes when finished * @param query Loads a universal song (local file or youtube search) */ async interruptQuery(guildId: bigint, query: string) { const sources = await this.#loadSource(query as string, guildId); this.#rawPlayer.interrupt(await sources[0].data()); } async pushQuery(guildId: bigint, added_by?: string, ...queries: string[]) { const sources = []; for (const query of queries) { sources.push(...(await this.#loadSource(query as string, guildId, String(added_by)))); this.push(...sources); } return sources; } async unshiftQuery(guildId: bigint, ...queries: string[]) { const sources = []; for (const query of queries) { sources.push(...(await this.#loadSource(query as string, guildId))); this.unshift(...sources); } return sources; } }